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BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)

Page 3

by Addae, Sydney

  “Yes, I am,” Asia said, looking across the table, meeting the Alpha’s stare.

  “So what is the best way to get to this area?” Tyrone said after a few moments passed with no one speaking.

  “Let’s hear from the expert,” Samuel said, leaning back in his chair as he continued holding Asia’s gaze.

  She nodded and leaned forward. “Where is your map?”

  Samuel’s gaze slid to Borian’s and he nodded slightly. Silas remained quiet as they jockeyed for positions within the group. He knew the twins wouldn’t join in the pissing contest and was surprised Asia had spoken up. Once they landed in Pennsylvania and were in the limousine, he had removed her blindfold as they headed here. After she thanked him, she lapsed into silence appearing composed and looking harmless as she stared out the tinted window.

  Silas knew better.

  Now she took Samuel to task for his unintentional insult to Leonidas and Jacques. The Alpha had a short fuse and little tolerance for foolishness. For the time being Silas would watch, but would intercede before any lines were crossed.

  Borian pulled out a tablet, tapped a few keys and a screen lowered in front of the bulletin board at the front of the room. Moments later a large map appeared.

  “We take the interstate until we get to this rural road here.” She pressed the button in the middle of the table to take over the cursor.

  “That’s south of the area,” Samuel said, glancing her and then returning to the map.

  “Yeah, but it’s the best way to get to the lab,” Leon said, leaning back in his chair as he eyed the map.

  “But if you go that way, there’s not much place to hide,” Borian said, gazing at the satellite view of the area.

  Asia and Leon both looked at him as if he had spoken a foreign language.

  “What?” Borian asked in a defensive tone.

  “They’ll know the moment anyone steps anywhere on that land. They’ve been there for decades and have avoided detection. If you think we’re going to sneak up on them, that’s not going to happen,” Leon said.

  “So we just bully our way in?” Borian asked frowning. To his credit, he wasn’t being difficult, he simply didn’t understand. If Silas and Jacques hadn’t gone over their plan as many times as they had, he’d be confused as well.

  “We go in through here.” Asia pointed to an empty spot on the map.

  “We cleared the trees from that area, there’s nothing there,” Samuel said squinting as he leaned forward.

  “We’ll have a diversion here,” she pointed to another spot on the map as if Samuel had not spoken. “And here.” She placed her finger on another spot. Tyrese and Tyrone are point and have the co-ordinates.” She glanced at the twins who nodded.

  “Wait… we’re using explosives? In an open field?” Samuel asked as he turned to Silas.

  “Yes, we are,” Silas said, stopping all movement and discussion in the room. “The charges will blow within seconds of the other. Since they will know we are above ground, those areas should be clear or not. At any rate, based on the information we have, these are the best places to drop in.”

  “If we’re so sure there is a lab down there, why not just blow the entire place up? Why enter the place at all?” Samuel asked Silas.

  It was a good question if you had no firsthand knowledge of previous battles. “Because we need more information to win this war and I think there is vital information stored in that lab. We were finally able to decode some collars a few of their operatives wore when they attacked us and they were linked to this location. We damaged some of their equipment and had a small window of opportunity to get in, uploaded what we could and got out before they blocked or traced us back to our system.” He thought of the energy blast Jasmine had sent to his enemy’s computer through Mark which damaged their security allowing Jacques and Matt a twenty-four hour goldmine.

  Samuel nodded slowly.

  “Oh, and we will blow it up when we are done,” Silas added.

  “Any ideas what’ll be coming at my men?” Samuel asked, his gaze lighting on Silas, Tyrese and Tyrone.

  “It depends on who’s there,” Tyrese said, his gaze flitting from Asia to Silas. Silas saw the speculative look Rese gave Samuel and knew eventually something would be said. Both Tyrese and Tyrone were just as tall and muscular as the Alpha. When Borian had glared at Asia, he had received a pointed stare from Tyrese. Each sat on one of Asia’s sides, their mocha brown complexions complimented Asia’s much lighter one and contrasted with the other wolves in the room. His sons were handsome and deadly. Silas could not be more proud of either of them. Right now he sensed Tyrese was unhappy with Samuel and became more vigilant of listening to the discussion. Tempers could flair in an instant.

  “We’ve seen them bulk up bigger than the Hulk, some have mechanical parts meshed with their wolves which make them harder to put down. The only way to kill those suckers is to separate their heads from their bodies,” Tyrese said, eying Borian and then his Alpha as though sizing them up.

  Samuel nodded, but didn’t say anything, although Silas sensed his surprise through their link.

  Tyrese continued. “We could be going up against some of the most advanced fighters you’ve ever seen or a simple security team left in place as a precaution. The simple answer is we don’t know what we’ll face, but we have equipment that’ll counter the threats we’re familiar with.”

  Samuel rubbed the scar on his chin. “We fighting breeds or humans?”

  Silas shrugged. “They have used both. If it’s a wolf they’ve been using collars that prevent me from taking control of the wolf and accessing that person’s mind.”

