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Relentless Desire

Page 46

by Jacqwin Hess

  She felt like a geyser had burst from within her. Her body tingled ferociously, burned and tensed, hardened as she shattered in his grip. She cried, tears streamed down her temples at the feel of his dick beating faster and faster, his fingers working and forcing her spurts out of her.

  “Fucking beautiful!”

  She knew what was coming, braces herself for it and squeezed her eyes closed, relaxing and moaned as he lunged and stabbed her ass, just barely inside of her, shaking hard on her as he blew hotly into her, filling her up with his beautiful white crème. She loved it. She just loved it too fucking much! She panted against his shoulder, still clinging tight to him and looked up into his beautiful face that was damp with perspiration, loving the feel of his hot sweat between them when they fuck. “Why-Why me?”

  “Because, you’re amazingly sweet, kind, loving, and beautiful, and a genuinely good person.” And I’m going to totally fucking love tainting and annihilating all that innocence, to rid you of your ignorance and teach you to love Dark Pleasure like you’ve never known. “You’re smart, brave, and so wildly sexy because of all those things. But…then, you really do have the most…amazing body, what you can do with it, how you work it and how perfect we fit together. It’s as if your hot cunt was made for me and with you’re demon—I’m perfect for you, able to get control of your beast. I…like how you’ve managed to grasp my very soul, made me feel it and showed me that I do have one and by slow degree…took it one hundred percent into your own, no matter how damaged, dark and vile it was, and you owned it and held it prisoner.”

  “My god, the things you say! I just creamed again.”

  “Yes–I know. I felt it and it was beautiful.” He whispered, rocking a bit more over her, pressing his body more tightly to hers and thumbing over her clit, to keep her creaming for him. “Oh yeah…I always feel everything, every ripple, every grip, every milky spurt, and every pulse that moves through your body. I love the feel of you glazing my cock,” he growled and gently bit her ear, then shoved her head to the side and dropped his mouth on the back of her neck and marked her.

  Adri was deliriously happy, filled with a joy she’d never known before and clung to him as he continued to use and take his pleasure. He continued to grasp her soul and totally own it, along with her heart—which all had her speaking words so nasty and crude, to please his soul and connect with his soul in the darkness.

  Mercer looked over to his irritated partners. “Look, I’m not going to make us late. I just want to see if she’s okay and then we’ll leave. I promise,” Mercer replied, stepping out of the car. His two partners stepped out with him, looking up and around the famed SoHo District. They started to follow him and then stopped when he suddenly stopped, all of them seeing Mr. Darvaine stepping out from the alley, his shirt undone, his suit jacket slung over his shoulder as he talked to someone on the phone.

  “I don’t care if they want to wait until Friday. Time’s up, they had three days’ grace as it is. Fuck them; we’re closing on the deal now, no exceptions. Send the papers to Kendra and she’ll fax them to Aragonly. They’ll get the message. Now get the reports from earlier and start reading the numbers back to me—”

  “Wait! Sebastian! I forgot to give you—” Adriaunn had come running up behind him and he turned a vicious glare at her, putting up a finger and mouthed at her to shut up, that he was on the phone. Without even thinking, her fury exploded–suddenly seeing Cal’s face and how he treated her–and she shoved the box she had in her hands at him. It was his gift she made him, even though she didn’t know when he’d be back, she made it in hopes that he would. She had wanted so badly for him to come home and he had, but now she didn’t care and was just furious. He’d been so amazing and beautiful last night, saying things that spun her mind and claimed her heart, but now all that just vanished. She let it explode out of the box all over him, then spun around and ran back inside, slamming and locking the door behind her. To hell with that! No cock is worth that bullshit. Fuck him!

  Sebastian…was absolutely livid and in shock, hands held out and staring down at himself, covered in some kind of pastry tart dessert. “Fuck! Are you kidding me?!”

  “Excuse me?”

  Sebastian put the phone back to his ear. “No-No, Pat, not you. I just had something spill on me.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Just a second!” he shouted out to the phone, glaring up to her apartment window and then back down at himself. TJ smiled, not helping one bit–absently licked the juices from his fingers and suddenly threw himself back, his mouth bursting in raptures at the taste of the dessert she’d made him. “Oh fuck that’s good.” He bent over and pushed the box back together since it didn’t go on the pavement. It was still pretty much held together, but how to get it in the car without staining the car—he jilted as something hit him on the head from above. He looked back seeing a roll of paper towels and she then slammed down her window, turning away. “Just a sec, Pat.” Putting his phone on the hood of the car, he tore his ruined shirt off and tossed it away; so glad he just wore the Armani and not one of the twenty or fifty thousand dollar suits. He grabbed the paper towels and wrapped the box up. “Damnit! TJ, get Tiffany’s on the phone for me.”

  ‘What?! You’re serious? You get in one little disagreement and you call another girl!”

  “The jeweler! Tiffany’s!” he hissed at the man and he looked up as TJ chuckled at him.

  “No offense, sir, but even what little I’ve been around her, something just tells me this girl isn’t so easily bought off and falls at your feet at a set of sparklies. In fact, I see her being insulted by it,” TJ replied and he could see the wheels turning in Sebastian’s mind, knowing he was right. “Just trying to save you some more grief and all,” he kindly mentioned, though it wasn’t kindly taken. Sebastian sighed, knowing chances were, he was right. “You wanted a genuine—now you got you one, or had one. At least you got some good pussy before you fucked it up.”

  “Shut up! Get in the car before I fire you.” And I had just gotten things straightened out with her! Fuck!

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Darvaine, sir!” he replied, smiling over to his boss. Sebastian grabbed his phone and the box wrapped in the paper towel, and got in the car.

