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Mine to Take

Page 3

by Dara Joy

  Which could only mean one thing. Or so he thought.

  Consequently, he spoke to her in the secret Familiar tongue. “K’mar keana latarq shinteera?” How did you find me? “L’mee tuan doenn?” Who else is with you?

  “I—I don’t understand you.”

  Gian’s mouth parted very slightly, his only outward show of surprise as his mind took in what his Familiar senses had already ascertained. “You are not a Familiar woman?” He was soft-voiced.

  “No, why would you think that?” She sounded confused.

  Why, indeed.

  Most unexpected. He blinked, ramifications and complexities dancing around his head as he accepted this curious fact.

  Gian watched her carefully. That she was non-Familiar was highly unusual and somewhat disturbing but, like all his kind, Gian did not waste too much time pondering reasons. Theirs was a reactive race. They accepted what was, then dealt with what could be.

  However, this could be a very unpredictable situation. He almost smiled. He adored such complexities; they made life interesting.

  Gian had the distinct impression that his life was about to get positively fascinating.

  He already knew she was telling the truth about his capture; she had had nothing to do with it. His abilities told him that much. He decided to hear what she had come to say.

  If he didn’t like it, he could always seduce her.

  Her words might alter his method, but not his objective. Gian Ren, Guardian of the Mist, was already mapping out his strategy for a very special hunt.

  He tossed his hair back and viewed her through half-lowered eyes. The eyes of the ultimate pursuer. Secretive, disciplined, and sexual. His voice was a low, rumbling purr.

  “Then speak.”

  Chapter Two

  Jenise swallowed. The concept had seemed more reasonable in the privacy of her own chambers.

  Things were somewhat different, she discovered, when one had to look into the face of commanding reality—he, who was calmly waiting for her to rationally lay out her plans.

  As if she was there to do his bidding!

  He was a much more compelling subject than she would have preferred. There was a majestic air to him that was disquieting. Jenise shivered.

  However, there was no choice. He was it.

  She was just going to have to look into those enigmatic green/gold eyes and tell him what she wanted of him. And what she was willing to give him in return.

  After all, the initial risk was entirely hers; what did he have to lose by such a bargain?

  “I want you to take me.”

  The pupils of his dual-colored eyes momentarily flared. It was then that Jenise remembered what Karpon had said—that the Familiar had been well primed for her. What had he meant by that exactly?

  A small muscle worked in his firm jaw. His eyes narrowed. For some reason, he did not seem overly pleased. Or overly surprised.

  Nonetheless, pleased or not, he was obviously not stupid.

  Gian watched her carefully. Coming to some decision, he shook his chained wrists. “Very well. Then release me.”

  Jenise wondered how often these Familiars made such bargains. She had no way of knowing that the answer to that was never. Familiars only did what they chose to do.

  She laughed at his directive. Did he think her so foolish? Even the guards had warned her only to loosen his chains if necessary but under no circumstances to release him. They had even tried to talk her out of visiting the dangerous captive.

  “Do I seem like a fool to you?”

  His nostrils flared in annoyance. He was in no mood to play. “On the contrary,” he said precisely, “you seem desperate.”

  Jenise’s shoulders sagged beneath the voluminous cloak. If she were not desperate, would she even consider this? “Yes, I am.”

  Gian sensed the woman’s spirits plummet. Instantly, he realized that he had inadvertently hit upon the truth. This was not as he had first thought. There was more to this than sexual curiosity. Relieved, his attitude changed to one of concern.

  “Explain why you want this from me,” he said evenly, his voice low and coaxing.

  “The man who captured you is named Karpon; he is the brother of the deceased ruler of this land.”

  “Go on.”

  “My mother was his mate—unwillingly.” She explained their relationship to him. Gian gestured for her to continue. “So you see, Karpon wishes to rule. In order to do that, he must—”

  “Eliminate you,” Gian finished for her.

  “Not exactly…you see, I have no desire to rule.”

  Gian viewed her curiously. Already, she was beginning to lure him. The sound of her melodious voice caressed his senses. And her scent! Like the meadows on M’yan right after a warm rain shower.

  It had been too long for him. Much too long. He shifted on the pallet. “Why do you not want to rule?”

  “Because I detest the trappings of power. It is not the life I seek.”

  Gian studied her from beneath veiled eyes. She was an interesting conundrum in so many ways. And the riddle was becoming more complex by the moment. He said nothing for several moments. “If Karpon knows this, what is the problem?”

  “He wants me as well.”

  There was a pause. “I see.”

  “But if he takes me, he can only become my consort, as I will ascend to rule—something he does not want.”

  Gian was beginning to understand the scope of her problem. And his as well. “So what has this paragon Karpon concocted, hmmm? Why do I think my capture is part of it?” He glanced shrewdly over at her.

  It was the first indication Jenise had of his intelligence and his cunning. She made a mental note never to underestimate him.

  “Yes; he has sent me here to you.”

  His lips curved enigmatically. “He sent you to me…now that is curious. What does he hope to gain from that?”

