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Relentless Desire

Page 45

by Jacqwin Hess

  “If your parents knew, they’d die!”

  “Everybody has their own interpretation of respectable. Now let’s go! I make a lot of money working here and the rent is dirt cheap—an impossibility in this town normally.”

  They went to a restaurant Mercer chose, a place that the cops there had frequented. Mongolian Palace. Of course, it was nothing compared to the Chinese she had with Sebastian, nothing in the world could have topped that, but this was good enough for now, hungry. They talked a bit about old friends and colleagues back in Minnesota and how the PD and FBI training was going. Then he brought up the package he sent her.

  “Anyway, have you had time to read over the information I sent you?”

  She glanced up at him, knowing exactly what he was talking about, thinking about the packet that was still sitting on the bar and no, she hadn’t looked through it. She only glanced at it, but…couldn’t ever bring herself to pull it all out and go through it, at least not yet. The packet he was talking about contained information on Sebastian. She was still on her high from being with him and everything still new and wonderful. She hadn’t been able to look at the documents and ruin the moment should there be anything real awful in there. Part of her thought tit-for-tat, but the other part of her knew that it contained nothing good and she didn’t want to get to know Sebastian like that, as a Mail-order-Lover or not! “No. I haven’t, just a glance, but it doesn’t matter because we’re not discussing—” She suddenly took a gasping breath and gripped down on her chair, lifting her bottom up and the dilator suddenly started to vibrate. Oh shit—he had a timer or them somehow or…it was remote controlled. That would mean he was nearby and watching at this very second! Oh god, it was so freaking hot, knowing he was nearby, watching her and causing her such sweet sensations down in her pussy from so far away—and Mercer just a foot from her. “…him at all. Ever.”

  “Are you all right?”

  “Just…a little stomach-cramp.” She gasped and twisted in her seat as it went up another notch, twisting her legs and trying to force herself to breathe. She was tilting sideways to stay directly off of it and keep from pressing it up harder inside of her. “Look, Mercer, ah…I’m not looking to marry him or anyone ever again and neither is he—ever! We’re just…having a mutual good time with each other and…fun. We’re friends and I like him, a lot.”

  “Damnit, Adri, he’s dangerous! The guy is wacked, a part of some elitist group of wealthy, powerful men that we really don’t know anything about, never able to get someone on the inside that stays alive long enough to get any info on them. He’s like into some serious, hardcore, nasty shit–it was all over the papers and tabloids. A girl almost died. He has some sick fucking fetishes, he’ll fuck a man and suck him off just as easily as he would any girl and make you eat a girl and join in their sick orgy parties. There isn’t anything that motherfucker won’t do. Your parents would die! You’re about to get in over your head. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. You don’t know him. You can’t handle a man like him! He’ll eat you alive and spit out what’s left!”

  “Most of the shit said was by a furious woman wanting a divorce and all his money, having recanted half of what she had claimed happened after she got all the money she wanted. So who knows! He hasn’t hurt me in any way.” She gasped and suddenly grasped the edge of the table, feeling the vibration shift and focus on a very particular area, feeling an odd movement inside of her, stabbing and vibrating against her g-spot. “Ex-Excuse—” She was about to dash off to the bathroom, but then it suddenly stopped and she pressed her hand to her mouth. “I need to go.”

  “God, I hope it’s not serious! I feel fine.” He paid and they left from the restaurant and went back to her place, but she wouldn’t go in and made them say good-bye out in the side alley where her door was.

  “Listen, I fly out tomorrow morning. Please, just promise me you’ll look at that file and watch yourself with this one. Don’t get any more involved than you already are,” he replied and she jerked again, reaching out and clutching the brick wall. She jerked her legs together, crossing them and again was in obvious pain. “So, you had a great time with him. Leave it at that. You need to come back home! You have a lot of people who love and care about you and are worried about you. You could come with me tomorrow if you wanted to—”

  The vibrator suddenly on full blast. “Ou—Oh, that hurt. I really do have to go. I’m so sorry! My life is here! You all need to accept that. Thanks for dinner! It was great seeing you-had a wonderful time. Bye, Mercer! Have a safe trip back!” She shot up and pecked him on the cheek and then spun around, dashed inside and shot up the stairs. She sagged against the door, clamping a hand down over her pussy and pushing it deeper and harder, her pussy soaked. She managed to get up on her feet when it stopped, pulling off her jacket and dress, flopping down on the bed, and rotating her hips, stretching herself on the vibe. She sat up and tried to take more of it, get it deeper—wanting something larger and rougher.