  “And, TJ, take the fucking grin off your face.”

  “Look at it this way, she at least threw some paper towels at your head, already thinking about forgiving you.” He then laughed aloud, turned the car on, and drove away.

  “Well, she looked great to me.” Mercer’s co-worker replied, clapping a hand on his shoulder and started to get back into the car. “Guess we can go now.”

  “Yeah, I guess we can,” Mercer replied and got back in the car, leaving. He did all he could. It was up to her now. She’ll just have to learn the hard way and be forced to grow up. I just hope it’s not too late.

  Adriaunn had ran back down just as he drove away and now, back up in her tiny apartment that was saturated with his scent. She gripped his shirt, pressing it to her face and took a deep breath. She moaned mournfully, dropping down against the bed where they’d just shared an amazing night. “Ooh Shoot!” She couldn’t believe she threw blackberry liqueur cake all over him. That took her forever to make. The dick head!

  Adri couldn’t stop stewing about it, her thoughts were in turmoil and upset. He actually paced her apartment and talked to herself. It was out of control and she suddenly saw what Sebastian had felt before. He was right, things were going too fast, too intense, and she was loosing herself.

  As she threw clothes in a suitcase and packed her bags, her mind kept screaming and shouting. It’s ridiculous. This isn’t what I signed up for. I just wanted an incredible time in bed and nothing more. I got that, but it’s getting more intense and consuming! He doesn’t own me. I’m not into the whole Dom/submissive-BDSM shit—if he’s really even into it, because he hasn’t even attempted anything crazy like that with me or spoke about it. But, all that aside, he needs to get it through his skul
l that the doesn’t own-own me, no matter if he thinks otherwise after all…the time–the amazing, stunning and incredible times–we’ve spent in bed. Ugh,” she thoughts in a rage and she grabbed up the phone and called Victoria. “I’m taking you up on that offer to go home for a visit. A vacation with the family might do me some good. Don’t call him or tell him and let him know. I’ll see you later.”

  That night Adri had stayed at Laney’s apartment and by the next afternoon, she was flying out and headed back home to Minnesota. She had a feeling that it was going to be good for her; she was actually kind of excited about it now and couldn’t wait.

  “Where is she?!” Sebastian stated as he entered Victoria’s office. Three of her friends that had been sitting on the couch and in the chairs about the office suddenly shot to their feet with a gasp at the sight of him, but he ignored them all and stared Victoria down, who wouldn’t move under his piercing gaze.

  “Home. She-She went home, back to Minnesota, but just for a vacation, to visit the family,” she told him. He spun to leave, immediately getting on his phone, but stopped as Debi–Miss Krupa–stood in his way and walked up to him, running a hand up his chest.

  “Come on, Darvaine, you can’t be serious about that mousie little frump! Why would you want her–” She gasped as he grabbed her wrist, jerked her hand off him, and sneered in her face.

  “Because she wouldn’t ever do what you’re doing right now, in a million years, approaching and touching someone who belonged to another or was interested in another. She wouldn’t call another woman a frump and look down upon them, be a cunt and treat people like shit. Understand why now?!” He shoved her away from him. She glared at him, holding her wrist as he walked past her, leaving. “Shit bitches.”

  Victoria shot up and went to the door, going after him. “You’re scaring her, Sebastian. You’re too much for her.” He stopped halfway down the stairs, not turning around, and listened. “You’re pushing it too fast and…wanting too much from her. She didn’t want a relationship or…to be your mistress, Sebastian, and…that’s what she is. She just wanted a good lay one night.”

  Sebastian gave her an arrogant grin and looked back up at her from over his shoulder. “Oh, I assure you, she got it…and then some, and was so sublime herself; there was no way for it just to be a one-nighter or just some fuck-buddy I call up occasionally. She’s better than that and more important to me than just a fast lay. She’s too fucking adorable, kind, and…yes, she is fucking hot and I’m nowhere near finished–may never be.”

  “Look, she may be thirty-eight, but mentally, she’s just a kid when it comes to your…requirements and needs; what you are, what you want from her. Just give her some time and—”

  “No, she’s not a kid and she knew what she was getting into, what she agreed to, and signed to.”

  “Boy, you are a bastard, aren’t you?”

  “The fucking biggest. And she’ll learn it too and deal with it, accept it and even fall in love with me for it.”

  “Fall in love?! Is that what’s you’re after?”

  “What I’m after is nobody’s damn business,” he shouted at her. He was still infuriated with her over the bullshit she pulled with The Gallery party and how they all had began treating her. “Just fucking accept it and don’t play with her or snivel around in jealousy, treating her like shit for my interest in her–any of you, or I’ll put the hurt on you so bad, you won’t know what fucking hit you. You just do what I told you to do and help Adri along and keep talking her my way when she starts to falter. I worked with you on this place–we had a deal. If I find out you ever led her to leave me and didn’t straighten her…child-like mind out, as you say, and keep encouraging her my way, I promise you…it’ll hurt. Severely.” He then slid on his shades and finished going down the stairs, then looked back up at her. “And yes, you’re right, biggest bastard on earth. I’m rather looking forward to this now.” He then dialed his pilot. “Banks, are you free?” he asked and smiled at the reply. “Good. Get the jet ready. I have to leave on an emergency. I’ll be there in forty-five.” And when I get my hands on her, I’m going to tie her up, ball-gag her, and punish her when I whip that gorgeous, hot fucking ass of hers. Then I’m going to soundly fuck her afterward and keep fucking her until she knows who she belongs too and screaming in utter fucking joy from it! Banks spoke and he pulled his mind back on the phone call. “Our destination is Minneapolis. I’m going to retrieve my girl back!”




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