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Perfectly Mixed

Page 4

by Ancelli

  Chapter Four


  She lay in the bed with her ankles crossed, eating gummy bears, listening to Can’t Raise A Man by K. Michelle. She’d cried until her eyes were swollen, and her throat was dry. She could hear Robert yell at the top of his lungs. Kanielle ignored him, and continued reading the magazine she was perusing. He must have seen his clothes and things all over the front lawn. He should be thankful, that’s all she did.

  “Kanielle, what the fuck?” She heard his footsteps stomping up the stairs.

  He pushed the door open, slamming it against the wall, and entered their bedroom. Kanielle, finally closed the magazine, and set it aside on the nightstand.

  “Yes,” she calmly answered.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” He held up a few of his personal items. “Why are my things all over the front lawn?”

  She glared at him. “Robert, I’m trying to remain calm.” Kanielle took off her reading glasses, and studied him. “I think it’s best if you leave.”

  “Leave, this is my house!” He stepped in closer. “Are you going crazy?” He watched her through narrowed eyes.

  “I think I am,” Kanielle leaned forward, smelling liquor.

  “This pregnancy…” he sighed.

  She arched her eyebrows; he was tipsy. What about her being pregnant? What was he trying to say?

  “Kanielle, get your ass up out of that bed, and get my stuff.” Robert threw the items he held at her. Before they could hit her, she blocked and tossed them on the floor.

  “Who is Sasha?” Kanielle stared at him. Robert’s features changed. His lips thinned, and she could see the throbbing vein in his neck. She shook her head, he just answered her question, and he didn’t even know it.

  “Who?” he managed to say.

  “Sasha…” She made sure to take her time saying it the second time. “S-a-s-h-a.”

  “You mean Sasha Fierce?” he smirked. “I wish I knew Beyoncé.”

  She couldn’t believe he was trying to be funny. “Whatever. You and your bimbo can have each other.” She grabbed the magazine off the nightstand, and opened it. “Now leave.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His voice softened, moving next to the bed. He tried to take her hand in his, and she moved out of his reach. “I…”

  “I what, Robert?” She slammed the magazine on the mattress. “She came to our home to inform me of what the two of you have been up to for months. I guess you neglected to tell her you were married.” She tilted her head. “There’s nothing worse than a woman scorned.” Kanielle took a couple of deep breaths, she wasn’t going to let him see her cry, and she needed to relax. Her baby came first. “I can’t believe after everything I’ve shared with you about my parents, you go and cheat on me. I thought we were better than that.”

  “I don’t know any Sasha.”

  “Really! Because I saw pictures of the two of you in compromising positions.” She sat up, moving her feet over the edge to dangle them. “Why would you hurt me like that, why?” She could feel her heart beating out of control, she really needed to calm down. “Be honest.”

  “You want honesty?” Robert blurted.


  “I have needs.” His whole demeanor changed, as he faced her again. “Needs you can’t provide to me at the moment. So yes, I went out and got it from someone else, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you or our marriage.” He casually stated.

  “Sex!” she yelled. “You couldn’t wait.”

  “It didn’t mean anything. It was just sex, no feelings involved. I love you and only you.”

  Kanielle cocked her brow. Robert had some fucking nerve, did he just say what she thought he said? She couldn’t hold it in anymore, her chest heaved. “Get out!”

  “Your screaming is not good for the baby,” Robert voiced reasonably.

  Now he cared about what was good for the baby. “You being here isn’t good for the baby,” she struggled up pushing herself off the mattress. Her feet touched the cold floor, and she slipped them into her night-slippers.

  “Calm down… I made a mistake” he sighed. “Every man cheats. You should understand that, you father cheated on your mother. It happens, get over it.”

  She felt her nostrils flare. Pushing past Robert, she slowly headed down the stairs.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He yelled as she started down the steps. Kanielle ignored him, continuing downstairs. “Kanielle!”

