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Mine to Take

Page 4

by Dara Joy

  Gian ran his finger down her pert nose, his expression contemplative. He seemed to be weighing his alternatives. And the consequences of those alternatives.

  As always, it did not take Guardian of the Mist very long to come to a decision.

  “Turn and face the wall.”


  “There is not much time; do as I say.”

  Gingerly, she turned.

  “Drop your cloak.” She did as he asked. A pastel pink diaphanous gown clung to her curves. “Unclasp the gown.”

  With a shaking hand, she undid the broach near her shoulder which held the garment up. It slithered to the stone floor.

  A deep, growling sound of hunger issued from the male throat behind her.

  Jenise closed her eyes, trying to still her shaking. Rumor said these Familiars were half-wild when they made love.

  A hoarse, rumbling voice spoke from behind her, near her ear, sending tremors down her exposed throat. “I ask you one last time. Wait until a better moment.”

  Jenise opened her eyes, turning to gape at him over her shoulder. “Why would I wait? What purpose would there be in that? The whole point is to get this over with to—”

  She gasped, for he had wrapped her hair around his powerful wrist, tugging her head back so their lips almost but not quite touched. His expressive eyes burned as he looked down at her.

  Then he spoke in words she could not understand. Familiar tongue?

  “Gian Ren K’tea…

  Ei mahana ne Tuan

  Gian Ren K’mea sut la.

  Ei re Tuan

  Taj Gian Ren litna K’shintauk rehan.

  A jhan vri re Tuan.”

  Jenise furrowed her brow at the strange words. Although it was not visible to the eye, she had an Aviaran translator device implanted in her temple. Apparently it did not work on this dialect.

  Was this recital something all Familiars did before they engaged in sexual relations? It was an odd ritual; for truly the words sounded ritualistic.

  She didn’t have time to think further about the strange phrases, for it was then she noticed that an exotic, enthralling scent was beginning to encloak her. It took her a moment to realize it was the Familiar’s sexual scent!

  She had heard of this as well; of how their scents could entangle a woman and bring her to offer herself up to him. Offer anything he desired…

  Briefly, she closed her eyes, inhaling the luscious aroma. The essence reminded her of rare krinang spice, evocative of nights on the high desert plains. Dry, hot breezes and sultry, tropical storms. Crisp, tantalizing dreams.

  It was a scent that provoked feminine sexual surrender. Compelling, commanding, promising…

  The aroma hinted of his luscious flavor.

  Jenise moaned, trying not to fall prey to his overwhelming allure. How would she ever forget this scent? Would she dream of it in future? Be cursed to want him whenever a touch of its elusive essence teased her memory?

  Curiously, she noted that his mysterious eyes were dilating yet more. That was odd, considering that it had been a while since he had been drugged and the dilation should be lessening, not increasing.

  Jenise did not think this dilation was the result of the drugs. It seemed to be some prelude to—

  He captured her in his hypnotic gaze and she could not seem to look away! Green and gold depths, sensual and lambent, became her entire universe. She found herself looking into the man’s soul of passion.

  There was a wildness to him that would never be controlled.

  He was feral at heart.

  Jenise shivered again. He was more alien than she had initially thought. What was more, she realized that rumors rarely circulated without having some basis in fact. And some of those stories! Even if only a quarter of them were true…

  She had made a mistake! A grievous mistake.

  She was no match for him; he would consume her with his ravenous Familiar appetite! Jenise tried to pull back, but it was too late.

  His mouth descended firmly to claim hers.

  Velvet lips parting slightly, he captured her in a taking that seared her with animalistic passion. He tasted of the untamed.

  Panicked, she struggled under his mouth, trying to break the overwhelming contact.

  The Familiar held her fast to him.

  He inhaled her rapid exhalation deep into his lungs as if he were taking her very life into himself. Jenise blinked. She could not breathe!

