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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 16

by Minky St Anne

  “You need to finish what my daughter has started,” says Praedytus, from right behind me.

  “Shit!” I stagger away from him, trip over Ben and land with a bounce on the metal deck. The magnets still around my clit and inside my ass immediately lock me there.

  “You need to hurry,” says Praedytus.

  “Why?” I say, trying to lever my ass off the deck.

  “Because, if you leave him like this, you risk him losing his mind.”

  It’s all the incentive I need to force myself up onto my hands and knees, crawl over and straddle him although this isn’t made easy by him thrashing about like he is.

  My god, he feels huge. I’m surprised he’s managed to get the cock ring on at all. That magnetic clasp must be incredibly strong. I find out exactly how strong it is when the pebbles applying pressure to my clit, snap onto it with a resounding crack.

  “You really need to move,” says Praedytus, who’s got both his hands around his cock while he stands watching me service Ben.

  “I can’t,” I stammer out,” I’m stuck.”

  Praedytus immediately grasps what I’m talking about and, after grudgingly letting go of his organ, puts a hand under each of my arms and lifts me. The tugging on my pearl because of all the magnets is exquisite and so I feel a spurt of excitement when rather than lift me to my feet, Praedytus lets me settle again on Ben’s swollen length. He keeps this up until both Ben and I have come too many times to count, before letting me settle for good.

  On feeling his hands disappear from under my arms, I look behind me to ask what gives, but he’s no longer there.

  “What just happened?” says Ben, clarity once again returning to his gaze. “Cuprum?”

  “She, ah, went swimming.”

  I’m still not happy about the spurt of jealousy that had led to me tossing the goddess over the side. Ben and I are fuck buddies. Nothing more.

  “Then, how,” says Ben, twitching his hips and letting me feel him hardening inside me.

  I twitch my muscles in response and am rewarded by his eyes widening. That I then lean right back to test the strength of the magnets has my own eyes widening, too. My god, that’s good. Certainly it’s good enough that I rock backwards and forwards a few more times to make sure.

  Chapter Four

  It takes us a while and a wrench to rid me of the majority of pebbles that are hidden in the creases on either side of my clit. Because they’re as magnetic as they are, Ben has to slide them onto the tool one at a time until we’re able to pull ourselves apart.

  At my insistence he leaves a couple there because the extra blood they encourage to head in their direction is doing wonderful things for my sensitivity.

  Removing the pebble butt plug is easy once Ben gets the first one to snap magnetically to the wrench; after that, the others tug free like a string of beads. I adore that Ben understands me enough to push them back in a couple of times purely for my sheer enjoyment while I’m doggy style of the aft deck.

  “Hmmm, I might have to hang on to these,” says Ben, clipping them onto transom.

  Even though the sun is still as high in the sky as it had been after rising supersonically when we’d first woken, both of us head to the master for a sleep, simply collapsing naked in the middle of the bed when we get there.

  I have no idea what time it is when I wake. The sun is still at its zenith if the light pouring in through the hatch is any indication. Ben’s not there and so I go in search of him, finding him on the aft deck spread out in an ancient deck chair with a beer in his hand. There’s a spare deck chair next to him with a beer sitting in the shade under it.

  I relax back into the canvas and grope around under the chair until I find the can, and then crack it open before taking a good few mouthfuls. Damn, that’s good.

  “So, I was thinking,” says Ben, pausing to drink some more beer, “we should stay here.”

  I open my mouth to argue against this knowing that if we stay here we risk dying stupidly young, but he holds his hand up to stop me.

  “Think about it. We’ve got food for a week, it’s sunny and warm and I’ve gotta tell you, that water us fucking mind-blowing.”

  Realizing he’s talking about a vacation rather than staying here permanently, I have to agree with him. It is the perfect spot for a holiday. “We can’t leave anyway,” I say, nodding towards the solid granite cliff where the entrance had once been.

