Book Read Free

Perfectly Mixed

Page 5

by Ancelli

  “Kanielle.” A knock on the window startled her.

  She sat up, looking out the glass. Standing in the passenger car window was a beautiful light skinned African-American, plus sized, woman with a huge smile on her face. Kanielle looked around searching for Brandon.

  She tried to curl her lips into a fake smile. “Hi.”

  The lady clutched the car handle, opening the door. “Hi sweetie, come inside and join us. I’ve prepared a mouth-watering dinner. Do you like pork-chops and mashed potatoes?”

  Her stomach growled. “Are you sure?” Kanielle slipped her fuzzy slippers on. She felt pressured, but she had to admit she was hungry. “I’m not properly dressed.”

  “Girl please, we don’t care about that,” Angela helped her get out of the truck. “Brandon is our family, so that means that baby you’re carrying might be my niece.”

  Kanielle possessively rubbed her belly. “You know.”

  “Yes,” Angela extended her hand, and shook Kanielle’s. “By the way, my name is Angela.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Kanielle released her hand.

  “Come on,” Angela turned, and walked up the pathway. “We’ll make you forget all your problems.”

  Kanielle waddled behind her. She hoped she wasn’t making a mistake, joining Brandon and his friends. Because no matter what, or how nice Brandon was, she wasn’t changing her mind. Coral was hers, though she might let Brandon and his ex-wife have visitation, but she wasn’t sure yet.


  Shawn just kept staring at Kanielle, making her feel uncomfortable. Brandon was quiet as he ate. Angela and Shawn were the only ones talking. Kanielle didn’t forget any of her problems as she gazed at all three of them. They were really trying to make her feel welcomed, but she felt awkward.

  “Ma’am, sorry for staring, it’s just that Brandon never mentioned you were,” he cleared his throat. “Black.”

  Brandon glanced over at his friend. “Because that didn’t matter.”

  “It mattered the day you found out,” Kanielle looked at Brandon lowering her fork.

  “I told you, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded,” he pushed his plate to the side. “I apologized.”

  “What did you say?” Angela asked, watching him before transferring her gaze to Kanielle. “What did he say?”

  “It just sounded like he had a problem with a black woman who might be carrying his white baby,” Kanielle knew she was wrong for bringing up that subject.

  Brandon sighed, shaking his head. “It wasn’t like that.”

  “Brandon, relax,” Shawn chuckled. “If I was in your shoes, and some doctor told me a white woman might be carrying my child without my consent, I would react the same way you did, or worse.” He looked over at Kanielle. “Believe me, Brandon is not racist, he doesn’t have it in him. Even though I’m the only black friend he has.” Shawn laughed, she assumed messing around with Brandon.

  “I don’t see you as a color, you’re the only friend I’ve got period.” Brandon smiled. “It’s not my fault you’re black.”

  “Mommy!” A little boy yelled running into the dining room, right to Angela.

  Kanielle didn’t know they had a kid. He was gorgeous, with big brown eyes and a short Afro. At that moment she wondered what her little girl would look like; like her milk chocolate, or Robert’s dark complexion, and then she looked up at Brandon. Her smile disappeared as she considered that she might have Brandon’s beautiful blue eyes.

  “How was your nap?” Angela picked him up, and kissed the side of his neck. “Jr., say hi.”

  “Hi,” he smiled, shying away.

  Brandon pushed back in his chair, stood, and strolled over to Angela and her son. “Come here.” Brandon extended his arms and gently took him out of his mother’s arms. He kissed the little boy’s cheek. “He’s so big.”

  “If you…” Angela said, before Shawn placed his index finger to his mouth, suggesting she be quiet.

  Kanielle stared at Brandon and Jr., watching the way he interacted with the boy. She smiled to herself, thinking he would make a great dad. Then Robert crossed her mind.

  “Buddy,” Brandon put him down on the floor, and clutched his godson’s hand. “Come on I have something for you in the truck.”

