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The Dark Kingdom (Sage Trilogy, Book 2)

Page 8

by St. Clair, Julius

  He looked to Dominic, Achan and James.

  “No more will I look at you as Sages-in-training. From henceforth, we are equals, regardless of what knowledge we possess. I won’t limit you with titles. Don’t you do the same to yourselves.”

  They nodded as he continued on.

  “Our aim is stealth,” he reiterated. “Do not draw attention to yourselves. We will move as one unit, infiltrate a Kingdom, and hope to retrieve the stone peacefully and anonymously. Understood? Good. Now, one last thing…Catherine unlocked the power of the stone yesterday. I was so upset over the eidolon ban being broken that I failed to acknowledge this impressive feat.”

  The group began clapping as Catherine blushed and nodded at everyone individually.

  “Thank you, all,” she said as Arimus smiled.

  “She accomplished the last goal she had set before our mission. With that completed, we have all the power available at our disposal. But we also know what using the power of the stone means. As her guardians, we must keep her safe.”

  The group nodded again as Arimus sighed and looked back toward the courtyard exit.

  “That’s all I have to say,” he said. “Let’s head out.”

  The group moved immediately, without anyone saying a word. James took up the rear and looked back at the Academy for a second, his last thoughts on the people of Allay.

  “I hope that every one of you becomes a Sage,” he whispered, and then he ran forward to catch up with the group. He smirked as he saw two smiling faces greeting him.

  Catherine and Achan had trailed behind, waiting for their friend to rejoin…

  Chapter 5 – Cracks

  The forest had a nostalgic feel to it that James was not happy to relive. As a result of his trust in an enemy, recruits had lost their lives when it could have been prevented. He remembered each of their names and thought of them often. And it only reminded him that his actions had effects on others he couldn’t foresee in the present. He realized that he had to be careful now that the journey was underway, and he swore to never add Catherine to that list.

  “Where are we headed first?” Achan asked as the group marched forward. With the hundred Terr that had been killed recently, there wasn’t much to be wary of in the forest, except the green ether that is. James looked to the sky and sighed as he they walked under it, not slowing down for anything. There was no room for fear.

  “We’re headed to Languor,” Arimus said as the pushed some vines to the side. James noticed they weren’t taking the path he and the recruits had traversed in the third Academy exam. A path worn and beaten down from an uncountable number of recruits that had also taken the test. Arimus must have known a shortcut to their first destination.

  “Any reason why?” Achan asked, brushing away a cobweb that stuck to his spiked up red hair.

  “It’s the closest,” Arimus said as he cleared more branches out the way. “And although there’s a chance we’ll have to fight, it will give us some battle experience as a team. Prattle is second, hopefully giving us the opportunity to rest, and afterwards, we tackle the real problems.”

  “What are the odds we’ll encounter several giants like Keel?”

  “None,” Kyran spoke up, somehow slinking past branches instead of having to swipe them aside. “I’ve been to Languor before of my own accord. Should be nothing to worry about.”

  “In other words,” Catherine chuckled. “It’s going to be the hardest Kingdom of all.”

  “It might be easy for you,” Chloe said to Kyran, patting his back. “But the rest of us can’t just camouflage ourselves. We have to actually walk through the streets exposed.”

  “What camouflage?” James inquired. “Black will only help him at night.”

  “Oh it ties into his abilities,” Chloe informed him. “He’s all about stealth. You know his eidolon is completely invisible? I’ve never seen it myself. Felt it. But never saw what it looks like. Very mysterious. Especially since I’ve always wanted to spend days just interpreting what it meant.”

  “It’s not invisible,” Kyran stated. “It’s just a color that none of you can see.”

  “Oh yes, I forgot about that. See, James, his eyes are messed up, and –“

  “ – there is nothing wrong with my eyes,” Kyran sulked. “It’s just that this particular color is only one I can see. If the eidolon is basically my soul, it makes sense that I can see it while no one else can.”

