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Page 10

by H. D. March

  “She’s pining away for you,” she cried and wished he’d let her go, her arm tingled with a growing numbness.

  “Stop lying to me.” Suddenly, he released her and she fell back, hitting the floor.

  Her ass stung at the snap on hard tiles.

  Shit, this match making wasn’t easy. “I’m not, I live with her, and every night, I hear her crying. She’s crying for you. LeBron, please go to her?”

  A shock of confusion rolled over his face. He hesitated. “You don’t know what I am.”

  “I don’t care, and neither does Kitty. She loves you, LeBron, you!”

  His dark brown eyes softened to molten chocolate. “She does?”

  “Yes, you big lummox! Hell you might have a shed full of muscles, but jeez, upstairs is an empty vacuum.”

  “Thanks.” Holding a hand out, LeBron clutched hers and pulled her to her feet. “Do you think she’ll mind if I call over?”

  “Trust me, she’ll be delighted, and as I’m not there, no time like the present, you’ve got the place to yourselves.” Jess flashed him a wink. “And as to what or who you are, you really don’t know Kit if you think it will make any difference.”

  Hesitation and hope lit on his face.

  Jess pushed, sensing him weaken. “If you don’t go now, you’ll regret if for the rest of your life. What you could have, given a chance.”

  LeBron hesitated and gave a short nod. His lips curved into a wicked smile, and she all but crumpled; hell, if it wasn’t for Rune, she knew who she’d be rooting for. That cute dimple dipped in and she had a crazy urge to lick at it. Then tamped it down, he was Kitty’s man. She had her own, for all of what, another twelve hours or so?

  “Thank you.” He leaned forward and gave her a kiss, a soft chaste touch on her lips. There was no zing, no bazoom, nothing, accept a sweet gentleness.

  Until she heard the words.

  “LeBron, get your fucking hands off her now.”

  She leapt back as if she’d been burned and turned to a raging Rune.

  He towered over them, a muscle ticked in a taut jaw; he bunched his fists and took a step forward. An intense fury radiated from his body as he glared at LeBron with pure malevolence.

  “Look, it’s not what you think.” Lebron didn’t move back and faced him.

  “You’ve got your lips all over her? What the fuck am I supposed to think?” His chest rose in a powerful surge and his anger sparked across Jess.

  She reached out and gripped his arm, the steely tension, the roll of muscles taut beneath her fingers. “He was thanking me.”

  “For what, for fucking him?” he snarled and took another step, his intention clear.

  Jess whipped her hand out and slapped him hard across the face. Oh shit, I shouldn’t have done that. The loud crack blasted through the room. A look of astonishment crossed his features. LeBron closed his eyes, the disbelief obvious on his shocked face.

  “If I want to fuck him, then it’s no one’s business bar mine.” Her temper ignited at his unfair insult. She jabbed a finger into his chest and gained the advantage at the stupor on his face. “But I was trying to get him to visit Kitty because my best friend just so happens to be in love with him.”

  He glanced to LeBron for confirmation, at his nod.

  “It’s true; she made me realize that I need to see Kit, to explain a few things.”

  Jess felt his muscles relax, the visible anger melting. Then, he turned to her, his golden eyes glinted harsh. And she knew he still wasn’t over his mood. He took her arm and left the gym, all but dragging her. “You weren’t supposed to have left the room. Jessalyn, you will be punished for your disobedience.”

  Jess tripped up the stairs, would have fallen except Rune picked her up and threw her over his shoulders. At her shriek, his hand came back and swiped her hard across her ass. His heavy muscles bulged carrying her; he kicked the door open and threw her on the bed.

  His fury tangible, it soldered across each wall, and in silence he left. Without a word, neither of chastisement or anger, the key clunked in the lock.

  She propped herself up on her elbows, yep he was a moody bastard. Jess looked forward to his return with mixed reservations. Because this time she guessed he’d really punish her.

