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Perfectly Mixed

Page 36

by Ancelli

  “This doesn’t change… things between us.” Robert spoke calmly.

  She walked to the door, “We will see.” Leslie stepped out.

  Robert closed his eyes, resting. Leslie got on his nerves, but she was the only one that he could count on.

  The door to his room squeaked as someone opened it. “That was quick,” he said opening his eyes. Robert’s eyes widened as he looked into the eyes of three men, and one of them was Brandon. Robert’s palms started getting sweaty. Leslie should be back soon.

  “Did you take my daughter?” Brandon cracked his knuckles.

  Robert went to grab the nurses’ call button, but the Hispanic man pulled the button off the bed. “Answer the fucking question!” He roared.

  “No…” Robert stuttered.


  Brandon’s little girl was safe, but he was going to make the person who took her pay, no matter who it was. He inched closer to Robert. “I’m going ask you one more time, did you or do you know who took her?”

  “No… I would… never… hurt…” Robert looked at Shawn as he moved behind his bed. Robert was about to yell, and Shawn forcefully placed his hand over his mouth.

  Shawn didn’t say a word, he just tipped his chin up at José.

  José moved forward with fire in his eyes. “You took an innocent child away from her mother.” He held down Robert’s hands to his sides. “You don’t threaten a child, and think you’re going get away with it.”

  “You love causing Kanielle pain,” Brandon smirked. “And I will cause you more pain until I find out the truth about my baby,” he gently wrapped his hand around Robert’s neck. He kicked and swerved, trying to get away.

  “The more you fight,” José glared at Robert, “The more pain we’ll inflict.” Robert gave up, and stopped moving. He shook his head.

  They had him pinned to his bed. Shawn forcefully pulled Robert back into the pillows and José gripped his broken wrist, twisting it to the side. Tears of pain rolled down his face, and Brandon didn’t feel any remorse. Brandon called in reinforcements because he knew if he was alone with Robert, he would probably kill him, and he couldn’t do anything that would jeopardize his family. Being here was already a risk, but he needed the truth.

  “I warned you so many times,” Brandon spoke slowly, “To keep away from Kanielle and my daughter, but you didn’t listen.”

  “You didn’t listen,” Shawn repeated.

  Brandon was losing himself in the moment. He needed to let go, and all of a sudden a woman came in with a pitcher of water. It was the same woman from the elevator. When she saw him, the plastic pitcher fell out of her hand. Before she could run out of the room, Shawn rushed ahead and closed the door behind her.

  “If you scream,” Brandon’s grip got tighter on Robert. “I will kill him.”

  “Please don’t hurt him,” she cried.

  “Who are you?” Brandon watched her. “Your name?”

  “Leslie Wright,” she replied.

  Kanielle said Leslie was lurking around the pediatrics floor for Robert. “You used to work with Kanielle?”

  Leslie stared at Robert and then at Brandon. “Yes, I used to work with that bitch. She’ll use you.”

  Shawn guarded the door, and José released Robert.

  “Leslie is it?” Brandon could feel his nostrils flaring. “You and this dirt bag took my baby.”

  “I,” Robert held his jaw in pain, “Didn’t take her.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Leslie’s chest heaved up and down. “I didn’t take your brat, and Robert is still in love with that prude. He would never cause her any pain.”

  Brandon was running out of time, “You guys can go,” he stared at his friends.

  “You sure?” José inspected him.

  “Yes, I can handle it from here. I should’ve never involved you.” Brandon moved back, and Robert grabbed his own neck.

  Shawn moved away from the door. “If you’re sure.”

  Brandon nodded his head. José and Shawn walked out the door.

  “I’m going to scream,” Leslie shouted. “You almost killed him.”

  “If I wanted him dead, he would be,” Brandon crossed his arms over his chest.

  There was a soft knock on the door, and Kanielle entered, “I had a feeling I would find you here after seeing Shawn and José,” she smirked when she saw the way Robert rubbed his neck. “Do you know her?” Kanielle asked Brandon, glancing at him and then back at Leslie.