  “Can you describe it to me again?” Chloe pleaded.

  “I’d rather not. And we shouldn’t be discussing this. The enemy could be listening.”

  “We’re still on Allayan grounds.”

  “That didn’t stop Alexander and his pet. And besides, what if the fool gets captured and tortured. He’ll reveal all of our individual secrets.”

  “HEY!” James shouted at him. “Are you talking about me?”

  “It was a plain insult,” Kyran said, squinting his already small eyes from over his trench coat. “Though I’m surprised you understood it so quickly. I figured it would come to you days from now.”

  “HEY!” James shouted. “We’re equals now! You don’t get to speak to me like that!”

  “Says Arimus. To me, you’re still a child.”

  “Would you like to me to prove myself? Again?!”

  “Our last encounter was a fluke. I merely feigned unconsciousness to spare the Princess pain. Your eidolon was as dull as a rock.”

  “Oh was it?!” James was getting furious and already he could feel his hand go instinctively to his ribs. If Kyran wanted to settle the score, he was more than happy to –

  “James,” Achan said, breaking his thoughts. “Remember Catherine.”

  James immediately backed down and took a deep breath. Looking forward, he saw her back, still marching on next to Arimus, her focus on the task at hand. James shook his head and patted Achan’s shoulder, letting him know he was okay. Already he had forgotten the mission. He couldn’t do it again.

  “That’s what I figured,” Kyran said as Chloe glared at him and then took the lead. Kyran slowed down his walk as he looked to his wife, and the next thing he knew, he and James were alone in taking up the rear of the procession. Kyran cleared his throat.

  “Let me tell why Languor shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “I don’t really care,” James sulked. Kyran wanted to gut the boy, but he decided to hold himself back and ‘relax’ as his wife was always telling him to do. A twitch of his left eye was all that broke out.

  “I will tell you anyways,” Kyran replied. “As Allay’s only assassin, I’m tasked with bringing down enemies without detection. The only way to perform this is to know their weaknesses. Weaknesses are best found when someone is in their natural habitat. Their home is their natural habitat.”

  James rolled his eyes as Kyran droned on. He sounded like he was listing off the results of a tax audit.

  “So I decided to go to Languor on my own. It wasn’t hard. They’re so lazy that they would rather sit around and talk than train. I was surprised to learn you came from Allay actually. I figured you a native of their Kingdom.”

  James ignored him as they continued walking. Kyran sneered beneath his coat and just stared ahead. The kid was worthless. Couldn’t even listen to a fascinating story.

  “Our hope is that Languor hasn’t gotten aggressive in the last decade,” Catherine called out from the back. “If it’s business as usual, then most of them should be too lazy to move.”

  “I don’t understand,” James replied. “The Langorans I’ve seen are far from lazy. They’re fast and very strong. I don’t see why we shouldn’t be taking this more seriously.”

  “Of course he responds to her,” Kyran muttered under his breath.

  “Those Langorans are different,” Catherine said. “They chose to sit and accumulate energy. The less they move, the more strength they acquire. For Keel to have been that size, for example, Alexander must have kept him still the entire time they were waiting to strike
us. But in their Kingdom, most waste energy playing stationary games. It’s interesting how their anatomy works. As long as they are doing something, even while sitting down, their power never reaches peak levels.”

  “So, they could be sitting down and talking,” James tried to understand. “And at the same time they’re wasting vast amounts of energy…but if stop talking, their energy immediately starts growing?”


  “Sounds complicated. How do they even sleep?”

  “They don’t,” Kyran said flatly. “Not really. It’s more like cat naps than anything. Their bodies are designed like walking batteries. Full of energy. As long as they are engaged in something, regardless of how miniscule, then they can release this energy. But keep them docile and still, and the energy eventually begins to reach dangerous levels. Like a bomb.”

  “What about Keel?” Dominic muttered. James looked over at the solemn Sage. His bandages were now gone, but he was still not acting like his normal self. He had been way too contemplative. So quiet that he had barely been noticed. What was going on in his mind?