  “That sucks,” Samuel said.

  Silas nodded, glancing at the ring Dr. Passen gave him yesterday, which worked as an over-ride against the collars. He decided to keep that information to himself. “Yes, it does.”

  “Tell me about the equipment,” Samuel said to Tyrese, turning to face him.

  “Asia?” Tyrese said, meeting her gaze.

  She stood and walked to the corner of the room, picked up a canvas bag and returned to the table. The first items she pulled out were collars. “These are similar to the collars the mercenaries wore when they attempted to attack La Patron. She snapped one around her neck, looked around and then spoke. “We should step outside for this.”

  Silas scooted back signaling everyone should do the same and followed her out the balcony door. Asia hopped over the railing and landed in a graceful crouch below. Within a few seconds they all stood around her.

  Stepping back, Silas watched as she changed into a large dark wolf standing on two feet. This version of Asia was similar to Tyrese’ hybrid.

  “To activate this mode, simply think bigger body and the collar will activate. Since your men haven’t had any training with this body I suggest it be used as a last resort. If nothing else it might shock the enemy and buy a couple of seconds. To return to normal…” She paused as her body shrunk. “Think normal body.”

  “If they see these won’t they know what they can do?” Borian asked, looking at the collar Tyrone had given him.

  Asia bulked up without the collar. Leon, Tyrone, and Tyrese followed suit. Samuel and Borian stared up at the four of them and gawked. “No they have no idea what we can do or not,” Tyrese said.

  “You don’t need these?” Samuel asked, holding a collar in his hand.

  “No,” Tyrese said without going into any other explanation. Silas had put a cap on the serum that changed Tyrese and Tyrone until he knew more about long term effects. He hadn’t shared the information with his Alphas, yet.

  “Can we practice with you for a few hours? I’d like to get a handle on how to move at this size,” Borian asked snapping the collar around his neck. A few moments later he expanded and was similar in height to Tyrone.

  “Sir?” Tyrone said, looking at Silas.

  “There should be some time to practice later and first thing in the morning since we’ll be leaving here
around noon. But we need to go over all the equipment and plans first.” Silas crouched and leapt up to the balcony. He grabbed another bag of equipment and headed to the table.

  Tyrone and Leon were right behind him. Samuel and Borian were next, their entire demeanors changed, excited. Asia and Tyrese entered last and brought the last canvas bag and placed it on a chair.

  “Did you have the shots with the antidotes administered to your men?” Silas asked Samuel thinking of the viruses and poisons their enemies used in the past.

  “Yes, Sir. Everyone who works here and who serves me has taken all of their shots.

  Silas nodded. “Good, we have heavy suits to enter which will deflect heat and a needle, the downside is you cannot shift with them on. If our wolves are shot with the poisons, the antidote will dilute it to a point, and our wolf should push out the rest. We aren’t sure of the side effects yet, so be alert if and when you shift.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Samuel said, watching as Asia pulled out more devices from the bag.

  “These bombs will detonate downward,” she said, pointing to several seal packages. “There’ll be some shaking above ground, no way to get around that, but we’ll burrow down a certain distance and then place these inside.”

  “Is there anything I need to tell the human authorities? Will there be enough movement to warrant them coming out to investigate?” Samuel asked, turning from Asia and looking at Tyrese.

  Tyrese shrugged. “Asia?”

  “You may want to tell them something so that they will remain a safe distance. Plus if anyone is living down there, you don’t want an audience when we bring them up,” she said.

  “We have equipment and a team on stand-by for a possible retraction,” Borian said.

  “Good. Some people were born down there and lived most of their lives below ground,” Leon said drawing attention.

  “Not wolves I hope,” Samuel said with feeling.

  “Some wolves have never left there,” Leon said softly. No one spoke. The idea of a wolf being cooped up in any structure with no contact with nature was sobering.

  “If they are down there, we will get them out,” Borian said in a tight voice.

  “Damn right we will,” Leon said in a high pitched voice, visibly vibrating as energy poured off him. His fist opened and closed as he fought to maintain control. With all the training and late nights with Jacques, the young wolf was overloaded with adrenaline. The last thing they needed was an out of control wolf leading an expedition.

  “Go run,” Silas said, looking at Leon. “Go with him Borian. Make sure he stays on your Alpha’s property.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Leon said. Borian nodded. Both men turned and ran toward the balcony and jumped, changing mid-air.

  Silas glanced at Asia who stood silently between the twins watching him. “The success of this fight depends on us working together as a cohesive unit. I will not tolerate friction in the ranks. That could cause someone to hesitate when given instructions and cost them or others their lives. If there is a problem speak now so we can resolve the matter and move forward.”

  No one spoke.

  “Why haven’t you addressed Asia directly?” Tyrone asked Samuel. “It’s obvious she’s an integral part of our team, but you act as if she’s not here.”

  “She reminds me of someone. Someone I trusted who betrayed me.” He rubbed the scar on his chin. “But I stand with La Patron and will follow anyone he follows even if I have nothing to say to that person.”

