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Chasing Me

Page 15

by Cat Mason

  “Why would you even say that?” I ask, glaring at her.

  “What,” She shrugs. “The kid will spend nine months tryin’ to come outta one, only to spend the rest of his life trying to get back in.”

  Daisy looks up at us, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “If I’m overdue because you gave him the idea to rebel against the natural order of things, Auntie Cam, you’ll be sorry. I’ll post those drunken texts you sent me about how drum sticks can thump more than just a kit.”

  Cam’s eyes go wide, her face turning as red as a tomato. “Daisy!”

  “Wait,” I interrupt looking between them. “We need to go, but we’re circling back to this conversation later.” I say reminding them of the four year old on my hip.

  “Right.” Daisy says fixing her shirt. “Let’s go get a late lunch before we head back.”

  “You just had cookies before we got here.” I grumble, settling Jasmine onto her feet.

  “Is there a reason you’re reminding me of this, or do you just like to be a smart ass?” She teases, rubbing her belly. “I’m hungry, besides this is a Shaft boy in here. They’re always hungry.”

  “I say we go home and eat.” Cam says, while Daisy checks out and books her next appointment. “That way we don’t get spotted.”

  “I’m with Cam on this one.” I chime in remembering last night and the crowd that seemed to come out of nowhere.

  Daisy leans down, looking at Jasmine. “What do you say?”

  “I want pizza.” Jazzie says, jumping up and down. “And ice cream!”

  Daisy takes her hand, turning toward the door where Cam stands waiting. “Well, it looks like we win Jasmine. Three against two.”

  “Three?” Cam growls, opening the door to the street. “The baby doesn’t get a vote yet smart ass.” Cam whips around Daisy, “However, Mack does what he’s told.”

  “Camaron Chesterfield you damn traitor!” Daisy pouts. “How could you deny the baby what he wants?”

  “Mack, we’re going home. Immediately. No stops, no matter how much Daisy begs.” Cam shouts, running toward the van.

  I grab Jasmine’s other hand, helping her step up once we reach the van and buckle her into the built in booster. “Once we get to the house, we’ll order in anything you want. Just no over-exposure, please.” Cam continues, “I don’t like the way that site is spinning everything. God knows if they latch onto anything really juicy the media would eat it up like a free steak buffet.”

  “It’s about being careful honey.” I add, once we’re all in the van. “Last night, they weren’t just after Hunter, they were happy to get shots of Jasmine and me; hell even Mack.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Daisy huffs when Mack pulls out into the traffic. “You’re right.”

  “She just doesn’t have to like it.” Mack blurts.

  “So, how are you going to tell Grayson?” I ask, hoping to change the subject to something happier. “Does he want to know now, or wait?”

  Daisy smiles in the mirror at me. “Of course he wants to know. He was dying to come today, but duty calls. Once we found out you were coming back, I was happy to have today be just us girls.”

  “I’m so glad I got to be here for this.” Reaching up, I squeeze her arm.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Chase.” Cam says, turning to face me in the seat. “Not just for this, but for him. Aiden has been worried about his brother; that much I could tell even before he said so. Something’s different and I think it’s you.”

  “He kisses her like a princess.” Jazzie sighs looking at Cam. “Like a really real princess.”

  “Does he?” Cam asks, arching a brow at me.

  Jazzie nods, Daisy sniffles up front making all eyes jerk to her. “We’re all so happy.”

  “Are you okay?” Mack asks nervously.

  “It’s the hormones.” She snaps, swiping her tears away. “Shut up and drive the damn van.”

  Daisy sniffles and sobs off and on the entire ride back to the house. Every time Mack laughs at her, she pins him with a stare that would make Henry tremble in fear. By the time we finally make it to the house, the ‘Burban is pulling in and the guys are climbing out.

  “What the hell is wrong with my wife?” Gray asks when he sees Daisy’s tear stained face. “Everything’s okay, right? With the baby?”

  “Fine, everything is fine.” She sniffles. “My hormones are all over the place.” Her eyes fill with tears again. “And then Cam was talking about Hunter and…and…” Gray wraps her in his arms, so she doesn’t see him smile.

  “It’s okay, baby.” Gray chuckles.