  “What about him?” Scarlet sighed. She sounded irritated about something.

  “Keel was bigger than the Academy when I faced him, but in the middle of battle, he transformed to someone our size, then back again. What was that all about?”

  “I’ve never heard of this,” Arimus said as he held up a hand for everyone to stop. They all stood still and waited for Dominic to continue.

  “We don’t need to stop on my account,” he snapped. “I can walk and talk at the same time.”

  “No, we need to process this,” Arimus said. “We didn’t get to have a proper debriefing in Allay due to what we had to prepare for. But perhaps we should have. Kyran, have you seen this?”

  “No,” Kyran said flatly. “Never heard of it.”

  “Explain it again,” Arimus said.

  “He was huge, and then he became small,” Dominic said, fidgeting with his knapsack. “I don’t know how else to explain it. But he did it at will. It caught me off guard. That’s why I lost.”

  “It’s true,” Catherine said. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. And I was so angry at the time, I forgot all about it. Looking back, it does seem strange for a Langoran to be able to do that.”

  “Was he larger than average?” Arimus inquired. “Or could he be the size of the smallest of us?”

  “He was only a few inches taller than Scarlet,” Dominic said.

  “What are you insinuating?” Scarlet asked, putting her face close to his.

  “Oh c’mon, he doesn’t even know the word,” James laughed. Dominic shot him a death glare.

  “Can I ask a serious question? A serious one?” Dominic said through a clenched jaw. James was already waiting for it. “Why is he here?”

  “I second that,” Kyran replied.

  “We need him,” Arimus said as James glared back at Dominic. “We’re all Sages here. All of our talents are needed if we’re to succeed.”

  “He’s a joke,” Dominic spat. “An accident.”

  “I second that,” Kyran said.

  “He shouldn’t be here. He’ll screw everything up.”

  “At least I can protect the Princess,” James snapped at him. Arimus had to step between them to stop Dominic from lunging forward.

  “Say that again!” Dominic screamed in rage, fighting Arimus’ grip. “SAY THAT AGAIN!”

  “Your hearing’s just fine, Sage,” James said. “Or have your senses dulled along with your skills?”

  “Let them fight, Arimus,” Kyran said. Arimus gave his friend a glare.

  “The Princess was well protected until she went with you!” James shouted as Dominic was beginning to break free.


  “Hardly,” James said.

  “James, shut up,” Arimus barked as Dominic saw his opportunity in his teacher’s momentary distraction. Pushing Arimus to the side, he unleashed his eidolon in one movement and aimed directly for James’ throat. The action was so quick that even James failed to see it coming, and at the last second, the eidolon stopped, the red machete hanging just at his adam’s apple. James focused down on the blade, and that’s when he felt the wisps of wind lapping at his chin. In the background was Arimus, his shuriken eidolon exposed, and his winds extending from the weapon to wrap around Dominic’s eidolon and stop his attack.

  Arimus pulled the eidolon back as Dominic strained against it, and when Dominic had turned just enough for his right cheek to face his teacher, Arimus delivered a left hook straight into the Sage’s face. Dominic fell into the wet grass, humiliated. He scrambled to his feet and suddenly began running forward, leaving the group already feeling the odds of their mission succeeding, going downhill fast.

  “I’ll go get him,” Scarlet said as she chased after her pupil. Chloe pulled Kyran and Catherine forward and Achan followed, leaving Arimus to speak with James alone. James was still catching his breath as Arimus sheathed his eidolon. He stepped forward and grabbed his pupil by the cloak.

  “I have a mind to kill you,” Arimus said firmly. James’ eyes widened in horror as he felt the truth in his teacher’s voice. His eyes were calm and full of assurance. He meant every word.

  “I will decide within the minute,” Arimus said as he tightened his grip on James’ collar. James refused to squirm and pleaded with his eyes.

  “Arimus, I’m sorry,” James cried out. “I didn’t mean this.”

