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Chinese Justice

Page 12

by Peter Marriner

  The Chairman evidently approved of her enhancements and so she trotted daily ringed and in harness with the heavy gold ornament on her clitoris making the little fleshy projection bounce like a tiny penis, creating a constant source of excitation. Before she had gone a very short distance she was in a state of arousal that had her searching for some way of expressing it. Her Master and owner was the most immediate prospect, the only male that she could foresee might use her. Nicola waggled her bottom shamelessly at him but that seemed only to attract more frequent use of the whip. She looked hopefully for signs of sexual interest in every new encounter, male or female, and even though their curious scrutiny of her flaunted nakedness excited her mind, she found no outside relief. She supposed desperately that she was simply too big to be interesting.

  The wives proceeded to improve upon Nicola’s presentation by supplying a variety of little dangling ornaments, tassels and pendants. Normally she carried a fine gilt chain lacing the rings in her labia close together, finished off with a tiny dangling padlock, the little gold clitoris poking between the lacing. On special days, little silver bells on tiny chains were added to all of Nicola’s rings, in ears, nose, nipples and labia so that, trotting about her duties, she tinkled merrily at everyone she met.

  The stimulation of her clitoris as she trotted and the semi-permanent state of arousal in which she existed during the day, led to her being forced to relieve the tension during the hours of darkness by rubbing surreptitiously against any suitable post or projection in her stable.

  She was in such a state of semi-arousal as they came down the village street one afternoon to find a lot of hubbub about the waterside. Several small boys ran to meet the Chairman’s equipage, but their attention to his filly was only perfunctory. “Yeren!” the boys were shouting. “See the Yeren!”

  In the muddy creek below the village, several fishing boats had returned unusually early and one among them had just landed a strange red bundle from which emanated mournful hooting sounds.

  The Chairman drove Nicola closer and jumped down to see what this curiosity might be, leaving her reins in the hands of one of the boys. The bystanders told him it had been discovered floating upon the receding flood, clinging to a whole uprooted forest tree. Its captors had rolled it in a strong fishing net and bound it with many turns of rope. Bundled like that, it seemed to Nicola to be a large Orang-utan or such a sort of ape, with a dense coat of red hair. Remembering her own similar style of capture she felt a wave of sympathy for this unfortunate animal.

  Directed by the Chairman, they desisted from poking and tormenting the miserably hooting beast and instead concentrated upon roping it to two stout poles. Several of the men, very small and slight beside their burden, hoist it up by the poles and staggered towards her. To her dismay and alarm they stripped the canopy from her vehicle and, with much shouting and grunting, heaved the creature on board, almost lifting Nicola off her feet before they had its weight distributed correctly. She had to bend hard into her traces to haul its weight, much greater than the Chairman’s, but here her carting experience came to her aid. With the boy leading her importantly by the reins and his friends taking turns at cracking the carriage whip, she plodded the long way back to the Chairman’s house.

  Nicola was left to the wives who simply tied her up in the street outside in order to hasten to watch the disposition of the strange beast, which was placed in a small enclosure built of stout bamboo stakes, secured by a stout chain to a stake.

  The Chairman rewarded the finders and consulted opinions. A Yeren was the general verdict; a legendary animal said in fireside tales to inhabit the dense bamboo forests in the mountains and hitherto to have only been seen by Buddhist hermits and lost travellers. The advocates of this origin supposed that it had been washed out of some mountain fastness by the flood, though there was a minority opinion that it was an escaped creature from some secret scientific research laboratory. As evening fell the wives returned full of excitement to attend to the hapless carriage beast. Nicola welcomed the prospect of at last being able to relieve her usual state of longing. Yet nothing went as normal. Her ornaments were all removed except for the little addition to her clitoris and the gilt rings in her vaginal lips, though they were left unlaced. Being opened so blatantly to entry, her little gold-sheathed clit glinting prominently, made Nicola suddenly feel shy and apprehensive.

