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Relentless Desire

Page 44

by Jacqwin Hess

  “I’d never hate you, Sebastian.”

  “I know. I told myself when I first decided to have you over and meet you that I wasn’t going to put on any bullshit air and sugar coat what I am…or what I wanted.”

  “Ah…that you certainly didn’t,” she replied, huffing with a snickering grin and then rolling her eyes, looking down. They sat there a moment, staring at each other before breaking out into laughter in memory of that day in his house, showing him the painting. He was bold before she even walked in, sitting there with a raging hard-on. And when she told him she wasn’t there to do anything more than show him the painting, he huffed and said, ‘Shame. I’d rather see your cunt’ and had relentlessly kept up his bad boy determination to the very end, grabbing and jerking his cock right in front of her. He had honestly to god wanted her–expected her–to drop at his feet and instantly let him screw her! “Oh man, you were such an asshole.”

  Sebastian smiled and laughed, nodding his head. “I was, wasn’t I? Well, I’m sorry–”

  “Oh! Now you’re bullshitting! You’re not sorry at all. It got you what you wanted, at least…part of it, and you had–have absolutely no shame, which you shouldn’t I guess. You are who and what you are and…a nasty, dirty man is what you are.”

  “And you accept that?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?” After a second longer, she stood. “The real question before us is…ah…can you accept me? I mean, look what I did to you in the dining room–”

  He sat up straight and clasped his hands behind his head. That was the second time for her to bring it up. It really did bother her and a bad feeling tingled up his spine. “What? When you went down? Why is that such a big deal? It wasn’t your first time. Now when you did it at the beach house like you did. Yeah, shock of my life, but a beautiful, awesome, oh-thank-you-Jesus kind of awesome shock!” he replied and she smiled, laughing out. “I never wanted to initiate it or ask, ah…insist or force it in a mindless, lust-filled rage. You have to know that with my experience and the things I’ve done, there isn’t anything you could ever do, sexually, to turn me off from you. You know that, don’t you, Adri? Unless…you compulsively do it and give it to others—”

  “Oh my god, no! Sebastian, I have it totally under control. I’ve never…in my life ever lost it to that extent, ever indulged in anything or had it ever take over…sexually. I mean…” She looked down and felt herself get sick. “I ah…” She grabbed up her purse and looked up at him, sighing. “I’m sorry. I have to get back.”

  “Don’t do that-shut down on me. Your problem is—”

  “I don’t have a problem. There’s nothing wrong.”

  “Yes there is, and we both know it. It’s an old one and one you have handled beautifully, courageously. What affects you, affects me, Ads. If you only knew what I could do for you, if you would just…trust me.”

  “I’m sorry.” She swiped her tear and turned away, walking out and getting in the car without waiting for TJ. Sebastian tossed the money on the table, leaving too and getting in the car with her.

  He wasn’t letting it go. He knew she’d cried afterward in the bathroom and then again in the car on the way back home. He shouldn’t have said anything concerning other men, having such a problem that she’d just go around fucking and sucking out of control and wild. She wasn’t that way or that damaged. She had worked agonizing hard to get control of her manic problems, to keep control over them and then he shot her down in one sentence. The second he sat down, he gripped the back of her head and pulled her to him, kissing her, but he could feel that she was closed off and not giving it up, too withdrawn in herself.

  She had never wanted it brought up between them, not even acknowledged let alone discussed—wanted it to be as if it never existed.

  “It’s a part of who you are. Nobody is perfect. My problem is with my temper, aggression, power, and Stalinism–bad–and in every aspect of my life and…in the lives of those I know. Only…I don’t control it all the time and can’t, but…I have to and so I saw the BDSM lifestyle as a way to vent my fury and anger. I won’t have it pent up in me and take it out on an employee, business partner, and completely…destroy myself. I don’t know why…I have this fury and inner rage in me. That’s why I’ve let time pass between us, going a week or so without seeing you, because when work is really bad….then so am I. It kills me. I struggle with it all the time, Adri, and for…three years, I’ve known about you. I’ve…never approached you or introduced myself because…I didn’t want to taint you with my sickness.” He froze, feeling his heart lurch, having said three years instead of two, but she didn’t react at all—not having caught it and he finally calmed his racing heart down. He wasn’t ready to tell her the full truth about how long he’d known her or just how much of her life in New York had been put together by him.

  “You’d never hurt me,” she whispered and sat back as he got a dark expression about his face and shifted his eyes over at her, but she grew brave again, finding her courage and wasn’t going to back down. “You won’t…hurt me.”

  “I can’t hurt you. Not with the damage done to you, up inside of you, the scarring, I can rage fuck that beautiful pussy of yours with everything I have and let loose on you. It’s what you need in order to find pleasure. We’re fucking perfect for each other and I have just gotten started with you. You don’t have a clue what I’m planning on doing with you and what I ultimately want, but…you will, Baby Girl. You will. I’m no longer exercising restraint on my dominance with you and one day…I’ll have it, all of it, and in every way. And with that said, fix the fucking phone at work and don’t ever block or ignore my calls again. Friendship, two-way thing; remember?”


