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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 15

by Minky St Anne

  What was it about guys and gadgets? Not that I was anti all the gizmos Ben had bought for our trip. There’d been a few toys that I couldn’t wait to get my hands and other body parts on.

  That night finds us in a bay that comes close to surrounding us, so narrow is the entrance. Thankfully though the new depth gauge, in combination with an old chart, lets us know it’s okay to proceed. The chart doesn’t just have the depth recorded, there’s also a bright red x-marks-the-spot cross dead centre of the bay.

  Deciding to go on this recommendation, we drop anchor on this exact spot and settle in for the evening.

  While Ben fires up the grill that sticks out over the back of the boat, I shoehorn myself into the compact galley – Stan’s description not mine, I’d call it fucking small – to knock together a salad and roast some potatoes in their skins. It’s not that I can’t cook; it’s more that I can’t be assed when this is what I do all day, every day.

  The other thing that feels small in the kitchen is all the pots and utensils. They’re actually the standard size but feel tiny when compared to the commercial counterparts I’m more used to.

  Dinner over and the dishes left in the sink for the morning, we retire to the master cabin to christen our new mattress. I can’t help but laugh when, on entering the cabin, I see all the sex toys spread out on the bed as though ready for a catalogue shoot.

  “Nice line up,” I say, picking up a cock ring and spinning it around my finger before peeping through it at Ben. “You think you can fill this?”

  It’s all the challenge he needs and he ditches his clothes in record time, with me not far behind him. I have to thank the Nyphrazi for one thing. I used to be self-conscious about standing around naked, but not anymore. Now I’m incredibly comfortable in my own skin, although looking at Ben standing before me with a cock so hard I could bounce quarters off it, has me wanting to jump out of my skin.

  “How do I put it on,” I say, retrieving the cock ring from the floor of the cabin where I’d dropped it in my haste to strip.

  “Easy, it’s magnetic,” says Ben, taking it off me and showing me how the large ball, that completes the ring, pops away when he tugs at it.

  “Huh, nifty.”

  I take the two pieces from his outstretched hand and set about clipping the ring into place at the very base of his cock. It’s a snug fit, proving beyond doubt that he’s more than capable of filling it.

  “Your turn,” says Ben, picking up a couple of bejeweled clips off the bed.

  I can’t help sucking in my breath when he snaps the first nipple clamp on. It hurts a bit, but not so bad that I can’t cope and by the time he snaps the second one into place, I’m even starting to like it. Certainly, when I look down and see the clips sparkling away, I can’t help but stand taller and stick my tits out for effect. It’s something that has Ben’s cock jumping for attention.

  I don’t see the sling until he unhooks it from the hatch above our heads.

  “Spring mounted! Fancy.”

  It’s the heat that wakes me. Damn, I must have left the oven on! I throw the covers back and stagger to my feet before stumbling my way across the master cabin and up the short flight of steps that leads to the saloon and galley.

  “That’s weird.”

  “What is?” Ben mumbles back, obviously still half asleep.

  “I thought I’d left the oven on. It’s so damned hot!”

  I walk around the main cabin, with my hands out in front of me trying to find the source of the heat but there isn’t one. I repeat this in the master cabin with the same result.

  “It’s not just me is it?” I say to Ben, who’s now lying naked in the middle of the bed, having kicked all the covers on the floor and thus proving it’s not me after all.

  On a hunch I go back up to the main cabin and then out onto the aft deck. It’s just as hot out here, maybe even hotter. Certainly it’s warmer than is usual for an Alaskan summer night. That’s not the only strange thing.

  Leaning back through the doorway I yell to Ben, “Hey lover, get your ass out here, you’ve gotta see this.”

  I’m beginning to think he must have gone back to sleep but he eventually staggers out of the main cabin rubbing at his eyes to clear them of sleep.

  Even though it’s still the middle of the night, we can see our surroundings easily because of the unearthly glow coming from the milky water in the bay, if we can even call it that now, with the entrance having disappeared and been replaced by a solid granite cliff.

