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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 17

by Minky St Anne

  Even more astounding is the feeling of raw power that rushes through my body when Praedytus signals he’s also come by bellowing a string of unintelligible words. His hips jerk out of control, driving him deeper than I thought humanly possible.

  I’m still out of it when I recognize the sweet scent of the nectar that is Praedytus’s preferred condiment when he eats me out, but I’m not so comatose that I can’t spread my legs wide in readiness. This time he covers my whole body with the sticky liquid and when he starts running his tongue through my furrow, he isn’t alone. And I don’t mind being the all-you-can-eat buffet, one bit.

  When I wake I’m no longer on a bed of moss, I’m on a Sealy. Really.

  Well mostly, because my legs are hanging over the side of the bed meaning my sex is on show to the cabin. I’m back on The Metal Beast and I know from the drop in temperature that the boat’s no longer bobbing about on the enchanted lake. The one thing that hasn’t changed is that someone is still eating me, with enthusiasm.


  “Who else,” says Ben, his words muffled because he’s got a mouth full.

  Oh, boy, does he ever have a mouth full.

  “That must have been some dream you were having,” says Ben, when he comes up for air.


  “Because you were thrashing about like you were being right royally fucked and screaming for me to lick you harder, so I did,” he says, licking his lips. “You taste delicious, by the way.”

  “So, did you enjoy tonight’s session with that copper cow?”

  Ben’s reaction to my spite is visible because of the moonlight beaming through the hatch above our heads, but rather than reacting to my being the total jealous bitch, his face splits in a wide grin. But it soon falters.

  “Hang on, what session with Cuprum?”

  “When I woke before, you weren’t on board and The Beast was back in that fucking lake.”

  I can see he’s trying to remember, because it’s not unusual for him to have hazy memories of his sessions with Cuprum.

  “Nope. I’ve got nothing.”

  I take some relief that he isn’t pissed about not remembering either, but then I beat myself up for caring.

  Fuck buddies, remember!

  We putter into harbor later the next day but by the time we’ve tidied everything up and washed down the decks, it’s late.

  “Why don’t you stay the night,” says Ben, when I’m standing on the back deck with a proliferation of odd sized bags, ready to trek to the carpark.

  “I’ve got an early start in the morning.”

  This is true, but mainly I want to spend the night at home because I need some alone time. I’ve got a lot to think about. I know Ben’s seen through my flimsy excuse when his hand on my breast stills.

  “Another time, then,” he says, his tone painfully polite. “I’ll help you with your bags.”

  Before I have a chance to salvage the situation, he’s grabbed the two largest bags and is already marching along the floating walkway. There’s nothing for me to do but collect the remaining bags and hurry to catch up with him. He remains remote during our walk to the carpark and even while we’re shoving all the bags in the back of my truck.

  My emotions go from being anxious that I’ve upset him through to fuck it, I don’t need this shit. It’s something he picks up on.

  “I’ll see you at work, then,” he says, before planting a perfunctory kiss on my lips.

  “Guess so,” I say, my anger ramping up.

  I don’t get the chance to shoot myself in the foot, before he’s already on his way back to The Metal Beast, leaving me standing next to my truck.

  I’m on my second trip from my truck to the mud room, when my mom opens the door from the lounge.

  “I thought you were away for the whole week?”

  “Oh, ah, we had engine trouble,” I say, spouting the first thing that comes into my head. I really wish the assholes would send us back at the same time as they collect us. It’s doing my fucking head in.

  Once I’m safely in my room, I check the date on my mobile before texting Ben to let him know so we can keep up the pretense.

  On the plus side, I’ve still got five days’ vacation left. It really is the holiday that keeps on giving. It’s what I’m going to do with those extra days that’s got me stumped because until I sort out what I want from Ben, I’d rather avoid him.

  I’m none the wiser at breakfast the next morning when dad asks me this very question.

  “Don’t know really. I can’t afford to go anywhere too far.”

  “What about Ron’s place?” says my dad, through a mouth full of bagel.

  “Is it still standing?”

  I’d be surprised if it was because it had been fairly ‘rustic’ the last time I’d seen it and that had to be well over twenty years ago.

  “Believe so,” says my dad, “your uncle spent some time repairing it last summer.”

  “Give him a call and see if it’s free,” says my mom.

  I do, and it is. Luckily I still haven’t unpacked from being out on The Beast and so I’m on the road an hour later. My decision to simply text Ben when I’m on the edge of the coverage area is a conscious one, if rather gutless.

  It takes a couple of hours to get to the cabin and half an hour to find the key that definitely isn’t where uncle Ron said it’d be.

  One by one, I flip the bear trap boards with their vicious profusion of nails up against the railing on the front of the deck. It’d be safer to leave them down, but a pain in the ass to tip toe through them every time I want to use the outhouse. Likewise, I lift the heavy boards that cover the windows at the front of the cabin. I’m sure if there’s a bear cheering me on I’ll be able to get them in place soon enough.