  “I met her at your brother’s party,” Brandon watched Leslie. “She had something against you then. But I just found out, she used to work with you.” He looked at Kanielle.

  Kanielle looked at Robert. “After everything you put me through, you just had to make me suffer again. But my child?” She raised her voice.

  “Is… baby ok?” Robert asked. “I would… never… do anything to Coral,” he massaged his jaw.

  Leslie flinched, “Her fever broke. It was only an allergic reaction.”

  “How the hell would you know that?” Kanielle walked closer to Leslie.

  Brandon remembered the surveillance tape, noticing that Leslie was the right height and weight. Leslie could’ve been the person that dropped her off in the ER.

  “Where were you two days ago?” Brandon asked.

  Leslie looked confused, staring at them with her eyebrow cocked. “I was minding my own business.”

  “Answer me!” Brandon shouted. “You took my child didn’t you?”

  Kanielle grabbed Leslie’s arm, and she tried pulling away from her.

  Leslie pushed her and then Kanielle’s eyes widened in surprise. Her chest heaved up and down. “Your perfume, it was all over Cece, and that text I received saying it’s someone I know,” as she listed the details of why she thought it was her. Brandon turned around. “Brandon!” She yelled. “She kidnapped our baby.”

  Robert stared at Leslie. “You took… the baby?”

  Brandon dug into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and called the police officer who helped them look for Cece. “We found the person who took our baby.”

  Leslie backed away, and Kanielle charged her. “You bitch,” she yelled and pulled her hair and smacked her in her face. “My child!”

  Nurses and doctors came running into the room. “Call the police,” a doctor said.

  “They’re on their way up,” a nurse replied.

  Brandon rushed forward and lifted Kanielle by the waist, but she still had Leslie’s hair in between her finger. “She’s going to pay for what she did,” he said and he tugged on Kanielle. “Let her go,” he reasoned and tried prying her finger away from her hair, but it wasn’t working.

  “You’re hurting me,” Leslie yelled, digging her nails into Kanielle’s arms. “I didn’t take her… I wasn’t the one who grabbed your brat.” She uttered.

  Kanielle finally released her, “It wasn’t only you!”

  The cops came up and Brandon pointed at Leslie. “She’s the one that kidnapped my daughter.”

  Leslie nodded her head. “I swear it wasn’t me… It wasn’t me. I didn’t take her.”

  “Why did you come back?” Brandon raised his voice now. “To try to grab her again?”

  “I was just making sure she was okay,” Leslie paced.

  “Robert, didn’t you send her to check on Coral?” Kanielle asked.

  “No,” Robert sternly answered.

  Leslie stopped and gazed in disbelief at Robert. “You will always choose her.” She glared at Kanielle and something in her snapped. Brandon could see it on her face, as her lips curled up into a wicked smile. “Yes.” she laughed. “You suffered those twenty-four hours without your brat,” Leslie chuckled harder. “How did it feel?”

  “Why would you do this to us?” Brandon asked.

  “I didn’t do it to you, I did it to her,” she pointed at Kanielle as the cops read her rights to her. “I did it for the money. Robert promised me financial freedom, he promised to love me, but he
could never love me, because he loved her.” She glared at Robert.

  “Kanielle doesn’t want Robert, you didn’t have to cause this pain,” Brandon went to move. “I’ll make sure you pay for what you did.”

  “Make sure you make her pay too.” Leslie said as they dragged her out. “Kanielle, pay your mother-in-law a visit and ask her why.”

  “Wait.” Kanielle turned back around. “What did you say?”

  Leslie smirked. “Ask you mother-in-law why. She should be here soon.”

  Brandon moved forward. “What does that woman have to do with all of this?”

  “Your baby was given something that wasn’t hers,” Leslie replied. “She paid me to destroy you, but you’re still standing.” She cast a glance at Kanielle. “I never meant to get your baby involved.”

  “But you did, you crazy bitch!” Kanielle’s heart couldn’t take anymore. Ramona, oh she was paying her a visit.

  “Stop talking… about my… mother,” Robert stuttered. “She’s lying.”

  “I was just following orders,” Leslie looked at her purse in the officer’s hand. “If you don’t believe me read my texts.”