  When the sky starts to lighten, I revise my idea as to what time it is. It’s only a couple of minutes later, before the sun beams down on us from directly overhead, letting me know we’re no longer in Kansas. We check the instruments to see if they can pinpoint our location, but they’re all dead. Even the old fashioned compass is spinning crazily, in a desperate bid to find north.

  “Do you reckon it’s Cuprum, again?” I ask Ben, referring to the Goddess of Copper who energy fucks him on a regular basis.

  “Nope. Not a chance.”

  Turning to see why he’s so sure, I’m greeted by him holding his cock to show me it’s not studded with copper as it would be if Cuprum was about to make an appearance.


  “What?” says Ben, coming to stand behind me and letting me know he’s well on his way to being ready.

  “If it’s not you, then that means it’s me,” I say, allowing him to nudge me over to the hip-high side of the deck surround until my mons is hard up against it.

  “We’d better hurry then,” he says, sliding his knee between my legs and cupping my breasts, making me aware I’ve still got the nipple clamps on.

  Hell, I should have removed them, shouldn’t I? Don’t want my nipples falling off from lack of blood or the like. Bending over so I can lean my elbows on the deck surround, I know exactly when the magnets in the clamps feel the pull of the steel boat. A moment later and my nipples click firmly to the top edge of the hull resulting in my sex being stuck up in the air and just asking for it.

  “Yikes,” I say, before pulling back experimentally. The clamps eventually release but not without my nipples being given a good tug, but then on the slightest movement from me, they snap back onto the top of the hull with a metallic ping.

  Ben stops sliding his fingers in and out of me only long enough to see what I’m talking about.

  His laugh is filthy. “Got you where I want you now.”

  And he does, and I squirm in delight on feeling him entering me oh so leisurely. Not that the action stays slow for long and soon he’s driving himself into me ever deeper, causing my nipples to be tugged on every time he slams himself home.

  It’s when I feel an ethereal tongue repeatedly licking my clit that I know we’ve got company. Ben’s thrusts doubling in speed and intensity also lets me know that Praedytus is likely working away on him too.

  My screams of pleasure echo around the bay and are soon joined by Ben’s roars when he finds his release, too.

  Chapter Three

  We wake what feels like hours later in a big old dog pile on the aft deck. I think my ass might be sunburned. I’m not sure what’s woken me until I hear a man’s voice clearly inside my head and instinctively know it’s Axel

  “It is time.”

  He needn’t sound so fucking thrilled about it! Damn, I could quite happily give him and Marlo a miss and go back to Vyran. But no, it’s their stupid rules that they all have to try for Nysa to keep the balance. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s to stop them squabbling like a bunch of five year olds. The only one of them whom it doesn’t seem to bother is my God of the Woods.

  I get resentfully to my feet and look around me and in so doing confirm that I hadn’t imagined the entrance to the bay being filled in; leaving The Metal Beast floating in what is effectively a small lake. The only beach on the lake is opposite the granite cliff and it’s here that I see Axel; standing with legs astride, on an immense black rock that sits to the right of the cur
ve of pebbles that forms the beach itself.

  “I’d better get this over with,” I say to Ben who’s lying spread-eagle on his back.

  He snorts, before mumbling, “Have a good time,” as though I’m off to the movies with girlfriends rather than off to be fucked by the Nyphrazi God of Nickel.

  What a strange world we live in.

  “Cover up, or you’ll burn your bits,” I warn him, before stepping down onto the swim platform so I can test the temperature of the water.

  I needn’t have worried; it’s tropical and no hardship to dive into. I surface squealing a second or two later, resulting in Ben landing in the water beside me not long after as though to save me. The look on his face when he pops up is priceless and I’m relieved he’s no longer wearing the cock ring, because he would have blown it to smithereens, for sure.

  “What, what, what,” he manages to stutter out, but nothing more.

