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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

Page 13

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  Jeanie had grown to love Mike. He was brash cheeky and always up for causing mischief but he made the days pass quicker and he was help. “Boss lady don’t take this the wrong way but you look like shit.”

  “I don’t need a secondary opinion Mike I know exactly what I look like.”

  As she organised the pieces of paper and parts manifest on the table Jeanie seemed perplexed even take aback by what had been left.

  “Mike has there been anyone else in after me today?”

  “I had some guy here before asking after you. Some crazy looking fella he looked like shit as well. Seemed concerned about you though and he liked asking a lot of questions as well. Why? You ok?”

  Disappearing in the rolls of her jumper her muffled response faded as she became lost in the note.

  “And? Is there anything else I should know?” Mike got off the desk, looking like a school boy who had given an impertinent response. “Nothing just told him you were taking care of business at home. Oh by the way I’m sorry to hear about,”

  “Its fine you drive the next one in and I’ll start stripping number 261 down.” Mike saluted in agreement and made his way out whistling in the background.

  As the night drew in Jeanie’s arms and shoulders ached and as she sat on the edge of the pit looking across the courtyard she couldn’t help but feel part of something more.

  Movements had increased and more carriers were being brought into base. Flights had also increased and as she heard the thunders of traffic over head the buzz occupied her mind.

  Jeanie climbed back into the pit and continued to check the rear axle of the carrier. Everything she did was to help protect there freedom and every vehicle that made its way out of her garage was a step forward to help. More and more men where fighting for their lives and when Jeanie looked at the bigger picture the pandemonium over the last couple of months began to feel inconsequential.

  She wished things had turned out different, she also wished that Jayne and Ivy could have been spared the pain of loosing someone close that they loved. Deep inside however she felt somewhat relieved that she had at least lived something of which had been a fantasy for nearly 30 years of her life.

  Wondering where Mike had disappeared to she started to make her way through the yard. Placing on her gloves she tucked her clipboard underneath her arm.

  Looking up the sky it was clear and full of stars and she had never seen so many together. As she turned around to get a better look she started to walk backwards to gain a better view. The clusters gleamed brighter than usual and the constellations where lucid. Wondering in amazement she suddenly slipped backwards and as she rolled Jeanie tried to regain her composure.

  “I’m really sorry. It was my fault day dreaming!” He lifted his head as Jeanie gasped and feeling a lump in her throat she struggled with her words. “James! Sorry I didn’t realise excuse me.”

  “Jeanie wait. Jeanie please wait.”

  “What am I doing?” Catching his breath Jeanie could see him try to muster the words he needed to say. Looking at him she could see he felt just as awkward.

  “Oh for God sake right come on brew time. You coming?”

  “Love one thank you.” Surprised by her response he followed still wondering why she was attempting the conversation. Catching up he pulled at her arm, “No this way.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I think this one is on me.”

  Following mainly out of courtesy and due to the fact she had just squashed him she wondered why he so urgently wanted to speak.

  As the kettle boiled silence filled the air with James often sighing without mustering any words. As he passed the tea over she decided it was her turn to speak.

  “How have you been not seen much of you?”

  “Fine I’ve been ok, but I would have said you had been avoiding me?” Jeanie chuckled a little and nodded, “Any surprise. Listen I do understand and I’m ok sometimes it feel’s a little awkward but whatever will be!” James looked at her seeing the small scar situated on her cheek the thought of the things he had done sent shivers down his spine.

  “Jeanie I don’t think you understand and I’m not making excuses because I knew what I did. I can’t believe I hit you, but worse of all I can’t excuse any of my behaviour afterwards.”

  “James you don’t have to its gone.”

  “I do cause its only right you know the truth. After walking away from you that night I made it back here into the medical centre. Liz found me and sorted me out and over the next few weeks she proceeded to find me in a similar condition. After the fourth or fifth time of finding me passed out on the floor I spent the next ten hours telling her about you and what I did to you and as she started to undress me well you know the rest.” Jeanie sat uncomfortably on her chair listening to his demise, she had also experienced a moment of weakness and she couldn’t help but empathise with his situation.

