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Butterflies in Honey (Growing Pains #3)

Page 31

by K. F. Breene

  “What do you think?” he asked from a world away.

  In point of fact, he was on the other side of the room messing with the drapes, so he was a world away. A galaxy, even. Krista felt totally out of place.

  “Sean…It’s huge!”

  “That’s what she said.”

  Krista turned and looked at him. His expression was playful, but also looked for approval. She wasn’t so sure she wanted to give it. How would he ever pay for this? Why would he want to?

  Seeing that she didn’t think his joke funny, he went on the defensive. “It’s not that bad.”

  “You have three guest rooms. Then maybe two more downstairs? In addition to a half-used play room. You’re a single guy. What do you need with all those extra rooms? You only have one sibling. Cripes, Sean, the closet alone…I doubt you’ve walked into half the rooms downstairs, let alone used them. What do you need with all this space? Planning some big parties or something?”

  “Well…It won’t always just be me.” Sean was getting uncomfortable.

  Krista shouldn’t have been so blunt, but she was literally blown away. Her sensible side was screaming that the house was too expensive. She sat down on the edge of the bed. She needed a second to process.

  “I was hoping…I mean, someday I hoped…” Sean took off his jacket and draped it across the couch in front of the fireplace. “I hoped to have a family someday.”

  He was bending to light the fireplace—it was gas—and therefore effectively avoiding her gaze.

  “How big of a family?” Krista asked sarcastically.

  “Truth?” Sean turned to her. He didn’t seem like he heard the sarcasm.

  “Uh, sure?”

  “I have always wanted two kids, but planned for an oops just in case. Then the kids need a play room. So then downstairs we would need guest rooms. The rest just came with the house so why not dress it up, you know? We have everything we need.”

  Krista got a thrill when he kept saying “we.” The thrill pulsated between excitement and fright. Sean was largely planning his life around them getting married. He moved to L.A. with that in mind. And she really wanted that; had always wanted it. She just worried that he wouldn’t make the time for her that he’d promised. She worried that he’d work crazy hours and leave her all alone in this giant house. She didn’t know if she could live as second best to his job—it would kill her.

  “I’m not sure what to say,” Krista said quietly.

  “Then don’t say anything at all,” he said as he stepped to her, kneeled, gently grabbed her face and kissed her lightly. What he was saying scared her a little, but the feel of his lips were a godsend.

  His body pushed her back and into the soft bed. The mattress was fantastic quality. It was like floating on a cloud. She wasn’t done with the questions about the house, though. She resisted slightly and Sean easily rolled to the side.

  “How can you possibly afford a house this big, Sean? Family doesn’t constitute eternal debt.”

  “I turned thirty a year or so ago.”

  Krista waited for more. Maybe a hint, or a pop-up bubble next to his head helping her make sense of his statement. She didn’t get any.

  “Uh. Okay. But a lot of families have decent sized houses with plenty of space for two and a half kids. Like Ray, for example. Why all this? And what does thirty have to do with anything? When you’re thirty you are supposed to buy houses you can’t afford?”

  Sean looked at her askew. “I thought you knew. Everyone at work—Dexico, I mean—seemed to. I’m a trust fund baby, and thirty is the magic number. Cassie, too. When I was young I thought I would donate it to throw it in my dad’s face, but…well.” Sean gestured around him. “Wait until tomorrow morning. You’ll see why this place was worth it.”

  Krista reeled a little from the trust fund stuff, especially since she wanted to ask how much. But that was a gold digger question, which she wasn’t, so she couldn’t; but also…there was no “but also.” She was reeling. Trust fund? She actually knew someone with a trust fund? She was hob-knobbing with a rich kid and never knew it? Kate would laugh herself silly. So would Jasmine. Because if there something none of them were, it was trust fund material.