  Frantic, she tried to turn all the way in his arms but he held her immobile. The room began to swirl around her as she grew faint; she wondered if she had been a fool to trust him, after all. What did she know about his capabilities? Could these Familiars kill by stealing one’s breath?

  A sound of despair flowed from her mouth into his.

  Once again, he surprised her.

  With a surge of force he respired into her mouth, giving her back her breath, which was now mingled with his own spicy scent. At least, she assumed it was partly her breath.

  Greedily, she inhaled this rush of warm life, clinging to his tenacious lips. At her action, he pur-r-red deeply into her mouth.

  He lifted his lips from hers. His white teeth captured her bottom lip, which he then released gradually as he pulled back from her. Murmuring something resonant and sultry, he turned her completely away from him so that she faced the wall again.

  “Place your hands against the stone.” He breathed huskily in her ear, his mouth skirting around the lobe, his tongue swirling its delicate folds.

  With her hair still tightly wrapped around his wrist, he continued to hold her fast. Tangled in the strands, his strong fingers splayed against her scalp. A muscular arm came around her waist to pull her back taut against him.

  The length of him was hard and hot.

  Jenise couldn’t seem to stop her trembling. “Please,” she whispered, willing him to finish and be done with it. He gave her one final chance.

  “Tell me to stop,” he growled. Short, hot gusts of his breath skittered along her shoulder blade.

  As much as the confines of his strict hold on her would allow, she shook her head no.

  A snarl escaped his lips, a cross between anger and satisfaction. With no hesitation whatsoever, his teeth clamped down on the back of her neck to grasp her sharply in their grip.

  Jenise cried out in alarm. What was he doing? Frightened, she tried to writhe free but could not.

  Decisively, he thrust forward.

  In one swift movement, he pierced her maiden’s membrane with a powerful stroke. Jenise’s knees buckled as shock and pain hit her.

  The Familiar released her hair to clasp her hands in his. He steadied her against the wall, still deeply embedded in her.

  Jenise gulped in air, trying to find her breath against this terrible invasion. She felt him above her and behind her and in her as he, too, fought for his breath and, perhaps, his control.

  They seemed to stay like that for an eternity, yet in actuality it could only have been a few moments. It was curious but Jenise noticed that they were starting to breathe together. In and out, in and out, their breaths were the only thing moving between them, like waves flowing together…

  Her tense muscles gradually began to relax, liquefying into him. It occurred to her that he might be deliberately calming her with his even pacing. His rugged chest rose and fell against her back; his compelling scent gently lulled her now.

  Jenise closed her eyes, leaning back into him.

  A murmur of approval rolled from his chest. His large, skilled hands dropped to the curve of her hips. The tips of his fingernails scraped up over her hipbones. Simultaneously the edges of his clean teeth grazed up the sensitive side of her neck.

  It was an incredibly erotic ploy.

  Jenise shivered, but not from fear. The arousing action had whetted her interest in what was to come.

  Which was as Gian intended. There was a pulling friction as he abruptly withdrew from her.

  Shocked, she stared at
him over her shoulder.

  He released her, stepping back, away. “There is not much time, taja. We must leave now.”

  Jenise was stunned. “But you…that is…you have not…”

  Strong fingers cupped her chin. He smiled faintly. “No, I have not.”

  A small line of puzzlement furrowed between her brows. “Why?”

  “Because you have said you do not want pleasure and so I cannot take mine either.”

  Jenise flushed. She hadn’t meant that he should not find his own satisfaction! It would have been too cruel to expect that of any man. “Surely you did not think I meant you!”

  Gian grinned. He couldn’t help himself. How little she knew about his kind.

  Well, that would change soon.

  This creamcat was very engaging and the journey to Aviara would be most entertaining. Not to mention enlightening. For both of them.

  He bent over to whisper against her mouth, “I thank you for being so considerate of my welfare.” His lips brushed hers teasingly. He sipped the pink skin delicately. Just a hint of touch. “But I never said I was finished.”

