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Ice Dragon Tales

Page 23

by Hurri Cosmo

  However, he had been told by Aric that an actual battle to take Joron back may not be necessary. The king brought with him a letter he had received prior to going to Blade Rain weeks ago. Nochi was not sure what was in the letter. In all reality, the king himself said he had trouble deciphering it, only that it was a summons by King Oxys and little else. But then, of course, they came to a castle readying itself for a royal funeral, the letter and its possible explanation forgotten for the moment. However, Aric never truly forgot anything and regarded the letter with great concern now--concern not only for Joron, but also for the kingdom of Blade Rain itself.

  What the king figured out about the letter that suddenly made him so concerned, Nochi had no idea, nor did he know how Aric would use it to free Prince Joron.

  Still, even now, Nochi would not second-guess his king. He had learned from a very early age that good fortune smiled on his king and kingdom. His king never relied on luck, but it seemed to follow him anyway. The man's leadership skills were unshakable, and to question its validity was to question the sun rising in the morning or the sea crashing on the shore. So, he would lead this untried team and they would follow, trusting his king. For now, his responsibilities were to make sure to keep everyone focused and to protect King Aric, not only from attack, but from himself as well.

  Because love did that. It made you stupid. It made you want to do things totally against your nature and your upbringing, even your training.

  Chapter 2

  Diagus had met the band of marauders called the Cetin Gang on his journeys through the kingdoms. He had decided to enjoy a few years of intense travel and free living before having to settle down to running the kingdom of Blade Rain as the king. His mother, Queen Erora, was none too happy about his plan, but she had no power over him. Besides, his father had approved and that was good enough for him. He caught up to the band outside of Gray Valley, a village in the kingdom of Claymoor Doom, running yet again from another raid, this time on a poor tavern, taking away only a few kegs of ale and some cheap wine. There had been some damage to property but mainly to an old man's prickly pride, and lucky for the old man, not all that much to his pocketbook.

  Diagus, disguised as a commoner and leaving his guards behind, entered their group late in the evening after they had drunk most of their take. They had stopped in a clearing on an ill kept trail through a heavily wooded area. Stepping over prostrate forms, snoring away, Diagus sat beside the leader, grabbed a tankard, and filled it with the now warm ale. After a long draw to clear the dust in his throat, he introduced himself with his real name. He had no fear they would know who he was. He simply thought it would be interesting spending some time with this notorious group of men. After the leader recovered a bit from the shock someone had followed them and then had the audacity to actually approach them, he settled back into a jovial "let's drink 'til dawn" mode.

  And they did.

  They drank, laughed, sang, and passed out together, and by time the sun began its descent into the west the next afternoon, the leader of the Cetin Gang and Diagus were fast friends.

  Diagus never did remember his name, but he knew exactly who the Cetin Gang was.

  Yes, this band was infamous. King Tamusi of Claymoor Doom wanted this gang and he wanted them bad. It had something to do with a late friend of Tamusi's, someone in his military. The band had caused the friend's death in a raid or something. Diagus did not recall the full story, actually had little need to know the details. However, he had held on to what information he did deem worthy of retention in the back of his brain, thinking at some point he might be able to use it either against this group of thugs or against Tamusi himself.

  That day had arrived.

  Diagus wanted King Aric out of his castle for a day or so, and there was no better way to do it than to dangle the Cetins right under his nose. It was easy to set up. He had knowledge of the band's current hideout, which was, fortunately for him, on his way to Claymoor Doom castle. But that information alone wasn't enough to get Tamusi out the door and on his horse. No, he needed an uprising. It needed to be big enough, and he needed to make sure it was close enough as well, to ensure Tamusi would personally see to shutting it down. How did one do that in the kind of time Diagus had? Well, silver, of course, and a rumor of treasure. He sent the gang a bag of silver pieces and a tale of a small village close to the castle of Claymoor Doom that was in temporary custody of a good amount of wealth in the form of jewels and gold worth taking. He knew it would be all they needed to take excited interest.

