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Perfectly Mixed

Page 37

by Ancelli

  “So, you manipulated my son against me,” he scowled at his wife, and then he looked at Kanielle. “What does all of this have to do with your child being taken?”

  “Great question,” Kanielle swiped Leslie’s phone to life. “This is a trail of text messages between your wife and the kidnapper.”

  “No!” Robert Sr. flinched like someone had hit him in the gut.

  Kanielle started reading.

  ‘Where are you?’ Ramona

  ‘In her laundry room’ Leslie

  ‘As soon as Bobby distracts her make your move. We need that baby, if we want the money. That old hag lived longer than I thought’ Ramona

  ‘I have her’ Leslie

  ‘Your sister, will have everything you need for the baby’ Ramona

  ‘The baby is driving me crazy’ Leslie

  ‘In time, she’ll never knew we took her’ Ramona

  ‘It’s all over the news. I had nothing to do with this’ Ramona

  ‘If I go down, you’re going down with me’ Leslie

  ‘Your word against mine’ Ramona

  “It was you that texted me, telling me I knew the kidnapper. You wanted Leslie to take the fall for your scheme,” Kanielle said half aloud, looking at the woman before she continued reading.

  ‘She’s sick’ Leslie

  ‘Drop her off at a police station or firehouse and disappear’ Ramona

  ‘Done’ Leslie

  Robert Sr. twisted, looking at his wife. “Old hag? That was my mother,” he shouted. “That’s all you cared about, the money.”

  Robert didn’t say a word as he released his mother’s wrist. “How could you?”

  “It wasn’t me,” Ramona cried. “Bobby, I would never do anything like that.”

  “Don’t give me that shit,” Robert Sr. spat. “I stayed in a loveless marriage for over thirty-five years because of my mother. She begged me to say with you because of our son, and you’ve got the nerve to think you were going to get her money?”

  “I deserve so much more than you ever gave me,” Ramona’s features changed from soft to cold as she wiped her tears. “I put up with your mistresses over the years, and I knew if I divorced you I wouldn’t get a dime. I stayed in this hell of a marriage for my son.”

  Robert shook his head, and in that moment Kanielle felt sorry for him. He was who he was because of them. He didn’t know how to love someone without controlling and manipulating them.

  “You waited until my mother died,” Robert Sr. balled his fist.

  “I counted the days, hours, minutes.” Ramona admitted with a nod. “Your mother was a bitch.”

  He charged at her, and Robert stumbled out of bed, groaning in agony. The pain mirrored in his eyes as he flinched when he landed in front of his mother. “No…” he put his good hand up pushing his father away. “She … she’s still my mother.”

  “No weapon formed against me shall prosper,” Kanielle professed loudly. “My first instinct when you walked through that door was to knock you out.” She smiled. “But, Ramona, you’re not worth it.”

  “Kanielle, I’m sorry,” Robert sincerely said from between his parents.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Brandon made sweet love to Kanielle. She was about to come, and he loved the way her eyes rolled back as the waves of pleasure took over her body. Her legs slowly began to shake, and she wrapped them around his waist, digging her soles into his back. He was losing control, and they both came moaning each other name.

  Kanielle fell asleep, and Brandon slipped out of bed and pulled on some basketball shorts. It had been three weeks since Cece was taken, and Ramona Richardson and Leslie were arrested and charged with kidnapping and child abduction. They were both facing up to eight years in federal prison. Now he was beyond overprotective. He strolled into Cece’s room to find her sleeping with her great-granny’s blanket secured in her fist. He smiled, tracing her facial features with his fingers. “My little girl. Merry Christmas, peanut.” He bent down and kissed her forehead, then made sure the monitor was on, and went back to his bedroom.

  He looked at the pictures Kanielle had hung on his wall of the three of them. Therapy was going great, and the pills Sandra prescribed worked. After the kidnapping he relied on the pills, because he couldn’t close his eyes, thinking of someone taking his baby. But now he hardly needed them. PTSD would never be completely gone; he just had to learn how to handle his triggers before they surfaced, and that was a work in progress. Brandon gazed at his woman as she slept, realizing that his life had been completely changed in less than a year. He never thought he would be in love again, or become someone’s father. He was right that God answered prayers when he wanted to. He pulled down the covers, and settled in next to her, covering them both up. Brandon held her in his arms and fell asleep.