  “Float on your back. I’ll be as quick as I can,” I manage to get out between the waves of pleasure that engulf my body.

  Swimming to shore while experiencing mini orgasms is as hard as it sounds and Axel has to help me out of the water when I finally get into the shallows.

  His whole demeanor is one of reluctance.

  “Hey, we don’t need to do this if you don’t want to,” I say, snatching my hand away and immediately dropping to my knees without his support.

  Axel doesn’t say anything; he simply helps me back onto my feet and leads me over to the large rock he’d been standing on earlier. The closer we get to it, the more my nipples are tugged on. I go to remove the clamps, but am unable to do so. They’re stuck fast.

  “Leave them, for now,” says Axel, sighing.

  I’ve never felt so unwanted in all my life. “You know what, I’ve changed my mind. I’m going back to the boat.” I reinforce this by stopping in my tracks, which is difficult given the pull of the rock on my nipples has my boobs looking like they’re being supported by an invisible push-up bra.

  Axel looks as though I’ve slapped him. Well tough, let him feel rejected for a change. I turn and have even managed to take a couple of steps towards the shallows when the water just offshore erupts in a mountain of bubbles and steam. It comes as no surprise to me when Praedytus blinks to life in the middle of this turbulence. The look on his face as he walks up the beach is one of thunder and I’m extremely relieved that rather than be looking at me, his ire is directed at his son.

  “Axel!” roars Praedytus, with this single word conveying a wealth of meaning.

  Turning to look at the God of Nickel, I can see he’s got the message loud and clear. None of this is going to change my mind though, and I once again start walking towards the water but I don’t get far because Praedytus steps in my way.

  He doesn’t need to touch me; he simply pokes his tongue out and wiggles it about and I’ll be damned if I can’t feel it tickling my pearl.

  “Nothing you can do is going to make me want to fuck him. You’re wasting your time.” I try to stay resolute but standing tall rather than like a toddler needing the bathroom is tricky given all the attention I’m receiving from that impressive tongue of his.

  As if to prove a point he steps closer to me, all the while keeping up with the tongue gymnastics. But I refuse to step back and so he takes another step, causing in his rock hard cock tapping lightly against my stomach. The result is instantaneous and overwhelming. There’s not a single inch of my body that isn’t an effervescent mess. It’s like being in the water, but a hundred times stronger.

  My legs collapse under me and I’m soon sprawled on my back on the hot pebbles of the beach moaning in need. I’m thinking the sensations can’t get any stronger, when Praedytus kneels down next to me and carelessly palms me. My hips arch up off the beach forcing pebbles to dig into my shoulder blades. But I don’t care; I need more, more of everything.

  At first I think it’s Praedytus who’s picked me up off the beach, but when I open my eyes, I can see that it’s Axel. He doesn’t look to be any more thrilled than earlier but he’s doing his father’s bidding all the same. I think about struggling against his grip, but what’s the point. I may as well simply lie there and get it over with.

  The heat of the large black rock soon brings me to my senses. What the hell is he hoping to do, cook me? I know the moment he releases the bejeweled clamps Ben had given me, because my nipples immediately feel like they’re on fire. But this is nothing compared to the heat generated when Axel daisy chains a pile of small, and very magnetic, pebbles around each nipple. They cling on tightly to each other forcing my nipples up through the middle of their grip. That they’re boiling hot, merely adds to my responsiveness.

  I’m still concentrating on these, when I feel Axel spread the lips of my labia wide so he can slide what feels like more of those hot magnetic pebbles down each side of my clit. They hold together through my pearl, squeezing it hard in the process and having it feeling swollen almost immediately. This is something that’s confirmed when I raise my head to check.

  He then flips me over onto my stomach and the heat of the rock on my engorged nipples and clit is astonishing and I embrace it, plastering myself to the rock like a limpet. Not that I can move much anyway as I’m being held fast to it by the magnets stuck all over me.

  I don’t know whether to be turned on or horrified when Praedytus takes a seat on a small boulder nearby and settles himself in to watch. That his cock is right in my line of sight adds to the sense of need I’m currently experiencing.

