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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 25

by Minky St Anne

  “Wow,” says Ben, squinting in the strong sunshine that is now pouring through the hatch above our heads. “How long do we have?”

  I don’t answer him immediately because my attention is caught by his now white blonde hair. This more than anything lets me know that the Goddess of Copper’s hold over him has been shattered by her being dispatched to the Fields of Obadyn without hope of return. He’s now less British royalty and more surfer dude and I couldn’t be happier. Sensing he’s getting impatient for my reply, I absently say “How long do you want?”

  “A week’d be nice with what I’ve got planned for you.”

  And just like that my attention is firmly back on his body and off his new hair color. He pulls me closer, further reminding me why I’m here before running his hands over my breasts and down my torso and it’s not long before he’s sliding a couple of his fingers deep inside me and smiling like a kid at Christmas. That he then uses my own juices to slick my pearl into a tight little bundle has me so aroused that I’m thinking a week won’t be enough.

  Also playing on my mind is that this is the second time I’ve visited Ben against Praedytus’s instruction not to do so. I’m hoping it won’t make any difference, but if the ceremony does goes haywire, then there isn’t much time left, if at all, and this has me wriggling out of Ben’s arms and straddling him. I want to make the most of it.

  I look down at him while deliberately sliding myself backwards and forwards over his cock, enjoying his look of pleasure and the power I feel at having him under my control. Not that I’m in control for long, when he lifts his hands to my breasts, kneading and tweaking them until they’re positively purring with sensation.

  I scoot further up his body before taking my weight on my knees. He lines himself up and as soon as I feel him nudging inside of me, I sink and grind to take as much of him in as possible.

  He fits me perfectly and I lift and drop a few times, loving the feel of his smooth skin slipping and sliding against my insides. But there’s something about it that’s bugging me. I can’t work out what until a visual of Seolfer lying prone on that bed flickers to life for me.

  “This isn’t working. Much as I want to fuck you, I want you to fuck me more.”

  It takes him a moment to understand what I want, but once he does, he wastes no time complying.

  “Is this better,” he says, driving himself into me in small jerks that do funny things to me. I moan my response.

  He takes my feet and puts them up over his shoulders. “What about this?”

  “Oh, god, yes. This I like,” I gasp out between his thrusts that are now deep enough to be nudging at my womb.

  “You know what I like even more than this?” muses Ben.

  Unable to speak, I shake my head although my gaze is locked with his the entire time.

  “I like closing my lips over that perfect clit of yours and licking and sucking on it until you scream my name.”

  That he’s managed to say this while looking deep into my soul and continuing to fuck my brains out is a turn-on beyond belief and it’s also enough to have my body tightening in readiness for release.

  “Hold on, not yet,” says Ben, letting me know I must have a ‘tell’ that lets him know I’m on the brink of climax.

  He drops my feet from off his shoulders and then wraps them around behind his back. Leaning back he pulls me up until I’m once again straddling him, but this is different, he’s not prone and when he tugs our bodies close together, he’s able to drop his head and close his mouth over a nipple.

  He sucks on it hard enough that it hurts, but he then runs his tongue over it, taking away the sting. Pulling back slightly, he blows on it and my nipple puckers obediently.

  Content, he moves onto the other breast and repeats the process until I’m arching my back to help him get better access.

  “Lean back on your hands,” he says, reinforcing the request with a twitch of his hips.

  I do so, letting my head drop back as the sensations he’s evoking with his short thrusts, pulse through me.

  “Don’t you want to watch me fuck you?” he says, his voice thick with passion.

  He’s right, I do. I lift my head slowly with my neck more noodle than not and look down in time to see his cock swallowed up by my body. Knowing he’s got my attention, one of his hands drops to where our bodies join at the same time as he withdraws.

  His beautiful cock is slick with my juices and he uses these to wet his fingers. This time when he pushes himself deep inside me, he massages my clit into a froth. The sensation is doubly wonderful for me because as well as feeling it, I can see it happening.