  He shoved her, almost making her miss a step. In that moment the baby shifted, and Kanielle took a deep breath. “Don’t touch me!”

  “Stop being so fucking stupid.” He followed her. “Where the hell are you going?”

  “Since you’re not leaving… I am.” She gripped the rail and waddled carefully down the steps without looking back.

  “Where the hell are you going to go?” He yelled. “Are you going crying to your mommy?” he mocked her.

  Kanielle didn’t answer, she continued toward the front door, grabbed the knob, and slowly turned. “Like my mother, I want a divorce.” Her voice cracked. “I never expected this from you. You pushed me, almost causing me to fall down the stairs. Something could’ve happened to the baby.”

  “Stop exaggerating, I tapped you,” Robert smirked. “I wouldn’t hurt our baby.”

  “I will never forget the things you just had the nerve to tell me…” She turned the knob, opening the door. “We’re over,” she screamed with exasperation as she almost bumped into Brandon.

  Brandon stood in front of her with a blue folder in his hand.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Robert asked, walking closer to her.

  She couldn’t be happier to see him. Kanielle grabbed Brandon’s arm. “I need a ride.”

  “Kanielle!” Robert slammed the door behind him. “If you leave don’t come back.”


  He remembered saying the same words to Maggie when she walked out. “I don’t want to get involved in your marital problems,” Brandon eased her hand off his arm.

  She spun around with tears in her eyes. “He cheated on me for months…” she took a deep breath. “While I’m pregnant.”

  “Who is he?” Robert shouted, his nostrils flaring.

  Brandon couldn’t help feeling sorry for her. At that moment Kanielle’s eyes mirrored his when Maggie cheated on him; he knew the pain. “Let’s go.”

  Robert rushed forward and forcefully grabbed Kanielle’s arm, making her stumble back.

  “Let me go, you’re hurting me…” she yelled, gripping his fingers, but he had a strong hold on her.

  Brandon pushed Robert away from Kanielle. "Look… I don't know you or your wife, but I know hurt when I see it."

  "Who the hell are you?" Robert stepped back, shooting daggers at Brandon.

  Brandon stood between Robert and Kanielle. "I might be that baby's father," he pointed at her stomach.

  Robert scrutinized her belly and then looked up at her. “How does he know where we live? You’ve been talking to this man behind my fucking back?”

  Brandon couldn’t believe the way this man was talking to his wife. “She had no idea I was coming here.”

  Robert clenched his jaw. "What do you want?"

  "I was coming to discuss our situation with you and your wife," Brandon sighed, lifting the folder in his hand. "But she doesn't need this stress."

  "Who are you to tell me what my wife needs?"

  "I'm the man that's going to make sure her baby isn't harmed." Brandon clutched Kanielle's elbow and began leading her to his truck, when Robert grabbed him by the shoulder. He released Kanielle, and shoved Robert back. He didn’t want to hurt the man; Brandon wasn’t looking for any trouble. “I don’t know if you cheated on her or not, and that really isn’t my business.” Robert staggered away from him. “But tomorrow you’re going to regret everything you said to her.”

  Brandon opened the passenger door to his truck, helped Kanielle in, and closed
it as she clicked her seatbelt on.

  “Bitch…” Robert said underneath his breath.

  “You’ll regret that too,” Brandon looked at Robert. He ran to the driver’s side, and hopped in. “Are you okay?” he asked turning the ignition on.

  She wiped at her fallen tears.

  “Where to?” He pulled out the driveway.

  “Anywhere but here.” He could barely hear her.

  Kanielle covered her face with her hands, sobbing.

  Brandon shook his head, what did he get himself into? He turned into the emergency lane and stopped, putting the truck in park.

  He didn’t know what to do, she just kept crying. They barely knew each other, and he shouldn’t touch her, but Brandon couldn’t help himself. Taking her hands in his, he looked her in the eye. “I know how it feels to be betrayed by the one person you put all your trust in.” He released her hands, and cupped her cheeks, wiping her tears away with his thumbs. “I promise, it gets easier.”