  Tyrone nodded.

  Silas had thought Samuel was over the incident that happened over half a decade ago, but who gets over a lover leading him to his enemies to die. It was an epic Samson and Delilah event that remains branded on your mind.

  “Why are you standing with Asia?” Silas asked Tyrese through their link wondering if Jasmine had given her sons instructions as well.

  “I was talking to her. She’s afraid we’re going to be hurt, which will hurt mom and she’ll be responsible.” Tyrese chuckled. “I don’t know what mama said to her, but everything’s centering on mom’s feelings over this mission.”

  Silas gazed at the calm façade Asia presented and tapped into her mind. Her terror slammed into him, its intensity surprised him. A whirlwind of emotion whipped around him. Tyrese had been right. At the center of it all was her concern for her Mistress, Jasmine. The onslaught of conflicting sensations disturbed him so he stepped out of her psyche and watched her, concerned. Had he made things worse by asking Jasmine to talk to the young bitch?


  She straightened. “Sir.” Her demeanor and prompt response reminded him of a private responding to her superiors in the military.

  “Do you have concerns you wish to discuss with us?”

  Her mouth opened and closed. “No, Sir.”

  “I sense you are nervous about something,” he said, giving her an opening.

  “I am returning to hell, Sir, but I am not nervous.”

  He nodded, pleased to hear her honest answer since he had never picked up that emotion from her. “We will be following you into hell on the morrow on my orders. The safety of the team members are not your responsibility, it’s mine. I approved the plan, knowing the risks and the possibility of failure. You and Leon have shared your knowledge with us and we’ll take it from here, you don’t have to return to the lab.”

  Her eyes widened. “Sir, I must go. I promised Mistress I would.”

  “Mistress?” Samuel asked Silas through their link.

  “My mate.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” Samuel said and fell silent.

  Unsurprised by her response, Silas nodded. “We are a team. But you must promise not to take on the weight of this mission, that’s my job.”

  She nodded slowly and he watched as the tension ebbed from her frame. “Yes, Sir. I will try.”

  “You trust her? She may turn coat on us,” Samuel said.

  “Yes, she might.”

  “I feel we are walking into a trap.”

  “You said earlier there was no lab beneath the ground. Now you believe there is a lab and going after it is a trap?” Silas asked his Alpha.

  The last year he hadn’t spent much time in the field training or interacting with his Alphas, due to his mating and the birth of his litter, which had been an unavoidable mistake. Some of them had forgotten how to logistically think through problems to see the bigger picture. Perhaps he needed to give refresher training when this was over.

  “I apologize for the erroneous report, Sir. There is no way you would be here to lead us against an enemy if the threat wasn’t real.”

  Silas nodded. The twins and Asia had moved to a corner across the room, no doubt discussing Jasmine. Even though she was thousands of miles away, her presence filled this room. As soon as this meeting was over, he’d contact her to check on things.

  “Yes, I believe we are walking into a trap,” Samuel said.

  Silas shrugged. “You’re probably right. Asia’s right. They know we are here and that we are coming. If they’re smart, and they are, they’re prepared for us.”


  “Because I am losing this battle and I can no longer face my people with excuses over random bombings, or viruses that kill or manipulate our wolves. I have to send a message of intolerance to my enemies that anyone who abuses a wolf, full or half-breed, will suffer. Those days are over. This is my main lead.”

  “But if they know we’re coming, can we trust anything we find?”

  “Maybe not. But I’m counting on something else to get us in safely.” Silas stretched his long legs beneath the table and crossed his hands over his stomach.

  “Sir? What are you counting on?” Samuel asked.

  “That they still want me.”

  Chapter 4

  Jasmine strode down the hall toward Silas’ office, which she would be using in his absence. She needed a break from her mom’s questions and complaints. If the woman mentioned Mark’s duplicity one more time
, Jasmine would scream. She could still see the look of shock on her mom’s face a few moments ago when she told the woman to get over herself already and give Jacques a chance. Her mom’s face had reddened as her mouth opened and closed without speaking. Jasmine took that moment to leave the room before they really got into it.

  “Mistress, where would you like dinner served this evening? Hildi the head chef asked, stopping Jasmine in the hall.

  “In the dining room, Rose will be joining me.”

  Hildi hesitated. “Is Alpha Cameron and his mate joining you for dinner?”

  Frowning, Jasmine thought back to earlier in the day when Cameron came to see Silas off. Had he mentioned coming for dinner? She couldn’t remember. “Not that I know of, did they say anything to you?”

  “Lilly asked if I was making pot roast for dinner, she said she missed my cooking. I just wondered if that meant they would be dining with us.”

  Surprised Lilly asked the cook about dinner and not her, she nodded. “With La Patron leaving and all the excitement I may have missed something. It’s better to be safe. Prepare enough for the Alpha and his mate.” Jasmine smiled while thinking back to Silas’ leaving.

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  She nodded at Hildi and continued down the hall.


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