  For someone who’s reluctant to fuck me, Axel feels huge when he starts to nudge his way inside, but maybe his size is all down to the nickel fettyr he’s wearing. I hope I’m not allergic to the stuff after all, because it would take a lot of antihistamines to offset what I can feel spreading me wide.

  He’s part way inside, when Praedytus coughs, stopping Axel’s forward motion. The father of the gods then drops five perfectly round pebbles from one hand to the other where they click together with a magnetic snap before lifting an eyebrow in question. I hear Axel sigh in acknowledgment before he holds his hand out towards his father. As if in single file, the pebbles fly through the air before clicking together again in the God of Nickel’s grasp.

  After spreading my ass cheeks wide, Axel feeds them inside me one at a time, with my body almost gobbling them up in its eagerness to feel their heat. He then wastes no time before driving himself deep inside of me in a single slow plunge and it’s amazing, as are all the little magnets doing their best to click tight to Axel’s fettyred cock through the barrier of my flesh; proving beyond doubt that his fettyr is magnetic, too. Wickedly so.

  What follows is a sensory overload. Not only is Axel pumping in an out of me amazing, so is the push and pull of all those magnets. That I get to watch Praedytus observing me with a predatory glare while all of this is going on, adds to my excitement. Certainly he’s enjoying himself if the size of his cock is anything to go by.

  I can feel the orgasm building, growing stronger all the time but still refusing to crest. My heart is now hammering away in my chest and I can feel blood flowing through my body engorging anything that’s in contact with a magnet until my breasts have grown in size and my sex feels ready to explode like an over-ripe plum.

  And burst it does, with magnificent splendor. That Axel follows me over the edge is perhaps the most shocking thing of all. Not only is he yelling his release right in my ear; but all the magnets go haywire, vibrating and clicking together with ever increasing speed until it’s a continuous jangle. But rather than dying off as I’ve expected, the orgasm keeps rolling along, taking both of us with it.

  It’s still enveloping us several minutes later, but rather than tiring me, I’m feeling more and more energized all the time. Praedytus on the other hand goes from looking interested to looking bored and then finally to alarmed.

  “That is enough!” he shouts, and, after getting to his feet, he reinforces this by bellowing, “Cease.”

  But our orgasm keeps working away at the pair of us.

  He stalks over to the rock and slams both his palms down on it and an instant later the spasms stops, shockingly fast; leaving me feeling bereft. That Axel roars “No!” over my shoulder lets me know he’s experiencing something similar.

  Not that I get the chance to bitch about it to either of them because they both disappear in a cloud of steam leaving me on my own. It takes all my effort to prize myself off the damned magnetic rock but eventually I’m free and stomping down the beach in readiness to swim back to the boat. There’s no sign of Ben.

  I make it back to The Metal Beast in super-fast time. Certainly the trip to the shore had taken nearly twice as long. I feel so alive! Or maybe it’s that I’m so pissed.

  I’m still a couple of feet off the back of the boat when I hear enough grunting and squelching to let me know why Ben is nowhere in sight. Wasting no time, I hoist myself up onto the swim platform and through the hatch in the back of the transom with fluid ease.

  As I suspected, Cuprum, the Goddess of Copper is all over Ben like a rash. I see red, or maybe that’s copper, and without thought, I step forward, wait until she lifts herself clear of Ben’s cock and, then before she can sink back down, I grab her around the waist, swing her up and around and toss her over the side with astonishing ease. I’m disappointed at the lack of splash when she disappears before hitting the water.

  “What, what?” groans out Ben, writhing around on the deck in front of me. He’s totally out of it and in a trance of some sort. His cock looks to be painfully distended, no doubt due to the magnetic ring being back in place. Every time he arches his hips, his cock bounces around wildly as though blindly searching for the missing goddess.

  “Ben!” I yell, trying to get his attention, but he doesn’t respond.


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