  “Oh, yeah,” says Ben, seemingly unconcerned that we’re trapped here.

  The next few days are a blur of sunbathing, great sex and good food, with Ben showing himself to be quite the master chef. We’d thrown lines over the side but, perhaps unsurprisingly, hadn’t caught anything, because if the water could turn humans into climaxing zombies, what hope would fish have? It doesn’t matter how many times we go swimming, the result is always the same and it’s lead to us having sex on the swim platform a couple of times because we simply couldn’t wait any long.

  I think I’ve actually lost a few pounds because of all the exercise. I wish the gym was this much fun.

  By the fifth day, even the sex has scaled down and rather than all the bells, whistles, slings and clamps, we’re enjoying sex of the slow comfortable kind on the top deck; with the sun beating down on our backs, fronts or sides, depending on the position. Sex and sunbathing, there is no better combination as far as I’m concerned.

  Something else that’s changed is that rather than superficial chatter, we talk about what matters to us; our hopes and dreams, even our fears. This makes me very nervous. Fuck buddies aren’t meant to get deep and meaningful. It’s a recipe for disaster as far as I’m concerned. With what I’m going through with the Nyphrazi, feelings are best buried. It’s bad enough that I constantly wonder if Vyran is okay, if I start getting serious about Ben, then what about Vyran and me?

  While Ben doesn’t mind sharing me with the others, he’s less ambivalent about the God of the Woods.

  I’m once again working on my tan when the whole boat starts to shudder and shake. At first I think we must be due a visit from one of the Nyphrazi, but then it dawns that Ben’s started up the engine.

  On hearing the anchor chain rattling away, curiosity gets the better of me and I go see what’s up. After all, it’s not like we can actually go anywhere.

  “Whatcha doing?” I say to Ben, on stepping into the wheel house.

  “I want to check out the cliff where the entrance was but if I swim there I’ll probably end up coming so many times, that I drown.”

  I nod my approval to this plan because it’s not long before we face running out of food even with our half-hearted rationing. Not that we’re not down to ships biscuits and salted pork, yet.

  When the anchor clangs against the steel hull, Ben puts the boat into gear and we start moving. He spins the wheel and we slowly turn towards the cliff and our search for a possible exit.

  We haven’t gone more than ten feet when I notice it’s getting colder. It’s not arctic or anything, just cooler. But the closer we inch towards the cliff, the cooler it becomes; certainly cold enough that I’m thinking about clothes for the first time in days.

  The light also starts to fail.

  Of even more interest is that the instruments suddenly flare into life and show quite clearly that the cliff we’re motoring towards isn’t actually there.

  I’m still nervous though when Ben keeps The Metal Beast dead on course to smash into the granite face before us. Not that we can see it as clearly anymore with the sun above us fading with each second; as though God is turning a big dimmer switch.

  It’s when the sun blinks out altogether that I see the stars sparkling above us. On looking back down, I notice that the other thing that’s gone is the cliff and we can once again see Sitka Sound in the moonlight.

  “Wow,” says Ben, looking at me with awe on his face.

  I’m fairly awe-struck myself, mostly with the possibilities, after I’ve checked the date and time on the GPS unit.
br />   “Let me get this right. We’ve enjoyed five days in a tropical paradise and don’t look to have lost more than a few hours?”

  “Hold your horses,” says Ben, putting his hands on my shoulders to try and stop my happy dance, “remember what happened with the cabin. We could just as easily have lost five days.”

  What his hands haven’t accomplished, this dose of reality does and all my happy evaporates in an instant.

  “Damn.” I thought it was going to be unlimited tropical vacations there for a moment.

  “It does make me curious about the previous owner of The Beast though,” says Ben, his hand splayed on the chart. “That big red cross makes we wonder if they had a similar experience.”

  “Fuck, I hope we don’t turn into rabid hoarders, too.” I’m unable to suppress a shudder at thoughts of getting my own TV show, and not in a good way.