  Kanielle shied away from his touch.

  “Sorry for touching you, I inherited that bad trait from my grandma,” he needed to learn to keep his hands to himself.

  “I don’t give a damn about Robert right now.” She rubbed her nose. “I forgot my purse and cell.” She sobbed harder. “I… have… no… money…”

  Brandon opened his glove compartment, pulled out a pack of Kleenex, and handed it to her.

  “Do you want me to go back?” He stared at her.

  Kanielle took the tissue from him and dabbed her face. “No, I don’t want to see that son of a bitch,” she snapped.

  “Do you have relatives or friends I can take you to?” Brandon was worried about her. She kept massaging her back.

  “I don’t have any friends.” She took a deep breath, “And I don’t want to hear I told you so right now from my mother.”

  “I understand,” Brandon didn’t know what to do or say.

  “How did you know where I lived?” Kanielle never once looked his way, he could tell she was nervous; she kept shaking her left leg.

  “I googled you.” He smirked. “The same way you looked me up I bet.”

  “Don’t you dare try to use what you saw and heard against me tonight,” she blew her nose.

  “We don’t know each other, but I wouldn’t throw your personal issues at you. I wouldn’t want you to do that to me.” Brandon kept watching her while she rubbed her stomach. “Are you okay? You keep rubbing your back and stomach. I know the stress is not good for you.”

  “I had my monthly check up today, and everything was fine.” Kanielle finally looked him in his eyes, and he heard her gasp. She rapidly looked away and patted her belly. “Coral likes Mommy to know she’s okay.”

  He smiled back. “Coral.”

  “Yes,” her hands started shaking. “Coral Amirah.”

  “It’s different, I like it.” He moved the truck’s gear to drive, and turned onto the highway towards his best friend’s house. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m a strong woman, it takes more than Robert to break me.” She glanced out the window. “Where are we going?”

  “My friend’s home, they’re expecting me for dinner, so I guess you’re joining us too.” Brandon couldn’t leave her stranded, she was hurt, and he knew the pain of betrayal.

  “I’m not properly dressed,” she looked at her clothes. She had on a white t-shirt, grey sweats, and fluffy slippers.

  “Shawn and Angela won’t care about that.” He glanced her way for a couple seconds and then at the road, looking into the rearview mirror. “If you don’t want to go, just tell me where you want to go. I can take you to a hotel.”

  “I don’t have any money and no, before you say it. I won’t let you pay for it. I would prefer to go to your friend’s house, if your wife doesn’t mind.”

  “My wife?” He arched his eyebrows.

  She turned, looking at him. “Yes,” Kanielle shrugged. “The rude red head.”

  He chuckled, she said what she felt, no holding back. “That red head is my ex-wife.”


  He chuckled, “Don’t hold that information against me.”

  Kanielle’s lips curled into a small smile for the first time since they’d met. “I won’t.”

  Chapter Five

  “Maybe this was a mistake?” Kanielle mumbled. “Your friends aren’t expecting me.”

  Brandon pulled up at a cul-de-sac and backed up into a driveway, turning off his vehicle. “Shawn’s a prick,” he chuckled. “But Angela is one of the sweetest people I know.”

  “I don’t want to impose,” Kanielle rested her head on the headrest. “I changed my mind, can you please take me to my mother’s house?”

  If Brandon hadn’t seen Shawn lurking in the window, he would’ve left. Now he needed to go inside and let them know he would be back. He stared at the woman sitting next to him. Brandon was really trying to be accommodating, and understanding, but he didn’t need this. Why couldn’t she just make up her mind and stick with it? Kanielle was all over the place, one minute she was crying, the next she was mean.

  “Okay,” Brandon grabbed the door handle, and opened. “I’ll be right back,” He stepped out of the truck, and strolled to the front door. He pulled the screen open, entering the porch, knocked on the door, and Angela threw it open.

