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Page 11

by H. D. March


  Rune knew she was doing it again, switching, hell, she wasn’t switching, she was a God damn Dom of a woman. Jess was too strong minded to be a sub to him. Yet he would continue to work on it, for the short time left.

  But this was something he wasn’t arguing with, she could take him as far as she wanted. For now the scare he’d had sent his natural urges into breakdown, and he needed to stamp his mark on her.

  Never before had he experienced such a reaction, one of primal terror.

  He nipped and sucked over her delicious nubs that pebbled hard. He drew them in, tasting her, she was raspberries and sunshine. Rune growled when she leaned back, taking him deeper if it were possible. Then she curled up, wrapped her arms around his neck and fucked him with a wild abandon. Her hips arched and clung to his cock, her clit rubbed him hard. He could hear her gasps and knew she wasn’t far off.

  For the first time, he wasn’t controlling her, telling her when she could come. Hell, he knew at this point he couldn’t. Her lips seared over his, her hands clasped his face, and she whimpered into a deep orgasm, her sex clenched and shuddered, her scream broke free. Rune clutched her hips and came fast behind her.


  Jess collapsed over him, she couldn’t believe she’d taken him, that she’d been the instigator, yet felt a smidgeon of pride. Because he’d come with a driving force. She raised her head, questioning. “Well?”

  “I loved that, bitch, but remember, when we return, you’re going to get some punishment.” He dropped a soft kiss on her mouth open in shock. “I expect obedience, and don’t ever forget.”

  Fucking great.

  She heard his chuckle and wondered what amused him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Wandering out of the darkened trees into the sunlight, a red Porsche roared into action; the engine rolled in a wicked purr. They walked towards it. Rune continued to glance around; he hadn’t let his guard down since leaving the cabin. He would do whatever he needed to protect Jess. Too much was going on and he needed to try and glean why she’d had that accident. And why the rogue vamps wanted her. She had to have witnessed what happened, and he knew that somehow it needed to be fetched up.

  Before it was too late and he wasn’t around to save her.

  The Carrera halted before them. The window slid down and Lebron leaned an elbow on the sill. He turned to Jess. “I hope you’re right, I really do. But I understand where you’re coming from. I need to do this, and thank you.”

  “Yeah, well, just don’t try thanking her like the last time,” rumbled Rune. His arm circled Jess’s waist possessively.

  LeBron flashed a hot wink. It burned over them. “Catch you both.” The car shot forward in a scream of tyres. Burning rubber filled the air. “Marry her, Rune!” His words bounced and faded into the distance.

  Jess frowned and glanced up. “What did he say?”

  “Nothing,” said Rune, his face pensive and his eyes narrowed.


  LeBron drove down the road; in all his years, he’d never experienced this swirl of worry and unease that swamped his stomach. He was scared for the first time in his life, which was why he’d stayed away.

  He couldn’t face her rejection.

  Yet she needed to know who and what he was.

  Pulling up in a spray of gravel, the farmhouse loomed close. Jess had given him the directions, yet he’d already known where she’d lived. Too many times he’d made the journey and carried on, going at the last moment. Hell, he would fight any man or beast; he feared nothing.

  But the thought of Kitty’s face turning to horror sent a wave of panic through him.

  The door opened, and his heart thumped as he drank in Kitty. She stood watching him; the short skirt she wore emphasized her lithe legs. Ones that he’d wrapped around his waist, and his cock shifted. Even from this distance, he could see the hesitation, read the confusion clear on her face.

  One that he’d missed so much.

  With a long shudder, he stepped out and slammed the door. His attention didn’t move from her. LeBron strode on brisk strides. He didn’t want to talk; what he wanted was the woman in his arms, where she belonged. Yet knew he had to hold back, to explain to her first, she deserved to know what he was.

  And then he’d await her reaction.

  “LeBron.” Kitty acknowledged him with a swallow, her husky voice softer than he recalled. “To what do I owe this visit? It’s been a long time.”

  He read the hurt in her chastisement. “I’ve missed you, Kitty.”

