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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 26

by Minky St Anne

  I mutter an oath when one of these balls floats in my direction, to then follow along in my wake. I keep looking back at it until I trip over my own feet and Obis once again has to hiss at me to concentrate.

  The sphere pops against my back, wetting my skin and I’m instantly flooded me with a feeling of well-being and a small burst of strength. No sooner has this first bubble burst than I’m surrounded, with them popping against my skin one after the other until apart from my face and the back of my neck under my hair, there isn’t an inch of me they haven’t touched.

  I feel amazing inside and while my skin looks as it did before, it sure as hell doesn’t feel that way. Not that I could explain the difference if I was asked. The feeling is too tenuous.

  “It is time,” says Obis, finally putting a stop to our long march.

  “What now?” I say, only knowing in general terms what is supposed to happen.

  “Now you enter the sacred Circle of Obadyn,” says Praedytus, holding his hand out to me.

  I’m about to take it when the name of the disc cuts through the clutter in my head. “Obadyn? As in the Fields of Obadyn? Oblivion? That Obadyn?”

  “Yes,” says Obis, inside my head, before Praedytus can respond. It’s the first time she’s communicated with me this way since she arose from her fallen state. I hadn’t even realized it was possible. “You may relax. Not everything to do with my father is bad.”

  While this covert communication has been taking place, Praedytus has taken hold of my hand and once again I’m eaten up by an all-consuming lust. I try thinking of my skin as a barrier, but it’s no good, I’m simply not strong enough to resist the God of all Desires. Mind you as soon as I give in to the sensations, I no longer care; with the warm breeze blowing over the surface of the plateau being enough to have all my nerve endings clamoring for attention. The wind gently stroking my skin is incredible, but it’s not enough.

  On entering the disc, I immediately leave the ground, floating on the breeze like a leaf. I eventually level out above the surface where I bob up and down a couple of feet in the air. Now this I was not expecting.

  The warm zephyr gently spins me first in one direction and then the other, skimming over my sensitive skin like feathered kisses, arousing me to the point rational thought is on the way out.

  All I want to do is roll around to increase the sensations, reveling in them until I achieve Nysa, but it doesn’t take long to see that much as I want to move, my body is no longer under my control. I’m at the mercy of the breeze that skims first over my pelvic mound and then up and over my breasts. I arch my neck and a moan of enjoyment escapes my now wide open lips letting me know that at least my face and most of my neck muscles are still working fine.

  I momentarily come out of my sexual haze when Praedytus claps his hands to signal a start to proceedings and I see Aurum turn towards me and then step over the edge of the dish. Rather than float like I am, he manages to keep both feet firmly planted on the hard metal surface. He’s not even taken a single step towards me when I become aware that a strange hush has enveloped us, cutting us off from the others.

  Unlike the filthy looks he’d been giving me earlier, he smiles seductively while unhooking the chain that holds the electrum fettyr tight against his abdomen and my girly bits squirm in anticipation. Just like his gold fettyr, this one too is unadorned apart from a luster only achieved through lots and lots of polishing. Sad as this is, my body still responds with my aura trying its best to move in his direction, but it stops in its tracks when he speaks.

  “I’m going to fuck you until I achieve Nysa, even if it kills you.”

  Chapter Five

  This lethal promise cuts through the carnal hypnosis that had been in danger of overwhelming me again and if I could move, I’d been taking this bastard out in a big way.

  I wait for the gods who are standing right next to the disc to react, but it’s as though Aurum hasn’t spoken.

  Obis, who is the only one facing towards me, appears rigid with fury but when I look to her for help, she shakes her head negligibly and I almost miss it. It’s only when she frowns that her words pop up in my head. “Patience my daughter. You will not come to harm while I am here,” she says, letting me know that while the gods can’t hear what’s going on inside the sound-proof bubble, she knows what’s happening because of our connection

  Aware that I’m looking off to the side, Aurum’s gaze follows mine. “Don’t look to that old crone for help, we’re on our own for now.” He slides his hands up my calves before holding my legs and positioning them to his liking and wide enough that I feel the persistent breeze airing my very core.