  Fortune was not necessarily the Cetin Gang's only goal. They loved the act of destruction as much, and not giving them any indication where in the town the treasure was, pretty much guaranteed devastation on a wide scale--something the band was renowned for. In addition, a town to loot this close to Tamusi was too tempting to ignore. As much as the king of Claymoor Doom wanted to put the band in his dungeons, this gang also loved to flaunt their amazing luck to actually never get caught. And with this particular troop pillaging this close to the king, there would be no way Tamusi could resist tripping over himself to become involved personally with their capture. Diagus didn't care he set up his old drinking buddies. He had never intended they hold any real place in his heart. He only ever used his knowledge of people, places, and things to further his desires. Making friends was not one of them.

  However, finding and bringing his brother, Prince Joron, home, was.

  Ah, Joron. Yes, Diagus knew it was not proper to be in love with your own brother. Well, half brother, which was, of course, another reason for his three-year stint. It hadn't worked. He came back still obsessed, and his brother was more alluring than ever. Joron had been the product of one of his father's many affairs, from which a known pregnancy was never allowed to come to full-term, but for some reason, Joron's mother's was. It had been rumored the king was actually in love with her and was thrilled his mistress had had a son.

  "Spare heir" Joron was called and his father brought Joron and his mother to the castle. It wasn't long after they arrived when he learned Joron's mother was sick. She died shortly after and that was when things changed.


  The once happy king became angry and depressed and wallowed in self-indulgence to the point of incredible weight gain and excessive carousing. Diagus was training to be the heir, so he had firsthand knowledge of the pitiful sight his father made and it made Diagus ill.

  His mother was not much better, actually far from it. At least he didn't have to spend much time with her.

  Growing up in the castle was made bearable with Joron beside him, but his feelings for his brother irritated the hell out of him and he ended up only teasing the shit out of Joron. Making him cry had been a favorite pastime, but being a bully was easy for Diagus. At least anger was an emotion he could handle. However, as time passed, Diagus understood what his true feelings were--lust, desire, a craving so intense he could taste it.

  He intended on staying gone longer, when a missive finally reached him telling him his father had taken on a grave illness and he needed to return immediately.

  Of course, none of his feelings for his brother had changed. In fact, they had only become stronger and more defined. So, he decided there was no longer any reason to hold back. The fact he would soon become king meant he would no longer have to care these were feelings he not only shouldn't act on, but shouldn't have. Because being king, he could do anything he wanted. Except his brother had a way of slipping from his grasp time and again, and now he had traipsed off to Claymoor Doom to "save" their sister from having to marry Aric Tamusi.

  He understood their sister had been given to the Duke of the Provence of the Moon, but the bride price had been a paltry one at best compared to the price King Aric was offering. Plus, Claymoor Doom was the most powerful kingdom in the land, second only to Blade Rain. Though Blade Rain was much smaller, Blade Rain had within its borders the Ice Dragon Pass, the only safe route through the treacherous Norborne Mo
untains, and that made Blade Rain important. There was a charge to use the pass, which meant all the kingdoms affected by it had to walk through the Blade Rain throne room and negotiate their price.

  Though Claymoor Doom was the largest kingdom, it was becoming larger all the time. King Aric had made it clear he intended on combining the kingdoms and making himself the high king. Over time, he had begun doing that very thing, gobbling up kingdom after kingdom, widening his borders, and strengthening his cause. It only made sense the lone princess of Blade Rain should marry the King of Claymoor Doom.

  But Joron, in his stupidity, sent Liarta off with the duke to elope the day after their father's funeral, while Joron took the three-day journey to Claymoor Doom to plead with the king to give up on their sister. As much as Diagus wanted to climb right into Joron from every angle, he also wanted to slap him for his naiveté.

  "Don't mess with our borders," Joron had told him. "The duke is powerful and could secede from the kingdom. Besides, the duke and Liarta are in love. How can you deny them?"