  The door downstairs slammed, and Jess crossed to the window, she just about made out his tawny head disappearing into the trees that edged Caprice. She wondered where he was going, and if it were to meet the tart Storm. A surge of jealous anger ripped over her. Like hell he’d go to her. Kitty had paid for his services till tomorrow. And no way was he fucking someone else as an aperitif in between.

  Jess tugged at the handle on the window, pushing the sash up. She peered out, it was a long way down, and chewed her lip, trying to work out how she could manage the descent. Then noticed how the roof dipped to a lower one. If she could make it to that one, it should be easy, at least she hoped. Making her decision, she crawled out onto the ledge and slithered over the tiles.


  Rune thundered down the meandering path; he was livid about the fact he’d caught her with LeBron. He couldn’t stand to see another man touch her, even if it had been, as it’d been explained, ‘a thank you’.

  Next time, LeBron could send her a fucking note. Because he wouldn’t tolerate it again, and shook his head, what was he talking about? She’d be leaving tomorrow, their Dom-sub relationship at an end.

  But neither could he understand the incredible fury that had exploded, the burst of territorial rage that had almost made him turn. He’d so wanted to tear LeBrons throat out. Dropping down, he changed form, the huge sable wolf loped through the woods. Rune knew he daren’t see her yet, that he needed to curb his urge to throttle her, and then make hard love.

  But first, he had to calm down, soothe his emotions, and take control, and then he’d return to Jessalyn. Fired up, he was too volatile and knew he’d act out of character, riled on a molten lava of sensations he wasn’t used to.

  Yet regardless, he had to ensure her safety, from him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jess whimpered and gripped the down pipe that saved her from crashing to the concrete below. She was stuck, couldn’t go up even though common sense urged her and was scared at dropping down. Her heart thumped and she gazed around for an easier route, but there was none; somehow, the lower roof she’d spied was a good ten foot sheer drop. And she needed to jump onto it. Gathering her nerve, she closed her eyes and leapt into space.

  Shit! A blast of pain tore through her and her knee split open as she hit the tiles. The woods that Rune had disappeared into were merely a short distance away; if she wanted to catch up, she knew she’d better hurry. Dangling over the edge, her fingers clung onto the guttering and she prayed it wouldn’t break. Finally dropping down to the ground below, Jess landed with a crumpled thud.

  She cricked her head up at the open window; hell, it was high, and she couldn’t believe she’d made it. Touching her knee, she winced. Her fingers came back with a smear of blood, and tentatively, she flexed her leg. It was almost pain free, a dull ache filched across the cut, and pushing it to one side, she broke into a haphazard jog. Jess followed a well-worn path through the trees. And prayed it was the one that Rune had trod down.

  Jess squinted ahead for any sign of him, crumbs, he was a fast mover, and stumbled to a halt, gasping; she didn’t think she was so unfit. Her thighs burned whilst her chest rose and fell in deep swells. Then happened to catch a glimpse of something.


  He was up ahead on the meandering path, and she made her way to him, hoping that his temper would have calmed down.

  Jess heard a noise behind and turned; she shivered at the male jogging purposely towards her. Somehow, she had a feeling this wasn’t a regular keep-fit route; a sense of relief washed over her that Rune was close. She took off towards him, uncaring of his foul mood, and rounded the bend at a run.

  Her scream echoed through the trees; it shuddered across the grass
, disturbing a flock of birds that rose into the air on loud squawks. A sinewy arm held her tight, the narrow face, almost weasel-like, met hers with blank eyes.

  She tried to struggle free and debated kicking out, until the figure from behind stopped beside her. His hand grasped her hair and fingered it with an awed reverence. “I’m gonna make you scream, bitch, fuck you hard, and then we get to have some fun.”

  “But I thought we were supposed to kill her,” said the weasel.

  “We will, but first I want to taste what Rune finds so special with this woman.” His hand cupped her breast. Furious, she bent over and bit him hard.

  Jess screamed again when he slapped her face; blood spurted from her nose. It trickled over her lips, meandering down the side of her throat. Their sudden silence scared her, and Jess didn’t like the way their eyes devoured her, almost as if she were the main course on a dining table.