  “Jeanie the guilt is excruciating and I’m so sorry for hurting you and I would do anything to take it back but I can’t. I’m a complete arse and I know it, “Jeanie leaned over and took the cup from him trying to ease both hers and his conscience.

  “I’ve recently done a couple of things which were stupid and irrational which have hurt me a lot. I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I’ve had a big lesson to learn recently and that in this day and age life is too short and too tough. You see Ivy lost George and now I understand all the fighting and the arguing may seem tough but what she wouldn’t give to have all the petty squabbles back now!

  So I made a packed that I’m better off on my own not to be selfish but to dedicate it to the people that love me unconditionally. So far it’s working, it’s been boring, but its working.”

  “Sounds like you have a plan.” James smiled into his tea feeling like Jeanie’s self confessed isolation was his doing.

  “James this wasn’t just you and you’re being very naïve just to think that. We both have skeletons hiding and maybe we needed to take into account that some of us had a life before you proposed.” Smiling as she took another sip of the sweet milky tea.

  “I get why you’re trying to be nice but thanks for the cheap swipe,” Jeanie felt just as guilty and knowing how lonely and desperate she felt was still no excuse for sleeping with John but, at least having the experience had made her understand James’s point of view.

  “You’re welcome Mr Watson and at any time you want to go through this self confessional diatribe I am happy to be at your service.”

  Sitting back in her chair she felt comfortable in his company not wanting more than a friend she was happy that the awkwardness was actually a building block. Taking her cup he wrapped his hand around her fingers, “Does this mean we are at least friends Jeanie Rutherford?” Standing close she looked up and stared into his deep eyes her body remembering his warm hands and feel of his finger tips.

  “For now Mr Watson. For now.”

  Sliding around the door she smiled coyly. She had put him to far up on a pedestal to understand that even someone as perfect as him had to have his own set of flaws. She also had to take into account that she hadn’t acted like an angel and knowing John wasn’t going to stop the sanctity of at least having James’s friendship felt like an added piece of security.

  Walking over to vehicle 261 Jeanie realised she had left her clipboard, as she turned she saw James running out, “I think you forgot this,” handing it back his fingers lingered on the edge of the board

  “Thank you…I was just on my way back.” As Jeanie took the clipboard he kissed her softly on the cheek. “You place next time for tea then Miss Rutherford.” As he walked away she felt a cold chill down her spine and the small pricks of electric shock breathing life back into her heart.

  Biting her lip and slumping her hands back into her pockets her mind wandered over the course of the evenings events. Feeling perplexed Jeanie jumped in the driver’s seat and took the vehicle over to the garage. She contemplated their conversation and
small glimpse of wondering in each others eyes.

  Shaking her head she heard Mike rambling to himself and remembered that he was just in time to be scolded about his disappearance

  “Oh boss lady come on what are you waiting for?” Standing at the foot of the door he pointed to his watch, “Where the fuck have you been?”

  “Mike you’re a cheeky bastard but I have to love you.” His playful nature and cheeky smile automatically made Jeanie snap to her senses. James was a casual meeting and work had to be done and men where definitely off the radar.

  Walking home the next morning Jeanie leant over the wall at the church yard and took an apple off the tree and as she bit into it Ivy appeared with Jayne. “I saw you scrumping apples Miss Rutherford, what kind of a role model is that for your niece??”

  “How you doing?” Ivy straightened Jayne’s blanket trying not to look at her sister and after shrugging her shoulders she changed the subject.

  “Anyway how was your day?”