  She heard a jingling somewhere and then shot up and looked as her door opened. Oh thank God! Sebastian removed a key from the knob, closed and locked the door and then began removing his clothes. She dropped back on the bed as he came to her, grabbed and jerked off her panties, tossing them away. He lifted and parted her legs, removed the dilator and immediately replaced it with his dick. “Ooh yeah-oh god yeah!” She cried out when he dropped hard into her, forcing her pussy to open more around him, beginning to immediately rock, move and thrust, pounding in her–giving her the kind of fucking she liked! The best part, it hadn’t hurt when he rammed it full strength into her this time; she got the importance of the dilator now. It wasn’t for him. It was for her, so he didn’t hurt her when receiving his initial thrust. In fact, she gripped the railing of the bed, arching against him and panted out as she immediately began climaxing.

  “Fuck yeah—now you understand!”

  A gentle hand to her throat and jaw, a winding fist into her hair, and she was trapped between his thrashing body and the bed. She cried out in pleasure as he sped up and then lunged; giving her a single, painful stab she loved so much. He rode her a few more seconds before shooting up and jabbing her two vicious times and working his way up to five…and then ten simultaneous stabbing rams into her. He made her scream, forced to slide his hand from her throat up over her mouth, continuing to spear her body. The look of ecstasy couldn’t be mistaken, her soft pants of ‘yes’ and the way she kept her legs drew back told him all he needed to know. He was pleasuring it beyond belief and he went at her again, bucking wildly and ram-stabbing her darling little hole to keep right on pleasuring her. When he was ready for another orgasm out of her, to achieve his own, he began fingering down at her clit; a hand clamped over her mouth and single-handedly tortured all her sweet spots. He clawed her from clit, pussy to ass, working his fingers simultaneously, getting her to climax hard for him and giving him all the wetness he needed to fulfill his own bliss inside of her, erupting and blowing so good for her.

  After a few moments of enjoying the euphoria, Sebastian opened his eyes and looked at the packet across the living area she had setting on the bar. When he knew she was completely out, he went over to it, opened it and searched through them for information she didn’t need to be privy too. However, there was a shocking lack of information and he only ended up withdrawing out the information on his family and his children. The most important part of his life he controlled without mercy.

  When Adri woke neither one of them spoke for a long time, just enjoyed laying there, her back to him and his arm wrapped around her neck with his hand placed on her shoulder. He sighed, glancing down at his feet that were hanging off the end of the bed and then scanned over her apartment, hating it. “Your apartment—”

  “…is the most wonderful space in the entire world! I Love it! It’s mine! All mine. Yes, it’s itty-bitty, but it’s mine, bought and paid for by me, the first home of my own that I’ve ever had. You have no idea. I went
from my mom and dad’s home to Cal’s and always had one of them taking care of me. They were always doing things for me, thinking for me and having to live their way and by their rules. I love this place. No, it’s not much, but…it’s mine. It’s my apartment; my sofa-bed, my décor, and my TV that I get to choose anything I want to watch on it without judgment and ridicule. No one can ever tell me what to do in here and order me around or…live my life their way. I can’t go back to that, Sebastian. I just can’t. I know what you’re wanting from me, for you to be dominant and everything, but…it scares me. It really does. How does this work, D/s lifestyle and not cross that boundary? I can’t live my life your way now.”

  He didn’t say anything more. He had it in mind to offer her another place to stay or expand the floor above The Gallery, adding to it. Now that might be an idea.

  “I even sort of have a problem knowing you own the building and all and I’m paying you rent.”