  When through the undergrowth, bounding out of the trees, burst a huge, snarling wolf.

  Jess blinked in disbelief, please, she wasn’t seeing this. The clawed hand that had held her arm released her, and stirring her legs into action, she took off down the path.

  A stomach-crunching fear drove her on.


  Relief hit Rune that she was unharmed; when he’d first heard her scream, he’d been miles away across the ravine. But he knew it was Jess, and she needed him.

  At her release, he attacked; thankful she had the sense to run because his fury and blood lust ran high. And he knew he’d be killing the bastards that dared to harm her, had physically hit her.

  They crouched low facing him, their fangs dropping down. Rune flew at them, an unstoppable killing machine; he realized he needed to despatch them to hell at once. He didn’t know how many more of the rogues were in the area.

  And now she was alone, unprotected.

  The first, the one that had held her, went down; he tore into his throat, his death screams bubbled to a halt. The second he allowed to turn and run; he wanted him to experience the fear that he was about to die, but time eluded him. In one bound, he attacked, ripping into his flesh and shaking his mutilated body; at last, he was satisfied that both were now residents in hell.

  Rune sniffed the air and followed Jess.


  Jess raced with her hands over her ears, the gurgling screams of the men filled the air. But what the hell was a wild wolf doing roaming free? Stumbling, she fell and cursed her weak legs; her muscles burned and she cried for Rune. I need you! Praying that somehow he’d come to her.

  Crawling to her feet, the tears trickled down her face. She could hear the drumming on the path and knew it was the wolf coming for her. Oh dear God, she didn’t want to die, least way not ripped apart. Her scream echoed across the earth, and peering in terror, she held her arms out. “Rune.”

  His big body bounded towards her, his chest and feet bare, whilst his jeans rode low on his hips. All this she noticed in a snap of a second, and then returned to his rounded pecks, where was his top? Yet, once he touched her, she fell apart, the terror that ate into her burst through every scared nerve. Her fearful sobs broke free.

  When he wrapped his own arms around her, she trembled and quivered; the tears continued to fall. “There were two men, and—”

  “Hush, you’re safe now.” He soothed her hair back, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. Pulling a tissue out of his pocket, he tenderly wiped the blood away.

  “And, and a wolf, and then, oh fuck—”

  “Jess, it was probably a German Shepherd, a big one.”

  She shook her head. “No, it wasn’t it was…” Again, she collapsed against him as the tears continued to fall down her face. “I’m telling you, I’ve watched The Discovery channel and no way was it a dog.”

  He scooped her up; cradling her, Rune carried her with ease. “And do you mind telling me what you are doing out here, Jess?” There was a hint of a threat in his voice.

  “Following you. I saw you leave.” She hiccoughed and swiped at her face that burned with a slow heat.

  “How? I locked the door.”

  “I climbed through the window.”

  He stopped walking. “You what?” Rune sucked in his breath. “You idiot! You went over the roof?” The disbelief and anger roared through his words. “How fucking thick are you? And why?”

  She struggled in his arms. “Put me down; if that’s what you think, you can go to hell. I’m leaving, going home.”

  His grip tightened. “You aren’t going anywhere. I’m sorry, Jess, but that was the most foolhardy stunt I’ve heard of. Don’t you realize you could have been killed if you’d slipped?”

  She gave a nod. “I know; in fact, I almost did, skinned my knee.” A flush stole over her features. “But I had to know if you were meeting up with Storm.”

  His body tensed beneath her and a long tirade of swear words spewed out of his mouth. She didn’t realize anyone knew so many. He shook his tawny head. “For the love of God, woman, you are sending me crazy.”

  Jess lay in his arms, cocooned in his warmth as he strode through the undergrowth, crossing the path. The heat burned from his bare skin. She could sense and taste him, a flavour that was becoming more addictive than chocolate.

  She listened to the thud of his footsteps as he crunched over the cones and hardened earth. He appeared to know exactly where he was going, and she didn’t care because she felt safe at last.