  “Good. And now, for your punishment, for blocking me on the phone?...I’m not going to quick fuck you like you’re wanting me to do,” he stated, and oh god it was beautiful! She instantaneously fumed, furious and wild, her sweet serene expression changed in a blink of an eye. She clenched her hands and glared bitterly at him, so angry at him and he loved it!

  How did he know?! How the fuck did he know?! Adri’s mind screamed, jerking sideways in the seat and glaring at him and guessed she gave off all the signals that gave it away—squirming and licking her lips. She wanted to indulge and he knew it and was denying her in punishment?! Well fuck! She flew back and slammed her body against the seat, turning away, slamming her arms crossed over her chest, and stared out the window. She remained tense as he slid his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to him, gripping her jaw, and turning her head back to him. He then lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her, forcing her to accept the kiss, and then cried out as he shoved his hand up her dress and crudely pinched her clit.

  “Now. Control it. Reel it in, Baby Girl. Get a hold of it,” he hissed and made a move to shock her into obeying, which instantly worked. She cried out in his mouth, snaking her demon back in and calming down, stunned that he’d actually did that, gripping his wrist as he kept a pinching hold on her clit. “That’s it. Good girl…” he whispered and slowly stopped his stimulations, releasing her clit. She was being punished and making her come wouldn’t accomplish that goal. He wanted, so miserably bad, to jerk her over, trapping her against him and beat her ass, spanking her until she screamed, but she wasn’t ready for that yet and he thought she wasn’t ready for any kind of ‘Punishing’ yet, not even ‘orgasm denial’ and he slid his hand back over her pussy.

  “Oh yea—don’t be cruel. Sebastian, please! Keep it—don’t—” Adri lost her words in her throat as his fingers worked their magic and jarred perfectly, vibrating against her clit and folds, making her come.

  He kept fingering her pussy, loving the feel of her sweetly shuttering against him as she came, and then sagged against him. “See, Ads, you can trust me to always know what you need and to take care of you. I’ll always take care of you, leave you breathless, and take care of your aches. We’re so perfect for each other, in bed or out. I know what I’m doing,
know what you need and how to handle you and deal with your problem, your demons and what you suffer from. I can help control it with you. Don’t ever shut me out, Adri. Please. It frightens me…to think what I would do if you thought to break it off. I need you and you need me. Fuck, we’re perfect for each other in so many ways. Trust me…Submit to me…” he asked and she looked up, still weak from her orgasm. She still didn’t give him a reply, kissing him on the cheek and thanking him for lunch. She dashed off to the side of the building to go up to her apartment and change her panties.

  One of these days, she would. He vowed it—one of these days he’ll have her broke, on her knees at his feet, and his to do with her as he pleased…

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Adri reset the phone and unblocked his number, but he never called and she didn’t call him. It wasn’t until he showed up three days ago at The Gallery that she saw him again and he gently grabbed her by the arm, pulling her up to her feet. He walked straight to the bathroom in the back, closed and locked the door, turned and shoved her back against the bathroom wall. She instantly opened for his hot kiss as he took her mouth, moaning as he jerked up her skirt, tore her panties out of the way, roughly kneeing and kicking her legs apart and quickly worked on his own pants. She wrapped her legs around his waist and cried out as he immediately began fucking her as if the devil himself was on his back.

  He was obviously letting out some serious pent up anger on her and growled that it wasn’t e-fucking-nough, but…it would have to do and pounded the hell out of her, even hurt her a bit when he came, forcing her to orgasm with him. It was the quickest they’d ever climaxed since they’ve been together and it was still overwhelming, hot and amazing. She never said a word, glad he fisted her hair and gave her a hard hot kiss and then backed up withdrawing from her and shook from the glorious sight of his semen dripping from her swollen pink pussy. He immediately began getting dressed and the second he had her whipped clean, he retuned them back up front. She was clearly weary with him so cold and serious, but he didn’t care and had gotten what he came for and needed. He only lightened up when they got back up to her desk in reception, turned, and pulled out an envelope from his pocket, giving it to her. He had planned on letting his secretary mail it for him, but stopped by to give it to her himself while…collecting a quick fuck from her. Inside the envelope was a little yellow sticky Post-It.

  Flew to Hong Kong. Incognito for a week or so.

  No communi-kay. Sorry Angel. Bye.


  He slid a hand behind her head, pulled her mouth to his, and kissed her in a way that made her wish they were back in the bathroom again. Then he turned and left. The man hated to travel, yet that’s all he did with his business, and now there she was, staring at the little sticky note, reading over it a dozen times since he left. “Smartass.”

  She was pulled out of her dazed reverie when the little bell chimed and she looked up to see a courier stepping in. She smiled, taking the package addressed to her. She signed and grabbed up the letter opener, slitting it across the top and pulled out two packages. “Oh my god.” One was a new phone, an awesome looking smartphone and knew it was some brand she’d never even heard of—that only the elitists used. She wasn’t surprised he sent it with her old flip phone mysteriously beeping its last beep after the battery was replaced the other day. She’s never made it out yet to buy a new one. Something about Sebastian being gone made New York dull and lifeless. She just couldn’t leave from home or work. She set her new phone down and pulled out the largest box, lifted the lid, and immediately slamming it back down. She collected it all up to her chest and then ran into the back, up the stairs to her tiny apartment, and dashed inside.

