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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

Page 13

by Anthology

  Rubbing his pink flesh one last time before letting the cool liquid slide down his crack, I chuckled at the sound of Lloyd's voice, "Damn, that's cold."

  I gathered the lube that ran quickly past his hole and brought it back to his awaiting ring of muscles. In slow, measured movements I massaged his entrance all the while applying more and more pressure until my middle finger easily slid inside. I repeated the action until my index finger followed suit. I couldn't stop.

  "Do you trust me, Lloyd?" I needed to be sure I wouldn't go too far.

  "Unless you're planning on cutting me up and throwing away the pieces, I'm pretty sure I have no reason not to trust you." He answered in a voice that oozed sincerity. Leaning down, I placed an open-mouthed kiss at the base of his spine and then flicked my tongue for good measure.

  "I promise, Lloyd, I won't hurt you. Well, unless I warn you, first." I retorted with amusement in my voice.

  "In that case, do you worst. Which I'm guessing will actually be your best."

  My eyes refocused on the sight pumping in and out of my vision. So I added a third finger, scissoring and pushing farther inside until I could feel the edge of Lloyd's prostate. Beneath me, Lloyd fisted his silk sheets as he cursed into his pillow. It was beautiful. The sounds, the image, the smell of sex branding us with each thrust of my fingers.

  "I wish you could see this. It's quite the sight to behold." Slowly, I kept pace to a steady rhythm, a sensual tune only I could hear. In and out, I refused to look away from my lover's open trust. "Do you have any idea how fucking gorgeous you look with my three fingers inside you? I'm about to blow my load, babe. It's perfection." Lloyd groaned, his knuckles white from his intense grip. "Do it," he urged, "Please, Luke. Give me what I need." How could I refuse?

  Pumping my fingers to ensure he be prepared, I massaged Lloyd's inner walls making sure to hit the perfect spot deep inside him on every thrust. The silky feel, the tight grip and the carnal sounds surrounding our impassioned bubble were quickly destroying my will to hold out. Evidently, Lloyd was just as much a victim to our mise-en-scène as I most definitely was. When I pushed in, Lloyd pumped back rubbing his cock like a cat in heat. I heard him cry out my name and watched in awe as he fought the need to come. I would have loved to delay his orgasm but I was a sucker for a good show.

  "Come, Lloyd. Give me your best performance," I ordered with a gruff to my voice that clearly portrayed my own needs. On a final down-stroke I pushed my middle finger as deep as it could go and rubbed Lloyd's prostate one final time. Cocking my had to the side, I clasped my hand on his shoulder and watched as the man who now meant so much to me lost his battle with restraint, coming all over his expensive silk sheets.

  Goddamn, it was enough to make me lose my mind. Quickly but carefully removing my fingers, I replaced them with my eager cock and moaned as his walls retracted and hugged me with every push of my hips.

  That night, I fucked him with everything I had. With every ounce of emotion that I could muster. With every last remnant of energy left in my exhausted body. I wondered for the first time what it would feel like to have this connection every day. Every night.

  As promised, I slid out of his channel, ripped off the condom and marked him with my released before spreading my cum all over his pink ass cheeks. "See, babe. I own you, now. Every fucking inch of you is mine."

  "Yes. Yours," was all Lloyd said before we both crumbled in a heap of satisfied, intertwined limbs.

  "Glad you agree," were the last words I muttered as sleep took over.

  Chapter 25

  TO SAY I was sore was an understatement but the intensity I had experienced a mere two hours earlier was well worth the slight pain. After getting truly and thoroughly fucked, we had both fallen asleep wrapped around each other, almost afraid of letting the other go. It felt good having him in my bed, his front to my back with his thigh resting possessively over my hip and his strong arm circling around my midriff. Considering it could not have been later than six o'clock when we crashed out, it did not surprise me that at eight p.m. I was wide awake and making myself busy around the apartment.

  I thought about cooking dinner but decided against it when my motivation for actually getting ingredients together was lower than that of cleaning the toilets.

  Takeout it was, then.