  Jess raised her brows in surprise at the log cabin that came into view. Surrounded by a swirling mass of greenery, it looked out over a cliff top. She could see for miles around, the sharp descent of the mountain dropped down to the valley below. Instinctively, she knew he’d been here that night she’d crashed. She craned her head to the twisting road she’d sped along, and knew if so, he had to have seen the car behind her.

  So, why hadn’t he said anything?

  She sensed him invading her thoughts and slammed the shutters down; somehow he was reading her mind. Jess was convinced, so convinced she’d called to him and he’d come to her.

  He shouldered the door open, carrying her in. She grinned, she felt like a bride being carried over the threshold. Then glanced at the wicked smirk he wore, had he heard her thoughts? Was he truly a mind reader or a magician of some sort? Or maybe he was a hypnotherapist. As crazy as it sounded, it was the only thing she could think of.

  She peered around; she liked it far better than the large room she’d shared with him. Well, excluding the toy room. This appealed so much more— it was warm, homely, and totally masculine. The walls glowed a rich golden pine, two dark leather settees sat before a large fireplace, battered and comfortable. They were soft and squashy, the way she liked them. A chunky rustic coffee table that had seen better days lay between them, devoid of magazines, totally bare apart from ring stains from coffee or wine. She glanced up at the portrait hanging over the charred fireplace, one that still reeked of old smoke and burnt logs.

  A striking woman peered back at her; it was one of those works of art that wherever you stood she followed you. Her golden gaze appeared familiar.

  “Who is that?”

  “My mother.” He dropped her before him, not releasing her, and, towering over, nipped at her neck.

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “Yes, she was, very.” His voice chilled.

  Okay, raw nerve there, mother dead, she stored the information and wondered how soon she’d forget. Because her brain wasn’t an absorbent sponge, it was more like a colander letting everything through.

  She trembled at his body crowning over her; her head tilted back and she slithered her arms around his neck. The sinews ripped hard beneath her fingers that rolled over his skin. One that was bare against her chest.

  “I intend making love to you, woman.” His kisses soft they become faster, more urgent, and he walked her backwards, falling onto the settee.

  “Haven’t you got a bed?”

  “Yep, but I need you now, I haven�
�t the time.” His hands roved over her body, his loud curse sounded at the cut on her knee, the same leg that had a slice across the thigh. “You ever pull a fool hardy stunt like that again and I swear I’ll put you over my knee and give you what you deserve.”

  She licked at his lips and trailed her hand over his bare abdomen, and then listened to his suck of breath that stole over her.

  “Promise?” Jess ignored his snort of disgust.

  Her fingers scrambled to his button; flicking it, she tugged at his zip. He ripped her shirt off her, the buttons popped scattering across the rough sawn floorboards.

  “I can’t wait, I need you now,” muttered Rune. He hauled her skirt free and threw it to the floor. In seconds, both were naked, and Rune leaned back, pulling her over him. “Ride me, bitch.”

  She settled over him and gave a wicked smile; her eyes darkened. “Bitch, am I?”

  He licked across her lips. “My bitch.” Before smashing her mouth open in a wide mouthed assault and pulling her down.

  Jess leaned into him, and in an unhurried ease, she slid down the sheer pulsing length. Her gaze hooked on him as did her sex, and she shivered at the molten river of gold that streamed over her.

  She sat straddled filled with his cock, not a breath spare. She edged and nudged against him, her hips gyrated, and she groaned at the fulfilment, the absolute contentment she felt. It was an experience she’d never have again. And a wave of sadness hit her, before she blew it away, now was not the time.

  “So, you want your bitch to ride you?” She continued arching and curling into his hips, drawing him in, teasing his rigid erection. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  Rune clutched her ass and held her thrusting up, he grinned at her grunt. “Are you able to take all of this?”

  She leaned over. Her long hair falling, it draped on the one side, resembling a waterfall. “Rune honey, I’m going to drive you to distraction.” Her hands rested on his shoulders. “Suck my tit, I want your tongue to tease my nipple, to bite down hard.” Her soft sultry voice ghosted over him.


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