  Kanielle didn’t wait for the officer’s permission as she dug in Leslie’s bag and pulled out her phone. She swiped the screen and read, and then gave it to Brandon. “I hope you both rot in hell.”

  “Officer,” Kanielle looked at his badge. “McKay, can you please let me talk to Mrs. Richardson before you take her away?”

  He gently shook his head. “You have fifteen minutes before I call it in. I need the phone, its evidence.”

  Brandon read the texts on Leslie’s phone aloud, and Kanielle’s eyes began to water. Ramona was going to pay. It was all over money, and all she had to do was ask Kanielle about the money. If Robert’s grandmother had left Cece anything, Kanielle would’ve handed it over peacefully. She didn’t want anything to do with them. He handed the cops the cell. “Thanks,” and then looked at Leslie. “Thank God you’re a woman.” He directed menacingly to Leslie.

  “May I?” Kanielle extended her arm, and the cop handed her the phone.

  “I will hand it over to you as soon as I have a word with Mrs. Richardson,” she whispered reading the texts over. Kanielle glared at Leslie. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  Brandon gazed at Kanielle. “Let’s go.”

  “You go and give Cece a kiss from me. I will be waiting for Mrs. Richardson,” Kanielle sat in the chair next to Robert.

  She needed this, and the cops wouldn’t leave her side.

  “I promise I will be up soon,” Kanielle crossed her legs. “I love you, Bran.”

  “I told you we would find out who did this.” He strolled forward and kissed her. “I love you more.”


  “Kanielle,” Robert spoke slowly. “My mom… would never take… your baby,” He twisted to face her.

  “Shut up!” She continued to stare at the closed door. Kanielle would sit there until the witch came. She knew that Ramona would come, that heifer couldn’t keep away from her son for long. Cece was safe with Brandon. He would kill before letting anyone hurt her again. “Your mother was always a money hungry-”

  “Watch what… you say next,” his jaw trembled.

  Kanielle turned looking at him, “Or what, Robert? You can’t hurt me anymore. Your power over me has been gone for months. I don’t even feel sorry for you.” She shook her head. “Your promises were empty. I believed you because I needed to, I wanted someone to want me for who I was, and you said you did.” She smiled. “But, you really didn’t. You tried to turn me into someone I wasn’t, and when you saw you couldn’t change me you tried to manipulate me. It didn’t work, every foul word, every push, and every slap, it all made me stronger. I made a promise for better or worse, but I never made a promise to allow you to abuse me, that wasn’t in our vows.”

  “Leslie set her up.” He ignored her statement.

  “More like your mom set you up,” Kanielle gripped the phone in her hand. “You’ve always been a puppet for your mommy.”

  Robert stared coldly at her with no emotion.

  “Your father might be many things, however he was raised by a wonderful woman,” Kanielle smirked. “You may have gotten your womanizing ways from him,” she chuckled. “I often wondered why you did the things you did, and I finally know the answer. You try so hard to please your mother that you do what you think she wants you to.” She looked away from him. “You married me because your mother told you to. You didn’t want to be married.”

  Robert didn’t say a word.

  Why hadn’t she’d seen it before? Robert’s life revolved around Ramona’s desires.

  The door to his room cracked open, and his father appeared with his mother right behind him. Ramona’s eyes widened surprised to see her.

  “Kanielle, it’s nice to see you again,” his father said walking closer to the bed.

  “It’s nice to see you too,” Kanielle genuinely smiled, before turning toward Ramona with her eyes narrowed.

  “This is a surprise. Are you checking up on Bobby?” His father twisted between both of them. “Are you getting back together?”

  Robert shook his head.

  “No,” Kanielle stood, glaring at Ramona. “Ramona, how are you?”

  Robert peered up at his mother, but Ramona didn’t turn her head his way at him.

  Ramona lifted her chin. “I’m great.”

  Kanielle’s lips curled into a vicious half smile. “You’re not going ask me how I’m doing?”

  Ramona scowled. “Kanielle, I don’t care how you’re doing.”