  She folded her arms, and her green eyes sparked over him. “So, is that why you stayed away? Found someone else to screw?”

  “I haven’t made love to anyone since you, don’t want to.” He fought the urge to pull her to him.

  “You haven’t?”

  The hope in her voice reminded him of a child and it knifed him that he’d caused her pain. “Fuck it,” he muttered. “I need you, Kit.”

  She stepped forward into his arms that branded her, sweeping around her small body. His head dropped and he possessed her lips, her mouth, her soul, LeBron stole into every part of her. He tasted her sweetness, groaning and rumbling over her.

  Kitty’s arms stretched up, drawing him close, seeking him out. “Make love to me, LeBron.”

  He pulled back, quivering. “I want to with all my heart, but first, Kit, we need to talk.”

  She hitched a brow. “Talk? About what?”

  “About who I am, what I am, and then we’ll discover if you still want me.”

  She paused and, taking his hand, led him from the house. “Okay, I’m listening.”

  LeBron loped alongside, the tread of his heavy steps scrunched on the dried grass, crushing the blades. He didn’t know how the hell to bring it up and decided to show her. He indicated the large barn, “What’s in there?”

  “A couple of stables, hay, and mice, I imagine.”

  LeBron headed towards it; pushing at the latch, he led her inside, leaving it ajar. He didn’t want her to feel trapped, wanted to be sure that she had a way out. He was still convinced that she’d run screaming to the hills. “Stand here.”

  Kitty cricked her head; curiosity filled her face, but she did as he asked. She remained silent, studying him.

  LeBron scrubbed the nape of his neck with a quivering hand, then tugged his shirt off and stripped out of his jeans. He heard her intake of breath, and pleasure burst through him that it was his body that pleased her.

  But for how long?

  “You like what you see?” Deliberately, he turned to her, needing to gauge her expression. He knew that he didn’t always have to strip to become Lycan, he did it now to reveal his body, to show her who he was, what she could enjoy. Yet at times he had the rare ability to switch at once and conserved that to the situation he found himself in, over the years it had come in useful.

  “You know I do,” she breathed, her chest rose in a soft flutter.

  “Kitty, I’m not what you think. I’m a Lycan, a type of shifter that turns into a wolf.” He waited for the horror to cross her face; instead, a serene smile hovered around her lips. “I’m not lying, Kit.” It was obvious she didn’t believe him. LeBron knew he had to prove to her who he really was, what he was, and changed, he had the power to shift fast. He rose before her, a large, black wolf with startling amber eyes.

  He waited for the fear to appear, yet instead of shock or horror, her face wore a wicked expression. She shot him a wink, and a knowing secret grin tugged at her lips.

  Her clothes dropped to the floor.

  LeBron didn’t know what was happening and stared in shock as Kitty turned into a pale golden wolf.

  He used telepathy. “Kitty?” LeBron couldn’t believe it, how hadn’t he known?

  “I always knew what you were, what I wanted. But you had to come to me, to make me your mate, your Lupa.” She padded over to him, rubbing her head against his shoulder. “You know Lycan’s mate for life?”

>   At once, LeBron changed back, followed by Kitty. “Fucking hell, woman, I love you so God damn much.” He hauled her up, carrying her with ease, and glanced towards the pile of sweet meadow hay. Treading towards it, his lips fastened to hers. He couldn’t get enough of her, of his woman, and LeBron was so thankful for Jess’s persistence. Dropping down onto his back, he held Kitty across him, her small breasts flattened against his hard chest.

  “You know you’ve got a good friend in Jess, she made me come.” He drizzled and dripped kisses over her throat that arched back to him.

  “I kinda guessed she would, which was why I paid for her BDSM holiday. I had an ulterior motive.” She licked across his lips; her tongue flickered over the contour. “She’s outspoken and quick tempered, but so sweet. I knew she’d have a go at you, get you to come to me.”

  “But I bet you didn’t know that Rune would be her Dom though, first time ever for him to take on a sub at the club.”

  “You are kidding!”

