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The Shifter's Gift

Page 89

by Haley Weir

  `“Excuse me?” asks Richard in disgust. “Come on. I’m not that bad looking, am I?”

  Charlotte laughs in response.

  “Oh, I guess I am,” Richard says.

  “No, it’s not that. I guess I’m just not interested in getting set up with a high school classmate who used to be rude as all hell to me.”

  “You know I’m sorry,” answers Richard. “You’re different now. I’m different now.” He tries to step into the house, but Charlotte uses her body as a blockade.

  “Sorry, Richard. Not tonight. And honestly? Not ever.” Charlotte shuts the door in his face. She’s never felt more alive.

  Chapter 3

  Charlotte’s been in the car with her polite but nearly silent driver for hours, making her way from River Bend to upstate New York. Her heart races with nervous excitement as she approaches what could be her new home and her new life. She also feels incredibly rebellious, because she didn’t bother telling her parents that she was leaving. She does not plan to disappear forever, and will call them as soon as she is settled, but it feels good to know she is gone without a trace, at least for now. They can no longer use her as a pawn in attempts become elite members of society. Of course they’ll be furious, but she’s hundreds of miles away and there’s truly nothing they can do. They can’t cut her off, because they never gave her money in the first place. They can’t kick her out, because she’s already gone. Her plan feels both childish and responsible. Her parents always told her if she can’t follow their rules, then she can’t live under their roof. So she found a new roof to live under, and hopefully a new place to call home.

  Charlotte doses off. When she opens her eyes, she’s taken aback by the beauty that surrounds her. Through the backseat windows, she sees crystal blue water. The Alexander Bay glistens under the sunlight and sparkles so brightly Charlotte needs to squint. She notes that there is a beautiful castle in the distance, but doesn’t pay much more mind to it. She’s distracted by the glorious summer day and is eager to get out of the car and see her new home, wherever it is. She realizes they don’t pass any homes or cottages or cabins. It’s rather isolated, without another car on the road.

  For a moment, Charlotte’s mind is flooded with anxiety. What if all of this was some sort of set up? Maybe she’s on her way to get murdered, and her judgement was completely off. No one knows where she is. Perhaps Avery puts on a fake sweet voice and plays baby sounds in the background to lure young women to her. Maybe this driver is in on it, prepared to drop Charlotte off out here in the middle of nowhere only for Avery to unleash a violent fury on her. She tries to shake the thoughts, knowing all too well that her imagination tends to run wild. It’s part of the reason she loves working with children so much. The opportunity to imagine, create, play, and educate is enticing her. She’s always felt like a kid at heart, with a fondness for animated movies and arts and crafts. She thinks back to Richard and how he would never want to snuggle up and watch an old Disney movie. No one in that circle of society would. They’re too busy schmoozing at parties, talking about stocks and other financial mumbo jumbo that Charlotte can’t follow. She avoids those parties at all costs, just like she’s avoided Richard and her parents by leaving Connecticut. As her racing thoughts slow down, Charlotte realizes they are now approaching the castle gates.

  “Wait, there’s no way that--” she says to no one in particular, not sure if she should engage with the quiet driver.

  “Oh, yes. We’re here,” he answers softly.

  “Avery didn’t mention a castle on the phone, or in any of the emails we’ve exchanged,” thinks Charlotte aloud. She is confused and excited all at once.

  The driver doesn’t respond. He simply pulls up to the gate and punches in a code. The giant marble gates slowly open to a beautiful courtyard full of vibrant plants, and a huge fountain with water flowing in all directions. Charlotte wonders if this is some sort of practical joke. Is she on a reality television show? This seems impossible.

  The driver stops the car and opens the door for Charlotte. He grabs her bags and walks her to the main entrance of the castle. It smells of honeysuckle and lavender; the warm air feels great on Charlotte’s face. She’s thankful to be able to stretch her legs after the long journey.

  She reaches the main entrance and grabs the ornate knocker, and thanks the driver who returns to his car and pulls away, starting the journey down the long, winding driveway. She knocks three times and waits. There are no signs of life so far, and she wonders if she should have asked the driver to wait. If no one is here, she’s definitely stranded. She checks her phone: no signal. No ride share service would be taking the trip all the way here to give her a lift back to Connecticut.

