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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

Page 12

by Anthology

  Finishing up the paperwork at the office so that I could present the court-stamped copies to the jail for Luke’s release into my care and custody over at the jail, I was about to pick up my suitcase and head on over when my intercom beeped and Erin's voice echoed through my office. "You have Larson Blackburn on line two. God, his voice is dreamy..."

  Rolling my eyes, I ignored her schoolgirl comment and quickly thanked her before pressing the line number and picking up the receiver. "Ledbetter." I needed to sit for this one. "Hey Lloyd. I won't keep you for long but I need your services."

  Of course he did.

  Why else would he call? "Did you kill someone?" I deadpanned. In all the time he and I were an item, Larson never quite understood that I was a criminal lawyer. If he did, he conveniently shrugged it off because the world was always supposed to lay at his feet, me included.

  "What?" he asked, confusion clear in his voice. In the background, I could hear the asshole boyfriend saying something or other.

  "It's a simple question, Larson. Did you kill someone?"

  His chuckles used to stir something deep inside me. Surprisingly, the one he gave me over the phone that day did absolutely nothing to my groin. Or heart. It was a welcome feeling, a peace I had wanted for a long time.

  "Keep up the shit, Lloyd, and I might consider making you my first victim. What the fuck, man?" He was outright laughing now, Troy Babilonia yelling for him to "Get off the fucking phone and suck me off."

  Classy. To that day, I still had no idea what Larson had seen in that brute.

  "Well, seeing as your boyfriend already broke my nose once, I'm guessing you could let him kill me so you don't have to go to jail for the rest of your life."

  "Seriously, Lloyd. I need your help, here."

  "Larson? I'm a criminal lawyer, so you need to call Laurie in copyright and she'll take care of whatever you need. Her extension is four-oh-six. I need to go, I've got actual clients in jail that need to be saved."

  I was about to hang up when his next words had me freezing all movements. "You love him, don't you? Your client? What's his name...Luke Gunner?" There was no aggravation in his voice, no mockery. The only thing I could hear was genuine interest and sincerity.

  "Pfft. Love? He's my client, Larson. You have no idea what you're talking about." I was about to cut the conversation short but of course, Larson wasn't done with his interrogations.

  Stubborn bastard.

  "Hey! It's me. I know you pretty well, despite what you may think."

  "Right. That why you're calling me instead of Laurie?" I asked, shaking my head at the absurd conversation taking place.

  "No. I called you because you are the only lawyer I trust, Lloyd. I don't care what your specialty is, I need you to take care of my shit."

  I blinked, surprised at the compliment and heartfelt words. I hadn't had time to respond before Larson continued. "You deserve to be happy, Lloyd. I saw your determination to get him out so I'm convinced that he's innocent. Also, I saw the look in your eyes when you spoke of him. It was the same look you always had when you spoke of me. So, I guess what I'm trying to say happy. Even if I'll always be the best fuck you've ever had. Just make sure you don't tell him that."

  Troy groaned in the background, clearly annoyed at the sentiment. Me? I was speechless for a second but then my brain kicked back in and the words just flew out.

  "Sorry to disappoint, Larson, but I can honestly say that he is better than you. But then, you don't have the bling he does. Thanks for calling and I'll see what I can do to help. In the meantime, call Laurie, dammit." I hung up with the rolling sound of his infectious laugh.

  Every time I had a thought of speaking to him again, I always imagined my heart breaking a little more. My thoughts consuming me with the past. My body aching to have him inside me. To my astonishment, I felt nothing. At least nothing negative. All I felt was a new page turn inside my mind, my heart skipping to a new beat. Luke was my new rhythm and I couldn't wait for him to pound me to his personal tune.

  Thirty minutes later, I was at the jail and hauling my lover out of the pits of hell. Okay, it could have been much worse but then being away from him for three, almost four days, was hell on earth.

  "Miss me, sweet cheeks?" Luke asked me as we stepped out of the compound.

  "Why would you think that?" I was walking fast, more so than usual. It was time for me to take him home and get reacquainted."