  “What’s wrong with the baby momma?” Hunter asks, lifting a now sleeping Jasmine from the van. “Does the kid look like Gray? That would be unfortunate enough to make me cry too.”

  Cam and Mack walk over to Henry and Aiden, who look to be in a serious discussion. “No, Hunter.” Daisy snaps, drawing my attention again. “I was crying because of you.”

  “Oh hell,” He mutters starting up the walk to the house, with Jazzie in his arms. “Just tell me what I did and I’ll buy you slutty shoes and squirt cheese.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong dipshit.” She says pulling away from Gray. “I was crying because we’re all finally happy.”

  Hunter laughs, shaking his head. “Great. If I’m not in danger of you and your rusty spoon, I’ll just put the kid down for the rest of her nap and grab myself a beer.”

  I can’t help laughing now, earning me an evil glare from Daisy. “Save yourself.” Gray yells sarcastically before kissing her lips softly.

  “Very funny.” Daisy says, as I run up the path and into the house.

  Walking down the basement steps, I see Hunter walking out of Jazzie’s room. “Nice time with the girls?” He asks, looking around the room at the pile of Jasmine’s stuff.

  “Yes, we played dress up and then went and found out what Gray and Daisy are having. How was your day?” I ask.

  He holds out his arms, “Long.” Hunter answers when I take a step toward him. His eyes rake over me, heating every inch until he reaches my shoes. “You look fuckin’ incredible.”

  “Thank you.” I reply, taking another step toward him.

  “Worked some things out with the guys on that song I told you about last night. It’s going to be ready to record soon.” Hunter informs me, closing the distance between us. His fingers run up my arms, teasing the bared skin as he moves higher.

  “I don’t know if that’s…” I start but his thumb brushes my bottom lip.

  “The producer said it was great stuff and can’t wait to see how you and I work together.” He interrupts. “Aiden showed him the wedding video of us singing together. They want to put together a show in a few weeks. You know some small venue with an intimate, unplugged type set-up? The guys and I will do some older stuff, and then we debut the new song.”

  I stand speechless, shocked at how fast it is coming together. Hunter tips my chin and kisses me. Just a quick peck and his lips are gone from mine. “Relax, it’s gonna be great. Go take a shower and unwind, I know I’ve laid some heavy shit on you just now. You hungry?”

  “You’re gonna cook?” My eyes widen.

  Hunter rolls his eyes dramatically. “Okay no, I’m not going to cook. I’d rather not kill you or the kid. I’m gonna sneak upstairs while you’re in the shower and snatch up some of whatever they’re cooking. I’ll bring it down here and pass it off as my own. Then you’ll tell me how amazing I am and give me a blow job.” He rambles, blowing out a breath. “There’s my plan in a nutshell, does it work for you?”

  “Yep that’ll be good.” Walking toward the bedroom, I purposely shake my ass to taunt him. The growl that rumbles from his chest has me smiling in satisfaction when I kick the door closed behind me. My thoughts spinning with all he just said, trying to process it all. I’ve boarded a rollercoaster like I’ve never rode before. Now, I just have to work up the courage to throw up my hands and enjoy it.

  Your Bitter Vag Is Showin


  Once Chase struts her sexy ass away from me and shuts the door, I run up the steps to the first floor. I have to get my mind on food so I don’t run in there and fuck her into oblivion. The commotion from the front room draws me in immediately. Peeking around the door, I see Henry talking to Cam and Mack. Katheryn tucked protectively into Big Man’s side looking bored to death. “That was a courier from Ironsound Records.” Cam says, turning holding up a big yellow envelope.

  “Are those the results?” I ask, walking into the room. Cam looks questioningly at Katheryn and Henry instead of answering.

  “Yes or no, Camaron? Katheryn doesn’t seem to be hiding a news crew between her tits.” I say gesturing vaguely at her.

  “Yes, it seems that greasing the wheels with the money and big names behind it helped move things along.” Camaron answers, handing me the envelope. She watches me carefully, but the aggravation towards me over my asshole comment is coming off of her in waves. “You’ll want to know that these are going to be public record, Hunter. No matter the results. I don’t know how long it will take before it’s plastered all over the internet and in magazines but we’ve still gotta be careful.”