  Rummaging through my corner drawer where I kept all of the shit that has no particular place to go, and yes, we all have them, I heard the soft sound of bare feet rubbing against the carpet before slapping against the tile of the kitchen area.

  My back was to Luke when he stepped up behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest, whispering into my neck. "Next time I wake up, I want you to be there so that the first thing I see and feel is you."

  I couldn't help the grin widening with every word that he uttered. "Duly noted."

  "What are you doing?" He asked, releasing me with a final kiss to the underside of my jaw, then filling a large glass of water and downing it like his life depended on it.

  "Just trying to figure out what to order for dinner. I have no desire to cook, tonight. Indian or Thai?" I still couldn't find the menu for the Sushi Bar down the street.

  "Ah, how about pizza or fried chicken?"

  "How about we try not to clog our arteries?" Fried chicken? Did they even deliver that, here?

  Turning to face him with a grin splayed on my face, I shook my head as my eyes darted to the prominent bulge defining the crotch of low fitting sweatpants. Or, should I say my sweats?

  "I've got some lean meat filled with protein, right here, baby."

  We both burst out laughing at the lameness of his crude comment.

  "Wow," I said when I could breathe again, "that was really bad. Like...Donald Trump kind of bad."

  Luke shrugged as he raised his hand and scratched the skin right above his pectorals. My mouth watered instantly. "Meh, I just woke up. Smooth hasn't hit me, yet. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll 'wow' you with my one-liners."

  Chuckling, I held up the menus for Indian and Thai and raised a brow in silent question.

  "Fine. Thai. But you better order a shit ton of it because I don't want to be hungry again thirty minutes after I'm done eating."

  Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my phone from the counter and scrolled down the contact list until I found the number. Luke pointed to Duck Panang Curry, which I ordered as soon as the phone picked up. I ordered my meal with some extra entrées before hanging up and turning my attention back to Luke. "They'll be here in about thirty to forty minutes." I said as I took a step closer, putting me inches from his half-naked body.

  "Whatever shall we do as we wait for our food?" Luke asked me as he placed his large hands on my hips and pulled me in closer.

  Taking a deep breath, I could smell his virility, if that were even possible, with a hint of sleep and clean soap from my shower. In a nutshell, his scent was intoxicating. "I think we should talk."

  Jesus, I sounded like a fifteen-year-old girl instead of a confident man who'd just been fucked to within an inch of his life. Luke threw his head back and laughed then leaned in and captured my mouth, kissing the ever loving life out of me.

  "Alright, babe. Let's talk. In fact, I want to know more about what's going to happen next."

  About to follow him out of the kitchen and into the living room, I decided to grab a couple of imported beers from the fridge first. I stuffed my wallet into my back pocket so that I had the money ready when our food arrived. Making my way to the large leather sofa, I sat next to Luke and handed him an opened beer. My coffee table had a special, resistant top that didn't stain so, unlike Larson, I didn't have a coronary if my guests didn't use coasters. I smiled at the memory then schooled my features.

  "Why are you smiling like that?" Apparently, I schooled them too late.

  "Like what?" A man could try, right?

  "Are you trying to piss me off, Lloyd?"

  I sat with my legs spread, elbows resting on my knees and hands hanging between my thi
ghs. Releasing a breath through my lips, I gave Luke a sidelong look and then started talking. "About six months ago, I, well...there is no other way of saying this, I was kicked to the curb by the guy I was dating. Larson Blackburn."

  Before I could continue, Luke interrupted me. "The author?"

  With a scowl, I turned my head and faced him. "You know him?"

  "Well, yeah. I've read his book. Not too bad, actually. Didn't he have some kind of legal...Oh, alright. Go on." He encouraged me as he spread his naked, tattooed arms across the back of the sofa.

  "There's not much to tell. We dated or maybe we just fucked, I don't know. Anyway, six months ago he fell for some reviewer and that was the end of that." I tried to shrug it off as insignificant but I could feel Luke's stare digging a hole at the back of my head.

  "Do you still love him?"