  "For one thing, you're hauling ass out of here like your pants are on fire." Luke stopped right in the middle of the street. Luckily, it was nearly deserted but that didn't mean a passing car wasn't a possibility. "Are your pants on fire, Lloyd?" His voice was honey, dripping with promise and lust.

  Turning to face him, my brows slanted in question, I kept my eyes on the road to make sure he wouldn't get hit by a semi. "Luke! Get your ass over here before you get yourself killed. Come on!"

  He didn't move an inch. A paper bag tucked under his arm, his eyes boring into mine, his stance firm. "Answer my question, Lloyd."

  Was he serious?

  "No. Okay? My pants are not on fucking fire. Now, let's go." I began to turn, hoping he would follow me. No such luck, of course.

  "Come here, Lloyd. Now." I wheeled around, ready to verbally assault him when my gaze clashed into his. Luke was dead serious. If I didn't go over there, he would probably play chicken with oncoming traffic.

  "Fine." I briskly walked over to him and stood, nervously, face to face.

  "If your pants aren't on fire, then it only means one thing."

  Frustrated, I sighed and asked the inevitable question, "What is that, Luke?"

  "You want me so bad, you can't wait to feel my dick inside you." As his words hit, his paper bag fell to the asphalt and his lips crashed into mine. My hands fisted his dirty shirt, his cupped my jaw, his pinky caressing the side of my throat. Our bodies instinctively drew together as though the universe had shrunk to the size of our combined masses, sending us the undeniable message that this moment was inevitable. Luke's tongue invaded my mouth, licking every corner. Teeth biting my lips with every inhale. Moans enveloping us in an impenetrable bubble of desire.

  When a horn sounded off to the side, we both startled and laughed at our teenage antics. Luke grabbed his bag then my hand and we ran to my car so I could take him home to a proper shower and comfortable bed.

  "Come on, babe. I need to lose myself inside you."


  Chapter 24

  I WAS SHOWERED, shaved, and reclining on top of Lloyd’s bed, watching as he emerged from the shower we’d just shared in the master suite. My eyes flickered over him almost possessively as my breath hitched at seeing the towel wrapped loosely around his hips tent. His eyes were locked on my nearly naked body. I’d pulled a pair of clean boxers on, not wanting to violate any rules Lloyd may have had in place regarding naked butts on his black satin duvet that I was certain was Dry Clean Only.

  I wanted him – no, that wasn’t accurate, I fucking needed him as much as I knew he needed me but after being in the shithole for several days, I felt I needed to scrub off at least the top three layers of skin in order to feel clean once again.

  “Luke,” he said, coming over and plopping down in the chair next to his California King bed, “you only know part of the story about your twin.”

  “Well fine. You can fill me in later.”

  “No,” he replied, shaking his head. “Now.”

  He had my attention with his stern tone. He was back in lawyer mode now, and I wanted him back in submissive. “Make it quick then. Don’t fuck around, Lloyd. I have needs.”

  “Fine,” Lloyd said, bristling. “I’ll make it short and not-so-sweet. Duke’s last name is Nettleman. Ring a fucking bell?”

  “What the hell?” I asked, and I could feel the anger blaze within me.

  “Yes. Your birth parents are Victoria and Leonard Nettleman.”

  “He knew,” I said, my fists now balled in rage. “The who
le time that motherfucker knew I was his son, and all he could think about was taking me down?”

  Lloyd leaned over in his chair, and his hand rubbed my knee. “I think it was more than that, Luke. I believe when he saw the wealth you had amassed compared to his two-bit operation with your brother – he was guided by greed and jealousy. You had turned out better than either of them ever could. So, he developed a quasi-business relationship with you so that he could learn more about your comings and goings and eventually learn enough to have you framed for a crime your brother committed. I suspect that when Craig is finished with his investigation, it will prove that Senator Hastings got on the wrong side of Lenny, and it offered an opportunity to execute their plan for getting him out of the picture before that vote took place, and take you down as well. Craig is gathering the proof we’ll need that Duke was planning to assume your identity, along with your business."

  “Holy fuck,” I said, releasing a hard breath. “What about Ma and Pop? Did they know?”

