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The Shifter's Gift

Page 88

by Haley Weir

  He continues walking down the hall and notices the group outside in the garden. Surrounded by bright flowers and sunshine, one could be fooled into thinking that the darkness is gone for good. “Mason!” Jenna greets him as he joins them at the table, where they drink tea.

  “Drinking tea out in the castle garden? What a life,” Mason remarks as he takes a seat.

  “Good morning, Mason,” says Xander. He and Jenna hold hands under the table. Over the past year, their love has flourished into something truly beautiful. There is a lot of love at Bolt Castle. Mikayla and Ethan are happy residents, no longer commuting between the city and upstate. Ellen and Douglas whisper to each other, and the garden echoes with Ellen’s gleeful giggle. Then there is Avery, Blake, and the newest addition to the family, three-month old Penelope. She’s a happy baby who does not fuss very much, and is a definite ray of light that the family could use after such dark times.

  “Say hi to Uncle Mason,” Avery coos at Penelope, who drools onto her bib.

  “Hey there, little Penny,” replies Mason in a gentle voice.

  “Avery and I actually wanted to mention an idea, and with everyone gathered together, now is as good a time as any to discuss it,” Blake speaks up, his deep voice immediately commanding the attention of the group.

  “What is it? Is everything okay?” a panicked Chris asks. As the only non-shifter male of the group, he is more on edge since the Pulaski brothers attacked last year. He remains at Bolt Castle where he feels safe, and because Xander asked him to operate as their official technology expert and researcher. Chris has a way of finding important updates, and fast. Xander cannot imagine letting him go.

  “Everything is fine,” reassures Avery. “We just wanted to ask everyone how they would feel if we hired a live-in nanny.”

  “What do you need a nanny for? There are so many of us here. We can always watch Penny when you’re busy,” offers Mikayla. Ellen nods in agreement.

  “I just need an extra set of hands at all times. Everyone has such busy lives, and I want someone who is here for the sole purpose of taking care of Penny. Plus, I think the consistency would be good for her.”

  “That makes sense to me,” considers Jenna. “Of course, I’m going to need my snuggle time with her but if you think extra help is what’s best, I don’t see a problem with it.”

  “I agree!” says Ellen enthusiastically. “I think there’s plenty of room in this place for another person, or 50 more people, even.”

  Douglas laughs. “Yeah, space is clearly not an issue. I think it’s a great idea.”

  “I’m fine with it, too,” answers Ethan. “Maybe, if she’s cute, we can set her up with Chris. You know, maybe having someone special in his life will make him chill out a little...”

  “Do you really think I’m up for dating right now?” Chris snaps. “Someone’s gotta monitor things and make sure we don’t run into any problems.”

  “It’s been a full year and nothing has happened. Is it possible that...Mason was wrong? That maybe it’s all over?” asks Mikayla hopefully.

  “Anything’s possible,” says Mason. “But I’m sure they’re coming. The reason I came here was to escape what was happening in Ottawa. I lost a few members of my pack to poaching violence already. They’re out there, and they’re not done with us.”

  “So you have a positive outlook, then?” says Mikayla, voice dripping with her classic sarcasm.

  “We should trust him,” confirms Jenna. “And I’m not just saying that because he’s my brother. He’s smart. His intuition is strong.”

  “Thanks, Jenna,” says Mason. “I don’t mean to alarm anyone or disturb the peace, I just don’t want us to be caught off guard. We may have to have our guard up forever. It’s the plight of being a shifter, I suppose.”

  Avery frowns. “I worry for Penelope’s future. Is this a safe world for a young female shifter?”

  “We’re going to make it safe,” asserts Blake, squeezing Avery’s hand.

  “So, how are you going to find a nanny? You know, someone we can trust?” Xander asks.

  “Not everyone is out to get us, Xander,” says Jenna.

  “Yeah, but based on this conversation and everything we have learned, enough people are that my concerns are warranted, no?”