  “You’re not paying me rent. The Switzer’s are sub-leasing this to you. I’ve had no say in it. They asked if they could put a little kitchenette in up here and a bathroom, but they were actually fixing the place up to sub-lease it to someone, which is smart business, especially if you’re not occupying the space yourself,” he explained and after a moment of silence, he smiled and looked down at her. “So, how did you like my little gift?”

  “Ooh.” She shot up and smacked him on the arm, smiling down at him. “Seriously?! I about died when that thing came on and I’m actually stunned I went out with the damn thing in me. I was just terrified it would drop out of me. You’re big on remotes. Where were you?”

  “I was outside in the car watching you. I wanted to make sure you didn’t spend too much time with him and were ready when I arrived here…and was wet, open, and able to take my cock in an instant. I’ve been too long without you and I couldn’t wait.”

  “Yes, well, don’t put it on high anymore, though. That actually hurt. It was too much, so next time you want to give me a little pussy surprise, just don’t go straight to max vibrate. I kept waiting for him to hear it,” she replied and he just smiled up at her as he lightly laughed.

  He then rolled her back over and slid back inside of her, always taken aback by the unbelievable pleasure he found just being inside her. He was still secretly asking himself if this was even real! He was always taking her body again to get his answer, sighing and shuttering in pleasure over that answer, her hot tight pussy gripping and clutching him. He was feeling it; that, oh yes, she was very real and she was very welcoming. She was so tight, hot, and eager to be with him as much as he was with her, looking down on her as she thrashed her hips at him, held tight to him, and moaned with each hit of his dick at her core. He loved fucking Adri, his sweet, willing submissive in training.

  A part of Adri was a natural submissive; to relent and give in and maybe that was what made her different. She certainly wasn’t his normal submissive he’d previously had, not by any stretch of the imagination. Adri didn’t play the game, but she genuinely loved acquiescing to his desire, giving into him, shocking him with her willingness and ability to please him. She stunned him with her inner submissiveness. He sensed how she had an old fashioned—out of fashion—soul which had her just accepting commands and initiating acts of servitude and pleasuring all on her own.

  That…was what really attracted Adri to him, snared and kept his attention, dying to know what she would initiate and allow next. She was naturally dutiful, obedient and her wild imagination mixed in with that made her a Delilah—his Delilah, but he knew without a shred of doubt that Adri would never betray or hurt him. Well, at least not maliciously.

  Adri was loyal to a fault and instantly attracted to him, such a good person. It was why she intrigued him so much and drew him to her. She was so strong, independent with had a charisma that he couldn’t help but love, smart and sexy. Adri had a rebellious streak though. She didn’t always just meekly bow down to him and just drop into slave-mode, but was completely capable and willing to do it and it was beautiful when she did. Though, he loved those little rebellious moments too. He loved those moments she looked him in the eyes and told him to make her, and then watched as she got totally fucking off when he did, dropping and laying out for his demands and pleasure.

  If he wanted her lips, he had to fight for her kiss and take it, which had her moaning in pleasure and responding back instantly. Once he had her mouth, had her mind drugged with sensations and in a haze of pleasure, her pussy naturally opened with hot need. He was able to effortlessly stake that hot cunt of hers and get what he wanted off of her. Now, when the time came—and it would come—staking a claim on that hot curvaceous ass of hers was going to be a different matter, possibly. He would have to fight for it, press the issue and then…watch her fall in love, gasp, cry and scream in utter bliss feeling his dick massage there and beg for more.

  After a while, she knew he wasn’t planning on stopping and there was no desire for games and teasing, Sebastian being in full domination mode. He now had her fully naked, laying on her stomach, her hair snared in his fist and fucking her with a relentlessness. It just felt too good to have him back with her and inside of her, joined with this beautiful man and his beautiful body, and staked so wildly by his beautiful cock—fucked so primal and out of control, used so basely.