  Thinking back Kanielle hadn’t seen her husband with children. He never held or played with her little cousins, or even his own family members’ children. Why hadn’t she thought about things like this before? Would Robert be a good father? Yes, yes he would, this is what he wanted. Robert might be an awful husband, but she prayed he would make a great dad.

  Brandon returned with a tricycle in one hand, and Jr. in the other.

  Shawn stood, shaking his head. “Now I have to show him how to ride that.”

  “Yep, because next time we see Brandon, Jr. might be five,” Angela stood, picking up the plates off the table.

  “Nah…” he messed with the little boy’s Afro. “I promise to do better.”

  “We’ll see,” Angela put the dishes in the sink.

  Kanielle moved back in her seat, and pushed herself up. “I can help.”

  “Girl please,” Angela nodded her head. “You’re our guest, relax.”

  Brandon looked at his watch, “it’s getting late, we have to go.” He looked over at Kanielle. “Ready?”

  “Yes,” she strolled over to Angela, and gave her a hug. “Thank you.”

  “Call me anytime, we have more in common than you know.” Angela touched her stomach.

  “I will,” Kanielle shook Shawn’s hand. “Nice meeting you.”

  “Nice meeting you too, hopefully this isn’t the last time,” Shawn glanced over at Brandon.

  “It won’t be the last time, because Brandon will be bringing her over next Friday,” Angela winked at them.

  “I have plans,” Brandon opened the front door. “See you later, Jr., Uncle B loves you.”

  “Luv yu…” The little boy replied, throwing him a kiss.

  “Bye,” Kanielle waved her hand, going out the door with Brandon behind her.

  Chapter Six

  Brandon parked along the curbside of her mother’s home. He gazed at Kanielle as she slept peacefully facing him. She’d reclined the seat in the resting position with her left hand underneath her cheek. Kanielle was naturally beautiful, no makeup. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Maggie without all that mess on her face. Kanielle’s luscious lips pouted as her eyes fluttered opened; she slightly jumped, moving further away from him, startled that he was staring at her.

  He was embarrassed that she caught him staring. Brandon cleared his throat. “We’re here.”

  Kanielle put the seat back in place, “Is that all you listen to?” she stared out the window at the dark house.

  Boys Round Here by Blake Shelton was playing on the radio. “I guess you don’t like country music,” Brandon turned the knob, lowering the music’s volume. Why was he trying to please her? This was his truck.

  Kanielle didn’t answer, she continued watching the house.

  “Is anyone home?” He asked, concerned. He didn’t want to leave her alone. Brandon had to make sure she was physically good, and that Robert wasn’t lurking somewhere nearby. He’d convinced himself he was helping her because of the baby she was carrying.

  “Yes, she goes to bed early.” She went to open the door.

  “I’ll get that.” He jumped out of the truck, walked over to her side, and opened the door. He took her hands in his, and slowly helped her down.

  Kanielle squeezed his hand. “I can’t thank you enough for your kindness tonight.”

  Brandon continued to hold her palm. “It gets better, believe me the pain slowly goes away.”

  She shrugged, “How? When the one person you thought would never hurt you, causes the worst pain ever.” Her eyes started to shine with unshed tears. “I gave him the best of me, but he took me for granted.”

  Brandon was silent. He’d given Maggie everything too. “You were his wife
,” he hesitated. “Maybe you two can work it out. He made a mistake.”

  Kanielle drew her hand away from him. “There is no working it out. Once a cheater always a cheater in my book. I’m done.”

  “You don’t mean that. Are you willing to throw away the years you’ve built together?”

  “If he cheated, he was the one that destroyed what we’ve built, not me.” She raised her voice, and then she tilted her head. “Why are you defending him? Did you cheat on your wife?”

  Brandon cocked his eyebrow. “She cheated on me,” he corrected. “And I’m not defending that SOB, but you were married to him for years, you’re about to have a baby.”

  “That might or might not be his,” she shot him a look. “Why didn’t you give your wife a second chance?”