  “In this land, in order for me to ascend to rule, I must either have taken a consort or—” She hesitated, embarrassed. She did not wish him to know the entire story. The maiden state was extremely awkward. Women naturally sought their pleasures.

  He lifted a dark brow. “Or?” he prodded.

  She did not directly answer him. “That is not important. What is important is that I have thought up a way to thwart Karpon.”

  “I still do not understand what significance—”

  She quickly interrupted him. “You see, I wish to leave here. With your help, my dream can finally become a reality.”

  Her words stopped Gian. Now she was getting to what was of paramount interest to him. “You wish me to help you escape.”

  “Not exactly. I will help you escape if you do what I have asked of you.”

  He grinned broadly at the absurd idea of someone bargaining to get a Familiar to do the one thing he loved to do most. “With pleasure, my hooded mystery. After we leave here, I will show you everything I—”

  “No, it must be now.”

  He frowned. “Do not be foolish! This is neither the time nor the place to—”

  “You do not understand. Those are my terms.”

  “You are right; I am at a loss to understand such reasoning. Are you saying that if I take you, you will not be able to rule this land?”


  “Is that not what he wishes?”

  “Not exactly. You see, if you agree to this, I will help you to escape as well. We will make a pact to aid each other until we leave this land. If we succeed, it will drive Karpon mad to know that not only did you have me, but he lost me forever as well. With my disappearance, I may be able to help these people by delaying him from taking complete rule of the land. They will have to wait a standard Alliance year to see what has befallen me before a new ruler is actually named. Who knows? In that time, mayhap someone will aid me and let the assemblage know about Karpon’s evil nature.”

  Her words disturbed him. Familiars did not believe in using loveplay as a means to an end; in their vie
w loveplay was the end most worth achieving. And some part of her story seemed to be missing.

  “You would do such a thing strictly to avoid taking your rightful place?”

  “Yes, I would; for it is a place I do not desire.”

  Gian sighed. He would not do what she asked. “I must refuse then.”

  It was Jenise’s turn to be shocked. “What? You cannot refuse!”

  A dimple curved his cheek at the sound of outrage in her sweet voice. “I just did.”

  Since Jenise could not imagine a Familiar turning down a chance to explore his sensuality, she took Gian to mean that he would take her, but would not escape with her. “B-but—do you not wish to escape? I assure you, Karpon will kill you regardless once you…well, do you not wish to bargain?”

  “I do not have to bargain.”

  Jenise bristled. No one had ever mentioned how difficult a Familiar could be! Or how unpredictable. “I can get what I want from you without releasing you,” she stated bluntly.

  “You think so?” He leveled a meaningful look at her.

  Perhaps not. What did he want? Exasperated, she threw her hands up in the air. “Why would you not bargain? Need I remind you that you are at a disadvantage? You are the captured one. You are mine to take!”

  “Appearances can be deceiving,” he intoned softly.

  Jenise shivered. What exactly did he mean by that? He was too confident. It was almost as if there was a hidden knowledge in those dual-colored eyes of his. It unnerved her.

  Perhaps she would be better off not playing with such fire. He was not one to control. Jenise was having second thoughts about the wisdom of tangling with him, no matter how desperate her need.

  “How did they capture you?” she whispered once again.

  “I was drugged,” he answered flatly. “Something that was very powerful. It overcame me quickly, before I could compensate.”

  “Does the drug affect you in that way?” She gave him a meaningful look.

  Gian gaped at her incredulously. “Nothing affects us in that way.”

  She let out a sigh of relief. “At least you weren’t harmed. I have heard terrible rumors about what Karpon does to some prisoners.”

  He snorted. “Not harmed. Do you know anything about this drug they used?”

  She shook her head.

  “It deadens our special senses.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “We have many more senses than you. Imagine, if you will, suddenly losing your sight, your hearing, your ability to speak, your sense of touch and smell all at once. Now magnify that a hundredfold.”

  How horrible. Her hand came to her mouth. “I—I did not know. Is it still affecting you?”

  He was careful how he answered her. Regardless of what he knew about her, she could still be a danger to him. And herself. “Some” was all he would say.

  He was fencing with her and she was tired of it. He either trusted her or he didn’t.

  Apparently he didn’t.

  “I have changed my mind.” Jenise turned to leave, adding poignantly over her shoulder. “You have suffered enough already. Perhaps one of the guards will help me—”


  For some reason, his voice made her do just that. She turned slowly back to him, having no idea he had sent her a telepathic command. “Yes?”

  He could not let her go to anyone else. “I have changed my mind as well. I will do as you ask.”

  He could feel her victorious smile even though he couldn’t see it. So…she had played him, had she? He almost purred. He rather liked that.

  “Fine. We will do it like this, with you chained. Afterward, I will—”

  “I think not. You will have received what you came for and I will still be chained. You see the flaw to that.”

  Jenise was indignant. “I have given you my word!”

  “You will not think too badly of me if I say that the word of one of your kind—a people who enslaves another—is not sufficient for me.” Besides his stated objection, Gian had a very important reason for needing to be released before performing. He intended to take her in a most traditional Familiar way. Something he could not do in his present position.