  Sean was trying to read her. Then he must have given up because he said, “Krissy…I love you. You know that. I have since I saw you, which sounds corny, sure, but it is what it is. I don’t have you yet, I know this, but I am going to try and try until I do. Okay? So, yeah, I went crazy and got what I thought might be your dream house. Mine, too. But it’s just a house. If I live the rest of my life pining for you, then I can sell it and buy a hut in the middle of the woods and be a hermit. No big deal.”

  “Don’t people get their inheritance when their parents are gone?”

  “I’ve told you the story of my parents—how they decided having kids was the pits. Well, my dad has all the money. My mom has a bunch she got when her parents died, but when we were born, that money was still in her parent’s hands, and they hated my dad, so they held onto it. Out of spite, my dad set up a fund for us—Cassie and me—that my mother couldn’t touch. The grounds were that when we hit thirty, we got the moolah. He hoped that by that time, we’d hate our mother and wouldn’t give her any. He must not have thought her parents would ever die. And before you ask, I work as hard as I do because it is not enough to live on for the rest of my life. Plus, screw him.”

  Krista still didn’t understand, but she was touched. She nodded slowly and blinked away the tears starting in her eyes. Sean leaned in and kissed her tenderly. She let him push her back on the bed as his kiss got deeper and more passionate. She slid her hand under his shirt and felt his six pack as her nether region roared back to life.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Suddenly Sean pulled back and looked down at her, his sea-green eyes dilated. “I never asked you—what was the deal with you on the ropes course?”

  “What?” Krista’s voice was husky. She let her fingers trail down his smooth skin to his belt.

  “The first one we did when you rubbed on me? I very nearly lost my head, you know.”

  Krista laughed. She had forgotten about that. “What brought this up?”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you about it but we have either been at work or…indisposed. I don’t think anyone realized what we were doing, thank god! But holy cow Krista, I wasn’t expecting it, and then all of a sudden I couldn’t stop and you were rubbing…” Sean blew out a breath.

  Krista realized she had really sent him over the edge in the middle of a team exercise in which his subordinates were in close quarters. She laughed. she couldn’t help it. It was ridiculous when she thought back on it, but it had hit the spot at the time. Literally.

  “You got hard,” she said as she undid his belt.

  “So every time I get hard you are going to come rub yourself against me?”

  She slid down his zipper slowly. “Yes.”

  Sean’s smile disappeared as Krista slid her hands along the smooth skin of his shaft. He gave a small intake of breath.

  “Maybe not in public?” he said quietly with obvious strain in his voice.

  “Maybe,” she breathed as she increased the speed of her rubbing.

  Sean kissed her, tugging at her pants. When they were open enough, he reached in with his large hand. There wasn’t enough space for him to maneuver—her pants looked great because they were tight enough to show off her figure.

  Sean changed gears, grabbing her arm and gently removing her hand. She scooted under his large body a little more and arched up so her breasts were against his chest.

  “I want to do this slowly, baby,” Sean said as he leaned down to kiss her softly. “I want to spend a lot of time on you.”

  He got up, lit some candles, and turned off the lights. When he came back shadows played across his intense, love filled eyes.

  He pulled her to a standing position and started to remove her clothes. Each area of skin that was exposed got a soft, gentle kiss
. He barely touched her as her garments fell away. The result was a tantalizing play of hot and cold across her body.

  As her panties fell, her last article of clothing, she was completely exposed. Sean stood back and looked her over, his eyes lingering on her breasts, nipples jutting out in anticipation. When his eyes lighted on her newly groomed groin area, Krista felt warm wetness and a searing bite of urgency.

  “Spread your legs,” he whispered.

  With eagerness she complied. Sean, still fully clothed, stepped closer and lightly flicked his tongue across her neck. His manly scent filled her senses, accentuating the heat from his body. It contrasted teasingly with the cold in the air.

  Krista leaned her head back, allowing him more access to her throat, as she felt his light touch on her stomach. Her focus followed those fingers, got distracted by the wetness of his tongue, then back to his fingers.

  He gave each nipple a tweak, sending a spark of heat through her core followed by body engulfing shivers. His fingers worked back down her body, softly touching her right side, and then her left. He skipped her middle and lightly touched the outside of her hips with both hands. He stepped in front of her then, tilting his head to allow his lips to be centimeters from hers.