  “Morning.” Kanielle nibbled his neck. “Merry Christmas.”

  He smiled, and his eyes fluttered open. She was resting on her elbows gazing at him. She hadn’t noticed what he did yet. “Good morning, sweets,” he gave her a peck on the lips. “Happy first Christmas together.”

  “Yes.” She fixed the white scarf on her head, making sure it was secured. “Let’s wake her up so she can open her gifts.” Kanielle was excited. “But first I have to brush my teeth,” she pulled the cover off her body and paused before getting out of the bed. She looked at her ring finger, and covered her mouth with her other hand. He’d slipped it on last night in one of his visits to Cece’s room. “Bran.” Kanielle deserved the best, and that’s what he got her. It was an 18K white gold, 4-carat diamond solitaire ring, with two French pave set bands wrapped in diamonds forming a reverse slip shank. It was stunning, and the price didn’t matter.

  “Bran, this is beautiful,” Kanielle inspected the piece of jewelry.

  He got out of bed, and walked over to her side. Brandon bent down on one knee, and took her hand. Her palm was already shaking. “Kanielle, will you marry me?” He gazed up at her. Tears formed in her beautiful eyes, but she didn’t answer. He knew almost a year might not be long enough for her. He already knew this was how they would end up months ago. Kanielle was his soul mate. He believed that in life you meet a few people who are lessons learned, it could take months or years. Yes you loved them, and you gain insight from those individuals, however they were only there to teach you. What you learned depends on you. Brandon didn’t let Maggie’s betrayal ruin him; it didn’t break his trust in love again, however for Kanielle it was different. She had to learn to put her trust in someone else. After getting burned, and with everything that was finally revealed, he understood. Brandon didn’t mind waiting, but in the meantime he needed to know there was a future ahead of them.

  Tears rolled down her face onto her breasts. She was still naked from last night, but Kanielle didn’t take her eyes off his. “I guess that’s a no,” he mumbled and went to stand and she held him down with her hands on his shoulders.

  “My answer isn’t no,” Kanielle wiped her tears. “After everything we’ve been through together, I wouldn’t say no.” She cupped his face. “I love you, Bran, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  He jumped up pumping his fist in the air, making her laugh. “She said yes!” He was nervous, Brandon really thought she was going to say no, or she needed to think about it. He ran out of the room, and into Cece’s. “She said yes!” Coral stared at him like he was crazy. He picked her up and bounced her up in the air a couple of times until she giggled loudly. “Yes, Mommy said yes!”

  Kanielle was shaking her head, walking out of the bathroom as she pulled on a t-shirt and sweats. “Daddy’s crazy, sugar pie.”

  “Is there such a thing as sugar pie?” Brandon tickled Cece, making her laugh, which was the most beautiful sound to his ears.

  “Yes, there’s such a thing, it’s called Coral Stokes,” Kanielle said and headed out of the bedroom and into his living room. “It’s time to open presents,” she clapped, and sat on the floor next to the eigh
t-foot Christmas tree. “Yeah, we get to open gifts, sugar pie.” She’d decorated both houses. His house looked like the North Pole. There were lights and wreaths everywhere. She had candy canes glued to the walls, and stockings with their names on them. His front door had a big Santa Claus attached to it. Kanielle went all out. Her house was worse. It was like entering a toy factory. She said she was recreating Santa’s workshop, and a chimney.

  Brandon sat down next to her and placed Cece in between them. She was trying to walk by herself, and would already crawl, if it could be called crawling? She could push herself on her stomach, grab onto the table, and pull herself up.

  “Why did your mother choose Christmas day to get married?”

  “Stop complaining,” Kanielle said and helped the baby open a few gifts. “Chris came in last night.”