  “No,” Lloyd replied, “not at first anyway. Your mother, Victoria, saw a picture of you in the Detroit Free Press when you were around ten. It was some state fair exhibition and she recognized you because you looked like Duke. She looked your folks up, made a visit, but only for the purpose of making sure you were okay. I don’t think she was necessarily cut from the same cloth as Duke and Leonard. I’m betting you get your decency from her.”

  “No,” I replied quickly. “I get that from Ma and Pop. They saved me from all of that. And if they hadn’t? Well, if they hadn’t you and me wouldn’t be where we are right now.”

  “And where is that?” Lloyd asked me softly.

  “How about you show me, Lloyd?”

  I watched as Lloyd's lean but tight frame lifted from the chair and stood tall and proud. From my vantage point, the view was better than the memories I had rehashed in the few hours I had tried to sleep in that dump of a prison. I shifted slightly, my hard-on tenting my boxers, so instead of dealing with the inconvenience, I just yanked them down and exposed my eager and awaiting dick. Mesmerized by the sight before me, I licked my lips as Lloyd dropped his towel and stood perfectly naked for my eyes only. Then he dropped to his knees, hands behind his back and lowered his head before whispering words that immediately had my balls aching for release.

  "I'm yours to do with as you wish." Music to my fucking ears.

  "Fuck, Lloyd." The words barely a whisper, my heavy breaths making the simple act of talking nearly impossible. "Crawl up here and put those gorgeous lips around my cock."

  The silence around us was a welcomed change to the constant white noise the City had to offer. But then, we could have been in the middle of the sidewalk surrounded by the masses and my attention would have only been on him.

  On us.

  On this very moment.

  On his hands and knees, Lloyd made his way across the massive bed and stopped with his mouth a mere inch from the tip of my cock. Our eyes were locked, our expressions pained from the desire that filled the room with the scent of pheromones gone wild. "Lick it." My eyes drifted down to my dick and I smirked as my little head twitched as though it knew it was about to get lathered in saliva and sucked into oblivion.

  The tip of Lloyd's tongue slid across the slit of my head before he blew a breath across making me shudder with crazy anticipation. My hand flew to his nape, my fingers digging into his skin urging him to take me inside his mouth. He obliged, of course, and it was fucking beautiful to watch. As every inch slowly disappeared between his lips, I fought the urge to thrust my hips and fuck his face.

  "Jesus Christ, Lloyd. That fucking mouth." The words came out with a groan, my fingers tightening their grip on his skin. I could feel each stud rubbing against his bottom lip as his head bobbed up and down. Up as his tongue swirled around my slit and down as his throat massaged the tip of my cock. It was bliss. Fucking heaven on earth and I never wanted the feeling to end. Except it would have to because if Lloyd continued to deep throat with every down stroke, there was no way I could hold off a minute more. "Lloyd, I'm gonna..." And then he moaned, the vibrations shooting down my shaft and hitting my balls like a ton of bricks.

  I lost it. I fucking lost my will and my load in the seconds that followed with a growlshoutmoan that echoed pain yet ecstasy all at once. I didn't know if I wanted to beat his perfect ass for disobeying or fuck it hard to show my gratitude.

  As my body came down from the most intense orgasm since...ever, I came to the decision that I would do both. First, I would mark his skin with the palm of my hand and then I would fuck his delicious ass as I rubbed the reddened skin. In that moment of clarity I decided I would own Lloyd. Whether he wanted me to or not, it didn't fucking matter because Lloyd Ledbetter was mine and I would make him see the truth.

  The warmth that had surrounded my cock abruptly deserted me as Lloyd's mouth released me with an audible pop and satisfied smirk. I watched as he brought his index finger to the corner of his lips and wiped off a remnant drop of my cum before sucking it off his digit with exaggerated gusto. The word erotic didn't even begin to describe the act. It was filthy. It was perfect.

  "I don't even want to know where you learned to do that thing with the muscles of your throat. Holy shit, Lloyd," I told him truthfully. The smile that greeted me could have rivaled the bright lights of Time Square making my chest tighten with pride.