  She couldn’t help but think of the words he’d said to her while Skyping, admitting to his weakness for her and how it frightened him. She moaned, encouraged him to use it and enjoy her holes, arching back and lifting her ass for him. She felt herself grow intensely wet and shouted out as he hit deeper, thrust harder and fast. She needed and wanted him with every fiber of her being—screaming when he planted on of the vibes against her bud and turned it on, forcing her to be double pinned and doubling her pleasure.

  She loved the man’s stamina, but after they came and then cooled for a bit, she had something on her mind that she didn’t want to talk about, but knew she couldn’t keep ignoring the subject forever. “Sebastian? What will happen if I submit to you and…let you–us be D/s?”

  “Well, first, I want you to know that I realize you aren’t a real submissive, that you don’t know how it all works; not knowing about the lifestyle and how to act accordingly,” he replied, not telling her she already was submissive by nature and Adri start arguing the point. “It’s strange, because that’s kind of why I like you so much. You’re a beautiful challenge and not one to bend or break to my will. My father once told me that I’m a rock everyone always breaks against, but you…don’t break and are capable and willing to mold around me, give me what I need. You’re submissive in the right way and understand…me somehow and what I need. You’re the first person to deny me, to put me off, but then again, you’re the first person I’ve allowed in my life, allowed myself to get to know on a personal level. You’re the first I’ve taken the time out to date and be with outside of my own selfish needs. I’m not with you just as a lover and not just some random whore from the BDSM houses I’ve hooked up with.

  “I like taking care of you, Adri, and being with you. You mean something to me and are more to me than just some random fuck, yet…I like having you in the submissive role. I’m a selfish motherfucker, Adri, greedy with what’s mine and things that I relentlessly desire. Right now, baby, you’re my relentless desire, which I crave beyond reason and control, and most of my actions and what I do is for selfish reasons. But you’re different and don’t know shit about the world of D and s.

  “Example one being with the necklace I bought; the diamonds are for my pleasure—anything…that happens is for my pleasure and all that matters is what I want. As my submissive, you thank me, feel honored for it and not question it. You just accept it and thank me for it and appreciate anything I get you,” he replied, shoving out her legs further and ramming his dick up at her core, literally feeling her grow wet around his cock he had never withdrew from her. He kept pressing, shoving down on her lower back and getting her pussy to lift up,
forcing her to take it all, until his balls settled against those pretty little plump folds and he grunted with it feeling so amazing. “…or do for you or give you. This isn’t playtime, a joke, or a passing amusement for me. I’m serious about it, my domination, and you’ll learn to break under me and submit like a good girl!” he hissed down into her ear, gripping her jaw and was, as always, just stunned by how hard he could fuck her and how amazingly awesome it felt. He kept riding her faster and harder, lunging his full body over hers and thrusting his hips with power. He was brute-fucking her-his hot little crème hole with every bit of strength in him and she was able to handle his worst, get totally off on it—require it to get off. She was his! “Mine—all mine—this hot little hole, all your holes belong to me! Do you understand? You got it?!”

  “Yeah-Oh god! Yes! Mast–”

  “You’ll give them to me without question or hesitation as my submissive—no matter how I want to take them or what I want to do to them! You automatically accept, open, surrender and love all that I do to you, with you and for you! Yes, that’s right, tighten that darling cunt down for your Master. Now! Do it! Blow your delectable fuck-crème all over me.

  “Yes-Sebastian!” Adri’s demon roared from her cavern in her soul, loved his words and totally surrendered to this man, loving the brutal way he used her, fucked her and pleasured her. He gave her everything she needed, exactly how she needed it and send her mind to that black place she’s avoided for most of her life.

  “That’s it–Yes! Weep for me, Baby Girl! Blow your crème for me–with me! Give me what I want!” he growled in utter ecstasy, his nasty words burning her brain, turning her so on. He smiled egotistically as he felt her arch deeper for him, her pussy softened to take it deeper as she lifted her ass and pussy up for him to give it up to him. “Do it! Now!” He listened to the sweetest music, when she let go and screamed out, clamping a hand over her mouth, riding so hard into her. He never let up, fucking her rough and fast, just how she loved it and hitting all the right spots, his words adding to the pleasure.


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