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Ice Dragon Tales

Page 24

by Hurri Cosmo

  When they arrived at the castle, Joron had another surprise. They were met by an overwhelming number of people. They had come from all of the towns surrounding the castle to help in his rescue. He learned they had continued to pour into the walled area of the castle, even after Diagus had left, eventually spilling out to the exterior of the walls and beyond. When the people saw and recognized the returning party and realized Joron was with them, a loud cheer went up and the people swarmed in and around them. Joron felt Diagus chuckle from behind him. He also heard him mumble something about his irritation in not being able to avoid all of this. And of course, he was right. There was no place to go except right through the center of the crowd.

  The cheers continued as they waded through. Normally they would have dismounted, but Diagus held firm to Joron, not allowing it. He must have thought it wasn't safe. The crowd was grateful Joron was back but it didn't mean he wouldn't be torn to pieces. Diagus's advisors met them at the door when they managed to finally arrive at the entrance, pleading with him to somehow send the throng home. Diagus assured them that once they were able to get into the castle, he would say something to the mass of people and attempt to disperse them. Joron was worried as well, wondering how things had been handled in his absence, especially with this size of crowd. He was pretty much always the only royal who'd cared about their welfare. He was also sad, thinking this was nowhere near the size of the crowd who had come to his father's funeral.

  "Have King Aric's men gone home?" Joron asked.

  Aric had left twenty of his own men for use in crowd control, as consolation for not being able to stay for the funeral when he was suddenly called away back to his own castle. Joron had instructed those twenty before he left for Claymoor Doom that they could leave any time once most of the people had gone home.

  "I sent them home before we left. I was not going to have the enemy in my own castle. Besides, I think the people would have killed them."

  It was true. With as happy as the crush of people were that Joron was back unharmed, there was no telling what they would have done to troops who they might believe would have had anything to do with Joron's disappearance. It would take time for what happened to not only be told and spread but also to sink in, and Joron knew there would always be a faction of the community who would never believe the truth, mainly because the truth was nowhere near as exciting.

  "Oh, that reminds me." Diagus smirked.

  They were in front of the doors that led into the main part of the castle. Joron had allowed Diagus to dismount first, and then when he attempted to dismount by himself, Diagus reached up and grabbed him, pulling him off and into his arms. The crowd went wild. Joron had to wonder what it was they thought. Do they think I've been hurt and Diagus is simply helping me? What would they think if they knew the real reason Diagus will not release me? Would they cheer then?

  "Not only did I lock up your precious Kinnabe, but I also put the two Tamusi spies you sent in prison as well. Again, for their own protection."

  Joron looked up at Diagus, remembering for the first time Aric had sent men to see what had become of Diagus's first session with the people. When Joron had attempted to leave Claymoor Doom the first time, he made it clear to Aric the reason was for his people. He needed to return to make sure Diagus would do what was right and proper as their king. And if he did not, once again Joron would have to become their support. The two sent by Aric were to find out that exact thing. How could he explain it? Indeed they were spies, but not to the detriment of anyone at all, including King Diagus. But how could he explain the real reason they were sent?

  "What...what are you talking about?"

  "Joron, we don't have time right now to talk about this, and believe me, we will, but I am no idiot. I know a spy when I see one. You're lucky I didn't lop their heads off on sight."

  "Lop their heads off? Why would you do that?"

  Diagus snorted, obviously believing his question did not deserve to be answered. They had been moving through the corridors of the castle, Diagus dragging Joron to the balcony overhanging the courtyard. He obviously intended to take care of the crowd as quickly as possible and he would have to have Joron in his presence in order to do it. Along the way, he was giving orders to the people who followed. To one, he ordered wine, glasses, and a light supper be brought to his quarters. To another, he ordered a hot bath with oils and thick, thirsty towels. Was there a roaring fire in the bedroom? Fresh sheets? To still others, he ordered they make sure the crowd had food and drink, but to set it up outside of the wall to encourage them to keep moving home--and to make sure they all had enough provisions for their journeys as well, guaranteeing once they start their journey home, they continued moving home.