  He flicks my clit quick and hard and a second later my body catches up and I’m flooded with sensation.

  “Again?” he says, urging me to be an accomplice.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  I’m thinking he means the flick, but he goes through the whole sequence again with me on a knife edge waiting for that final rap to my pearl.


  I nod my response unable to take my eyes off his fingers.

  This time rather than repeat the whole sequence, starting with my breasts, he flicks my clit three times, one after the other. Each time he strikes it, my neurons go off in a series of small explosions.

  “Time to take things up a notch,” says Ben, leaning forward until he’s hard up against my breasts.

  He reaches behind me and I can hear him rummaging around on the ledge that sits above the bed.

  “Ah, here we are. I think you’ll like this.”

  Chapter Four

  It takes me a moment to focus properly on the small clip in Ben’s hand. The sunlight bouncing off the deep blue stone that is at the heart of it is spectacular; as is the sensation when he slides the beautifully jeweled clit clip into place, leaving my pearl proudly on display and open to him.

  “It’s beautiful.” That my voice catches doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “Come here you,” he says, dragging me into his arms to soothe me.

  That this drives him back inside me and has his pubes tickling my now exposed clit soon rids me of maudlin thoughts.

  Sliding his lips over mine, Ben slips his tongue inside my mouth with the movement of this replicating that of his cock, filling me, with the completion of each drive nudging my clit and mashing my breasts against his chest. I’ve never felt this cherished, ever.

  Focusing on my feelings for Ben as I am, the climax takes me by surprise; washing over me and consuming me in a wave of energy that’s extreme enough to have my scalp prickling and my body feeling like it’s a mix of electricity and pure raw power. For the first time in my life I’m fully involved so that not only am I flooded with the physical sensations, I’m also flooded with love of the growing-old-together kind.

  It’s wonderful.

  But it’s too much for me and I burst into noisy tears while wrapping my arms around Ben and squeezing him hard enough that he groans.

  “Sorry, sorry.” I release my grip a little but still manage to keep us nice and close.

  Ben’s having none of it though and he unhooks my arms and holds onto my hands so he can put enough space between us that he can look me in the eye. “You want to tell me what’s going on?”

  I don’t, but neither do I want to keep dealing with this on my own. Sure I’ve talked to some of the gods about it, but they’re strangely lacking in empathy, deeming my human emotions to be more of a weakness than anything else.

  “It’s the ceremony. I, ah, I haven’t told you everything.”

  “This looks like it’ll take a while,” says Ben, relaxing down onto his side and taking me with him.

  Once we’re comfortable, I start, but don’t get far, with the words jamming tight in my throat. Ben rubs his hand around on my back in circles but all this does is release more tears.

  “Perhaps if you bullet point it?”

  I think about this and decide it may be the only way I’ll get the words out.

  “Without the ceremony, I’ll die.”

  “What? Are you fucking joking?”

  Even with my face mushed against his chest, I can tell I’ve shocked him. Maybe I should have left that bullet point until last?

  “Unless all the gods achieve Nysa, I become one of the fallen.”

  Ben pulls back and stares at me. “The what?”

  I don’t bother answering him because if I don’t keep going, I’m never going to finish.

  “If anything goes wrong during the ceremony, I become one of the fallen, or die, or both. I’m not really sure.”

  I can hear his teeth grinding now and know it’s only a matter of time before he explodes.

  “I already think I’m beyond demi-god status though and I don’t know if that will affect the ceremony, or not.”

  Rather than explode, Ben stills before dragging me into a crushing embrace. “I can’t let you go that easily,” he says, before his lips close over the pulse in my throat.

  “You don’t have a choice,” I say, before a hiccup of tears stops me from saying anything else.

  The rest of the week is bitter-sweet as we savor every second. The love making, it’s too sweet to simply be called sex, is spectacular with my responses increasing in intensity as the days pass. Ben, however, is starting to look haggard to the point I suggest we stop, but he’ll have none of it. It’s as though he’s imprinting me on his soul in case things don’t go according to plan.