  “Cam, you’ve gotta expect that it will get out. Hell, the mother may even go to the media, herself, if she’s hungry for a payout. No one in the house would leak that shit.” Henry says, clearly defending Katheryn.

  “Call Xandra at her hotel, she’s waiting to get this finalized so she can blow town. I don’t think it’s going to be about money with her. Sure she’s selfish, but not greedy. There’s a difference.” I interrupt, ripping open the flap on the envelope. Sliding the papers out, I skim the pages of legal mumbo jumbo and the big fat words that don’t mean shit, until I read the line I’ve known since I laid eyes on her. ‘In the case of above child in question, Jasmine Marshall, there is a 99.9% probability that Hunter Chesterfield is the father.’ I smile meeting Cam’s eyes. “Get her here. I want to see Xandra face to face when I say what I have to say.” Handing her the papers, I walk out of the room and go in search of food.

  “Lasagna and bread in the kitchen.” Daisy mumbles through a mouthful of food from the dining room when she sees me walk into the kitchen. “Katheryn picked it up from some place in town.”

  “Good, then my girls won’t starve, but if it doesn’t have bacon in it I’m not eatin’ it.” I reply. Grabbing plates from the cabinets, I start making a plate for both my girls. My girls. Now that’s something to get used to. It’s not about just me anymore and I like it. I couldn’t wait to get back here to them today, to share everything that happened with Chase. I’ve spent over a decade buried in booze and bitches that could never compare to the woman downstairs in my shower.

  “I had a feeling you would be difficult so I made you a little salad Hunter. It’s in the microwave.” Daisy says, leaning against the doorway.

  “A what?” Jerking the door to the microwave open, “You know I don’t eat that leafy shit.” She chuckles at me when I yank the bowl out to see fries covered in cheese and enough bacon to have me instantly drooling. “Oh, baby momma, you give such good bacon. It’s a man salad full of meat and carby goodness. I’m gonna need a minute alone with it.” I mumble, clutching it to my chest.

  “Love you too, asshole.” She winks.

  “She’ll be here in an hour.” Cam yells from the other room. “Be ready, she’s sounds pissed.”

  “Who Xandra?” Daisy asks curiously.

  “Yeah,” I reply, putting the plates on a tray.

  “I don’t want her here.” Daisy says honestly. “She shouldn’t be around Jazzie.”

  “I need to talk with her, face to face. With Chase, there too,” I explain. “The results are back so it’s time to settle this shit. I agree that she doesn’t need to see Jasmine if she’s anything like she was yesterday, but I don’t want to do this in public.” I add, just thinking about what would happen if Xandra caused a scene in a public setting like she did here yesterday.

  “I can go down to the basement when she gets here, stay with Jasmine.” Daisy offers. That’s one thing I love about these girls. Protective nature and loyalty: they are fierce as lions when they feel that any one of us is threatened. They lean on one another, when one needs anything they draw strength from the others. I’ve shouldered all my burdens alone for so long, even though I’ve been eager to take on theirs. Now I’ve got to get used to the equal playing field.

  “That would be great Daisy.” Hoisting the tray into my arms, I stop as I pass her and kiss her cheek. “So, what’re we havin’? Chase didn’t tell me.” I pry.

  Daisy clicks her tongue, “Grayson wants to tell everyone himself and not when Katheryn is here. She’s not Shaft inner circle just yet.” I nod my agreement, secretly planning to breach security through Jazzie if I can find some cookies. “I know what you’re thinkin’ Hunter.” Daisy scolds, opening the basement door for me. “You sneaky bastard, don’t you even think about trying to get it out of Chase or Jasmine.”

  “Come on down when Henry opens the gates.” I mutter. Ignoring her, I head down the steps.

  I slide the tray onto the bar and grab a beer from the fridge, just as I hear Chase’s voice from our bedroom. “Come here you little shit.” There’s a loud rustling, things falling over and finally a dog growling.

  Pushing the door open, I lean against the doorjamb and take a pull of my beer. “Looks like you’re having a problem taming the wiener.” I tease.

  Chase has one hand clutching her towel to her chest, while she tries to grab Bits with the other. “This is not funny, Hunter. I can’t catch that damn dog. Leave it to me to be nice and let him out of the cage because I felt sorry for him.” She huffs. “He came in and snatched my panties off of the bed while I was in the shower.” She lunges for Bits, making him dart around the bed. “Shit!”