  Joron was shocked when he heard it. Diagus was going to feed the people? Not only that, but make sure they had enough? Enough? When Diagus saw the look on Joron's face, he laughed.

  "Don't worry, little brother. I'm still a total and complete asshole. I'm feeding them to get rid of them."

  Though Joron did believe it was his brother's true intent, he still thought it was an incredibly kind gesture and he smiled at him. Diagus stopped dead in his tracks, forcing a collision of the fast walking people who were around them. Joron didn't quite understand the look he now saw on Diagus's face but he thought it was one of surprise. Diagus reached out to gently touch Joron's face.

  "I don't think you've ever smiled at me before. Not like that, anyway." He whispered. "I think I want to see it more often." He turned on his heel then, grabbing a tighter hold on Joron's wrist, and continued his way down the hall toward the double doors leading out onto the balcony.

  Once again the crowd cheered when the two of them stepped out. "Diagus, King Diagus, you will need to tell them the truth. I was not kidnapped."

  Diagus smirked. "Well, I didn't know that at the time. I had a very bad feeling about you going to face that bastard by yourself. I thought at the very least he would hold you until Liarta was delivered." He looked down at Joron. "Do you blame me for trying to protect you?"

  Joron glanced up at him. "No... I mean...thank you for your concern. I guess I didn't think about that possibility. I thought I had power, with being able to negotiate the pass."

  Diagus grunted. "Yeah, I'll agree with that, you didn't think. Not at all. But now you're safe and sound back home where you belong."

  He pulled Joron closer and the crowd cheered again. Diagus then raised his hand for silence. It took a while but the crowd finally calmed and Diagus addressed them.

  "Good people of Blade Rain, your prince and king are home." The crowd erupted into near chaos.

  Joron rolled his eyes. "You idiot. What the hell are you doing?"

  Diagus laughed. "It's celebration time, Joron. For them, as well as me. You will be in my bed soon and believe me, that is cause for cheering."

  Joron's heart missed a beat, nearly doubling him over. Concerned, Diagus pulled him back up, as the crowd suddenly went very quiet. They had noticed the near collapse as well. "Joron? What's wrong?"

  "Wrong? You can ask that question? This. This is wrong." He motioned between them.

  Diagus hardened his look and gazed out at the crowd again. "Good citizens, Joron is safe but we are both exhausted. He and I must rest now. Thank you for your concern for your royal family, but it is time to go home. There will be provisions for you if there is need. They will be set up outside the wall. Good night and safe travels." The cheer went up again, nowhere near as loud or frenzied, and immediately the crowd moved toward the front gate. Diagus growled. "I hope the castle servants are ready for them."

  * * * *

  They made it back to the king's chambers. Diagus flopped onto a heavily pillowed chair in front of the large fireplace and sighed. He looked up at Joron. "Take your clothes off."

  Joron pulled his arms tightly around him. "No! I will not!"

  Diagus's shoulders dropped and he looked away. "Damn it, Joron! I fucking rescued you! I deserve a reward. Besides,
I'm your king. You have to obey me."

  "You didn't rescue me. I didn't need rescuing. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

  Diagus growled then. Coming up out of the chair, he launched himself at Joron. Grabbing him, he propelled him into the bedroom and threw him down on the bed. Shocked, Joron propped himself up on his elbows as he watched Diagus remove his belt.

  "And I told you, my dear sweet brother, I didn't know that at the time! All I knew is that you had left alone to face off with a true adversary. You think your precious Duke of The Provence of the Moon is dangerous? You forget, Joron. I spent an entire three years traveling in and around the kingdoms listening and talking to people. Tamusi makes the duke look like a child!"

  Diagus kneeled onto the bed next to Joron and grabbed his hands. "But enough about Tamusi. I have other things on my mind." The lurid look he was giving Joron was enough to spurn him into action.

  "No! Wait, Diagus! You can't do this!"