  Pushing both his thumbs deep into my slit, he smears me open, riding my clit hard in the process. It might be because of the residual horniness bestowed on me by Praedytus or the effects of the breeze and all that electrum, but this immediately stops me thinking about the death threat I’ve just received. All I want now is to feel his slick length plunging deep inside me.

  He doesn’t worry about foreplay, and to be honest I really don’t need it. He angles my whole body and plunges me down onto his fettyred cock, until I can go no further. He then lifts me up and down, filling me over and over and while I’m enjoying it, I’ve had better. It must be something that shows on my face because he doesn’t look to be having a good time either. His frustration builds as the minutes pass.

  “Use your muscles,” I hear Obis say urgently inside my head.

  “Will they work with the fettyrs?”

  “Will what work?” says Aurum, making me realize I’ve spoken aloud.

  “Yes. Your muscles are strong and the metal is thin.”

  Right, let’s get Aurum off and out of my life. I grip my Kegel muscles lightly and am rewarded by his eyes dilating. Huh, Obis is right. I squeeze my muscles a little tighter.

  “Not so hard,” says Aurum, his eyes now wide with fear.

  “As tempting as it would be to teach him a lesson, to do thus will not help the ritual,” says Obis, stopping me from panel beating Aurum into submission.

  I’m momentarily stumped as to how to proceed, but then I remember Aurum’s narcissistic tendencies.

  “Oh, Aurum. You are the best out of all the gods,” I say, hoping I don’t sound like something out of a B-grade porno although the setting is about as porno as you can get.

  He preens himself under my false flattery, letting me know I’m on the money, shot. I don’t bother using my muscles again, and instead simply stroke his ego until he achieves Nysa.

  Even though I’m nowhere near climaxing myself, the raw energy that races through me a second after Aurum’s release, fills me with enough power and light that I must look as if I’ve done so, too. I certainly feel like I’ve gotten as much out of it as the God of Gold. Maybe even more? It’s only when the roaring in my ears dies down that I’m able to hear the other gods again.

  Aurum pulls free of me, leaving me like an inflatable love goddess with my girly bits still spread wide, but I’m not the only thing that’s exposed. Aurum’s cock is now missing the electrum fettyr and doesn’t he look smug about it.

  I’m wondering how I can get even with him for threatening to kill me when I remember that after the ceremony is over I’ll be human, or one of the fallen. Either way, revenge will be impossible. Looks like there’ll be a few things I’m gonna miss when I’m back to being a puny human.

  Axel enters the Circle of Obadyn next and the moment the white noise settles over us, he speaks.

  “Let’s continue where we left off, shall we?” He runs his hands up the insides of my thighs, reducing me to an over-sexed and quivering wreck in seconds, although that sense of power still swirls deep inside me.

  Left off? Where the hell did we leave off? It takes a moment before I remember my last time with him.

  “Yes, lets,” I say, hoping my pause hasn’t been too long.

  Luckily for me, Axel has been busy looking at my core and hasn’t noticed. He pulls forwar
d on my thighs, bringing me hard up against his electrum fettyr.

  My bits buzz in recognition at the raised pattern that he’d used with those little magnetic pebbles although now the bumps are fashioned out of electrum. He tilts my pelvis slightly, twists his hips and bam, my G spot receives the most satisfying juddering.

  “More of that please,” I say, causing him to smile in response.

  Once again he complies and if I could move, I’d be banging hips with him.

  “Use your muscles,” says Obis, again.

  Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting that not all of me is paralyzed. I flex them as gently as I can and not only does this double my pleasure, but Axel looks like he’s enjoying it, too. I play around with different rhythms until I settle on something that’s mind-blowing when combined with Axel moving me backwards and forwards.

  I’m settling in to work on a climax when Obis interrupts my pleasure. I know she means well, but damn it all, it’s getting fucking annoying. Literally.