  “Because she didn’t want one,” Brandon stepped back and closed the door to the truck. “Let me walk you to the door.” His voice sounded a little harsh. Why did talking about Maggie still upset him? He needed to move on, let go of the past. Kanielle was right, his wife had made the choice to cheat. Maggie destroyed what they had, not him.

  Kanielle didn’t move. “I’m sorry…”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong, she did.”

  “But it seems like I upset you, that wasn’t my intention.” Her voice softened. “Does it still hurt?”

  The porch lights turned on, and then the front door opened. An older woman in a pink nightgown with two pockets in the front, reminding him of his granny, stepped out. Blue rollers peeked out from beneath the blue scarf wrapped around her head.

  “Kanielle!” The woman yelped.

  “Yes, Mama.” Kanielle wiped her fallen tears.

  The lady rushed down the stairs. “Are you okay? Robert has been calling looking for you all day! He’s worried sick.”

  Kanielle sniffed. “Robert can go to hell.”

  She looked at Kanielle, surprised at what she said. “Kanie…” and then she took a glance at Brandon. “Who are you?”

  He moved closer and extended his arm, she stared at his hand, and then shook it. “Ma’am, I’m Brandon Stokes.”

  “Good evening, Brandon, I’m Mrs. Jackson. What are you doing with my daughter?”

  “Kanielle needed a ride.”

  “Mama…” and then unexpectedly she threw herself in her mother’s arms crying.

  Her mother’s eyes widened, and she gasped out loud when Kanielle leapt into her arms. He knew her mother was confused, and was speechless as she tried to console her daughter. She glared at Brandon. “What happened?”

  “I’ll let your daughter tell you, it’s not my place to,” Brandon responded. He felt a sharp ache pierce him watching her break down. “Kanielle, is it okay if I come see you?”

  Kanielle nodded her head.

  “Ma’am, she needs you,” Brandon stepped back. He didn’t want to leave her like this, however this is what she needed, her mother’s love.

  He watched her sob in her mother’s arms. Mrs. Jackson held her tight. “What did Robert do this time?”

  “This time,” he mumbled to himself. This must’ve been the last straw for Kanielle. Brandon continued to his truck. He knew she needed to get all her emotions out with someone she trusted. He watched as they walked into the house and closed the door. He shook his head, trying not to listen to the voice in his head telling him to pay Robert Richardson a visit.

  He needed something to distract him from doing something stupid, so he picked up his phone and dialed.

  “Bran…is everything okay?” she sounded worried.

  “Granny,” he drove down the road. “I just needed to hear your voice.” His grandmother’s voice was what got him through the loss of his parents; it was her that got him through the worst time in his life. Whenever he was feeling sad, mad, or lonely, it was her that gave him peace. Maybe it was because her soothing voice reminded him of his mother’s. Brandon remembered the last thing his mother told him before she left that day. I promise, I’ll be back, Bran, I love you. He’d replayed that last conversation in his head since the anniversary of his parents’ deaths.

  Weeks went by and they never came back. He remembered being so angry and confused, why did they leave him? He remained angry until his grandparents sat him down and told him his parents would never be back. Only his grandmother could call him by his nickname, because every time she did, it was like hearing his mother’s angelic voice.

  “I’m always here for you, is it about the baby?”

  “Not really…” he took the exit onto the highway. “My life has been turned upside down the last six months.”

  “I know, honey. It can only get better.”


  “This too shall pass,” Kanielle’s mother said as she wiped her tears. She’d laid her head on her mother’s lap for the last hour, venting, telling her mom all that had happened. How could he manhandle her again? Kanielle saw the anger in his eyes, and knew that if Brandon hadn’t been there he would’ve forced her back into the house. The last two times he put his hands on her, she didn’t back down, fighting him back. The first time, Robert shoved her into a wall, dislocating her shoulder. Then a year later he pushed her, and when she fought back, he threw a vase at her head. If she hadn’t ducked out of the way he would have split her head open. Kanielle had forgiven him then, because he swore it wouldn’t happen again, and it hadn’t until now. She didn’t tell her mom that Robert grabbed her, bruising her arm. She knew her mother would go crazy and hunt him down.