  We don’t bother going any farther, dropping the anchor right where we are. Interestingly, the cliff we’d motored through is now back, although if we look at it closely we can see it shimmering like the hologram, or mirage, that it is.

  “Axel must have let it drop so we’d go in there,” says Ben.

  “Yeah, even if the GPS and charts were saying otherwise, there’s no way in hell we would have found it.”

  After an uneventful night we make our way back to port so we can stock up on provisions before heading out again. This time we steer in the opposite direction completely.

  What follows is five days of chilling out. From past experience I’ve always found that the first three days of any vacation are spent unwinding and only then do I start to relax. As it is, I couldn’t be any more unwound if I tried. Even the Nyphrazi seem a million miles away now.

  “Here’s to our last night,” says Ben, raising his can of beer, so I can tap mine against it.

  Part of me is sad that our vacation is nearly over; another part of me is looking forward to a cylinder-draining, stinking hot shower that will finally rid me of the salt crystals that coat my skin.

  Bed that night is bittersweet with our sex definitely closer to making love that it has been to date.

  I’m on the very edge of sleep, when Ben kisses the top of my head and whispers “Love you.”

  I don’t think I’m meant to hear and I fight to stay still, and keep my breathing even. I don’t know if I’ve been successful, and so it’s only after hearing Ben’s breathing deepen that I relax enough to fall asleep myself.

  I don’t know if it’s the stifling heat in the cabin or the bead of sweat that’s running down my side from under one of my boobs, but it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to work out what’s happened. There’s no way it could be this hot without us being back in that damned opalescent lake.

  “Are you fucking joking me?” I say, rolling over to face Ben. He’s not there. The one sign he had been is the dent in his pillow.

  “Fucking Cuprum!” I’m going to weld those chains of hers together. Watch her try and fuck him then!

  Realizing Ben’s not on board, has me really pissed.

  “For fuck’s sake!”

  I stamp my foot in frustration, no doubt bruising my heel in the process. Then as though prompted by the racket I’m making, the sun pops up over the hills that surround the lake before zooming up into the sky like some cheesy prop in a grade school play.

  Axel is right where I expect him to be, with the sunlight glinting off his highly polished fettyr so bright that I can see it even after I close my eyes.

  “Well screw you buddy,” I say, mostly to myself, before stomping back down to the master cabin, where I throw myself on the bed.

  I’ve just shut my eyes when I hear Axel clearly say, “Jasmine, come to me.”

  Before you can say cloud 9 innerspring, I’m lying on that fucking rock and I don’t know who’s more surprised, myself or Axel. Certainly I’ve never been transported before without one of the gods or their toys at least touching me. I thought they could only use the telepathic delivery service with each other.

  But I don’t dwell on it long because the minute my back makes contact with the rock, I feel as though someone has spent an hour leisurely licking me into submission, leaving me feeling swollen and needy. It’s so damned good that I surrender to it, writhing around on the rock like it really is a mattress.

  While I lie there reveling in the tremors rolling over and through me, Axel gulps for air, before finally stammering out, “But that shouldn’t be possible. When I called you, I expected you to swim here. You shouldn’t be able to travel alone without using a charm or one of the veils.” His forehead is creased in consternation.

  “Just fuck me,” I grit out, with my need now desperate, but still he stands unmoving, looking at me like I’m a problem that needs to be solved.

  Deciding he needs some encouragement, I use my hands to gather up my breasts before thrusting them out towards him all the while squeezing my nipples hard. I’m rewarded when his eyes darken and he shakes his head as though to get rid of any nagging doubts.

  The chain that secures his fettyr around his waist is gone in seconds but it’s what he does next that has my sex gasping in anticipation.

  After a moment looking at his feet, he bends down and carefully selects half a dozen black, round pebbles from the beach. I’m expecting them to be stuck on and inside my body, but I much prefer this option.

  “Does my placement please you,” says Axel, after he’s finished attaching the small magnetic pebbles along the length of his fettyr.

