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BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)

Page 4

by Addae, Sydney

“Hey, Rose.” She waved at her daughter-in-law as she entered the room.

  “Hi. Everything okay?”

  Jasmine nodded as she sank onto the soft leather loveseat and placed her feet over the arm-rest. “I’m just taking a “mommy-break.”

  Rose laughed. “She still avoiding Jacques?”

  “Yeah, and I think that’s her problem. She’s fighting the attraction so hard, she has to rehash what happened the last time she trusted a man. Problem is she’s miserable and not a nice person to be around. I wish I could block her out like the kids do.”

  Rose’s brow rose. “They block her out?”

  She covered her eyes with her arm, missing Silas already and he had only been gone five hours. “Well, they don’t pay her any attention when she’s in the nursery. She just sits there watching them.”

  “Oh. She’s fighting some demons. Has she seen Davian?”

  Jasmine groaned, remembering the conversation she and her mom had regarding her ex-husband. Her mom had been livid that the man faked his death and refused to accept her explanations. “No, not yet, but she called him on the phone and cursed him out. Some of the things she said about his dick made me close my legs and I don’t have one.” Her mom had been brutal.

  Rose laughed.

  “I couldn’t believe mama could talk like that… so dirty. I think he also tried to explain the mating thing to her, but she wasn’t hearing it. She told him he was a man with no honor, then told him he was an embarrassment to the word “man.” The insults went on and on until Jasmine blocked the hard hitting words.

  Rose whistled. “That had to sting. He’s a proud man.”

  Jasmine nodded. “Yeah, well. He can’t come to the compound unless Silas calls him and he never does. So mom’s threat to cut off his penis and feed it to Matt is a moot one.”

  Rose coughed as her hand landed on her chest. “What?” She coughed harder while trying to inhale.

  Jasmine turned slightly. “Don’t choke.”

  “I didn’t see that one coming,” Rose said as she stood and went to the mini refrigerator. “You want something to drink?”

  “No thanks,” Jasmine said, wondering if it was too soon to contact her mate. He said he’d be in meetings after they landed. Then he would spend some time with Alpha Samuel, and left her with the promise to contact her as soon as he could. The compound was locked down and everyone seemed to be settling in for the night. Her restlessness would end as soon as she spoke with her mate.

  “Good thing he took a job two counties away.”

  “Huh? What? Who took a job?” Jasmine asked removing her arm so she could see Rose clearly.

  “Dad. Davian. We had dinner with him and Matt last week and he told us he’s been working as Head Security for Rickets department store at the main office in Benson. That’s two counties away, an hour drive each way. So chances of Victoria bumping into him are slim.”

  Jasmine nodded slowly, ignoring the dad reference as she processed the information. The twins had come to her and Silas asking how they would feel if they spent more time with Davian and Matt. She had been surprised at their request and in hind-sight shouldn’t have. Their anger at Davian had been based on how he had treated her during their long marriage. With the understanding of mates and the pull it has on a person, they finally let go of the anger. Plus, Davian had been a good dad, just a crappy husband. She and Silas agreed it was okay, but reminded them that Davian was only allowed on the grounds with Silas’ permission.

  “How’s that going to work with him taking on a teenager?” Silas had never mentioned Davian working. Because of Matt’s position and level of security, Davian would’ve discussed it with Silas and received permission first.

  “What teenager?” Rose asked frowning.

  “Tomas, Griggs youngest son. Silas left him with Matt and Davian until he gets back and decides what to do with him. I think he needs to be watched closely. Froggy threatened to kill him.”

  “That’s serious. Froggy’s pretty patient. I don’t know how he’s going to handle having a teenager underfoot. Matt’s here in the labs ten to twelve hours a day and dad works three 12 hour days on three days off. Maybe they’ll be back before he goes back to work.”

  Jasmine doubted her mate would return in three days, but refrained from saying. “True. Unfortunately, I can’t allow Tomas on the property for any reason. The shield I have in place does not lift until Silas returns, period. So if he escapes Davian, he needs to run in the opposite direction.”

  “La Patron will be pissed if Tomas runs away,” Rose said in a quiet, contemplative voice.

  “Yes, he will. Did Lilly mention coming to dinner tonight?”

  “She said she would see me later, I suppose that’s what she meant. Maybe they just want to hang out a bit since La Patron is gone. Didn’t they clear it with you?”

  “Not that I remember. But I really didn’t pay much attention.” She sent a message to security alerting them that Cameron and his family would be returning to the compound for dinner and to allow them entry.

  “Lilly seems to be settling in the Alpha house okay. I can’t imagine living there with all that responsibility. I’m so glad Rone didn’t take the job,” Rose said with feeling.

  “You would’ve done fine. You help Silas and now me with a lot of the administrative duties. I don’t know how we would’ve made it through the children’s illness if you hadn’t worked overtime keeping this office going. Silas and I moved into the nursery and only left for brief periods of time.”

  Rose’ face pinkened. “We’re family. My little brothers and sisters were sick and we were scared… really scared that they might not make it. Rone and I couldn’t sleep so we spent time here in the office working. It helped keep our minds off what was going on in the nursery. Believe me, we needed to stay busy.”