  Finally, a woman answers the door with a baby in her arms. “You must be Charlotte,” says the woman, who has a round, friendly face with rosy cheeks.

  “Hi, yes. Avery, I presume. It’s fantastic to be here. I have to this...your house?” she asks, and gestures all around.

  “I would hardly call it a house, but yes. Well, not mine, technically. I’m just lucky enough to get to live here. Well, both of us are lucky,” admits Avery as she looks at Penelope, who calmly rests in her mother’s arms. “Penelope, meet your new friend, Charlotte.” Penelope looks up at Charlotte with big, beautiful green eyes.

  “She’s beautiful,” says Charlotte.

  “Thank you. Please, come in. I’ll show you around a bit. I’m sure you’ll meet the rest of the family soon.”

  “Great,” adds Charlotte. She’s overwhelmed, but excited, just like first day of school every year. Even though her classmates were almost always the same in her small town, she was eager to meet the new students and rekindle friendships with her other classmates. It’s a good kind of overwhelmed, knowing only great things are ahead. But she is unsure of how exactly she will settle.

  “So, I’m sure you have a lot of questions, and there is definitely plenty of time for that. I want you to feel comfortable here. This is your home now, too, for the time being. I guess we never did agree on an enddate to this whole thing, did we? Gosh, sorry. I’m new to motherhood, nannies, breastfeeding, and diapers...and all of it, really,” Avery spouts off in one breath.

  “Oh, it’s okay. That’s why I’m here,” Charlotte reassures her with a big smile.

  “You have a gorgeous smile. And gorgeous hair, too,” remarks Avery.

  “That’s so kind of you to say, thank you,” Charlotte blushes.

  “You know, a lot of the candidates we considered were kind of...old. Women who have definitely been mothers, and grandmothers, and probably some great grandmothers. But since we’re going to be together a lot, and this could possibly be a long term situation, I wanted to go with someone a little more youthful. I mean, that’s not the only reason we hired you. Blake and I, my husband, you’ll meet him soon, we just thought you were a great fit. You are clearly extremely qualified, plus we just love your energy. Am I rambling? Sometimes I ramble, you’ll learn that about me,” laughs Avery.

  Charlotte tries to respond to everything at once, but ends up simply saying, “thank you.” She decides she feels comfortable enough to continue. “Seriously, thanks so much for the opportunity. It could not have come at a better time for me. I really needed to get out of Connecticut, away from my parents and everyone in my town. I’m really looking forward to being here.”

  “Well, assuming everything goes smoothly, you can stay here as long as you need. We could really make this work. Do you ever feel like some things are just meant to be?”

  “Sometimes, yeah. I really do,” Charlotte muses.

  They continue down the long corridor, and Charlotte is taking in as much as she can. The high ceilings, the spiral staircase, the stained glass windows, and even the small details like framed art and plenty of antique furniture blow Charlotte away. Of all the parties in mansions that her parents forced her to, nothing compares to the true architectural masterpiece about to be her home.

�This place is unreal,” Charlotte whispers with big eyes as she admires the beauty contained in the castle walls.

  “Welcome to Bolt Castle,” a male voice booms from behind from behind. Charlotte is caught off guard and practically jumps a foot in the air. The man approaches her and laughs. “I seriously didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, still smiling. “I’m Mason, by the way. Jenna’s brother.”

  “Hi, I’m Charlotte,” she responds, uncertain who Jenna is. But one thing she is certain of is that Mason has the most handsome face she’s ever seen.

  “Charlotte has barely gotten through the front door,” explains Avery. “She doesn’t know who Jenna is, or anyone else, for that matter.”

  “Well, now she knows me,” Mason reasons with a giant grin on his face.

  “I guess I do,” says Charlotte with a smile that matches his in size.

  Chapter 4

  “Well, I guess this is good timing. I need to put Penelope down for her nap,” says Avery, gently rocking the tiny infant in her arms.