  “See, she is quite excited, she knows where she is going!” one of the wives giggled. With much excitement and more giggling, they led her in this state to the enclosure where the Yeren was confined and thrust her inside.

  Fully expecting to be fallen upon by the beast, Nicola scurried in panic into one corner of the pen. She saw that the frissure of sharpened stakes that formed the enclosure was topped by a row of eagerly anticipatory faces and then realised that the similarity of colouring had given her peasant owners the idea that she might be mated with this red-haired beast. The idea horrified and aroused her in equally fearful measure, but the animal only watched her progress as if baffled by her presence and purpose. It looked round at the noisy but increasingly disappointed audience and returned to huddling in a tight ball, hooting to itself mournfully.

  Between them was a pile of bamboo shoots, balls of rice and other vegetable products, evidence of an attempt to tempt the beast to eat.

  For a long time, the two of them huddled in opposite corners eyeing one another until Nicola recovered her nerve and feeling a sudden loving sympathy for a fellow captive, uncurled herself and crawling forward to the pile of food, picked out a finger-full of rice and eating a little herself, gingerly offered the rest in propitiation to the Yeren. As she uncurled herself, it had raised its head and began snuffling the air perhaps investigating her scent. She knew that she had been self- excited all day and probably still exuded a strongly female bodily odour. Since it was presumably male, she hoped that such a scent would make her less alarming.

  Suddenly a long arm extended and took the offering, which it presently began trying and continued munching in desultory fashion. At intervals it made soft babbling sounds, which seemed to be regularly repeated sequences. Wanting to seem sympathetic, Nicola imitated the sounds as accurately as she could.

  The Yeren hooted quite eagerly and suddenly uncurling, took her by surprise. She lost her balance and fell into the creature’s grasping hands. She squeaked in alarm but she had been captured with ease, long arms extending caught her before she could withdraw, long fingers and palms like soft leather holding her fast despite her wriggles. The hands compelled her proximity to the massive form and her own nostrils flared as the smell of its maleness overwhelmed her, a rich and musky odour not at all unpleasant but rather strangely stimulating.

  Conscious of the heartless curiosity of the watching heads, thrust in increasing numbers above the bamboo spikes, Nicola remained still, heart in mouth and, contemplating the prospect of being devoured, hoped desperately that big flat teeth and a bulging belly signified a vegetable diet.

  The monster was gentle though firm, holding her with one large hand while the other one examined her red hair, running its hand curiously down its length. At first glance it might have been what she had supposed it to be, merely a giant ape, long-armed and short-legged like an Orang-utan standing upright. It was now standing perfectly erect like a man, and over six foot tall at that. The process of rearing to its full height had also made it clear that it was a male of its species. The evidence was thrust from beneath the bulge of its hairy belly; a penis perfectly man-like in shape if rather large in size and in colour blush-pink with a bright coral-red knob and dark red testicles dangling beneath. Under Nicola’s nervously excited scrutiny, the whole huge projection swung ponderously with a rhythm of its own, seeming by its length and the shortness of the thighs, to hang almost down to the knees.

  Thrusting its head forward and holding her at arm’s length, this strangely variant male snuffled loudly. Then,
as if her scent, having been savored, was found attractive, she was thoroughly sniffed, animal-like, up and down her trembling body. Nicola squeaked and, seeking nervously for reassurance in his expression, felt a surge of excitement as she found it contained something more than amiability. His thin-lipped mouth curled in a definite chuckle, while his eyes showed an undeniable twinkle of appreciation. It definitely wasn’t edibility she was being tested for; the Yeren was interested in her in the way any human male might. He began to emit more of his hoarse hooting sounds, though this time they sounded so masculine that Nicola shrank from repeating them, merely making timid, propitiating, hopeful murmurs of her own.

  Resuming its careful examination of her, the hairless nose of the Yeren, pale in colour, bulbous and laterally vented, sniffed appreciatively, soft hand patting her with reassuring gentleness. Nicola, well placed in a position to make a close scrutiny of her own, realised that it was only the way that the long russet hair fell thickly about his shoulders that had made him seem without a neck and that the appearance of forward thrusting jaws was largely due to a jutting beard of fine red hair. His narrow forehead furrowed deeply as it completed the examination, unsure but with a decided glint of interest and appreciation in soulfully dark eyes.