  “Spread your legs wider, love,” he murmured.

  She felt vulnerable but complied. Her wetness was more exposed to the air now and she was quivering with the need to quench her sexual appetite. She felt a warm mouth encompass a chilly nipple and a moan escaped her lips. He suckled as his warm hand cupped the other breast. She had bumps all over her body from the temperature difference, as well anticipation.

  He lowered himself slowly and expertly, his warm breath and playful tongue working down her body. His hands were missing from the equation and she wondered where they would turn up next. She dared not peek, though. Half of the pleasure was in the surprise. It heightened the anticipation to the same degree her need was rising.

  His mouth left her navel. “Keep your eyes closed.”

  Krista nervously smiled. Cold air wafted in as his heat was removed. Somewhere in the room was rustling and jingling, which must’ve meant he was shedding unwanted fabric. Before long his heat returned and she shivered anew. He hadn’t even touched her yet and she was moving her body as though he was already inside her.

  Soft fingertips felt like butterfly wings up the inside of her thigh. Warm breath mingled with her wetness, but came no closer. Fingers tickled their way up. Krista widened her legs even more as they traveled to her apex. Torturous pleasure, this waiting. She clenched and unclenched her hands, waiting for Sean to make hard, fervent contact. After a couple more seconds of nothing, she looked down to see what the holdup was.

  She met sparkling green eyes below her navel. His mouth curled up, then his tongue come out for a soft, wet, loving taste. It wasn’t nearly enough to quench her desire, but just enough to keep her on the hook. She closed her eyes again and moaned as Sean licked and sucked, still not fully engaged. Her body was quivering, her flesh was hot and cold, her forehead broke out with a sheen of sweat, and her hips were gyrating, wanting more purchase from that tongue and mouth.

  “Please Sean,” She panted.

  He gave a soft chuckle and finally, finally the fingers found their way into her wet slit as Sean’s tongue applied pressure to her sweet spot. Her body shuddered in pure delight. Heat waves radiated from point of contact and spread out to ricochet through her body in resonating pings of pleasure. Her breath was coming faster now. The heat seared her. The fizz on her soda bottle bubbled up and up, more and more pressure, until finally, with a great quaking release, she moaned her orgasm through the house.

  Sean relaxed his stimulation as her body relaxed its pose and slumped onto the bed. Standing for those types of things was fun for a while, but after the big “O,” it was too much work to stay on one’s feet. Krista felt the mattress move and then Sean was dragging her further onto the bed.

  “I told you not to peek,” he said softly in her ear.

  “Then why were you waiting for me to look down?”

  “Because I knew you would.” His hands roamed across her body, feeling. Exploring. After a second, it dipped back between her legs. “I need more.”

  Krista wasn’t exactly waking up, but she knew she should, so she rolled to her side to stroke him. Only, he pushed her back and nuzzled her neck.

  “I want to relearn this fabulous body of yours.” He moved into position to take a nipple into his mouth.

  Krista’s brain was still fuzzy, so it took her a while to fully find purchase in the pleasure the second time around, but when she did, she came harder than before. Sean was always a rock star in bed, but this time he had really outdone himself. When he was through, Krista lay with her arms out to the sides, her legs wide open and her chest heaving from screaming for so long.

  “Holy crap, Sean,” she panted. “What did I do to deserve all this?”

  Sean’s naked body came into view over her. He was magnificent, with the soft candle light flickering, outlining his physique. The power of it, the perfection. The trail of muscle from his neck to his shoulder, the lump of those pecks, the dive into the rolling hills of his stomach. Krista started to salivate.

  “I’ve been dreaming of this for the last couple years.” He settled on top of her, his legs between hers, his rock hard cock, still unused, hot and heavy on her stomach.

  “What about at the hotel?”

  “I was too busy exploding to really make it good for you. I am now making up for it.”