  Even with these the cabin having been protected by these primitive bear traps in place, there are still a lot of scratches on the door and its surround and I’m glad dad had convinced me to bring one of his guns. It takes a bit of jiggling to get the rusty key to turn in the man-sized lock that secures the place, but once inside everything is in good order. It’s sure as hell looking a whole lot better than I remembered from my last visit here when I was a kid. Uncle Ron must have spent weeks sorting it out.

  After a lunch of sandwiches, I sit on the porch and chill, even if this doesn’t come naturally. Strange how sitting on my own is boring compared to sitting and chilling with Ben.

  Damn it, I wasn’t going to think about him today.

  My contemplation is broken by the sound of something very large moving through the brush, not that I can see anything. But neither am I willing to sit here until I can see if it’s a bear or a moose.

  Working frantically from the outside of the deck towards the door in the middle, I slam the bear trap boards back down and secure the shutters, before racing inside and slamming home all the bolts on the front door. After double checking everything is as secure as I can make it, I head up into the loft with the gun and a couple of boxes of shells. When I feel how crazy hot it still is up here, I’m glad I’d opened the windows earlier to air the place out.

  It’s through one of these small windows that I peer at the woods out front of the cabin, watching for any movement.

  I see it soon enough.

  It’s a brown bear, and a big mother, even if it is a male. Of more concern is that he’s looking at the cabin and sniffing the air, letting me know he’s already worked out what I had for lunch.

  He makes short work of the distance between the trees and the cabin and I lose sight of him when he lumbers up onto the deck. I have no trouble hearing his roar of pain when he comes across the first of the bear traps.

  He appears below me again soon enough, limps a short distance from the cabin, then turns around and sits down to stare up at me.

  I’m damned if this is how I’m going to spend the rest of my vacation. I put the barrel of the gun through the window, take aim and slam a bullet into the dirt right between his feet.r />
  He doesn’t wait for me to take another shot and is soon hightailing it into the trees.

  I yell, “And don’t come back, either,” through the window at him for good measure.

  Chapter Six

  Unfortunately the bastard doesn’t listen and next morning I have to fire another warning shot. By day three, he works out that I’m not going to actually shoot him and he gains in confidence, once again venturing onto the deck.

  I know I’m in trouble when I see one of the bear traps land nails-down in front of the cabin. He starts shredding the door not long after and I thank fuck I’m up in the loft with a gun and ammo. Not that I really want to shoot him and have to deal with seven hundred pounds of bear meat.

  The door doesn’t last long and on seeing the first claw poking through, I race to pull the ladder up into the loft, before picking the gun back up.

  While I might not want to shoot him, if it’s a toss-up between the two of us, then it’s bear steaks for dinner.

  Fuck, he’s massive and when he roars, the sound is deafening. Thankfully the bacon pan from breakfast is still on the stove and proves to be far more interesting than I am.

  By the time he’s ripped open every cupboard, box and bag downstairs, I’m realizing that the only food left in the cabin is the bear, or me. So, when I see a set of vicious claws curling over the edge of the loft platform, I put the gun to my shoulder and take aim on the spot I know his head is soon going to appear.

  I don’t have to wait long but I still take my time pulling the trigger, squeezing my finger slowly and freaking out when the trigger stops half way and then stays there.

  It doesn’t matter how many times I jam my finger against it, the trigger doesn’t budge.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  While I’ve been trying in vain to release the trigger, the bear has been clawing its way slowly up onto the platform, possibly using the kitchen table for leverage.

  He takes a large step backwards when I rearrange his teeth with the butt of the rifle using it like a baseball bat to do so. This gives me a small reprieve but I know it won’t be long before he tries to get to me again.

  And he does, but this time when I swing the butt of the rifle at his head, he swipes at it with one of his giant paws and sweeps it clean out of my sweaty grip.

  Where the fuck are the Gods of Nyphrazi when I need them? I could really do with being zapped out of here.

  It’s not long before the bear is in the loft with me making the space feel smaller than ever. I scout around, frantically looking for missiles, but short of throwing foam mattresses at him, I’m out of luck.

  On feeling the glass of the window against my back, I know I’ve run out of room to retreat any further. Fuck it all, isn’t this when he’s supposed to shape shift into some hot guy and screw my brains out?

  As though knowing he’s won, the bear roars, his mouth wide, saliva dribbling out both sides to gloop onto the floor.

  I can’t believe it’s come to this. I’ve few regrets but one is never seeing Vyran again. With that random thought, I decide to try one last time. Hell, it’s not like I’ve got anything to lose.

  “Vyran, come to me!”

  I don’t know who’s more surprised when he flashes into existence in front of me. The bear or Vyran himself.

  Luckily he grasps the situation quickly, slams his hand down on the head of the surprised bear and then the two of them blink out of sight a second later. Not that Vyran is gone for long.

  “Where did you take it?” I say, as I peel myself away from the window. It’s when I take a step towards him that my legs give out. I hope I’m never that scared again.

  Fortunate for me, Vyran can move quickly when he wants to and he catches me before I collapse completely. On feeling his arms tight around me, I give into the tears that had been threatening ever since the bear disarmed me.

  He lowers me gently onto the nearest mattress before lying down next to me and once again taking me in his arms so he can stroke my back in soothing circles.