  Without thinking Nicola put out her hand to touch the Yeren in her turn and found to her surprise that the red hair was soft and fine, as thick and luxurious as the most expensive mink. She couldn’t help stroking it and evoked an instant soft babble of what she was now sure was speech. She did as she had earlier, copying as best she could the sequence of soft sounds and was rewarded with a deep rumble of masculine pleasure from within the massive chest. She buried her hands in the soft luxury of his coat and in turn felt the big soft velvety palms slide along her bare arms and down over her shoulders and back.

  The hooting sounds resumed, seeming more urgent as if containing some kind of signal, which expected a response. She didn’t know how to reply. With some notion of making herself smaller so as to seem unthreatening she slid to her knees.

  The big male figure slid downwards too overwhelming her and she was suddenly clasped close to the broad chest, sinking into the softness of its fur, the thick red beard turning out to be equally as soft and almost burying her in silky hairs. Nicola squirmed within the enveloping wealth of fur as if struggling with a mink coat that had somehow developed hard muscle. Above her, the Yeren tossed back his mop of hair and his red mouth opened to expose to the watchers a set of huge white teeth, hooting in menace. As if satisfied with his defiance he then dropped his head to regard Nicola and from deep within his chest came, rather astonishingly, a series of gentle, crooning propitiatory cries.

  Nicola had subsided beneath his weight onto all fours and was now trapped like that beneath his overarching body, the Yeren’s great hands holding her gently but firmly by the hips. He made more of the hooting noises, seeming interrogative in tone. Nicola answered him, trembling, not knowing what she was saying, but wanting somehow to both soothe and encourage. That it was intelligent she was now perfectly convinced, not an animal at all but a man, some primitive kind of human, a long surviving close cousin of her own.

  Confused thoughts overwhelmed her brain, her body still trembling with excitement in the Yeren’s embrace as she remembered the evidence of maleness and the state of arousal. She was conscious of the presence of the audience, but filled with a surging chaos of emotions and quite powerless to suppress them. She had been put here in the expectation that she would mate with a beast, but they were being fooled. This, she assured herself, must be a human male and a powerful one at that, a male so lustfully attracted to her that she knew without thinking she had the means here to win an ally, desired and desirable in more ways than one.

  The Yeren seemed to appreciate her position, not forcing her, as if confident that this female’s approval would emerge and be expressed of her own accord. He sniffed Nicola slowly, hot breath going up and down her naked body, over her thighs and bottom, making her jerk and tremble. She uttered desperate mollifying words, wishing she knew the right sounds. He put his head right down almost between her thighs and sniffed loudly at the cleft plumpness half exposed between them.

  Nicola let out a squeal this time, jerking upwards as his tongue suddenly caressed her, lapping this way and that across her tender flesh. Her bottom rose involuntarily before the questing silken muzzle, which was so evidently appreciative, chasing the female juices with its eager tongue into the most intimate crevices. Every time it touched her gold-sheathed clitoris the throbbing bud sent irresistible waves of sensation between her thighs. She squealed loudly.

  That seemed to be the kind of signal the Yeren was anticipating. In a sudden breathtaking moment of decision he rose and mounted Nicola. She opened her mouth to shriek in dismay, but all that came out was a squeak of excitement. She was paralysed by contradictory feelings of shame at her circumstances and the simultaneous desire to please and enjoy such a powerful partner.

  The male had treated her well. Instinct told her that he was human, he smelt, felt and sounded almost familiar. His powerful maleness established such a command over her reactions after so long an abstinence that it overcame all desire to struggle or dissent. Careless of the audience she thrust her backside up and parted her thighs wide, waiting with a mixture of fear and excitement to be served.