  Once there she flipped the lid open and stared a set of golden long egg-shaped toys. There were four in all, which would be used to keep her stretched and make her ready for him. She felt her mind reel, accepting that Sebastian was serious about her, them and was going to be visiting her soon. YAY!

  She couldn’t wait—so excited! She grabbed the box to her new phone, ran out, locking her door and went back down to work. Once at her desk she pulled the box open and there was a note inside—

  —Rule number one, this phone is just for us—don’t give the number out to anyone else, not even your mother, no one. I’ll explain why later. Call her from The Gallery line. And don’t show anyone this phone, it’s a prototype and very exclusive!”

  —Rule number two: Call your mother, you haven’t done it yet.

  “Ah! How’d he know that?”

  —Rule number three: Always remember and assume I know everything.

  —Rule number four: Close the shop early. Go back upstairs and put in dilator number two, and receive the rest of the rules from the other box.

  She did everything he said, instantly regretted calling her mom, who gave her the third degree about doing the nasty with that man and how she used to be such a sweet good girl. Uuggghh! She just gripped the phone, shaking it and acting like she was strangling it. They’d seen the paper of them in Boston. People actually called them and asked if they knew how serious it was! “It was just a date! That’s all, and if it’s ever more, it’s no one’s damn business!” Her mother got the hint after that. Grrr! She then counted the minutes, entertained a few walk-ins, and then one hour before she was due to close normally, she did as he said and closed. She went back up to her apartment, slamming the door closed and stared at the box that was still setting on the bar. She locked the door behind her, ran to the box, and flipped the lid open, staring down at the very expensive 24K Gold covered dilators, picking it up and staring in shock. “Holy shit.” Number two was freaking huge and number four?...was scary! That’s all right, so was he! She set it back down, finding the little note on the lid of the box and began reading the rest of his rules.

  - Rule five: Always obey me—put it in your cunt. Now!

  “Ugh! So bossy! God!” She sighed, picking it up and already wet from the excitement of getting the package from him. She reached under her skirt and drew back her panties and slid the unusually shaped rod into her vagina and then moaned over how truly good it felt. She tightened and flexing her muscles around it and felt that it wouldn’t fall out. There were no buttons or separate section to turn it on, so they were strictly for stretching her body for him and used by hand to get herself off. She sighed, panting and taking deep breaths, pushing it more and more up inside of her, feeling it stretch her. Finally she just shoved it hard and put it in as deep as she could, pressing it at her core. It was going to hurt for a second or more, so she just stood there, letting her vagina get used to it.

  —Rule Number Six: Enjoy dinner with your friend.

  “Friend? What friend?” She spun around when the knock sounded on the door and she heard a familiar voice shout out to her. Mercer! Oh gosh, that’s right, she had forgotten about him. He was back for the second half of the conference and called to meet up. Sebastian wasn’t there, so…she reluctantly agreed. Of course, how did Sebastian know?!

  “Adriaunn! I know you’re in there. It’s me, Mercer! Open up!”

  She gasped out and spun back around, shoving the ‘gift’ from Sebastian under the bar of her tiny kitchen, setting it next to the other ‘favorite friend’ of hers he’d given her, the vibrator. She went and opened the door, seeing the old friend from back home. “Mercer! Right on time. I was surprised to get your call.”

  “Surprise my ass. You’ve been ignoring me like the plague. Of course, it’s no wonder why,” he replied and stepped into her apartment or…her little closet room she lived in. He almost jerked his brown leather jacket off to get comfortable, but a person couldn’t really, not in that place. “I’ve been trying for a week to call you, as have a lot of people back home.” He looked over seeing the manila envelope he sent her on the bar and appeared to be unopened still. It was what he had on Darvaine.

  “Oh? Oh, ah…phone died, sorry about that and we just got a ton of new paintings in that had to
be categorized.”

  “How hard could that be with only three categories here; penis, vagina, and then penis in vagina,” he laughed at his own little joke. Of course, the joke was on him, Adri thought as she shoved him around and pushed him out the door. Now that she had been with Sebastian, she knew there were a lot of different categories, which had her automatically smiling like a goon. “That happy to see me, huh?”

  “Are we going to go eat or what?”

  “That’s what I’m here for,” he replied and followed down behind her. She suddenly stopped; giving a slight moan, then shook her head. “Are you all right?”

  “Ah…yeah.” Adri was shocked to feel the thing rubbing her in the most delicious way. Ooh, it feels so good. She started walking again, but realized he wasn’t following, looking back and he was staring at the art that was hanging on the wall. He looked back down at her and rolled his eyes at her over what he saw. It was a painting with a red background and a close-up of some white guy in the throes of ecstasy as he double gripped his cock, jerking himself off.


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