  “If you’re having trouble delaying your pleasure, think of Seolfer,” says the goddess, killing my climax in its tracks. “Remember, you court great danger if you achieve Nysa before all of them have done so.”

  OMG, she’s right. There’s a big old chunk of me still in denial over the fatal, or worse, fallen nature of my current state. It isn’t something I can keep on doing.

  I get back to rippling my muscles, urging Axel over the finishing line and again, although I don’t climax, the sensations that swamp my system right after he’s achieved Nysa leave me feeling stronger than ever. The sounds of the others come through loud and clear not long after.

  “You did not achieve Nysa,” says Axel, quietly so that the others don’t hear him. This lets me know that, unlike Aurum, he hasn’t noticed the power and light that flooded my system not long after he’d achieved his release. Maybe I’m dealing with it better now?

  Rather than show up his performance, I whisper back, “Ah, Praedytus said it would be safer if I didn’t.” I’m not sure of the consequences of lying through my teeth in the Circle of Obadyn and I hold my breath, waiting to be struck by lightning, or the Obadyn equivalent, but nope, I’m good.

  Axel, now minus the electrum fettyr, returns to his place on the outside of the dish, although he’s now facing in towards me. I can only assume Aurum is facing inwards too. It’s hard to tell though, because he’s somewhere behind me and I don’t have that much movement in my neck.

  Ciprus is next and as much fun as I remember, but by using my muscles I manage to have him achieve Nysa so quickly that he looks crestfallen and a little embarrassed. Although when I’m engulfed by the wave of energy I groan loudly, no doubt letting him think I’ve achieved my release, too, and this seems to take the sting out of what he obviously thinks is a poor performance.

  I’m still processing the increased power that is hammering around in my system when Marlo steps into the dish.

  “Halfway princess. Shall we give the audience a real show?”

  “Wait. What? I didn’t think you could see in here.”

  “We cannot hear anything, but when we face the Circle we can most definitely see.”

  Marlo puts his hands around my waist and flips me over so I’m floating on my stomach before he slips between my legs.

  First off, I see the gods who are looking back at me but then I notice movement behind them. “Where the hell did all those people come from?”

  “The People of the Mist are from below the clouds,” says Marlo, his hands moving from my waist and up to cover my breasts. He tugs gently on my nipples, extending them and then flicking his fingertips backwards and forwards.

  He keeps this up while moving me around until he nudges the tip of his fettyr inside my vagina. I feel every heavily riveted inch of him as he slowly slides home. There’s also a visual element to the sensation when I see the crowd stand and cheer, waving their hands in jubilation. Even though I can’t hear them, I can see they’re pleased about my being nailed by Marlo.

  The same definitely can’t be said of the three gods who’ve gone before.

  Ciprus leans forward checking out how close Marlo is to Nysa and I get the feeling that the sooner this happens, the better; anything to take the focus away from the God of Copper’s own embarrassingly short display.

  Aurum looks to be really pissed. What? Did he think I was going to turn away from the others after his amazing feats? Hah! Get real. Time to have a bit of fun at the asshole’s expense. The perfect opportunity comes along when Marlo pushes me off his cock before pulling me back snug against his balls and I exaggerate my pleasure purely for the God of Gold’s sake. I can’t hear what he’s saying but I’ll bet it’s not very complimentary.

  Axel has his attention focused on my face, presumably looking for my reactions to his brother fucking me. He lifts an eyebrow in question before slowly licking his lips in a way that leaves me in no doubt as to what he’d rather be slurping away at and I find the movement of his tongue mesmerizing. Marlo must be able to see this sideshow too, because he leans over my back and whispers in my ear. “I would run my tongue through your slit until you begged for mercy, but it is forbidden in the Circle of Obadyn.” Not that this rule stops him from running his tongue up the back of my neck and coating it in those magic enzymes of his. This has a wave of desire sluicing through my system with a whirr of pleasure beginning to mature deep inside me.