  “I think we are remembering two different nights.” And they must have been because after the bath in that glorious tub, Sean made love to her twice. It wasn’t fast and furious like the first couple of times. Exactly the opposite, actually. He was slow and tender. He handled her like a piece of fine china. She was expertly taken care of, her pleasure always the focus. It was phenomenal.

  “After tonight you’ll change your mind…”

  With one smooth motion, he was easing himself inside of her. She was raw and swollen from the past hour of pleasure, ensuring that she felt every single inch of his magnificent entry. She had thought her nerve endings were all fizzled out, but she was wrong. Dead wrong.

  As he slid to a wet stop, his ends touching her pelvis, the room exploded in fireworks. Sean started slowly moving, easing back out, just as slow. If he was straining for control, she couldn’t tell. He kissed her as slow as his pace, stroking the side of her body with the slow retreat. It was maddening.

  An hour in and they still hadn’t found release. He had backed off to tickle her clit with his tongue again, making her jump and moan. He then switched their position, turning to her side and hitting a new batch of pleasurable areas. Then her stomach, always hitting new places within. He stimulated her nipples or nibbled on her ears or neck as he thrust, always slow, always controlled. It was the best kind of torture she had ever experienced. She hadn’t remembered it being that good. Ever.

  Finally she could see the sweat standing on his face as he sat up, pulling her up with him. “Let’s get closer.”

  She was merely a puppet in this play, and she loved it.

  With him sitting in the middle of the bed, candle light reflecting off of his bronzed shoulders, Krista felt herself lowered onto him, piercing her in pleasure. She sighed and slowly revolved her hips, feeling him grind inside of her, causing his breath to catch. She continued to move slowly, matching the pace he had been going all night, and felt his answering movements. She was strung out on bliss. The very fibers of her being stretched, warped and taxed with all the physical and emotional sensations. This was the big crescendo, she could feel it. She was excited to reach another high.

  She pushed her body up against his, her sensitive nipples responding to his coarse chest. She swiveled and rocked, focusing on his arms wrapped around her and his member inside. She curled her legs around his body and arched her back to reach for more pleasure, scooting her pelvis toward him. She followed t
he rhythm of his breathing and the surges of her body to a faster pace. She was beyond rubbed raw now. The pleasure hurt so good, her body begging for completion with a pain so sweet, it was agony. She pushed on, going a bit faster, feeling the mounting tidal wave.

  “Oh Krissy,” Sean muttered.

  Like a lightening crack, his control broke. He gripped her hard. She could feel the clenching and releasing of his remarkable leg and torso muscles as the pressure rose. His hips were rocking hard now, pushing into Krista. She moved her hips around in small circles as he pitched and gyrated, stroking with her body. The heat was rising, the pressure unbearable. Her body unraveled a little more with each of Sean’s plunges, hitting the center of her, sonic booms echoing out through her body.

  He rocked, she swiveled, rocked, swiveled. They went faster, warring into each other, pushing and pulling, trying to get as close as they possibly could, hitting heights in their love making that they’d never even breached before.

  “Sean!” Krista pleaded. “Please!”

  Sean held her tighter but it wasn’t time. They weren’t ready. They were moving as one entity, their bodies dancing to the music of unspeakable pleasure. Their bodies were slick with sweat, grinding off each other as Krista tried to get him deeper, feel him harder, end this never ending building.

  They hit a threshold. The pain of it was unendurable. Krista was reaching for the big “O” but couldn’t quite grab it. She strained for it in desperation, Sean thrashing up to meet her swinging down. Their fervent movements got smaller, the pressure more intense. She was just… about… there—

  She yelled with the glory of it. The sweet rush of completion. Sean called her name and shuddered below her. They soared together, higher than high. Krista gasped and sputtered, trying to catch her breath, trying to smile wider, laugh harder. If she were a hippy, the colors of the rainbow would have been pouring out of her headband it felt so good. It felt 1,000 times more intense than a surge of pure adrenaline, and 1,000 times more pure.


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