  “You’re right,” agrees Avery. “I don’t want just anyone here with us.”

  “I could help you get an ad up online,” suggests Chris. “We can vet a few candidates before making a decision.”

  “I appreciate the assistance,” says Avery. “I’m sure Blake and I can make a smart decision that’s best for everyone. Most importantly, for Penelope.”

  “If we’re hiring extra help, maybe we can get a few housekeepers and cooks in here, too,” laughs Mikayla.

  “I don’t know if all of that is necessary,” answers Xander disapprovingly. “Just because we live in a castle, doesn’t mean we need to live like royalty.”

  “Xander, you’re not a butler anymore. You are allowed to want people to do things for you, you know,” says Ethan, coming to Mikayla’s defense.

  “That may be true, but there are bigger issues at hand. Do we really need more strangers in our space? Remember what Mason said: we need to keep our guard up,” Xander replies.

  “Babe,” begins Jenna, putting her head on Xander’s shoulder. “We’re going to be just fine. We have the manpower, and the intel, and an entire castle to protect us. We’ve taken down some of the worst together already. We will survive anything life throws at us. All of us. We are a family, and we’re going to have each other’s backs. No matter what.”

  “Jenna, I really admire your positivity,” says Mason.

  “Thanks, bro. I guess when you’ve gone through everything I have, you learn to believe in yourself.”

  “That’s a good way to look at it,” replies Mason. “I know a thing or two about survival myself.”

  “I think we all do, in one way or another,” confirms Ellen, thinking about the terrible, abusive ex-boyfriend she managed to free herself from.

  “It’s true,” says Douglas, smiling at Ellen.

  “Oh, there’s something I wanted to mention, guys,” pipes in Chris. “I took down all my blogs and made sure there are no traces left of who we are, or where we are. I never discussed names, of course, but I worry that we should stay off the radar.”

  “Chris, you know no one blames you for any of this,” Jenna says, her brow furrowed. She used Chris’s blog as a lifeline to other shifters. He was part of the reason she found her new family last year. She would hate to see him give it all up.

  “I know,” Chris says, “but moving forward, I will exercise more caution.”

  “It definitely couldn’t hurt,” answers Mason. “Another thing that couldn’t hurt is me taking a trip to Ottawa. I need to gather the others. The more backup we have, the better.”

  “How many did you leave behind in Ottawa?” asks Xander.

  “There were a bunch of us. But I cannot contact them, both for our safety and because they’re very off the grid. That is part of the reason it took so long for me to find you, Jenna,” Mason explains.

  “I’m just glad you did,” she smiles.

  “Me too,” agrees Mason.

  Chapter 2

  “Charlotte,” yells Charlotte’s mom Toni in a shrill tone. “Charlotte, are you ready? Richard will be here soon to pick you up.”

  Charlotte emerges from her bedroom and appears in the kitchen where her parents wait for her. She’s wearing sweatpants and an old high school t-shirt. Her long, dark brown curly hair is piled high in a messy bun atop her head.

  “What do you think you’re doing? You know you are going on a date, right? What is this? Go change. Now,” barks Toni.

  “What your mother said,” echoes Charlotte’s father John, whose head is buried in a book. He had not bothered to look up at Charlotte.

  “I’m not a child,” replies Charlotte. “You can’t make me go on a date. I’m 26 years old.”

  “You live under our roof, so you follow our rules,” John says, finally peeking up from the book.

  “Yeah, and as soon as I can afford to get out of here, I will,” snarls Charlotte. “You’ll never have to worry about me, or my outfits, again.”

  “Well, we could all afford to get out of here if you just do what you are supposed to do,” Toni responds.

  “God, mom,” Charlotte scoffs. “What year is this? You really think you can just marry me off for money? It is absurd. I don’t want anything to do with Richard.”