  Yes, Joron, I know they are in love. And believe me, I know how that can hurt.

  But what Joron did not know was how passionate and determined King Aric was in obtaining the right to marry Liarta. Though Joron seemed to think the two had not met, it wasn't the case. It seemed Tamusi had encountered her somewhere, been given a fake name and a kiss, no less. Even though Diagus questioned whether or not it had been his sister, Tamusi was certain it was the Blade Rain princess and he was not leaving until he had her hand. It might be dangerous to piss off the duke, but it was far more dangerous to defy someone like Tamusi. Giving his consent to the nuptials had been the smartest thing Diagus could do.

  Of course, he had to admit it was exciting to have power over the Claymoor king as well. Seeing doubt in those dark eyes, doubt he had caused, was intoxicating.

  But then, Joron decided he needed to save the day by sending their sister off with the duke and taking off himself to tell Tamusi his princess was no longer available. Talk about dangerous. Oh, Joron thought he was clever, not telling anyone what he was doing--no one, that is, except Kinnabe, his extremely loyal valet. So Diagus did the only thing he could do under the circumstances. He used that very fact against him. Locking Kinnabe up, he let out the rumor Joron had been kidnapped by Castle Claymoor Doom, and he was going to ride to his rescue. He thought he had over played his hand when he set up his old friends, thinking he wouldn't need such insurance. The timing on it was crucial, too, extremely tight, however he had been able to pull it off. And it turned out he had done the right thing, because Aric Tamusi not only accepted Joron's offer of free passage through the Ice Dragon Pass in exchange for allowing their sister, Liarta, off the hook, but evidently there was another condition as well.

  Aric took Joron as his bride.

  And he would fight to keep him.

  Well, so would Diagus have fought to take him back, but instead, he would simply steal him.

  Ah yes, he could have laughed as he was leaving the great Claymoor Doom royal hall after meeting with Tamusi, pleading in vain for his brother's release. Because as he looked back he saw a desperate servant stumbling over himself to get through the massive doors Diagus had just walked back out of. Of course he knew why. In a matter of moments, the king would be pushing through those same doors on his way to the stables, heated with his desire to see that most infamous band of robbers were thrown deep into his dungeons, never to see the light of day again. It was perfect. Even with how close the village was, it would still take many precious hours to ride there, secure the gang, and to drag them back.

  And earlier, before he ever stepped foot in the throne room of King Aric, he had sent a message through the castle to Joron, an invitation to join Tamusi on his venture to capture the gang. It would go through proper Claymoor Doom channels, though in the end there would be no record of who actually started it. But by then, it wouldn't matter. Joron would be, at this moment, patiently waiting for Diagus to meet him in that place he was commanded to be. Tamusi lost.

  There had never been a problem with either party meeting in the stables either, since Joron was already gone, but Joron would not be riding his own horse. Therefore that horse would still be in its stall. King Aric would have no reason to believe anything at all was amiss. Diagus himself would continue his dejected retreat from the castle alone, since he would be watched. They would follow him, but not far. By time he would meet up with his wayward brother, Diagus knew he would be in the clear. The boy servant and the appointed castle guards who had brought Joron to the stables were stashed away as well. There would be nothing to fear for many hours. The plan had been perfect.

  With Joron in his grasp, finally and completely, there would be no holding back this time. No one to stop him from taking what he had wanted to have from the moment he'd laid his eyes on the beautiful young man his brother had become.

  * * * *

  Joron had been pulled from the castle. After days of being in Aric's arms and in his heated bed, he was finally on his way back home.

  And it was killing him.

  Yes, he had tried to "escape" a couple of times. The first time was simply because he didn't understand Aric was serious about keeping him. The second time was because he was falling hard for the beautiful man and his adorable son and he would not survive being finally turned away when the king grew bored with him.