  The Yeren evidently assumed this co-operation to be normal. He found her presented slot and tore right in with all the directness of a uninhibited, triumphant male. Arching over her white back, her naked rump buried beneath his softly furred red loins he grasped her soft feminine flesh with long fingered hands, firmly and inexorably, holding her steady as his quivering haunches thrust and thrust.

  Nicola moaned and gasped as his size was made apparent; so much more rewarding than any of her past abusers. She tried to stay silent at first, conscious of the audience but the Yeren seemed tireless in his enjoyment, hooting gently, thrusting harder and longer than any man she had ever known. His thrusts tweaked her clitoris too and fro and soon she was fighting to hold back, reluctant to lose the effect. The sounds she made in response to her partner, rose inexorably though into a wholehearted shriek as the thrusting burst a dam deep within her. She recovered slowly and found he was still going strong. She tried to help his penetration and to squirm around his surging shaft but found the Yeren only clasped her more firmly, as if mistaking her intent. The long feet, twice the size of a normal man’s, were splayed to either side of her, with prehensile fingers gripping the earth bracing against the heave of the muscular haunches. Above her head he crooned reassurance even as he pounded into her without heeding either assistance or resistance.

  Nicola’s own efforts made headway, crooning encouragement in return, she slowly built into renewed co-incidence with the Yeren’s rhythm, her head drooping, tears of pleasure splashing into the dust only to be erased by tumbling tresses that swept this way and that. She had been completely carried to one orgasm and now another was building, as her partner rooted harder and faster than ever. Dust coated her red hair and her sweat and tears turned the dirt beneath her to a smear of mud. She grovelled beneath the randy pumping male and found herself supplementing his efforts with an eager rhythm of her own.

  Saliva drooled from the jaws above her onto her bare back. Rougher treatment as she writhed involuntarily left red raking finger marks across white skin. Her voice, muffled by her posture, rose in jerky fractured howls of ecstasy as lean and muscular loins pounded the long cock into her soft passage with slackening resistance and increasing penetration, savagely splitting, thrusting and widening her, as it seemed without limit.

  The Yeren’s hooting grew triumphant then breathless and finally subsided to explosive grunting. Nicola’s jerky howls translated too into desperate gasping. She was being filled to the limits by the male cock surging at astonishing speed, forcing her to react like a woman drowning in sensation. She was conscious tha
t her eyes were nearly rolling in her head, her flared nostrils snuffing the rich odour of her partner’s lust. Her teeth were gritted and lips drawn back, saliva ran down her chin unhindered. She heard herself whining like an animal on heat and couldn’t help breaking into a wild ululation as she was shafted with enthusiastic speed and regularity.

  At last her partner faltered. She begged him wildly to hold on, hoping her tone would carry the message. They reached their climax simultaneously. Almost crazy with mingled shame, lust and amazement she grovelled in the dirt as the long cock pulsed into her, seeming endlessly. Her strange partner slowed at last. He withdrew jerkily, sat back and upright rumbling deep in his belly. The pink shaft and red knob glistened wetly like a half-licked candy stick, sagging slowly inch by inch, retreating back into the soft depths of russet fur.

  Nicola collapsed entirely, face down and shuddering, her own coarser red hair spread in a tangle about her head, her up-raised behind the last part of her to subside as widely splayed thighs collapsed and she flopped onto her belly. The Yeren might not be of her race exactly, but it was still close enough to the ancestral forms to be capable of satisfying and being satisfied by her.

  As the morning passed, the news spread that the Yeren and the Chairman’s filly had been successfully mated and a long sequence of curious inhabitants came to inspect the pair.

  Nicola was turned out from where, in one corner of the bamboo pen, she was curled up, half hidden beneath the soft fur and warmth of the Yeren and returned to her duty. She ran in harness all that day, in a tumult of feelings that earned her several severe applications of her Master’s driving whip. She no longer felt herself to be entirely a kind of uniquely strange domestic animal, subject to the whip and rein, designed to be useful to her owners, but a woman who had attracted a sexual partner and was being cruelly kept from him.


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