  "I won't tell you, then. I'll just let you enjoy the benefits." Lloyd fell back on the mattress, lying shoulder to shoulder with me as we both stared up at the ceiling.

  Reaching out, I gripped his hand as it rested across his abdomen and brought the knuckles to my mouth, sliding his skin over my lips. "Thank you," I said in a deep, thoughtful voice.

  "It was my pleasure," he retorted as his head turned my way and his grin flashed a straight row of white teeth.

  "No, I mean...thank you, for everything. For believing me and fighting for me." I shrugged because sentimental shit wasn't my forte. The chuckle that sounded at my admission had me turning his way with a glare. "Glad you find that funny. I'm pouring my heart out here and all you can do is laugh? Nice, Counselor." But then I started laughing as though his amusement were contagious and not knowing why, exactly, any of this shit was even funny.

  So, I did the only thing a man in my position could possibly do. I pounced. By the sheer muscles in my stomach, I lifted myself up and turned over in a single movement, finding myself caging Lloyd with my body. Forearms bracing on either side of his head, legs resting between his thighs and my eyes boring into his surprised yet aroused gaze. "I was trying to be all grateful and you laugh? I do believe that's more than reason to punish you, Lloyd."

  Spreading my legs to force his to widen, I settled my now growing erection right next to his and rubbed myself off against his solid cock. "Do you have any idea what I'm going to do to you, Lloyd?"

  He only shook his head, his eyes glazing over with desire written across his features. "I'm going to turn you around on all fours." I explained before brushing my lips lightly across his own. "Then, I'm going to spank that delectable ass of yours until my handprints are the only thing I can see while I fuck you into next week." My mouth continued to explore the light bristles of his jaw before traveling to the smooth expanse of his neck. "But I'm not going to come inside you. Do you know why?" I asked as my lips clamped around the dark disk of his nipple before I sucked it hard enough to have it tighten into a peak of flesh. Lloyd moaned his answer so I continued my explanations and explorations. "Because," I added as my mouth paid particular attention to his other nipple, "I'm going to pull out of that hole and come all over your red ass. It'll sting a bit, I'm sure but then you'll have a long-lasting reminder that you're all mine."

  I raised my eyes to take in his every expression at my admission. All I saw was a blinding grin and with it my control flew out the fucking window. The next thing I knew, I was kissing his mouth like a starved man. Tongues dueling and teeth clashing, a messy kind of kiss that onl
y fueled my need tenfold.

  "Turn around, Lloyd. I can't wait to own you."

  "Do your worst, Gunner. I can handle anything you throw my way."

  Yeah, we'd see about that. And yet, I had a feeling he definitely could handle me in and out of the bedroom. "Let's put that theory to the test, shall we?"

  Lloyd turned onto his stomach, his knees raised, his chest and head resting on the mattress and his ass...Jesus Christ, that ass was right there for the taking. I placed my fingers in the indents on either side of his cheeks while I rubbed my shaft up and down the crack of his ass. I was basically jacking myself off and using him as my fist. My gaze was fixated on the scene before me, my dick slowly moving up and down, so close to the promise land. The Eden of our sexual needs.

  "The anticipation is killing me, Luke." His words brought me out of my musings as my hand quickly released his cheek before coming down on a harsh slap.

  "Unf," was his only audible response but the visual of my handprint making its appearance spurred me on for more.

  Slap. Lloyd groaned. I grinned.

  Slap. Lloyd's ass wiggled as he tried to ease the sting. "Don't move or I won't fuck you." He stilled immediately. "Good boy." I purred as I rubbed away the slight pain he must have been feeling. He had three handprints on his ass but I didn't think I would have enough self control to keep going. "Condom?" I asked, my voice a deep guttural sound that bounced between the silent walls of the room.

  "In there," he answered as he pointed with his finger to the night stand on our right. Reaching across, I made quick work of grabbing two condoms and a bottle of lube, tearing the foil and slipping on the rubber. In that instant, I decided we would both get tested so I could feel him bareback, my dick sliding into nothing but slick walls and blissful heat. The snap of the bottle cap enhanced the anticipation even further, making my cock twitch and Lloyd's breath hitch.


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