  Joron pulled on his hands but Diagus had far more strength and had them tied before Joron could do much except struggle. With another growl Diagus pulled hard on Joron's bound wrists, dragging him to the head of the bed and began tying the loose ends of his belt to the headboard. He then proceeded to strip Joron, while Joron kicked out at every opportunity.

  "Quit trying to kick me or I'll tie up your legs, too!"

  "No." Joron screamed. "Please, Diagus, no. Please, Aric, save me!" He wept. This was not the way it was supposed to be!

  * * * *

  "Save me?"

  Diagus had rid Joron of the last piece of cloth that covered his delectable body. He looked up at Joron now, into his beautiful, wet green eyes--the lovely figure lying before him, begging to be entered and brought to the heights of pleasure. Oh, how he desperately wanted to do that. He wanted to lick and pinch and bite and fondle every inch of Joron. Diagus caressed those smooth thighs, wishing he could simply dive onto the twitching, flaccid cock nestled in a mess of brown hair. But Joron called out for Aric to save him. Why should that stop him from taking what rightfully became his to take, the moment he became king?

  Of course, he knew what had happened. Tamusi had not only taken Joron's virginity but obviously took him time and time again. He could tell by the marks the idiot made on this beautiful person. But was Joron in love with Tamusi, too? How could it be?

  However, he did know how it could be, because wasn't he the same? Didn't he fall in love, too, when he first glimpsed his brother after returning from his three-year long trek across the kingdoms? Sure he'd had an obsession for Joron before he left, but it was immature and full of simple lust. He had been sure, as his mother had been, it would pass with time and distance. Much to his dismay and delight, it had not. He truly was in love. Joron was all he ever thought about--this creamy white, smooth skin, the round ass cheeks just begging to be spread and thrust into, the delectable mouth made to be kissed with his lips and filled with his cock.

  Joron was here now--his for the taking. Diagus had gone all the way to Claymore Doom to claim him and take him back. He had come up with a brilliant plan to get Joron out of there, too. Joron was his, damn it. But...for some reason, he couldn't make himself go through with it.


  "So, you...what, love the asshole Tamusi?" He sat back, still touching the soft sensuous skin of Joron's inner thighs. He looked at Joron, tears streaming from those beautiful eyes. No. I caused those.

  "I..." Joron began.

  Oh hell, you mean he's going to answer me, too?

  "I think so..." Joron's voice cracked and his lips closed as he sniffed loudly, trying in vain to wipe away the tears on his upstretched arms.

  Oh damn.

  Diagus rose up and fell over on top of Joron. He was too tired anyway. Tomorrow. There would be plenty of time to seduce Joron tomorrow. Right now, he needed to sleep. He needed to come up with another brilliant plan on how to make his brother fall in love with him, and then he would fuck him senseless. He was worth waiting for.

  Damn but he was tired. "I thought... I really thought..." He rolled off Joron and lay next to him on the bed.

  * * * *

  "Thought what?" Joron whispered.

  "Thought I could take you by force. I believed it wouldn't matter to me what you felt." He lifted himself up on his elbow and looked down at Joron. "Joron, I think I love you. I know we're brothers but I have never felt we were brothers. I don't know...doesn't make a lot of sense but..." He put a flat hand on Joron's chest and caressed Joron gently. "But it does matter what you think. I...suddenly, it's important to me you don't hate me."

  Joron was shocked to see tears well up in those eyes. His heart went out to him. "I...don't. I don't hate you. I have never hated you."

  Diagus met his eyes and Joron saw pain, confusion and lust there. Before being with Aric, Joron would not have understood this look. All that had changed. Diagus leaned down and kissed Joron gently on the lips.

  "I want you to want me as much as I want you. I'm willing to wait for that." He reached up and untied Joron's hands. He turned Joron over to his side and pulled him in tight, Joron's back up against Diagus's chest. "Sleep." He whispered in his ear. "So will I. We're both tired." Diagus rubbed the red around Joron's wrists. "I'm sorry. I never mean to hurt you." He chuckled. "However, give me the word and I'll tie you up again, just for fun." He kissed Joron's wrists. "You are so beautiful, Joron. Please fall in love with me." He pulled Joron closer in his arms.