  He’s definitely firmly in my heart now to a degree I’ve not felt before with anyone, including Vyran.

  I know by Ben’s breathing that he’s deep asleep. I’ve been fighting it myself. I kiss him lightly on the lips before thinking of the berth at the harbor in Sitka. I time our arrival to be a fraction of a second after our departure so that not even the busy body on the boat next door will notice anything out of the ordinary.

  The pre-dawn light, drop in temperature and the sounds of boats clinking around us let me that I’ve been successful and I reluctantly extricate myself from Ben’s arms and get up. I carefully drag a blanket over him to protect him from the cold and look down at him for a few minutes, enjoying the simple pleasure of watching him sleep.

  God, I hope the ceremony works.

  Before I can give it any more thought, I envisage Seolfer’s room in the Temple of the Fallen and am there a second later. Rather than be standing as I had been when I’d left The Metal Beast, I’m lying on the bed next to him and even though he can’t move, I’m upright before my legs are ready to support me and I stumble, landing hard on my knees. The pain cuts through any residual grogginess and I get slowly to my feet before going outside to join Obis.

  With my eyes watering from the brightness of the sun and my heart breaking at thoughts of perhaps never seeing Ben again, I join her and the large group of women she’s addressing. There are all shapes and sizes, ages and races, with the one common thread being that they’re all dressed in rags, their hands chapped, their nails broken, showing them to be of peasant stock, or whatever that equivalent is in this world.

  “Yes, yes, you may all enjoy the pleasures of the newest fallen,” says Obis, her announcement being greeted by cheers from the women.

  “And we can breed from him?” says one particularly haggard old lady who I would think is well past her child-bearing days.

  “No,” says Obis, at the same time as I yell this out myself causing the group of women to turn as one and look at me.

  “Bad blood,” I manage to stammer out. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy him.”

  “My daughter is right,” says Obis, causing me to have a brain fart over her calling me her daughter and the women to crow with delight. One thing’s for damned sure, Seolfer is about to have his silverware polished in a big way. No less than the jerk deserves either.

  “Come, we must get to the Plateau of Gneiss,” says Obis, after walking through the labor force. She then takes my hand and a moment later, we’re there. Although where the hell ‘there’ is, I wouldn’t have a clue. Certainly it’s no longer daytime, with the drop in light leaving my eyes feeling like they’ve been bathed in cool water.

  The plateau is huge and glowing in the bright moonlight; making it reasonably easy to see. The moon is also huge, as though we’re a lot closer to its surface than is possible from anywhere on earth. Shuffling in place, I revel in the smoothness of the plateau’s surface and it’s only on looking at it closer that I realize it’s clad in what looks to be one giant slab of marble with no joins that I can see. It’s also warm enough that it must have the Nyphrazi equivalent of underfloor heating installed and I wiggle my toes in delight.

  “Don’t tell me there’s a God of Stone I’ve yet to meet,” I say, as an aside to Obis.

  “Rock,” she replies, quietly.

  It takes but a moment for me to process the missing god’s title but then it’s all I can do not to double over in nervous laughter. I wonder if he’s got moves like Jagger? I think how much Ben would enjoy the joke and that has the tears welling up in my eyes.

  Obis squeezes my hand hard enough to crunch a couple of my knuckles

  “You need to concentrate,” she says, and for once her tone isn’t kind and I know without looking at her that her eyes will be doing that creepy flame thing again. It works though; cutting through what I suspect would have been the start of a major meltdown. Something new to me.

  I do as she instructs and start off by taking in my surroundings in more detail. The plateau must be incredibly high because its edges are shrouded in clouds, obscuring any views.