  As his horse was being led to where they were to meet up with Diagus, he thought about Taiyo, loveable little Taiyo, Aric's son--his sweet, cherubic face and the way he said Joron's name, "Jo Jo." He had never felt more alive than when he had the little one in his arms. Well, maybe when he was in Taiyo's father's arms.

  He let a tear roll down his face.

  With the fact his bastard of a brother had imprisoned Kinnabe, Joron's most trusted advisor and companion, and he had been able to reach into the deep recesses of Claymoor Doom castle to pull Joron out, he had no choice but to make good the escape this time. Joron didn't understand the entire plan, but the fact he wasn't taking his own horse made him think his brother might be more intelligent than he had first thought. He let himself be led to the rise in the road back south where Diagus instructed he be taken. It hadn't taken long, and Diagus joined them.

  And now they ran. It seemed odd to Joron, but they did. Were they being chased? Diagus did think his status as King of Blade Rain gave him leave to do pretty much whatever he wanted to do, even in someone else's kingdom. Joron didn't think Diagus's possible bad behavior was the reason though. There hadn't been enough time. He also did not think King Aric or any of his people would be following to recapture him. Joron had given up on thinking such things hours ago, no longer expecting to see some sign Aric was coming to take back "what was his." Though he already knew he was only a plaything to the man, it was still heartbreaking to have it thrown in his face, to have it become reality, to finally know for sure what he suspected all along. He didn't mean enough to Aric to chase after, once he left castle grounds. Though Aric seemed to be so angry when he learned about Diagus's desire for Joron--like he would protect him--the time had come for that very thing and he wasn't willing to after all. But then, it was Joron who'd left without warning. How could he blame Aric for not coming after him?

  And how Joron found out was by traveling to Claymoor Doom to do nothing more than release his sister from her obligation. It was what he did. He fixed the problems the royal family of Amar created. So going to Claymoor Doom to save his sister's future was just one more item on that list.

  He'd never expected to fall in love.

  Diagus looked like death, with deep circles under his eyes. He had obviously not slept much either over the last few days. Joron guessed he didn't sleep at all last night, opting instead to push hard to Claymoor Doom. He was embarrassed Diagus chose to tell the people of Blade Rain he had been kidnapped. But it had been extremely touching when he came over that ridge, finally arriving at the spot Diagus had set for him to be met, and the troo
ps who had accompanied Diagus cheered. At first Joron was shocked they were there at all and dressed for battle. What he was told by the men in black who had taken over Joron's journey at the stables, was indeed Diagus told everyone Joron had been taken by force. He could hardly face them. He had chosen to stay at Claymoor Doom. He had selected to not send word back, not caring at all he would frustrate Diagus. But he had not thought of the fact the kingdom itself would miss him and want him back. He had been enjoying himself in King Aric's bed, eating amazing food and thinking impure thoughts, yet here were the best of his men, ready to do battle, even expecting to die, for him--to bring him home.

  They did not stay in that spot long. They had to wait for Diagus to join them. When he did, they took off back down the road they had come and now, nearly sixteen hours later, they still raced, barely allowing time to water and rest the horses. But the pace was not keeping Joron in his saddle any longer because he was tired, too. Diagus seemed to notice it as well, since he had never left Joron's side from the moment he'd joined them outside of Claymoor Doom. At times, he was too close. Joron felt crowded and desperate. Finally, after several attempts at gaining some distance from Diagus and after one time nearly losing his balance in the process, with a growl, Diagus reached over and pulled Joron over to his horse, to sit in front him. Joron protested and struggled but, of course, it was of no use at all. Diagus's strong arm went around his waist and held Joron firmly to his chest. Finally Joron calmed and settled into Diagus's warmth, letting it lull him to sleep. He heard a soft chuckle in his ear.

  "Yes, brother," Diagus breathed. "Spread those legs wide and relax."

  Yes, they ran from absolutely no one and finally Joron realized Diagus had never once looked back. That was when it hit him. Diagus was not running from something but running to something. At last, Joron understood. The sooner they arrived home, the sooner Joron would be in Diagus's bed.


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