  “Unusual busy but unusual.” Jeanie bit her lip again thinking of James rolling on the floor and the tender kiss afterwards. Ivy smiling at her sister knew exactly what she had thought, “Saw James today then did we” “Umm… well men aren’t my thing so celibacy and looking after your kids will be my next job.” Ivy giggled at Jeanie’s sarcastic remark. “Tired now time for sleep me thinks. I bid you a fond adieu Mrs and Miss Stanton.” Jeanie bowed as she opened the door and Ivy smiled again at her lightened humour.

  Sitting on the bench at the front porch the sun warmed her face and as she took in a deep sigh, she thought of George and how they had made love in field at the side of the house. She felt him close and his breath on her neck.

  Opening her eyes she noticed Jayne had gone to sleep the peace and quiet of the morning air made her bright blonde hair sparkle in its warmth. Ivy gazed at her daughter and how unrecognisable she seemed. She didn’t look like him and she didn’t smell like him and as her eyes welled with tears she couldn’t help but feel her guilt.

  “Oh George why now I’ll be ok I know I will Jeanie’s always been their. I never knew until know and maybe I never appreciated her the way I should have but I know she’ll always be here for me.

  George if you can hear me you made me happy I was happy I just didn’t appreciate it and I was wrong I’m so sorry. Maybe I need to forgive myself before I can say goodbye. So be patient I just need some more time.”

  Pulling a glistening white handkerchief out of her sleeve, Ivy wiped away her tears. Jeanie had already advised Ivy to talk to him and she thought she would feel stupid instead she felt relieved.

  Taking Jayne back inside the house Jeanie was still sat in the kitchen having her ear chewed off by Irene. Hearing the door close Jeanie turned her head around and watched Ivy enter the hallway with the pram, smiling and rolling her eyes at Irene’s comments Ivy relaxed back into the morning routine.

  Chapter 14

  James had started to stop by the garage for a chat and a brew with Mike and Jeanie in fact it had become a regular routine and before she knew it the two cups had now become three.

  Mike sat in between them sharing stories and talking about his childhood which was greatly different from both James and Jeanie’s put together. The vast cities and the string of high rise buildings captivated his audience. His large family and the anguish he had felt as a child when his father left him intrigued Jeanie feeling as they had shared similar circumstance. Jeanie felt as if her existence had stopped being interesting at sixteen and the most she had to talk about was lots of children and a pig incident.

  Mike coughed marking his attention and he looked like he was ready to take on poachers at an African safari. “Right fellas please excuse me your company is captivating but not as captivating as that girls legs and there’s the dance on Friday so I need a date…”

  As he climbed over the make shift table the weak tasteless tea sloshed on the floor and the cup along with it sitting up Jeanie couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Don’t worry I’ll get it. I spend most of the time cleaning up after him anyway.” Picking up the pieces James knelt down to help and as they bumped heads on the way back up Jeanie sat on the floor and laughed again. “Are you always this accident prone?”

  “Come on that’s the second time in over a month you have tried to knock me out.”

  “Watch this now. It wouldn’t surprise me if she slapped him and sent him on his way.” Watching Mike make his move made great amusement for the pair and seeing the girl take no notice made the laugh linger longer.

  James leant on the doors leaning closer to Jeanie, “So there is a dance on Friday and as we are good friend’s maybe you might want to go with me?” Jeanie smiled trying to brush herself down as she stood, “Do you thinks that’s a good idea?”

  “Why not? We like being in each others company and if your uncomfortable at the dance maybe we can do something else?” Jeanie looked at the floor feeling like she was on the edge of another mistake.

  “I know you drop the girls off so I will pick you around 8.30?” James handed the pieces of the broken cup back to Jeanie and kissed her softly on the cheek again and as he did she frowned unable to hide her concern.

  “James is this good idea we’ve done this before. I don’t want either of us getting hurt again….” James took hold of her hand and played with her fingertips. He knew if he pushed her anymore she would run.

  “Just as friends Jea I don’t want either of us to get hurt. I just want to enjoy your company if that’s ok?” Nervous knots tumbled over inside Jeanie’s stomach as she nodded watching him disappear around the corner she couldn’t help but feel anxious. Jeanie sat down on the make shift chair and started to bite her nails again.