  Charlotte’s parents never had a lot of money. They have lived in a modest Connecticut home for Charlotte’s whole life, but have aspirations for a more lavish lifestyle. They spend their time with wealthier families in the neighborhood, pretending they have the funds to keep up with the Joneses. It’s only a matter of time before they can no longer afford to keep up the ruse. They don’t know how to say no, which is why, when the Berk family mentioned how much Richard fancies Charlotte, they enthusiastically offered him a date on their daughter’s behalf. The Berks are the wealthiest family in River Bend, Connecticut. Charlotte’s parents figured that, if they could set her up with Richard, they will inherit some of the Berk family money. Of course, Charlotte consents to none of this.

  “Why can’t you be happy with the life we have?” Charlotte asks her parents.

  “We are happy,” says Toni unconvincingly. “But why can’t we want more? Don’t you ever want more? This is your chance to have a fulfilling life. Imagine it: you could travel whenever, and wherever you want. You would never have to do laundry or cook again. You could have a summer home at the beach, and a winter cabin in the mountains. You love the mountains, remember? Why are you so against it, anyway? At least give Richard a chance.”

  “Your mother’s right,” says John. He’s focused on his book again, and his reading glasses sit on the bridge of his nose. Charlotte wants to knock them off of his face entirely and throw his book on the ground. She wants to grab her mom by the shoulders and shake some sense into her. But there’s no point. Charlotte is planning to move away, and if that pisses off her parents, so be it. She’s an adult and does not need to stay trapped in Connecticut while her parents try to sell her off to the highest bidder.

  “I won’t give Richard a chance. I’ve known him since high school. Back then, he barely noticed me or bothered to be polite to me. That was his chance. Money, inheritance, or summer homes change nothing for me. I’m not interested in this. Any of this!”

  “So, what are you going to do? Use your babysitting money to go rent a place of your own? You barely have a dime to your name,” seethes Toni. Charlotte notices a drink on the side table next to her. Toni picks it up and takes a sip.

  Charlotte rolls her eyes at her mom. “I’m not even going to humor you while you’re drinking. We know how that always goes.”

  “Fine,” says Toni. “Richard is on his way, and you can tell him yourself that you are blowing him off.” Toni gets up and leaves the room in a huff.

  “If you’re so obsessed with Richard Berk, why don’t you marry him, mom?” Charlotte shouts out after her.

  “Because she’s stuck with me,” answers John who shuts his book and carefully places his glasses on the coffee table. He leaves the room, following his wife.

  Grateful for some space from her parents, Charlotte takes a seat on the couch and pulls out her laptop. While her parents think she has no chance of leaving the house, Charlotte knows that working as a nanny is more lucrative than they want to give her credit for. She logs onto a job posting website and sees a new post titled, “Live-in Newborn Nanny Needed”. Charlotte has a fondness for babies, especially newborns. Plus, a live-in nanny job is exactly what she needs right now. She will make money, but also have a place to live that is hopefully very far from her parents and Richard Berk. Charlotte clicks the post and reads it carefully.

  Seeking a qualified nanny for newborn care. Must be able to stay with us. Comfortable living arrangements and meals will be provided. Must be willing to do light housekeeping. References are required. Hoping to fill the spot as quickly as possible.”

  She checks the location of the job. It’s in upstate New York, which is just far enough from her parents and everyone else in River Bend. She imagines herself in a beautifully decorated guest room in a small cottage, surrounded by sprawling green pastures. In her daydream, she is walking the baby into town, smiling at friendly neighbors as she happily walks in the fresh air. She starts to compose her application.

  My name is Charlotte Masters and I would love a chance to talk with you further about the job opportunity listed. I have experience with newborns and can provide references. A little more information about me: I love to sing, go for walks, and read books. I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, have worked as a teacher, camp counselor, and daycare manager. I would love a chance to meet your little ball of sunshine to see if we have a strong connection. I know just how important it is for newborn infants to bond with their caretakers. Looking forward to speaking with you soon!”