  I didn't look at his face but I could hear the uncertainty in his voice. "I did. At least, I thought I did. Now? No. He called this morning and I was afraid it would stir up old feelings but," I turned to speak directly to him then continued, "I felt nothing. So, I guess the answer to that question is a resounding 'No.'"

  Out of nowhere, I felt a large hand clamp down on my neck and pulling me into a hard chest. "Good. I prefer knowing you're not distracted by anyone else while I try to seduce you."

  With a chuckle, I rise up and bite his bottom lip. "I'm pretty sure the seducing part has already worked out, Luke. My ass can attest to that."

  Pulling me to a kneeling pose and straddling his thighs, Luke fisted my white tee shirt and brought our mouths to nearly touching. "Yeah, but I'm not interested in just fucking you, Lloyd. I want to see where this goes," his finger pointing at himself then at me, "between us."

  With my hands braced on the back of the sofa, I leaned in and slid my tongue across the seam of his lips, moaning into his mouth. "Alright. Let's see where this goes. Hopefully, nowhere near another jail." With a hearty laugh and a wrestling move sure to make the MMA proud, I found myself on my back, lying on the couch with two hundred plus pounds of raw testosterone hovering over me. Then...the buzzer's call echoed throughout the apartment. Saved by the bell.

  "Food's here. Hold that thought." I said as I rose after giving him a quick peck on the lips. Luke groaned but let me go all the same as he got to his feet.

  "That was pretty fucking quick," he said. "Let me go grab my wallet."

  "I've got it," I replied, but like most non-legal activities, Luke Gunner was going to hold his ground. Oh well, I thought, by the time he rummaged around in his room to for his wallet, I'd have paid for the food and had the first course eaten.

  With a spring to my step, I adjusted my jeans or more precisely, my package, and headed to the door. I couldn't wait to eat, my stomach protesting from the lack of lunch earlier in the day. When I opened the door, there was no delivery man and definitely no Thai food. There was however, a deranged man pointing a very real gun at my forehead. And he wasn't alone.

  So much for dinner.

  Chapter 26

  I WAS RUMMAGING around my room for my wallet when I heard the commotion from the living room. What the fuck?

  I froze immediately as I recognized Lenny the Shark's deep voice, raised to a level he'd never used with me.

  "You legal punk! You think you have balls enough to take us down, huh?"

  "Was that rhetorical?" I heard Lloyd answer.

  Shit, Lloyd, do not fuck with that animal.

  I grabbed my backpack from the chair, and pulled my Glock 9mm from the side pocket quickly locating the magazine, and shoving it into place. Silently, I crept into the hall and a quick peek around the corner confirmed Lenny's back was to me, and my wayward twin had Lloyd in a headlock in front of him. I could only presume Lenny had a gun pointed at Lloyd.

  I soundlessly made my way down the hallway and Lloyd's eyes flickered briefly to mine as he registered my approach.

  "Now I'm gonna ask you one more time you lilly-livered son-of-a-bitch, where is he?"

  "Right behind you, Daddy," I growled. "With a loaded Glock aimed at your skull. Drop your weapon. Lloyd has an aversion to brain splatter on his Persian rugs."

  The sound of the safety release on my weapon resounded in the living room. Lenny lowered his arm and let his revolver drop to the floor. "Now," I continued, "hands on top of your head, and kick the gun away from you."

  Lenny did as instructed, grumbling profanities as he complied.

  "Good. Very good," I said. "Now bro? You take your hands off of my man there, nice and easy."

  Once he'd released Lloyd, I instructed him to pick up the weapon that Lenny had kicked away. Lloyd bent over and grabbed the gun, but I could tell he wasn't at all comfortable with a weapon as he handed it to me. We'd have to rectify that further down the road.

  "Come here, Lloyd," I ordered. "Grab my cell and call the cops." Lloyd fished through my pocket, pulling my phone out and made the call.

  "Now," I said, "I want you to turn and face me Lenny, and keep those hands up in the air. Lloyd, you take this gun here," I continued. "It's cocked. If Lenny moves, you pull that trigger, and you shoot to kill. Those are hollow points in there, so you don't have to be a marksman to do some fatal damage. This is a home invasion, and you know the law better than any of us here about shooting in self defense, now don't you?"