  “No.” He groaned at the hand gripping his hard erection; it had been a long time, too long, and he needed to make love. “So, she knows what you are?”

  “Not a clue. I’ll tell her in time, when its right.” She stretched across him. “But now, LeBron, shut the hell up and show me how much you love me.”

  He rolled her over; there was no foreplay, each too desperate for the moment. LeBron slid between her legs, and he lunged forward, piercing her with a deep groan. She wrapped her limbs around his waist and he pummelled against her hips, driving in deep. Within minutes, LeBron howled into a sharp orgasm, followed by a whimpering Kitty.

  He rolled over, taking her slight body on top of his large one.

  “I love you so much,” she whispered against his throat.

  “Ditto, honey, I was so scared at your reaction. That’s why I stayed away, I was afraid. I thought…”

  “LeBron, what I think is that you should make an honest woman of me.” She squealed when his palm smacked at her ass.

  “That I intend to, but in the meantime, how about I move in with you?”

  “Much as I’d like that, not until after Jess comes back, let me explain to her what we are.” She nuzzled his neck, nipping his skin.

  “I’ll go along with that, but it had better be soon.”

  “She’s due home tomorrow. I’ll tell her then.” She shook her head. “I’m still shocked that Rune is her Dom.”

  “He’s hooked. I’ve never seen him acting like this. She’s got him reeling in circles,” chuckled LeBron. He rubbed at her arm, slipping down her back into the dip and over the curve of her ass. “I still can’t believe how I couldn’t tell you were Lycan. I should have known.”

  “I shielded my identity; it’s not easy but can be done. I wanted you to come to me, to Kitty.” Her eyes darkened with a wicked intent, her palm cradled his face. “And now, LeBron, I want more.”

  “Then I aim to please.”


  Jess stood in the shower; the water sprayed over her body, her thoughts fastened on Kitty and LeBron. She prayed it would work out but reasoned it had to because she had it bad for the guy. And he was obviously besotted with her.

  Then, her thoughts drifted to Rune and tomorrow, when she’d have to leave. The long weekend had raced past, Friday seemed an eon ago and Monday loomed. An ache splintered through her; she didn’t know how she was going to cope.

  But she had to.

  Jess couldn’t ever have a relationship, not that Rune had indicated otherwise. She knew that, hell, from the outset he had been paid to service her, to show her the delights of a sub.

  Yet the thought of not seeing him again, arguing with him, sharing his body and his wholesome cock, God it hurt.

  His voice broke over her, interrupting the maudlin thoughts, and his arm crept around her waist. “What’s wrong?”

  She pasted a smile on her face, pretending, and turned to him. As usual, she focused on his awesome erection, and then checked out the rest of his body. God, but he could easily become a delicious obsession. Akin to a profiterole tower of cream, only in his case a testosterone delight of ripped muscle. “Why do you think anything is wrong?”

  “I felt your pain, a cold despair covered you.” He tipped her head up. “Are you going to tell me?”

  She shuttered her thoughts. “It’s your imagination, nothing more.”

  His gold lights streamlined over her. She knew he didn’t believe one lying word.

  Rune gave a slight nod. “Wash me,” he ordered. Releasing her, he stood before her and waited.


  “You heard, Jessalyn, don’t make me repeat myself. I already owe you a punishment.”

  Twat. One thing she knew she wouldn’t miss were his commands. Jess glanced up to his harsh face. Now what had she done?

  She gripped the sponge, snatching at it, and poured a generous slurp of shower gel.

  “Put it back,” said Rune.

  “You just said you wanted me to wash you!” She gave an angry snort and threw it on the floor of the shower cubicle. “Shit, and men reckon women are fickle creatures.”

  “Pick it up, and this time, I suggest you use some manners and stop your childish tantrums.” His cold gaze settled on her, taking away the blistering heat of water that bubbled over her skin.

  She shot him a glare of pure bitchiness. Jess knew exactly where she wanted to stuff that sponge, right up his sanctimonious ass.

  Jess noticed his lips twitch as she obeyed him, albeit under pressure. She turned and cricked a brow, her wet hair plastered to her body she peeled it back. “And now?”