  It’s not only the view that’s missing, there doesn’t appear to be an altar either. Instead, in the centre of the space, there’s a large, slightly concave metal dish that has to be at least fifteen foot across. Standing around this and facing outwards are Marlo, Aurum, Ciprus, Axel, Vyran and Praedytus. Conspicuous by his absence is Seolfer and this might explain why Praedytus is standing with his sons.

  “Come,” says Obis, “Let us complete the first round.”

  She takes my hand and leads me over to the circle of gods. Once there, she doesn’t slow down until we’re passing the gods in a counter clockwise motion. Looking at each of them in turn, I can see all of the gods are wearing fettyrs that look to be made of silver although each still carries that god’s own unique design.

  Perhaps most interesting is when Praedytus comes into view because this is the first time I’ve seen him wearing a fettyr. Ever! It’s when we’re right in front of him that Obis’s steps falter and I’m happy to stop, too, because it gives me a chance to check out the pattern on his metal cock covering. That’s a heap of fancy scroll work, right there. It’s not dissimilar to the vines and leaves that crowd Vyran’s leather condom but in Praedytus’s case, the pattern is much thicker. Holy hell, if looking at it has me feeling wet, what’s going to be like when he’s driving it into me?

  “You!” says Obis, starring hard at The God of all Desire and snapping me out of my carnal thoughts.

  His reaction lets me know they’ve got history, although what that is, well that’s anyone’s guess. Certainly Praedytus has lost his usual high color, although his fettyred cock is positively bouncing in its eagerness to get near the goddess next to me.

  “Seolfer?” says Praedytus to her.

  She answers with the merest of nods and he grimaces in response.

  “We are ready to start,” says Obis, after this exchange.

  “We are?”

  I’m not sure I’m as ready as Obis seems to think. Thoughts of that many silver fettyrs being near my girly bits has them scrambling for cover.

  Obis takes my hand and we once again start circling the gods and the huge dish they’re guarding although we’re now walking in the other direction.

  “So much silver.”

  “It’s not silver it is electrum and more precious than gold.”

  That she says this right when we’re in front of Aurum isn’t the best timing and I’m unable to stop a
snort of laughter at the God of Gold’s sharp intake of breath and the dirty look he throws in the goddess’s direction.

  This, in turn, earns me my own filthy look from Obis. Cue flame eyes.

  “Sorry, stage fright.” Despite all the training and my having become somewhat immune to the weirdo ways of the Nyphrazi, I’m entering the unknown here and if it the ceremony fails, well that doesn’t bear thinking about and I pinch my thigh hard to send my thoughts off in another direction.

  Obis and I continue circling the gods, trudging away on the marble until my bare feet hurt. There’s no way I’m gonna complain though because she’d more than likely bitch slap me or incinerate me or something. Each time I pass Axel or Ciprus, I’m caressed by their gaze with their eyes full of longing. I receive this plus and more in the case of Marlo and Vyran but don’t allow myself to think too much on what it means. Praedytus seems torn between looking at me and Obis, with his eyes flickering backwards and forwards between the pair of us.

  The only god who doesn’t look upon me with pleasure is Aurum. Guess he’s still pissed that his skin got all fucked up when Ben and I removed that gold C-string bikini bottom the bastard had inflicted me with.

  Eventually, I look away when we pass him and instead concentrate on the licentious looks I’m getting from the other five. Even though I know I’m not supposed to achieve Nysa until I complete with the final god, whom I’m thinking will be Praedytus, I’d much rather be aroused to help me make the best out of the situation I’m facing.

  One thing I’m not sure about is what all the fucking walking is supposed to be doing because from what I can see, it’s doing fuck all. I don’t feel different and my temper is escalating at the futility of it all. That is until I notice droplets of what look to be liquid metal forming on the edge of the dish. They keep developing until the edge is completely ringed in them.

  Obis and I are between Praedytus and Vyran when one of these droplets breaks away from the lip. Rather than fall to the marble below as I’m expecting, it floats up into the air. This keeps happening until there’s a halo of spheres hovering at head height over the edge of the dish.


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