  “I know, I talked to him,” he retrieved a small red box. “Here, this is from Cece.”

  Kanielle took it from his hand. “Baby, you didn’t have to,” she unwrapped the bow.

  “It’s from Cece,” Brandon opened one of Cece’s toys. “Here, princess.”

  She finally opened the gift. “It’s beautiful,” she exclaimed. It was a white gold necklace with a mother-child pendant. “Cece, thank you,” she said and kissed her, making Coral whine. “Okay then, I’ll let you go so you can play with your toys.”

  “She loves the boxes, more than the toys,” Brandon chuckled leaning back on his elbows. “These are the moments I live for.”

  Kanielle moved forward handing Brandon a gift, “This is from Cece.”

  “Peanut, you shouldn’t have,” he teased. He quickly tore through the wrapping, nowhere near as gentle as Kanielle. He opened the small box. Inside the box was a ring that said 1# DAD. He swallowed, attempting to control his overwhelming emotions. He never thought he would become a father after the last procedure he went through with Maggie, and now he was sitting next to an oversized Christmas tree with his daughter and fiancée. “Thank you, peanut,” he slipped on the ring.

  “This is from me,” Kanielle kissed his lips. “You said you wanted us to build something together.”

  Brandon watched her and then started opening the white envelope. He started reading the document, seeing that it was a title to some property.

  Kanielle got up on her knees, “Everything takes time right? I was thinking that we should build our own house from scratch, the same way we built each other up.” She stared at him. “Every time we pass through that area you always say it reminds you of home.”

  He grinned from ear to ear. Brandon knew exactly where she was talking about. “This is the best present ever,” he said, pouncing on her and knocking her to the floor, “I love you.”


  Mrs. Irene looked beautiful in a long sleeved pink and white flowing dress. Kanielle and Chris stood beside their mother as the pastor talked. Andy wiped at his fallen tears with his thumb. His two daughters stood by him. The older man was looking good in a grey pinstriped suit.

  Cece bounced up and down in Brandon’s lap. She blabbed loudly, making everyone turn, looking his way. Kanielle, placed her index finger to her lips. “Shhh…”

  Brandon cocked his eyebrow at Kanielle, knowing that Cece had a mind of her own, and was not likely to be quiet. He tried to quiet Cece anyway. “Shhh… you’re getting me in trouble.” He handed Cece one of her Christmas teddy bears his had grandmother sent. She chewed on his ears, and at least it kept her quiet for the moment.

  Kanielle looked stunning in her pink knee length dress, with a white rose pinned in her twists on the side of her head. Brandon kept glancing at Chris’ date. José was going kill him. How did Lucy get here anyway? Last time he checked she was home.

  Lucy smiled, looking at Chris in his uniform. He looked sharp in his dress blues. Brandon was proud of his soon to be brother-in-law. Chris was doing great things, and his mother and sister were proud of the man he was.

  The preacher continued, now reading from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

  “I met you twenty years ago,” Irene caressed Andy’s cheek. “It took me seventeen years to realize you were the one, and it wasn’t a moment too soon. I think of the years we’ve wasted, but then I think of all the years we still have to live.” Andy took her hands in his. “Thank you for waiting for me.”

  Andy squeezed her hands. “My dear loving Irene, I would’ve waited for you until the end of time,” he paused. “I remember you coming to parent teacher night. The sadness in your eyes drew me to you. After all the parents were gone we talked for hours. You remember that?” He chuckled.

  “Yes, I do.” Irene smiled.

  “I knew then that one day, you and I would be right where we are now,” he revealed. “We had to go through those years apart to value what we have now together.” Andy stepped back. “Look at our children, they are standing here today celebrating our love.”

  Irene looked at Kanielle and Chris. “I love you.”

  They both mouthed back. I love you too.

  They exchanged vows, and exchanged wedding rings. “I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Stuart.”

  Everyone in the chapel stood and clapped. Irene was the happiest Brandon had ever seen her, as she grinned from ear to ear. “Amen!”