  “Now, you address me correctly.”

  “Sir,” she spat.

  “I prefer master.”

  “Fucking master then.”

  “Without the profanity, Jessalyn.”

  She frowned. “The what?”

  “Swearing.” A splinter of a grin played around his lips.

  She sniffed; okay, he was grammatically superior, and that was about all. “Why didn’t you just say that then…master.”

  He studied her in silence; it unnerved her, the only sound her irate breath and the gentle splash from the shower. Finally, he spoke. “Now, Jessalyn, wash me.”

  She rolled her eyes and reached for the sponge. Hell, wash me, don’t wash me, she wished he’d make up his bloody mind.

  “With your hands.”

  Oh, so, that was the way he wanted to play it. And he was intent on punishing her? Well, the tables were about to be turned.


  Rune held back a smile; he’d read every thought of hers. Already, he’d discovered when she was angry or emotionally distracted she couldn’t block him.

  He was looking forward to her attempt at seduction, of teasing him till he was beyond sense. Then checked down at his cock, already it was hard, and he had a strong suspicion that it wouldn’t be too difficult.

  She sent him a wicked wink and poured the gel into her hands. “Turn around, master, your sub wants to wash you.”

  A shiver of nerves scrambled beneath his skin. He was already hot for her and decided too late this so wasn’t a good idea. But his pride would win; he wouldn’t give in to the lust that swamped his body.

  Because that’s all it was.

  Her fingers touched butterfly soft, her plump breasts teased against his back as she rose on tip toes to wash his shoulders. They slipped over his biceps and trailed with a wicked tease down, then tantalizingly crept back up to stop beneath his underarms.

  A tremor burst over him at her soft touch. She continued to rub in long leisurely circles across his back, skating down his sides. Her fingers dripped over his hips and he stopped breathing. On one cruel sweep, she moved her hand between his legs, invading the crack of his ass and cupping his balls.

  Fucking hell. He clenched his jaw and his fists, if she didn’t stop soon he’d be coming. On a long wicked drag of fingers, she teased at the ridge between his balls and dick. He was about to t
ell her to stop when she switched her attention to his thighs. Again, with long leisurely sweeps, she fingered his skin, drawing up it, a whisper of short nails dragged over each tiny blistering goose bump. The muscles in his stomach clenched hard.

  “Face me, master.”

  He knew she wanted him, by the breathlessness in her voice, and the hoarseness of her words.

  Turning, he swallowed, the cords of his neck stood out, each one bunched hard and tense.

  He studied her gaze that followed him, the pacific blue coasted over his body. She held her palm out and poured a generous glug. “Where do you want me to start? From the top or the bottom?”

  “Wherever. “ It was the only word he managed to speak, his vocals strained with the effort not to fuck her just yet.


  “Then how about here?”

  Jess’s hand quivered, she couldn’t carry on, the torture of washing his back, cupping his balls, had taken it out of her. Where each teasing touch had scrolled over his body, it had lit a blister of pure desire in hers. Her blood roared, it burnt in an out of control flash fire that scored her red hot regions.

  He’d known just what he was doing dropping the sponge.

  Her fingers scrubbed through his pubes and she rolled her fingers up his massive erection. “It’s central.” Jess glanced up, his eyes that were closed suddenly flared open. He gripped her wrist and spun her around. “Bitch.”

  She leaned back against his body. “Your bitch, Rune?”

  “Yes mine.” He thrust up, in one swooping drive.

  “Oh God!” She placed her hands against the tiled wall. Rune didn’t simply fill her, he consumed every part of her.

  “Keep your hands there, Jess, because I have to have you now.” His hips ground against her ass, and he thrust forward, tunnelling deep.

  “Please, Rune, master… please.” She didn’t care that she begged; the need in her clit tortured her, the heat circling her stomach far too intense, and she didn’t want to faint again. His arms curled, she couldn’t move, didn’t want to. His breath blew over her shoulder, his tongue slaked hot, and he nipped down.

  “Shit, Rune, that hurt.”


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