  Jasmine smiled as her heart thudded heavy in her chest in remembrance of the children’s christening. They had been very ill. She and Silas came to blows over her family’s possible involvement. Warmth filled her cheeks over her threat to leave him if he put her mom and sister out of the compound. It had been a tense time. “All the more we appreciated what you and Rone did in the office. Your help allowed us to focus on the babies and not worry over the state of affairs of the wolf nation.”

  Red faced now, Rose ducked her head and fiddled with some files. “You’re welcome,” she said softly.

  Glad to be off her feet and basically done for the day, Jasmine did a mental scan of the grounds as Silas had taught her. Security was at their posts. She sensed no unusual movement on the perimeter.


  “Yes, Jasmine?” He sounded winded.

  “I’m doing a preliminary check of the grounds before I talk to Silas and have dinner. Is everything okay with you?” Jacques was in Silas’ secure tower with access limited to her and her mom. He handled the satellite and the databases from that point. Her mate wanted no screw ups and had long conversations with Jacques regarding how he wanted the information catalogued and stored. Scraps of data in the past caused a drain on the system and were difficult to make use of. The new software would store the information and make connections based on the words used in the sentences. Matt and Dr. Passen both agreed this might help them see and understand the bigger picture regarding the collars, and vaccinations they were working on.

  “Your mother is here with me and we are fine. I will talk with you on the morrow.” He closed the link before she could ask any questions. She smiled glad her mom had gone to see Jacques. Hopefully tomorrow would be drama free.


  Tingles of awareness danced up and down her spine at the sound of his voice. Hey Wolfie. Glad you remembered me.” Teasing him, she grinned big.

  Rose’s brow lifted.

  Jasmine turned over, away from prying eyes.

  Rose chuckled. “Rone’s calling me, too. I’mma head to our place so I can uh…laugh in private.”

  Jasmine threw her arm up in a mo
dified wave not turning around.

  Silas growled. She felt the rumbling sound like a caress. Goosebumps exploded across her flesh. “To forget you is to forget myself. I miss my sweet bitch. How are my pups?”

  “Your babies are fine. Went to sleep after dinner. David was a little fussy, more clingy than usual, but he finally drifted off. How’d your meetings go?”

  “Touch and go at first. Too much testosterone, but the pecking order has been settled. Alpha Samuel and his men are practicing with the twins, Leon and Asia right now.”

  “Practice? What kind of practice?”

  “Hybrid two legged fighting instead of wolf four.”

  Remembering Tyrese’ transformation, she nodded. “You’re going to fight in that form?”

  “If we have to. We will do whatever is necessary to get the answers we need. We did not start this war, but we will end it. Those bastards have preyed on my pack like parasites for decades. And for what? Money? Fame? Power?”

  No answer was required so she sent waves of understanding through their link, wanting him to know she heard him and agreed.

  “Fuck them. We will eradicate them from our borders or die trying. Fuckers using pack as test animal, fuck that shit.”

  Hearing the pain beneath his frustration she continued to send calming waves of love and understanding to him. “I am so proud of you for taking this stand. You do whatever you need to do to make it safe for everyone.” There was a time when Silas’ concern was restricted to full-blood wolves. Over the past year her mate had been kicked into the reality of half-breeds and human breeders. Now his protection covered them all. Considering they had half breed pups, that was a good thing.

  “I noticed the twins hanging close to Asia, did you say anything to them?” he asked obviously finished with his rant for now. She was happy to talk of more pleasant things.

  “No, nothing other than I expect all of you to return. Maybe they’re just looking out for her because of everything she’s been through. How’s she doing without the blindfold?”

  He chuckled, the sound licked her skin and she shifted on the sofa to ease her ache. “Good, mama bear. Like I said she’s in the gym fighting with the guys. I watched for a little while before coming up here and she was holding her own. The twins were the only ones she could not take down. Leon pinned her once but she got him the other times.”

  Proud, Jasmine grinned. “She’s tough. Why’d you saddle Davian with a kid? Rose says he works twelve hour days, how’s that going to work?”

  “That’s up to them to make it work. I will deal with Tomas when I return. Don’t get involved.” His voice had hardened at the end.

  Jasmine sat up. “I’m not. But he just lost his mom; it’s natural that he’s upset. Just because we knew her as a murderous bitch doesn’t mean he didn’t love her.”

  “Exactly. That is why he’s not allowed on the grounds for any reason. He may try something stupid in the name of love. Where are you?”

  She frowned at the swift change of topics. “Huh? What?”

  “Are you at our place?”

  “No. I’m in your office. Rose left and I’m locking up and then going to dinner.” She stood.

  “Go to my office and lock the door.” His voice dropped an octave and she shivered at the promise in it.

  “Okay, I’m going to lock the outer door first.” With a burst of speed she ran to the entry door, locked it and then moved quickly to his inner office, locking the door behind her. Inhaling deeply, she swallowed and spoke. “I’m here.”