  “Our mission will survive based on our unity. Nothing else. Even if we enter a Kingdom with stealth and exit without being seen, it will all be a bonus. Unity, is the only thing we’ve got, and with your…childish, immature words…you threaten that. You may have caused irreparable damage to Dominic’s morale. And apparently you still think of this as a game. Why shouldn’t I kill you now and spare us all the suffering?”

  James didn’t know what to say. But he did realize one thing. If he was a danger to their safety…Catherine’s safety, it was better that he die now. It would be better…

  “Should I kill you now?” Arimus asked. “Tell me.”

  “If you must,” James replied after a pause, closing his eyes and relaxing his body. “If it’s for the good of the group.”

  “Correct answer,” Arimus replied, and then immediately threw James back to his feet. James stared at his teacher as Arimus’ eyes softened. He shook his head and scratched his grey beard. “If you had begged for your life, it would have told me that you are still too selfish to see the bigger picture. I would have taken your life.”

  “I believe you,” James muttered as Arimus turned his back to him.

  “Walk with me,” he said as James matched his teacher’s stride.

  “You must watch you words,” he said as they walked. “Normally Dominic would have deserved a retort, but in this instance, he was not at fault.”

  “I know,” James admitted. “I was just thinking of how close Catherine had come to being killed at the hands of that monster. I remember Alexander all too well.”

  “But that moment is past, and we can only reside in the present. For her well-being and her respect for you, it would be well of you to mind your actions.”

  “Her respect, Arimus?”

  “It is obvious you have feelings for her beyond a friendship, but you have to remember that ultimately, the Princess chooses her prince, not the other way around. Without her consent, a prince would have no more of a chance marrying her than a Quietus. If the two of you survive, and you hope for even a small chance of being with her, you must be a man worthy of her respect and love. Without it, no matter how entertaining or kind you may be, you will never be her King.”

  James considered his words. It was true. Even if Catherine adored him to no end, she would ultimately side with her head over her heart. Should Achan or even Dominic prove the better candidate for the people, she would choose them, no matter what
her heart said. She was a woman of principle. If he wanted to stay by her side, he had to adopt his own.

  “I’ll grow up,” James promised. “From here on out.”

  “Thank you,” Arimus said. “But if you don’t, I guarantee that you won’t see another birthday.”

  “I understand, Arimus,” he said. “You have your own code to abide by. I’ll respect it, and the group…even Dominic.”

  “Again, you have my thanks. Now, let’s catch up to the rest of the group.”

  They picked up the pace as James felt like he had just a valuable lesson in maturity. From this point on, he was determined to prove himself worthy of being Catherine’s prince…

  * * * * *

  “Dominic, stop!” Scarlet shouted as she maintained her pace right behind him. “You know how much I hate running. Running makes me irritable. And you know what happens when I get irritated!”

  Dominic came to a halt and leaned onto his knees, catching his breath as Scarlet placed her hands on her hips and heaved out loud.

  “Maker, help me. I think I have lungs the size of a goldfish.”

  “I can’t be around him,” Dominic said as he began to recover. “I can’t do it, Master Scarlet.”

  “You have to.”

  “I can’t,” he stressed through grit teeth. “I can barely stand the sight of him. How are we going to fight side by side? Why do you think I requested separate classes?”

  “What annoys you about him so much?” she said as she flipped her long, red-purple hair out her eyes. “I’ll admit he’s a little annoying at times, but he means well. Catherine’s taken a liking to him.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about!” Dominic exclaimed. “That commoner has her heart! I know it! And it doesn’t make any sense! I’m the one chosen by her father to be her husband. Because of my strength! And my background! This James came to the Academy with barely a day’s hard work in his bones, and even disrespects Catherine to her face! And then…and then….she falls for him?! And I didn’t care at first, because I know we were leaving him behind, but then…he unleashes his eidolon, and becomes a Sage! How Scarlet? What is this?”


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