  Joron could still feel Diagus's stiff cock against his buttocks even as he heard his breathing become deep and steady. What had just happened? He thought he knew this man who came to his "rescue." It was clear he did not. He had been good to the people, although he refused to admit it was an act of kindness. He truly would have had the right to "lop off the heads" of the Claymoor Doom spies because indeed, that is what they were, but instead he protected them. He even stopped the rape he was intent on committing. Who was this man? He certainly wasn't the man Joron thought he knew from three years ago. Hell, from three weeks ago. Could he really be someone Joron could begin to admire?

  But as messed up as his heart was at the moment, as broken as it felt right now, sleep would not be denied.

  Chapter 3

  Joron woke with a start. Diagus's arms remained tightly wrapped around Joron even though Diagus was still deeply asleep. It was light in the room, just past dawn. Joron tried to move, every muscle protesting. Diagus groaned and moved as well. Joron struggled to pull himself to a sitting position in order to not disturb the sleeping man more than he already had. He scooted up to the head of the bed, so he could pull his legs completely free. Of course, all the movement woke Diagus anyway and as soon as Joron was almost out of the bed, Diagus grabbed him and pulled him down.

  "Ahhh, Joron. I have you naked in my bed. Finally I have you here." He ducked down under the covers and nuzzled his face into Joron's groin, drawing a breath deep into his lungs. "Though I didn't do anything to you last night, you still smell like sex."

  Joron struggled. "Let me get up, please. I need to use the chamber pot. Please."

  "Fine, Joron. But you are back in this bed when you're done. I want to savor your body this morning--even if it's only touching."

  Joron pulled himself to the edge of the bed, grateful Diagus wouldn't follow him to the small room where the chamber pot was located. If he could get behind its door, he would have a few moments to himself. There would be fresh water and soap, too, and he was going to wash. If Diagus forced him back to bed, he would go--he would have no choice--but he would be clean and refreshed. He tested his legs on the cold, stone floor, and took his first tentative step toward that faraway door. He could feel Diagus's gaze burning him as it took in his naked backside.

  Suddenly there was noise in the outer room. A voice boomed out.

  "Sire. Your majesty."

  Whoever it was, was coming for this door. There was no way Joron was going to make it to the chamber room nor was he going to be able t
o get back to the bed and under the covers. The men--because it did sound now like there was more than one--were going to come bursting into the room and he was going to be standing here in all his naked glory.

  There was movement behind him and suddenly Diagus pulled him close as he draped a sheet over Joron. The sheet came fully around him as the door opened. Joron saw the look on the man's face. The one standing first at the door looked hard at Joron, shocked dismay showing plainly on his face. He raked Joron with his stare as the shock faded into something sinister. Was it jealousy? Did Diagus have this kind of intimacy with that man and now he was playing the jilted lover? Joron's eyes quickly darted to the two men standing behind. The one on the left also looked at Joron, but the look on his face was something completely different, possibly disgust. Joron pulled the sheet around him tighter and Diagus's arm tightened as well. The man on the right simply looked away, as a solider should.

  Diagus spun Joron around and pushed him toward the door to the room with the chamber pot. Joron was thankful he had been released and shuffled quickly there, opened it, stepped inside, and closed it as fast as he could behind him. He leaned up against it and breathed a sigh of relief. It would take maybe a couple of hours but the news Joron had spent the night with his brother would be through the castle and, though they had not had sex, how the story would actually be told by time it reached the end of the gossip line was anyone's guess. Joron could think of no scenario at all that would be good.

  But maybe these men would be discreet. Maybe Diagus would tell them to say nothing. Maybe it didn't mean anything at all to them and spreading such a rumor, even if it was a fact, was something they would not do. Joron closed his eyes. It didn't matter anymore anyway. What's done was done. He was back in his kingdom, with his people. If things got ugly now because of this... Well, he had made sure he had some choices, at least inside his head.


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