  “Go to my desk, sit down and turn on the monitor.”

  Excited, she moved quickly to comply. Once the monitor was on she spoke. “It’s on.”

  “Type jazz.”

  After she typed the letters on the keyboard, the monitor flickered and Silas’ face filled the screen.

  “Ummm, Sweet Bitch,” he purred in a sexy growl through the monitor. His emerald green eyes blazed across the screen warming her across the miles.

  “Hey Wolfie.” She leaned forward placing her chin on top of clasped hands. “So we’re camming now?”

  “I just needed to see you. The separation is harder now and this eases me and my beast.” His long, jet black hair brushed against his shoulder and framed his square shaped face. Lips that made her scream in pleasure tilted in a small smile. He looked positively yummy sitting in the chair shirtless with pointy nipples on his broad, muscular chest.

  “You are one good looking wolf, and all mine,” she said dragging her gaze from his nipples to his mouth. “Is Samuel mated?” she asked to take her mind off sexing this man ten ways and then some.

  His eyes narrowed slightly. “No. Not yet.”

  “Is he interested in Asia?” She thought of her mom’s behavior while denying her mate and wondered if that might be the reason for the Alpha’s behavior.

  Silas chuckled. “If he was, it died when she beat his beta in the ring. Samuel didn’t fight her. Tyrone trained with him.”

  Jasmine laughed, pleased Asia was holding her own.

  “Do that again,” he said in a low voice filled with longing.

  Surprised she stopped and stared at him. “What?”

  “Laugh. I want to take that sound with me. I love hearing you laugh, it fills me with light. Laugh for me.”

  Touched, she smiled as her heart expanded with love for this complicated man. She racked her mind for something humorous. Earlier in the nursery Adam had tossed his ball to Renee interrupting her drawing. He ran, laughing and looking over his shoulder, when she threw it back and hit him in the back, making him fall. It had been funny. She and her mom had laughed then, just as she laughed now.

  The more she remembered Adam running on his chubby legs and Renee’s tongue hanging out as she took her time to aim, the harder she laughed. When she could talk she shared the incident with Silas through their link. He chuckled as he leaned back in the chair with his hands crossed over his stomach.

  “I love you,” he said when their laughter died down.

  Her breath caught at the vibrancy of his blue-green colored eyes. Pleased he was calm and that she’d done that for him, she pursed her lips and sent a kiss through their link. “Love you too,” she whispered.

  “You’re the light of my day. I cannot imagine life without you, Jasmine.”

  She gasped at the caress accompanying her name. He rarely used her given name and she treasured his declaration all the more because he did. “I love you so much, Silas. I cannot imagine spending my days without you either.” She shook her head. “Life before you…I was existing. Now I feel as if I am alive for the first time.” She met his intense gaze. “Does that make sense?” She had met him when she was thirty six with two adult sons. For most, that’s the time to wind down and learn all those hobbies that had been put aside in lieu of sports and recreation for your kids. But for her, she had found love.

  “It makes all the sense in the world to me. I have waited three hundred years for you, Sweetness and I will never let you go. I am yours until the Goddess removes us from this plane and ushers us to the next. You have my word on that.”

  Damn, the man made her toes curl and her pussy weep when he talked commitment to her like that. Most women wanted a man who openly declared to the world that she was the only woman he wanted in his life. “I don’t want you to let me go and I don’t want to leave. You know that baby.” She licked her lips and sent him a kiss loving the sultry look in his eyes. If he were in the room right now she would have him on his back riding him like a cowgirl. The vision made her cream her thong.

  “I would like more pups.”

  Her head snapped up. Her lusty vision disappeared like smoke. “What? Pups?” What the hell? He couldn’t have said what she thought he said.

  He nodded, looking relaxed as if he hadn’t known she was thinking about riding his dick. “I’ve been thinking about it. We’ve got six; why not make it an even dozen?”

  She gasped at his inclusion of her older sons. That was
low to include them with his outrageous request, but it made her heart melt a tiny bit. Thankfully her mind was unaffected. With a slight narrowing of her eyes, she met his gaze while thinking of an appropriate reply. “Only if…” She placed her forefinger on her puckered lips.

  He leaned forward eagerly. “If what?”

  “You carry them. I’m not having any more kids. Six is a good number. One day I’ll have grandbabies to spoil and that’s good enough for me. That’s how it’s done, Silas. We need to be available for our kids as they grow older.” The idea of going through another pregnancy killed her mood and she pushed away from the desk, ready to sign off for the night.

  He raised his hands in a placating gesture. “Okay, I can see this is not a good time for this discussion. Maybe later when I return. Everything settled for the night?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest glaring at him. “Yes.”

  He stared at her for a few moments and then released a long sigh. “I should not have asked that question, not now. I apologize. Don’t be angry. I am leaving in a few hours and I do not want there to be problems between us.”

  She eyed him and then released her arms. The man was a manipulative rascal. “You did that on purpose.”

  “What?” he laughed, half covering his mouth with his hand. “I… well I thought that was the best time to put it out there.”


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