  “I only have your word, Familiar.”

  “Familiars always mean what they say.” He did not add that often their words could be interpreted many different ways. The Familiar was a master of subtlety, yet always truthful.

  “In any event, you have the option of calling out to the guards, do you not?” Gian did not say that once he was released, she would never have time to utter a sound before he moved. She really knew very little about his kind. The thought was not a comfort to him.

  “I suppose one of us must trust the other.” Jenise worried her lip as she thought it over.

  “Mmmm. It is your choice.”

  She took a deep breath. “Very well, in the interest of expediting matters, I will release you.”

  Gian waited, not moving a muscle lest she change her mind and take flight. Slowly, Jenise leaned over him, keys dangling in her hand.

  She placed the key in the first lock on the manacle at his wrist. Yes, Gian urged silently. Keep going…

  She stopped.

  He looked up at her out of the corners of his enigmatic eyes; his expression was one of wary expectation combined with thoughtful contemplation.

  “Remember, you promised,” she reminded him.

  He nodded curtly once.

  Clink. The first manacle fell off.

  She never got to the second.

  In the blink of an eye he was off the bed, the keys already in his hand, and his second wrist was free.

  Jenise had never seen anything move that fast. Perhaps she had made a mistake. The Familiar was much more imposing standing before her, unchained!

  He was even taller than she’d surmised. And bigger. Nervously, she began to back up.

  He advanced on her, rubbing the soreness out of his wrists. “Now we are shy?” A deep, languorous laugh exited his perfectly formed lips.

  “We—we have a pact!” She backed skittishly up against a wall.

  “Yes, we do.” He expertly cornered her. His large hands reached under her hood, tossing it back.

  Freed from the protective folds of material, she stared up at him, not at all sure what to do next.

  He studied her intently.

  At first glance, she was not beautiful.

  But she was captivating.

  Gian could not pull his gaze from her. There was something about the way the light danced on the contours of her features, the spark of true intelligence in her eyes. She radiated vibrancy and mystery.

  Inside her heart there was a kindness he could not overlook.

  Her hair was a pale, creamy shade and it hung straight and thick to her waist. If Gian were in any other circumstances, he might have gloated, for it was a shade he was particularly partial to. Had this woman been a Familiar female, she probably would have turned into a cream-colored cat.

  A dainty, hissing little cat.

  He smiled at the image that provoked.

  In every situation, one must look at the positive aspects.

  Her lovely eyes were a rare shade of aquamarine and reminded him of the Placid Lagoon on his homeworld of M’yan. They were surrounded by long, light brown lashes which were tipped with gold.

  A tremor of desire shook him. He wanted to run his lips across those lashes…feel the golden tips against his mouth…

  He could not stop staring at her. Her pull on him was almost magnetic!

  Gian immediately revised his initial impression of her to one of utter beauty. He knew exactly why this Karpon was intent to have her. She was wrong if she thought he would let her go so easily.

  A man might just risk a kingdom for her.

  Gian smiled mysteriously in appreciation of the games of destiny.

  He reevaluated his appreciation of destiny in the next moment. Now that he had full sight of her, his special senses were a
ble to discern much more about her. All amusement fled as he stared at her with a stony expression.

  Misinterpreting his look for one of dissatisfaction, Jenise quickly said, “It is just this one time; you need not—”

  “You are untouched.” He spoke tonelessly.

  As if he had just discovered that she had committed an unspeakable crime!

  Jenise frowned. She had hoped to keep that truth from him. “How do you know that?”

  At that point Gian was thinking that he had been captured, chained to a wall, drugged, deprived of female company for days on end, and now this! A maiden.

  He exhaled noisily, slapping the palms of his hands against the wall behind her with a dull thud.

  Jenise peeked up at him through her gold-tipped lashes. “Is there something wrong?”

  His eyes kindled. He slammed the wall again. “No…no…why would you think that?” He glared down at her.

  She bit her lip. “A guess?”

  “Do you know anything about Familiars?”

  Jenise dropped her eyes, slightly embarrassed. What she had heard couldn’t possibly be true. “Some,” she answered evasively.

  He raised a disbelieving eyebrow.

  “Very well…little.”

  “Fine. Then I will tell you something about the males. We—how shall I phrase this?” His tone was sarcastic. “We prefer to engage in intense loveplay.”

  Jenise listened closely, nodding her head slightly. Yes, that was what she had heard. What was his problem?

  “Prolonged loveplay,” he stressed, since she didn’t seem to be understanding him.

  “Well, that is not possible. We must make haste to depart—”


  “—as soon as you are done. It should not take long. You misunderstand me if you think I am interested in pleasure. I am not.”

  “I understand you think the first time will not be pleasurable; but I assure you I can make it so for you if—”



  She lifted her chin. “I simply want this done and done quickly.”

  Gian’s sharp gaze ran over her determined features. A hissing little cat. His hand cupped her face. “Listen to me, Creamcat. You do not know what you are asking. It would be better for us both if we—”

  She shook her head. “No. We had a pact, Familiar, you promised.”


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