  Her mother had her reception near the church in a small intimate venue, filled with carnations and wild flowers. Kanielle stared at her mother with her new husband. She was laughing and dancing. After all those years of being alone she was finally happy. Kanielle started thinking of all the years her mother did waste, because she was afraid to love again, afraid of getting her heart broken into pieces, but she was right everything in life was a risk. She watched her ring as it sparkled because of the lights.

  “Damn,” Chris walked up, “Hide that thing it’s blinding me,” he covered his eyes. “Congratulations!” he hugged her tight.

  “Thank you,” she slowly moved back. “Is congratulations in store for you too,” Kanielle watched the young Hispanic girl. She resembled her brother, only with freckles.

  “She’s only my friend,” Chris declared.

  “Only a friend, Chris?” Kanielle raised an eyebrow. “You would never bring only a friend to mom’s wedding.”

  “Lucy is very innocent,” Chris stared at his so called friend. “I wouldn’t hurt her, this is my goodbye to her.”

  “If you say so,” Kanielle grabbed a wine flute off the table. “Her brother said to keep away from his sister,” she took a sip. “He’s going to kill you.”

  “Let him try,” Chris looked at her. “I’m happy for you and Brandon. I called it,” he chuckled. “He had eyes for you from the first day, but you were taken.”

  “Whatever,” she joked, watching Brandon dance with her mother. He was a blessing in her life, and she knew they would have their ups and downs, but it would be nothing they wouldn’t be able to handle together.

  Lucy strolled up to them.

  “Lucy, this is my sister Kanielle,” Chris introduced them.

  “Hi,” Kanielle extended her arm, and Lucy shook it. “It’s nice to put the face with the name.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she shyly said, and slowly released Kanielle’s hand.

  Kanielle tried to make her feel comfortable. “I’ve heard so many things about you.”

  “All good I hope,” she watched Chris.

  Kanielle gave Chris the eye. He hadn’t mentioned a word about Lucy to her, but Kanielle noticed that she was nothing like her brother. José was cocky, and said what he felt regardless of who was around. Lucy didn’t seem like Chris’ type, but opposites do attract.

  “Yes, all good.” She patted her brother on the shoulder, and walked over to Andy. “Congr


  “I see you’re taking my advice,” Irene smiled, moving to the music with Brandon. “I’ve never seen her so happy. Even when she was in her honeymoon stage with that jackass.”

  Brandon chuckled, listening to her made him more confident in their love. “I love her,” he gazed over at Kanielle.

  “And she loves you,” Irene tilted her head to the side looking up at him. “Gosh, I’m short.”

  He continued laughing.

  “You were dropped into each other’s lives for a reason,” she said and stopped dancing. “I know you and Kanielle didn’t see it then, but I hope you see it now. Don’t take the moments you have with each other for granted, son,” she touched his cheek. “Live, laugh, and love.”

  Brandon bent down and gave his mother-in-law a hug. “I love you, Mrs. Irene.”

  “Dear Brandon, I loved you from the first day you put a smile on my daughter’s lips, when even I couldn’t.” She pulled away. “If you hurt her I will personally kill you,” she said and walked away.

  Kanielle had Cece in her arms, walking up to him standing in the middle of the dance floor by himself. “What are you doing?”

  He took Cece from her and wrapped one hand around her waist. “Your mother dropped me for her husband.” He watched Irene kissing Andy.

  Chris grabbed the mic, making it squeak. My Best Friend by Atlantic Star began playing over the sound system. “This song is dedicated to Kanielle from her fiancée.”

  Brandon began swaying from side to side, and Kanielle followed his moves. He sang the words as the music played. “I love you so… thanks for being my best friend.” They danced with Cece between them. Kanielle circled her arms around him and their daughter.

  Kanielle gazed up at him with shiny eyes, and her irises mirrored his. They were full of love and understanding. “I don’t want to wait twenty years. I want a lifetime of memories with you.” His lips curled up into a smile, that’s all he wanted too. “I don’t want a big wedding, all I need is this right here.” She touched their little girl’s hand. “Perfectly mixed.”


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