  Lloyd nodded hesitantly. "But Luke--the police are on their way..."

  "I know that, babe, but you see, I've got some unfinished business here with my twin."

  "Name's Duke," he snarled, looking at me like I was the one that had somehow encroached on his territory. Simple son-of-a-bitch.

  I stalked over to Duke, the gun that Lenny had pointed at Lloyd now tucked into the waistband of my pants. Once I was standing inches from him, I surveyed him. We weren't carbon copies of one another--at least not anymore. The man standing in front of me was as much of a stranger as someone off the street. I felt no connection to him whatsoever.

  "You're scum," I growled, and before he could blink, my fist slammed into his nose, and by the sound of the crunching cartilage, I knew I'd broken it good. "That's from Lloyd," I said, rubbing my knuckles. "And don't be bleeding all over his good rug," I continued, bringing my knee up with a swift motion between his legs, pushing his nuts up into his groin. With a loud groan, Duke toppled over onto the hardwood floor, where he continued to writhe in pain and agony just as the doorbell rang with our food delivery.


  Later, after the cops had come and gone with the two fugitives, and we'd cleaned up the mess, Lloyd nuked our takeout so that we could finally enjoy an intimate supper together. He poured some expensive wine, and we ate at the bar in the kitchen.

  "You know," I said, "it's been the week from hell, but I wouldn't have changed a thing seeing how it's all ended up. I really think I'm going to enjoy living here with you, Lloyd. And I think we're both going to enjoy getting to know one another along the way. Hey, who knows? Maybe some of you will rub off on me, and vice versa? What do you think?"

  "Uh…well, I think maybe we should get to know one another before we take that kind of a leap, don't you?"

  "Don't fight what we both know is good, Lloyd. Give yourself a chance to experience something better than you ever had with Blackburn. I take, but I also give, babe. And I think I'm going to enjoy rocking your fucking world."

  Whereas Lloyd had been shaken up during the entire family drama earlier in the evening, the man that walked my way now was confidence personified. It was sexy as all hell. I watched him take steady steps until he reached me and let him place his hands on either side of my face. Smirking, I reveled in his self-assuredness trying my best not to take control of the situation. In fact, for once in my life, I even hoped my lover would take the reins and drive his point home.

  "Luke Gunner, you are crazy if you think we're going to start living together after only knowing each other for a week. That being said, you can stay here until you find your own place."

  I stayed silent
, fighting a grin that would reveal my intention too easily. Little did Lloyd know, I would be going out to my hideaways and unburying my stashes of cash, coming back to his place and making it my permanent living quarters. space.

  Taking my silence as a victory, he continued. "It's not that I don't want to be with you, okay? It's just that...we are so different, you know? I need to get used to the idea of sharing my apartment." Leaning in, he eased what he probably thought was a blow to my ego. Except I knew I would get my way.

  "Well, I completely understand. So, I'm willing to compromise."

  Lloyd visibly relaxed, clearly feeling better about breaking my heart. "Really?" he asked, skepticism beginning to show across his gorgeous face as my grin grew wider by the second. This man was something else. Honest to a fault despite his career choice, open to his heart despite his previous heart break and fierce like a lion despite his submissive preferences. I had never met a more perfect man. Needless to say, I was a near genius so taking a chance on losing him wasn't going to happen.

  "Yeah, really. I don't have to live here with you. We can go apartment hunting together, next week. Find ourselves something we can both agree on."

  Lloyd opened his mouth to answer but then he frowned and shook his head. "You are deranged, Luke. You know that?"

  Easiest. Question. Ever.

  "Aren't all geniuses?"

  Epilogue - Luke

  Several months later . . .

  HOW IN THE HELL I allowed Lloyd to talk me into being smack dab in the middle of Times Square, literally rubbing elbows with everyone else in the City, was beyond me. This type of thing was never my gig, but over the past few months, I'd mellowed just a bit and loosened up my restrictions on what type of activities I was willing to tolerate to make my man happy.

  This was one of those times.


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