  “I should probably come so you can show me everything,” suggests Charlotte.

  “No, that’s okay. Why don’t you take some time to get yourself situated? I know it’s been a long car ride and we have plenty of time for work stuff,” Avery replies. Avery looks at Charlotte, then at Mason, then back at Charlotte with a slight smile creeping onto her face. Is Avery trying to drop some sort of hint?

  “Well, that’s really nice of you, thanks Avery,” says Charlotte.

  “How about Mason shows you some more of the place? Here, let him take your bags and he can show you to a room,” Avery motions for Mason to pick up Charlotte’s things.

  “I’d be happy to,” agrees Mason as Avery and Penelope disappear down the hallway.

  Now Charlotte finds herself alone with the handsome stranger.

  “So, Charlotte,” starts Mason, and the way he says her name makes her weak in the knees. His voice is deep but soothing. His hazel eyes are soft and kind, and his strong jawline has just the right amount of scruff. He has dirty blonde hair, and is impressively tall. He is built like an athlete, with broad shoulders and muscular arms. He effortlessly picks up all of Charlotte’s belongings and carries them down the corridor. Charlotte waits a moment and lets her eyes rest on his perfectly sculpted butt. He turns around and she quickly locks her eyes with his. She feels like she’s gotten the wind knocked out of her, but in a very good way.

  “Hi,” he says when he turns around and looks at her.

  “Hi,” Charlotte replies, unable to control the smile on her face.

  “You...coming with me?” he asks playfully. Charlotte’s face turns a light pink shade and her eyes grow wide in sheer embarrassment.

  “Oh,” Charlotte awkwardly laughs. “Yeah, I’m just...this is all so overwhelming,” she adds. She closes the distance between them and they start walking down the hallway together.

  “Did Avery not mention in the ad that this place is a castle?”

  “Yeah, she failed to mention that tiny detail,” Charlotte responds, while also thinking about how Avery also failed to mention the handsome man that would be carrying her bags for her. She’s embarrassed again, realizing she should offer to grab some of her own belongings.

  “Oh, let me carry one of those,” injects Charlotte, reaching a hand out.

  “Please, it’s really no trouble,” answers Mason. Charlotte smiles, trying to contain the giddy feeling ping ponging around in her stomach. For a moment, she wonders if she is acting completely foolish. They’ve barely had a full conversation, but the effect he has on her is undeniable. Maybe she’s just not used to being around such physically attractive men. In River Bend, it was slim pickings. She’s just getting excited like a high schooler who ended up at a college party. Everyone seems so enticing, like new toys to play with. Mason speaks, disrupting her train of thought.

  “So, here’s the kitchen,” gestures Mason. Charlotte marvels at the massive room. It’s ceilings are high with giant windows overlooking an extravagant vegetable garden.

  “Wow,” Charlotte says in amazement. “When was the place built?”

  “Early 1900s, I believe. Xander would be the one to ask about that. He owns this place,” Mason replies.

  “I didn’t know people still owned castles,” muses Charlotte.

  “Well, someone has to, right?” Mason jokes. “Hey, come check this out.” He puts down her bags and gives her a playful jab in the ribs with his elbow. The butterflies that had finally calmed down in her tummy go wild. He leads her over to a window, and she stands next to him.

  “Look out there,” says Mason, pointing at the bay that Charlotte saw on her way here. “That’s Alexander Bay. And over there...” he starts, this time lightly putting his hands on Charlotte’s shoulders to angle her body towards the mountains. “Are the Blue Ridge Mountains. The biggest mountain range in the area. I just love the view of the bay, the grass, the mountains. All from this one spot.”

  With his hands still lingering on her shoulders, Charlotte never wants the moment to end. “That’s gorgeous. Seriously stunning. There’s no views like this where I’m from.”

  “And where’s that?” Mason removes his hands and walks over to the kitchen counter to sit down on a stool. He motions for Charlotte to sit down next to him.

  “Connecticut,” replies Charlotte.

  “Never been,” says Mason.

  “You live in New York and you’ve never been to Connecticut?” Charlotte says incredulously.