  Mike buoyantly jumped back into work happy with himself that his mischievous temperament and his cheeky smile had got him a date. Jeanie perplexed smiled and thought of Ivy and under her breath she replied, “Ok just friends why not.”

  Friday came around too quick for Jeanie and after dropping the girls off and being late home from work she began the rampage through her clothes.

  Petrified of looking like she had been squeezed and squashed into most of them Ivy sat on the step and watched in amusement.

  “Not that one Jeanie listen. Jeanie calm down…….Jeanie.” Ivy had stood up and shouted at the chaos laughing as she dragged her into the bedroom.

  “Sit I will help, just relax. It’s a friend remember.” Jeanie screwed up her face at Ivy’s response, “Not funny”. Ivy giggled as the rollers and curling irons singed through Jeanie’s thick unruly hair.

  Hearing a knock at the door Ivy ran downstairs impatiently waiting to see James reaction to her protégé.

  James stood at the door pristine in his uniform and not expecting his splendour Ivy bit her lip as he was without question a very handsome looking man.

  Taking off his hat he placed it under his arm and waited patiently for Jeanie. Hearing James walk through the door Jeanie put her head in her hands. Feeling like a porcelain doll she started to wipe some of the makeup off her face. Frantically tussling her hair into position Jeanie took the broad steps downstairs.

  James now distracted by Irene and Ivy’s conversation and trying to be polite didn’t notice Jeanie’s entrance and on turning around he was greeted by the smartly presented Jeanie who looked unrecognisable in her flowered blouse.

  Thanking both Irene and Ivy he couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked and as they made their way out of the door leaning close he whispered in Jeanie’s ear, “I thought we where only friends.”

  Jeanie smiled and waved goodbye to her mum and sister who had planted themselves in the living room window spying and plotting what would happen next.

  Walking side by side Jeanie looked at James and commented,” You look very good…I mean handsome tonight. Sorry.”

  “So what do you want to do?” Jeanie bit her lip not wanting to share him with anyone else and trying desperately to fend off any kind of feel
ings for him she hesitated. “I thought we could walk around the block and wait for my mum and sister to disappear to bed and go back home for a bit if that’s ok with you?”

  “So... we are staying in?” Jeanie smiled and looked back as not to make more of the gesture.

  “I thought it could give us a chance to talk you know without anyone else.”

  Walking back to the house took forever and ever member of the parish seemed to greet them on there way. James had helped out in the medical centres and the majority of town where interested in the new doctor. After so many pleasantries Jeanie’s feet ached and wanting desperately to speak to him and trying to fend off the nervous knots she had started wondering what the hell she was doing. The closer they got to the cottage the more it seemed to repeat over and over again.

  The confusion swam around her brain until reaching the back door of the house. Trying to be quiet and masking James’s stumble over the back step Jeanie laughed, “Do…do you want a drink?” James taking his shiny boots off imitated her breathily response,” Whatever you have.”

  Creeping into the parlour the fire was burning down slowly and placing the whiskey glass on the small table next to the chair Jeanie set out to play cards on the floor in front of the fire.

  James closed the parlour door trying to blanket out the creaks and groans of the wood against the frame. Sitting down opposite from Jeanie it was quite noticeable she was uncomfortable; “You look like you’ve swallowed a flea… what’s up?” Jeanie stood up without excusing herself and crept through the parlour door,” One minute...” James shook his head and proceeded to take off his jacket and tie bemused about why he had made such an effort.

  Undoing his top button and getting comfortable Jeanie crept back in this time sporting her pyjama bottoms and what looked like her dad’s cardigan.” Right, better now.” Jeanie swept her hair back of her shoulders and dealt the pack of playing cards. Taking a drink of the scotch she pulled her face as it warmed her throat, “You going first or me?” whispering the responses as not for anyone to hear James sat up, “Ok you go first”


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