  It’s only when I’ve cried myself out that I’m able to speak.

  “I’ve never been so glad to see anyone in all my life.”

  “That must be why,” says Vyran, looking as though he’s had a lightbulb moment.

  “Why, what?”

  “Because my father had forbidden it, you should not have been able to summon me.”

  “Guess I needed you more than he did,” I say, plastering myself to his chest and feeling very over-dressed all of a sudden.

  “Do you really need me, Jasmine?” says Vyran, his lips claiming mine for the first time ever.

  He’d had them everywhere else on my body, but never my mouth. Come to think of it, none of the gods had ever kissed me and so it’s wildly erotic compared to my earlier dealings and soon sets me alight. Whether it’s because of the shape of his tongue or the enzymes on it, I don’t know, but my vagina is soon quivering and wet with need.

  “How long do we have?” I say, already pulling my t-shirt over my head.

  “Not long,” says Vyran, helping me with the rest of my clothes.

  I want to go all wham bam on him, but he has other ideas.

  “Relax it will take my father some time to deal with the bear.”

  My mouth sags open at this revelation, but I snap it shut, before saying “Was that a good idea?”

  Vyran laughs, “It’s only a little bear. He’ll cope.”

  All the while we’ve been talking; he’s been reaching around to collect pillows from the nearby mattresses. Several of these he puts under my hips, resulting in my mons being perfectly angled for his questing mouth. And, oh, his mouth is so hot that I feel like I’m being scorched to the core.

  I’m trembling before he peels me wide so he can plunge that wickedly sharp tongue of his deep inside me. As always I can feel him everywhere but this time it’s even more wonderful and I have no idea why.

  “I want to feel your cock inside me,” I gasp out while he continues to tongue fuck me. It’s good, but I want more.

  After withdrawing, he slides up and over my body with his chest and stomach doing an awesome job of rubbing my clit. Then I feel the crisscross of the lacing on the underside of his fettyr and reason departs.

  The leather thong that secures it around his waist is soon snapped although it’s not until I see the shock on his face that I realize it’s me who’s snapped it like it was a piece of sewing thread.

  “Tell me, have you seen my father recently?”

  “Yes.” I don’t bother with anything else before attempting to divert Vyran’s attention by pulling his head down so I can kiss him again. But he’s having none of it.

  “This is important, Jasmine. Did you complete?”

  “Complete?” I say, being deliberately dense.

  Hell, discussing fucking someone’s dad with them is not my idea of foreplay.

  “Jasmine, I need to know.”

  “Fine. We fucked. We came,” I say, as quickly as I can, frantic to get that gorgeous length of his buried deep inside me.

  “He achieved Nysa?”

  I don’t know whether to be worried or not at the anger that floods his features, but I nod anyway.


  I explain about the bed of moss in the woods.

  “What color were the flowers, Jasmine?”

  I close my eyes to visualize them, before finally deciding on, “Blue.”


  “Because if he’d completed with you on the Altar of Nyph, or if the flowers in the glade had been white, you would have become one of us.”

  “What? That’s possible?”

  “Definitely,” says Vyran, although his concentration is once again centered on my body.

  I’d grill him further but the presence of his leather-clad cock at the entrance to my vagina distracts me. He enters me slowly with a sigh of pleasure, although how he feels anything through that fettyr is beyond me. Most guys whine about standard r

  After that I surrender to the sensations overwhelming my body and every time Vyran sheaths himself I feel so whole that it’s nearly overwhelming.

  I’m close to losing it when Vyran’s lips once again claim mine. The instant the enzymes on this tongue hit my system, everything gets more intense. My breasts swell, with my nipples almost painful in their hardness. My clit extends until it’s being mashed every time Vyran rams himself home. My insides are pulsing and my G-spot feels like it’s doubled in size.

  The orgasm is blinding, with not one bit of my body left out of the experience. Waves of power slam through my body before streaming out the top of my head and making my hair feel like it’s standing on end.

  I know by Vyran’s roars that he’s also achieved Nysa, but I’m still too much in the throes of passion to care much about the consequences.

  It’s on seeing Praedytus over Vyran’s shoulder that I start to worry. The God of All Desire is angrier than I’ve ever seen him.

  “Ah, Vyran, we have company.”

  “I know. I was hoping he’d go away,” says Vyran, this comment merely adding to Praedytus’s wrath.

  “I banned this,” says Praedytus.

  “Jasmine needed me.”

  “I was about to be killed by a bear,” I say, hoping to appeal to his reason.

  Rather than soothing him, this has Praedytus going ballistic.

  “You mean this bear?” he says, turning to show me his back.

  “Holy shit. Are you okay?” I say, trying to worm my way out from under Vyran, made difficult by him still being buried deep inside me.

  “He’ll heal,” says Vyran, in an amused tone, before withdrawing.

  I think he’s going to pull free but then he slowly drives himself back in again to the hilt and I’m unable to stop my hips from rising to take him even deeper.

  Obviously not keen on this development, Praedytus says, “Vyran, come to me.”

  A second later, I’m on my own on the mattress with Vyran now standing next to his father.


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