  “Nope,” confirms Mason. “Plus, I’m from Canada. I haven’t been here very long.”

  “That’s cool. What brings you here?”

  “My sister, actually,” he explains. “You haven’t met her yet, but she lives here too, with Xander.”

  “Xander, who owns the castle,” remembers Charlotte.

  “Exactly,” Mason nods. “You’re a good listener.”

  “Was that sarcasm?”

  “No, of course not,” says Mason with a grin.

  “Was that sarcasm?”

  Mason laughs, and then forces his face to stay serious for a moment. “No, no. You’re going to have to pay attention to get used to everything around here. There’s a lot of us.”

  “Is this like...a commune?”

  “I guess, in a way. You could say so,” Mason replies.

  “Interesting,” says Charlotte. For a moment, she panics. This all seems too good to be true. A community of people living together in a castle, and an unrealistically attractive guy showing her beautiful views from the kitchen? Maybe she’s seen too many true crime specials on cable television, but she can’t help but wonder if she’s stumbled upon a cult of some sort. If they were trying to recruit her, they knew exactly what they were doing. Deciding she has nothing to lose, she states her concern outloud.

  “This might sound kind of absurd but...okay...I’m just going to ask. Is this...a cult?”

  Mason practically chokes on laughter. “What?!”

  “I don’t know,” worries Charlotte. “It all seems a little too good to be true. The castle, the views….the company.”

  “The company?” he repeats inquisitively.

  Charlotte panics. How many times could she humiliate herself in under an hour? “Like, Avery and the baby,” she backtracks. “And the fact that so many people live here. Like a family.”

  “Yeah, but we’re not like the Manson Family, I promise you that,” assures Mason.

  “Okay, that’s good,” says Charlotte, exhaling deeply.

  “You seem a little flustered,” notes Mason. He has the trace of a smile on his face, and Charlotte can tell that he is enjoying her nervous rambling and embarrassing questions.

  “I’m fine,” replies Charlotte, attempting to keep her cool. “I’m good. It’s a lot to take in. A huge change.”

  “I know exactly how you feel,” agrees Mason. “I’ve only lived here about a year. When I first got here, I was overwhelmed, many new faces. Plus, I was meeti
ng a who I hadn’t seen since she was a baby. But everyone will make you feel right at home,” Mason says.

  “That’s really great to hear,” responds Charlotte. Mason really helped to soothe her nerves. She’s excited at the prospect of feeling at home. She hated living with her parents, and the way they judge her and try to control her for their own benefit. Now, she has a chance to live on her own without being alone. She will have a job, new friends, and space to learn and grow. Finally, she can figure out who she is and what she wants without her parents manipulation.

  “I think we should keep going,” says Mason. “Plus, you’ve gotta meet everyone else. I think they’ll really like you.”

  Charlotte smiles. Is he flirting with her, or is she just getting ahead of herself? She decides to not overthink it and lets the excitement of a new friendship be enough for her. For now, at least.

  Chapter 5

  “So, if we head outside I think we’ll find a few people for you to meet,” says Mason as he leads Charlotte outside through the kitchen.

  Charlotte follows Mason out of the castle where they come upon the most delightful garden she’s ever seen. There are flowers of every sort blooming as far as the eye can see. In the distance is another majestic fountain, similar to the one in the front entrance. To the left of the fountain is a pond with a small waterfall rushing into it. Past the fountain, there’s a gaggle of women sitting at a long wooden table. When they see Mason and Charlotte approach, they turn to greet them with warm smiles.

  “Hi!” exclaims Mikayla. “I’m Mikayla. You must be the nanny.”

  “Her name is Charlotte,” says Mason. She relishes in the comfort she feels standing next to him.

  “Hi Charlotte, I’m Ellen,” Ellen says next.

  “And I’m Jenna, nice to meet you,” Jenna says. “I’m Mason’s sister.”

  “Right! He mentioned a sister. It’s great to meet you all!” Charlotte is more nervous than she anticipated. Charlotte is friendly, and can talk about almost anything with anyone. But at the same time, she’s apprehensive about meeting new people. She wants to make a good impression without being overbearing.


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