  It took a moment for the meaning of his words to sink in; Jenise was drowning in the expert touch of that succulent male mouth.

  She blinked as her sanity returned. “Unfortunately, Familiar, you are finished. You have done what I asked and now I will honor the rest of our agreement. We will attempt to make Tunnel point together. As for anything else between us, that is over.”

  Gian gave her an amused, knowing look which calmly refuted the statement. In the past, he had often told his younger blood relative Rejar that a Familiar was never finished until he was good and finished. Gian was far from good and finished.

  In fact, he had not yet begun.

  “I will be glad to explore this unique interpretation with you later; now, am I to assume one of these keys opens the door?” He held up the key chain, dangling it from his fingers.

  The man made such a splendid picture standing there—sleekly muscled and completely nude, with tawny golden skin and magnificent hair, which was slightly tousled—she was inclined to let his assumption rest until she had a chance to clarify her position.

  Jenise smiled slowly. At least she would have the pleasure of looking at him during this portion of her adventure, especially if he continued to go about without clothes on.

  Her eyes traveled the length of him. He was, to say the least, extraordinary. A surge of unbidden desire startled her. Was it because of what they had just done or not done?

  She gathered her wits about her. “No, they do not open the door. I am supposed to call to the guards.” Retrieving her garment and cloak, she quickly donned them. A lingering tremor assailed her; she would think about what had occurred in this room at a later, safer time. For now they must focus on escape.

  Gian’s green/gold eyes flashed in secret knowledge. He knew exactly how she had been looking at him. And why. “How many guards are out there?”


  “Good.” He placed himself behind the door. “Now scream, woman who seeks no pleasure.”

  He was going to be difficult, of that she was certain. Jenise rolled her eyes and screamed as loudly as she could.

  The guards came rushing in.

  In the blink of an eye the Familiar took all three down. He moved so fast, she couldn’t even distinguish the individual motions. Never had she seen anyone move in such a way, with deadly accuracy and feline grace.

  Impressed, she raised an eyebrow as she caught his eye.

  Nonchalantly, he held the door open for her. As if he hadn’t just rendered three highly trained men unconscious without ruffling a hair on his gorgeous head!

  As she strolled through the door, Gian took the opportunity to run his palm over her cloaked backside.

  Stopping short, Jenise gasped. Up until a short time ago, she was the heir apparent. Men did not do such things to women who had that kind of power.

  He gave her an innocent look. “I never said I would not seduce you.”

  Jenise snorted. “You certainly can try, Familiar.”

  A roguish dimple curved his cheek. “Same thing.”

  Chuckling at her outraged expression, he took her hand and led her through a maze of corridors, his innate tracking ability serving him well. Nothing felt as good as the taste of freedom! He looked over at his companion. Well, almost nothing.

  “How do you know the way out?”

  “I am a Familiar.” He glanced down at her out of the corner of his eye. “You had best remember that, taja.”

  She was too excited by the prospect of finally gaining her freedom to be annoyed with the arrogant thing.

  “Quickly, this way.” He pulled her into an alcove just as a contingent of guards passed.

  “I did not even hear them approaching! I cannot believe—”

  His mouth seized hers in a sizzling kiss. “I am Gian,” he purred against her lips. “Remember that, too, Creamcat.”

  Before she could respond, he grabbed her hand once more and darted down another hidden corridor.

  Chapter Three

  The Familiar stopped so abruptly that Jenise bumped into him. His arm came out to steady her as he pulled her back against the wall of the corridor.

  “What is it?” she asked worriedly. “Why have we stopped?”

  He placed a tapered finger against her lips, warning her to be silent. Then he cocked his head to one side, listening for something Jenise could not hear.

  “There is a male guard up ahead, around this corner. He is alone…not so tall as I am, but of a size. I may be able to utilize his garments.” His voice was very, very focused. “I will take him down.”