  “Why would he do this to me?” Kanielle cried. “I did everything he asked me to, Mom. I was the perfect wife.”

  “Kanielle, Robert is not your god. You treated that man like he was your idol.” Her mother’s voice was harsh. “There is only one God, and he will see you through this. Do you hear me?”

  She sniffled, closing her eyes. Her mother’s criticism was hurtful to hear, however she was right. Kanielle needed to hear this, why didn’t her mother ever tell her this before?

  “You cry, let it out, but this will not get you down. I won’t allow you to stay down,” she took Kanielle’s hands in hers. “You’re an amazing woman, daughter, and soon to be mother, don’t let what that idiot did to you make you think otherwise. You didn’t do anything wrong. He made the mistake not you.”

  Kanielle was quiet listening to her mother’s words of wisdom. Her mother survived betrayal before, and she would too. “I’m strong.”

  “Yes you are.” Her mother kissed her forehead. “Now, who’s that white boy?”

  Her eyes fluttered open looking at her mom. “He might be,” she touched her belly, “this baby’s father.”

  Her mother’s eyes opened wide in surprise. “You didn’t tell me the other couple was white. Damn…”

  “Mama!” Kanielle finally chuckled. “Does it really matter?”

  “No it doesn’t, she’ll still be my grandbaby,” she tickled Kanielle’s tummy, making the baby kick. “On a serious note, did you think of what we talked about the other night?”



  “You were right, they deserve to at least be in her life if the baby happens to be biologically theirs.” She sighed. “He showed up at the house with a folder in his hand, I think he wanted to sit down and talk to us about the whole situation, but he never got a chance to.” Kanielle didn’t want to share the baby, but she knew it was the right thing to do.

  “What do you think he wants?”

  “The same thing I want, Coral,” she leaned up off her mother’s lap, and lay next to her on the mattress. “Brandon is a nice guy.”

  “Watch out,” her mother arched her eyebrow.


  “He’s also not bad on the eyes, Kanielle,” her mother responded, wiggling her eyebrows. “His eyes are hypnotizing.”

  “Really, Mama! I’m not attracted to him, and I’m not even divorced yet.” Kanielle couldn’t believe her mother at the moment.

  “I’m just saying the man is…�

  “Mama, stop it please!” Kanielle covered her ears.

  “Fine,” her mom giggled, getting up. “Everything happens for a reason.” She slipped out of Kanielle’s brother’s bed where Kanielle planned on sleeping for the night. “Chris is coming home, he said he needs a break.”

  “He needs to find a job,” Kanielle slipped under the covers. “I can’t help him out this year. I won’t be back to work until six weeks after the baby is born.” Chris came home every summer from college, and would find a part time gig until it was time to return to campus. Kanielle helped him out last summer, and her brother worked for her. He helped her team put together furniture pieces for the construction company’s site offices, but this year she wouldn’t be there to give him that opportunity.

  “Chris will work it out, it’s time for him to fend for himself.” She knew her mother was tired of always bailing her brother out of jams, nothing illegal though. He was a ladies man, and the ladies always ended up at her mother’s front door. Her mother had done the best she could by them, often acting as both mother and father. Once she divorced her father she never looked back. She hadn’t heard from her father since he left with her mother’s friend. Kanielle couldn’t ask for a better single parent, and her mom always put their needs before her own. Kanielle and Chris graduated with honors, and received full college scholarships. And now it was their turn to make sure she put herself first. Chris was lacking in that department, but he loved their mother.

  “Good night.” Her mother sang. “Tomorrow is a new day.”

  “Yes it is. Goodnight.”

  “I love you.” Her mom hit the light switch on her way out the room. “Sweet dreams, make sure they don’t include blue eyes.”

  “Ma!” Kanielle chuckled, throwing a pillow at the closed door. “I love you too.” She knew her mother was trying to take her mind off her troubles. Though Robert did the unthinkable, she smiled. “Here’s to a new me, never looking back, just looking forward. Goodnight, Coral.” She kissed her palm, and tapped her stomach. “Mommy loves you.”


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