  She rereads her message and hits sent. She continues scrolling through the listings, not wanting to put all of her employment eggs in one basket. As she scrolls, her computer pings. She has a new message.

  Hi Charlotte, thanks for reaching out. You sound great and we’re interested in meeting you. Let’s plan a phone interview. If that works out, we’ll have you come up and meet us. No need to worry about transportation- we can provide a car. It’s a bit of a long drive from Connecticut, so let’s make sure we’re a match before we have you come all the way here. Looking forward to speaking with you. Sincerely, Avery Collins

  Charlotte beams at her computer. She had not expected a response so quickly, especially one so positive. Maybe she’s getting ahead of herself, but for the first time, she feels like she has a real chance to leave River Bend behind. She replies with her phone number, and that she is ready as soon as possible to begin the interview process. Almost as soon as she sends her contact information, her cell phone rings.

  “Hello?” answers Charlotte in her friendliest voice.

  “Charlotte? This is Avery. From the ad,” Avery replies. Charlotte notices immediately her voice is warm and inviting. She tries to calm her nerves.

  “It’s so good to talk to you,” Charlotte breathes. “How are you?”

  “I’m great,” says Avery. “You?”


  “Great,” replies Avery. In the background, Charlotte can hear the delicate coo of a baby in the background.

  “Oh, she loves hearing your voice,” Charlotte tells Avery. “Isn’t that the sweetest?”

  “It certainly is. Penelope is a very sweet little girl. Being her mother is a gift and I’m thankful every day. But there’s a lot happening around here, and an extra set of hands could really benefit me. Tell me about your experience.”

  “Well, I’ve nannied for nearly 6 years now. I’ve always worked with kids, whether occasional date night babysitting while I was a teenager or working as a camp counselor during the summer. After college, I worked as a babysitter on the weekends and as a daycare manager during the week.”

  “That’s quite an impressive resume, Charlotte,” raved Avery. It seems your capable of juggling a lot at once, which is super important to us.”

  “I certainly do my best!” says Charlotte.

  “Do you feel comfortable in a home with a lot of people?” asks Avery.

  “Like a commune?”

  Avery laughs. “Almost. I guess, in a way. We have a rather large home and a lot of family, so we all stay here. Everyone wants to spend time with Penelope.”

  “Well, that actually sounds wonderful, especially compared to my current living situation. It’s just me and my parents. They’re breathing down my neck, trying to get me to do things I don’t wanna do, or-” Charlotte realizes she may be oversharing and cuts herself off. “Well, you know.”

  “Oh, I absolutely understan
d,” says Avery. “My mom was the same way. Leaving home was the best thing for our relationship. Moms can really be...well, it’s tough love I suppose.”

  “Something like that,” replies Charlotte. Then, the doorbell rings. “I am so sorry, but I have to go. I hate to cut this off, but...I have a prior engagement.”

  “Oh, a hot date?” Avery asks playfully.

  “Something like that,” Charlotte mumbles. “But I would love to talk to you more about this opportunity as soon as possible.”

  “Here’s the thing. I really like you and I can already tell there is something special about you. I’ve interviewed a few other women, but I’m loving your energy the most. Plus, you have the experience, and I really value that. So what I’m going to do is call your references in the next day or so, and get you up here. I have a feeling this is a good match,” explains Avery.

  “Wow,” says a grateful Charlotte. “That’s...incredible. I definitely feel like we could make this work.”

  “Me too,” agrees Avery. “I guess I’ll just come out and ask...when can you start?”

  “As soon as possible,” Charlotte says confidently.

  “That’s great. Have a good night, Charlotte. We’ll be in touch!”

  The doorbell rings again. She’s so excited about her possible job offer that she nearly skips to the door. When she opens it and sees Richard, her mood comes crashing down.

  “Richard, I’m sorry, but I’m not going out with you,” Charlotte tells him bluntly.


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