  Does it ever!

  Chapter Five

  Axel inches himself into me ever so slowly, meaning the small pebbles massage my G-spot one after the other. His withdrawal is a lot quicker and the juddering my G receives has me groaning in satisfaction. He keeps up this slow/quick rhythm until I’m begging him for release, but before he can do my bidding, he disappears, leaving me hollow and desperate to come.

  “I said no more,” says Praedytus, his gaze locked on the juncture of my thighs.

  “You, you can’t leave me like this,” I say, while squirming around as though movement alone will push me over the edge. Now I know what Ben was going through after I dragged Cuprum off him.

  I can tell when Praedytus realizes this too, and I’m relieved when he steps towards me. I’m expecting him to fasten his mouth onto my clit like he has in the past but he has other ideas.

  “My sons are getting too powerful,” he says, leaning forward and holding his hand out towards me, but I’m too far gone to stand, and so he bends down and places his hand on my head.

  The softness of the moss under my back is wonderful and I luxuriate in it for a moment before Praedytus lies down next to me.

  The glade we’re lying in is like no other I’ve ever seen. It looks more like a movie set than real life. It’s fifteen feet across at the most and completely surrounded by trees that are so close together that escape would be impossible; not that I plan on going anywhere. All around our bed of moss is a tangle of vines, their flowers a pale icy blue. Perhaps most incredible is the sun, which sits directly overhead, heating my skin like a soft caress.

  Praedytus rolls on his side to face me, bringing his hard, and surprisingly hot, cock in contact with my hip. After that it’s as though my body is on auto pilot, and I wriggle onto my side, which brings my slit tantalizingly close to his fuck muscle. It’s not close enough, but when I throw my leg over his hip, we make full contact.

  “I need you,” I say, not caring how desperate I sound. If he doesn’t fuck me, I really will go nuts.

  “And, I you,” he says, surprising me.

  I don’t feel him touch my head, but he must have because one second I’m lying next to him, and the next he’s on top of me and already edging his way into my depths.

  He’s definitely big, but my need is now so great that I’d be keen if he was twice the size. I momentarily forget about my chockfull vagina when I feel a hot wet mouth cover one of my nipples. I can see Praedytus’s mouth and it’s nowhe
re near my tit. Then I feel another mouth on the other nipple. Both of them pull on me in harmony and I’m unable to stop my back lifting off the bed of moss as I go towards the source of my pleasure.

  Praedytus slowly and surely pushes his hard length deep inside of me until I can take him no more. He, however, has other ideas. He withdraws and as he does so I can feel a presence between my ass cheeks. At first I think he’s given up on my vagina but what fills my ass feels suspiciously like small magnetic pebbles.

  With them in place, he drives back into me until I squeak before withdrawing again. As he does so the pebbles also pop out one at a time.

  The next time he enters me, so do the pebbles, in perfect unison. This combined with my nipples both being sucked on is almost more than I can bear. But bear it I do, and even cope when some of the vines twirl around my ankles and then pull them up over my head, opening me even wider to Praedytus’s cock.

  This time when he enters me, he seems to keep going for ever and I can feel the orgasm gaining momentum, rushing out to my extremities in readiness to come crashing back to where our bodies join.

  But again he has other ideas and now my whole body is vibrating while he continues to propel himself into me over and over with those magic pebbles keeping pace. I’ve never been so thoroughly and wonderfully fucked in all my life.

  I’m thinking it can’t get any more amazing when a phantom tongue lands wetly on my clit before lapping and slurping away at it. If I didn’t know better I’d think it was Marlo, the Nyphrazi God of Iron.

  “Are you ready?” says Praedytus.

  I’m hoping he means what I think he means.

  “Hold on,” he says, starting to speed up.

  I dig my fingers into the moss next to me but lose my grip when he moves faster and faster still, until the vibrations in my body coalesce in that one spot where they explode in spectacular fashion.


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