  “How do you know all of this?” she whispered back.

  “My senses tell me. By his footfall I can ascertain his size… He is not very alert at the moment—that I can tell by the rate of his breathing. He is relaxed, almost bored.”

  “That is amazing; I am impressed, Familiar.”

  He gave her a crooked grin. “You have not yet seen how I can impress you, Creamcat.”

  Jenise flushed as his meaning became clear. He laughed quietly at her telltale reaction.

  “You may keep such impressions to yourself!” she hissed indignantly. “That is not part of our bargain.”

  The firm lips twitched beguilingly. The tip of his finger stroked the side of her face. “It will be your choice,” he purred.

  Jenise stiffened, pulling away from his touch. “Yes, it will be my choice.”

  A flash of white teeth gleamed in the darkened corridor—a hint of amusement. The Familiar lifted her chin with the same finger, bringing her face up to his.

  “Exactly,” he whispered, brushing her mouth with his own.

  Before Jenise could respond, he was already gone.

  A few moments later she heard a brief scuffle, followed by the sound of a body falling to the floor.

  His hand signaled to her that it was safe to come forward.

  When she rounded the corner, he was already stripping the man’s black leather breeches off.

  “Is—is he dead?” Jenise nodded in the direction of the fallen guard.

  The Familiar seemed affronted. “Of course not. We only kill when we are forced to—unlike Karpon.”

  He pulled the thigh-hugging tracas on over his own lean hips, fastening up the rawhide laces in front. Jenise watched him, for some reason fascinated by the effortless action.

  The Familiar glanced up slowly, catching her in his glinting regard. There was a very knowing look in those dark green and gold eyes. It was the first time Jenise got a true sense of just how experienced the man was…in everything.

  She began to wonder about this captive she had released. Who was he? Did all Familiars have such a compelling presence or was it he alone? Already, she’d had glimpses of his control, his mastery, and his resourcefulness. Perhaps he was more than what she imagined?

  He did not seem to be one who would allow himself to
be persuaded into anything unless it was his desire to do so. And yet he had repeatedly told her that it would all be her choice; that she would be the one in control. At least, it seemed he meant that.

  Jenise decided to take the Familiar at his word—for the time being. So far, he was living up to his side of their bargain. However, if he proved himself difficult, they would be parting company very rapidly.

  Gian bent over the prone guard, lifting his foot to pull the man’s boots off. He stopped suddenly. Dropping the man’s foot abruptly, he jumped up, grabbing Jenise’s hand. “Hurry; there are many coming! They seek us—our escape is already known.”

  No sooner had he said this than a contingent of Karpon’s men came into view yelling for them to stop.

  Bare feet slapping against the stone floor, Gian swiftly pulled her along, turning into a room on an upper level. He threw the bolt on the door to gain them a few precious moments.

  Jenise scanned the room in dismay. No other door led from this chamber. “There is no way out!”

  But the Familiar was already racing to the single small window in the corner. Pushing open the hinged panel, he glanced down to the courtyard below. Far below. The distance was too high for any man to jump without breaking several bones. Or worse.

  Nonetheless, Gian was not any man; he was Guardian of the Mist.

  “Listen to me, taja, for we do not have time to debate this.”

  “Debate what?” she asked nervously. Jenise was well aware how high up they were; surely he was not thinking of jumping that distance? He would fall to his death!

  “I am going to jump.”

  She gasped aloud. “You cannot! You will be killed!”

  He smiled faintly, moved that the creamcat cared. “Hopefully not. I will transform into my other self; it will aid my landing. Listen carefully; after I touch ground, I will metamorphose back into my human form. You must jump to me then. Do not be afraid; I will catch you.”

  “Are you mad? What if you miss? It is too risky!”

  He gazed at her evenly. “It is your choice.”

  Jenise bit her lip. Already the guards were pounding on the door. If she didn’t try…

  “Are you sure you can catch me?”


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