  “Ramona!” Robert Sr. gave his wife a dirty stare. “How’s your baby? I heard about what happened.”

  “Mr. Richardson,” Kanielle kept her gaze on Ramona. “Thanks for asking. Coral is doing much better. The people who took her didn’t know she was allergic to regular formula,” she sighed. “They almost killed my baby.”

  “Do the police have any leads?” his face was a mask of polite curiosity. “If you need me to hire someone to help, let me know.”

  “Thank you, but they already know who took my baby,” Kanielle didn’t move. Her ears and neck burned in anger. Ramona’s eyes widened, however she didn’t say a word. She looked over at her son, and he looked down. “Ramona, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about the kidnapping would you?”

  Robert Sr. turned, watching his wife, and his eyebrow rose.

  “Why would I know anything about that?” Ramona walked over to Robert. “Bobby, what is she doing here?” She took his hand in hers.

  “Mom…” Robert wouldn’t look at his mother. “Why?”

  “Why what?” Ramona’s chest heaved up and down.

  “Leslie…” Robert whispered.

  “I don’t know a Leslie.” His mother calmly replied.

  Kanielle’s lips lifted to the side. “Funny because she knows you.”

  Robert Sr.’s lips thinned as he studied Kanielle. “Why are you asking my wife if she knows about the kidnapping?”

  “Ramona, should I tell him or will you?” Kanielle closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and waited for a moment. “I guess I will.”

  “Mr. Richardson,” She gave him all her attention. “Were you present the day of the reading of your mother’s will?”


  “Kanielle, we can discuss this someplace else,” Ramona’s voice rattled. She went to pull away from Robert, but he grabbed her wrist. Ramona eyed Robert with confusion.

  “Too late,” Kanielle cleared her throat. “As I was saying. I didn’t know your mother left my daughter some inheritance.”

  “What?” Robert Sr. gazed at Robert with his eyebrows drawn together. “You told me she said she didn’t want anything to do with it.”

  “He lied to you,” Kanielle interjected. “I didn’t have a clue about the inheritance until three days ago, when your son tried to blackmail me. He wanted me to give him power of attorney to Coral’s finances, or he wo
uld sue me for visitation.”

  “Bobby, is that true?” His father’s deep voice boomed through the small space. “Answer!”

  “Yes,” he looked up at his father through hooded eyes.

  “Why, would you do something like that?” Robert Sr. yelled. Ramona didn’t say anything, just backed away from them.

  “It’s our family’s money, not her child’s.” Robert softly voiced.

  “I have my own money, son.”

  “Ramona, where did your son get the idea of blackmailing me from?” Kanielle tapped her index finger to her lips. “Let’s see.” She looked up to the ceiling, “You!”

  “What?” Robert roared. “Ramona would never do that.”

  Kanielle smirked. “She did that and so much more. Didn’t you?” She shot the older woman a look of disgust. “I’ve never done anything but love your son. Even when he didn’t deserve it.”

  Ramona’s nostrils flared.

  “I was never unfaithful to your son,” Kanielle shrugged and continued. “They led you to believe that too.”

  “Is Coral my granddaughter?” Robert Sr. looked confused.

  “Robert wanted a baby to continue your family’s line, and now I understand why. Your mother didn’t trust Robert with her money, that’s why she always talked about leaving her estate to her great-grandkids. He needed an heir for your mother, someone she could leave everything to, but things didn’t go as planned did they?” Kanielle veered to the side, glancing at Robert. “We found out that getting pregnant wasn’t going to be as easy as we thought.”

  Robert Sr. fell silent.

  “Your wife set us up with a fertility clinic,” Kanielle paused, thinking of everything she went through. She was grateful; because of these sick people she had her miracle. “As you know after two miscarriages, I finally got pregnant again. Well,” Kanielle frowned, “There was a mix up in the lab.” She decided not to mention everything else that occurred. “In the end the baby wasn’t Robert’s, and once again they lied to you.”

  “Ramona, why did you keep that from me?”

  Ramona’s eyes shined. “I didn’t want to hurt you. I know how badly you wanted a grandbaby. Why bother you with details?”


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