  “You must not!” says Obis, urgently inside my head, killing the pleasure for me. Still, she has reminded yet again me of the purpose of the ceremony.

  “Do you enjoy that?” says Marlo, twisting my body around and around on his cock with the rivets on his fettyr tweaking me as he does so. I’d nod in response but my neck muscles are now as hard as his cock as I battle the climax that’s fighting for supremacy. Despite my willing it away, it gains in momentum, but again Obis warns against giving in to the sensations.

  Marlo pulls free, spins me around and then plunges me down hard on his length and it’s all I can do to keep myself from tipping over the edge when I see the look of bliss that fills his face as his hips jerk out of control.

  Eventually I have to think of Aurum and Seolfer doing me together to blunt my senses and I’ve only just gotten it under control when a wave of power smashes into my solar plexus, leaving me panting to catch my breath.

  “Thank you, Jasmine,” says Marlo, holding me tight before disengaging himself. It’s with a look of regret that he leaves me floating and exits the dish to regain his place. On turning towards me I can see he’s back to his full unfettyred glory again as well as being part of an ever-growing audience.

  Vyran is next, announced by him turning and stepping inside the dish. A second after both his feet touch the surface the sounds around us mute, giving us a sense of privacy, even if his brothers look on with interest.

  I’d forgotten how gorgeous Vyran is, with his beauty taking my breath away. Not that my feelings towards him are as they once were. While I might have been confused as to whom I preferred between Ben and Vyran, now there is no doubt in my mind, at all. Not that sex with him now is going to feel like I’m fucking my brother or anything. Far from it.

  “Are you all right?” he says, running his hands over my body checking for injuries, but still having my skin singing in the process. “You must be tired.”

  Before I can disabuse him of this notion, I hear Obis inside my head, “Do not let him know you have been holding back. It is better the gods are not reminded of their ignorance at such a time.”

  Vyran takes my lack of response as a sign of exhaustion and so rather than lying to him openly; I do so by omission hoping he won’t feel from my responses that I actually feel energized rather than enervated.

  He keeps running his hands over my body, kneading and teasing until there isn’t an inch of me that isn’t both relaxed and aroused in equal measure. My body feels like liquid, and boiling hot liquid at that. I’d forgotten how well this god knows me.

  My pearl is th
e last piece of me to receive his undivided attention and oh boy does she like it. He takes his time, licking his fingers, with the attention he gives each digit having my senses stretching tight in anticipation.

  By the time he slides his fingers over the hood and teases my nubbin out to play, I’m screaming inside. He flicks my clit and a climax smashes through me, overwhelming me even as I hear Obis screaming “NO!” inside my head. I swear if the moonlight wasn’t as bright as it is, you’d still be able to read by the light my clit is now putting out. Certainly the shock on Vyran’s face is easy to see because of it.

  The continued cries of anguish from Obis only reinforce the feeling that I’ve fucked up, badly.

  “What?” I say, as much to Obis as Vyran. I don’t give a fuck who answers me, so long as someone does. I am over always being the last to know stuff.

  “I’ve heard about it, but never seen it,” says Vyran, not answering my question.

  “This should not be possible,” says Obis, also not answering my damned question.

  “What?” I say, again, hoping to get something more concrete in response.

  “You need to adapt the ceremony,” says Obis, at the same time as Vyran says, “I need to achieve Nysa, and soon if all is to be well.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Fuck me!”

  He wastes no time, sliding deep inside me and holding me tight and then pumping himself into me with short, fast thrusts. I look around to see the reactions of his four brothers and realize a couple of things at once. They’re as shocked as Obis and Vyran on the whole glowing pearl front and, hey, I can move my head more than I could before. This in turn reminds me that I do have other muscles I can also move.

  I feather my vagina walls and am rewarded by Vyran groaning in pleasure. I increase the speed and intensity and am rewarded by him roaring his release as he achieves Nysa in double quick time.


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