  “Long time no see,” Angela wrapped her arms around him in a tight bear hug. Brandon accepted her embrace, and pulled back slightly. He walked in, and she closed the door behind them.

  “I’m glad you finally made it,” Shawn cleaned his hands on a small towel as he stepped into the room. “I’m surprised you didn’t call with excuses.”

  Brandon couldn’t blame them for thinking he would stand them up. For the past six months he’d avoided his friends, especially Angela when Shawn wasn’t around. He didn’t want to talk about the past and his failed marriage. For some reason that’s all Angela wanted to talk about. She’d even called him trying to set him up on a date with one of her friends. Brandon knew she meant well but it made him uncomfortable, so when Shawn came home, he decided to get over himself and embrace his best friends.

  “I can’t stay.” Brandon scratched his head.

  “Why?” Angela asked. “I slaved in the kitchen because you were coming.”

  “It’s a long story.” He sighed, “I have to help a friend.”

  “We have all the time in the world to listen,” Angela crossed her hands over her chest.

  “We’re waiting,” Shawn stared at him. “Dude, what the heck is going on? I know you’ve been going through a lot of shit after what that clinic did to you and Maggie.”

  “I couldn’t leave her.”

  They both watched him, waiting for him to continue. Brandon felt like his friends were scrutinizing him.

  “Who?” Angela tapped her foot.

  Brandon pushed his hair out of his face with his fingers. “I had my lawyers draw up some legal papers about the baby, and I needed to try and get the Richardson’s to see our side of things, so I went over to their house to discuss my proposition.”

  “And how did that go?” Shawn asked.

  “It didn’t,” he moved back. “That fool was manhandling her,” he clenched his jaw. “Her husband was yelling at her, and then he put his fucking hands on her.” He needed to calm down, his godson was in the other room he assumed. He didn’t want Jr. to see this side of him, he never cussed in his presence.

  “Brandon, what the heck did you do to him?” Shawn asked concerned. “I know you, man.”


  “You did nothing?” Shawn cocked his eyebrow, staring at him. Brandon knew his friend was a little skeptical about his answer.

  “Believe me I wanted to.” Brandon grabbed the back of his neck, and squeezed, trying to ease the ache.

  “Did you call the police?” Angela asked.

  “No, she’s in my truck,” he sighed. “I couldn’t leave her there with him.” He walked back
over to the door. “If I would’ve walked away, turning my back on her, and then later I had to read an article about a pregnant woman that was beaten, or worse dead because I didn’t step in, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. She could be carrying my daughter.”

  “It’s a girl,” Angela grinned. “Why did you leave her outside?”

  “She doesn’t feel comfortable coming in. I think it’s because of what she has on.” He chuckled. “I don’t understand women. Her emotions are everywhere.”

  Angela gave him a side-glance. “Where are you taking her?”

  “To her mother’s.”

  “What’s her name?” Angela bent down and put on a pair of shoes.


  Angela opened the door, “You’re having dinner.” She declared as stepped out.

  Shawn shook his head, and seriously asked. “What caused her husband to act like that?”

  Brandon arched his eyebrow. “Kanielle found out he has been cheating on her.”



  Kanielle closed her eyes, trying to stop thinking about Robert. How could he do this to her? Was she not good enough for him? She tried to do everything right; she was always home on time, making sure dinner was made every night, kept the house clean, and was always there when he needed her for anything. And despite what he said, the sex was anytime he wanted it, even when she didn’t feel like it up until the doctor recommended they restrain from having sexual intercourse. Pleasure was only his, but she never complained. In the end it was her mistake, she gave him too much, and he didn’t appreciate it.

  Kanielle cracked her knuckles, she did anything to please that SOB. There was no looking back though, when she said she was done, that’s what she meant. It hurt, and she knew it would take time to recover, but she would. First thing in the morning she was filing for divorce. Kanielle could never regret her life with Robert, because that would mean she would have to regret Coral, and she was everything to her. If she wasn’t biologically hers, could she share her with Brandon and Maggie? Could she?


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