  Chase bounces across the bed, nearly losing her towel. My dick jumps up and down rooting for Bits to never surrender because this shit is entertaining as hell. The dog sinks his teeth into the black and pink lace, flinging it from side to side as he growls at the offending piece of fabric.

  Way to go buddy! It’s a call to all wieners for panty rebellion.

  “Come here Bits.” Chase coos, crawling to the edge of the bed. Those perfect breasts nearly bursting out of the top of the towel as she moves. “Let me have it.” Oh I’ve got somethin’ she can have… I think to myself. Images of her screaming that as I plunge into her playing like a movie in my head.

  Bits hunches down, making it clear he’s going to protect his prize. He lets out a string of barks at Chase, which only fuels her anger. Climbing from the bed she inches closer to him. Like a true boss, Bits dodges her, diving under the bed. “Why aren’t you helping?” She asks, glaring at me.

  Taking another pull from my beer I shrug. “I’m content over here in this general area watchin’ this play out.”

  Chase looks down at her body. Her nipples playing an erotic game of peek-a-boo with me has me about to launch at her. “You’re such a pervert.” She accuses, reading my mind. Adjusting the towel, she meets my eyes. But I’m glad to see they are more filled with amusement, than anger.

  “Did I ever lead you to believe differently?” I wink. “Bits, come here you little dick.” I call to the dog.

  He waddles his little furry ass out from under the bed, that bundle of lace still between his teeth. “Whatcha got there, huh?” I say excitedly as he eats it up the attention like a whore at last call. Proudly, he walks over to me and lays them at my feet with a satisfied bark. “You’ve been trained well, my friend.” Leaning down, I scoop up Chase’s panties and toss them to her. “Who’s a good boy?” I ask Bits, patting his head.

  “Trained my ass!” She exclaims, “He’s been here one day.”

  “Don’t be jealous because he likes me more than you, Tiger Lily.” I shrug, teasing her. “It happens.”

  Chase mumbles something about dicks of a feather flocking together and sl
ams the door to the bathroom. Bits barks playfully at me, “Come on, you deserve a reward.” I call to him, heading toward the cabinets in the kitchen to find the treats I bought last night.

  Grabbing a handful of these little bacon treats (I may or may not have tried them in the store… They do not taste like bacon by the way. Oh, the lies!) I sit on the couch with my food and my beer, ready to enjoy the orgasmic bliss in a bowl before me. Bits attempts to jump up with me, but his short ass can’t quite make it. “There’s nothing fun about being a tiny wiener is there asshole?”

  Chase opens the door wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, pulling a still groggy four year old behind her. “Hey, sleepy head.” I greet when her eyes meet mine. “Hungry?”

  Jasmine walks over, flopping on the cushion beside me. “Chase is mad at Bits.” She says, flatly. “He was a bad dog.”

  “Nah, he still gets treats.” I say, handing her the tiny bacon looking slivers. “Give him these.”

  Chase looks up from the bar, where she’s setting Jasmine’s plate off the tray. “He ruined Italian lace, Bits doesn’t deserve a treat.”

  “I’ve done plenty worse and no one has taken away my bacon yet.” I shrug, shoveling in a big bite from my bowl. “Go ahead and eat kiddo.” I nudge Jazzie. “Daisy is coming down soon to see your new stuff. Once you’re done eating you can get everything ready.”

  “Yay!” Jazzie yells, running over to the table. “Did you hear Chase? Did you?”

  Nodding, Chase grabs her plate. “Yeah, so you better hurry and eat honey.” She encourages, when Jasmine climbs the stool.

  Chase walks over, and sits beside me on the sofa. “Results are back.” I murmur. “Xandra is on her way now.”

  “I see.” She mutters taking a bite. “So, how do you want this to go?”

  “I’d prefer if Jasmine didn’t know just yet.” I whisper, watching Jasmine rip apart her bread. “If it’s going to be a bitchfest like yesterday, I’d rather leave the kid out of it.”

  Chase eats in silence, obviously thinking over how this could play out upstairs. “Okay.” She agrees after swallowing her last bite. “About this duet,” Chase’s voice goes a bit shaky.


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