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Chasing Me

Page 16

by Cat Mason

  “Hunter.” Daisy says from the stairwell.

  “Daisy!” Jasmine shouts, jumping from the stool. “Let’s have a tea party!” Running over, Jazzie yanks Daisy toward her bedroom. That tiny four year old’s mouth going a hundred miles a minute, while Daisy attempts to keep up.

  Once we sit our dishes on the bar, Chase follows me up the stairs. When I stop outside the dining room, she slips her hand into mine. Like she realizes I need that even when I didn’t know. “Aren’t you two the happy couple?” Xandra sneers when we walk into the room. “The internet sure does portray you to be the happy little family.”

  “Careful Xandra, your bitter vag is showin’.” I bite out when she stands to her feet. “I called you here to set some shit straight, not fight about things you can’t change.”

  “Is that so?” She snaps, walking around the table. Her skirt, if you want to call it that, is short enough to have been Jasmine’s. Xandra flings out her hands. “Well, say whatever it is you have to say. I got my papers, too, so it’s all legally binding. She’s all yours now, just tell me where to sign.”

  Chase’s hand tightens in mine. “It’s a damn good thing too!”

  “What was that bitch?” Xandra shouts, taking a step closure to us. “Your opinion isn’t needed or appreciated here.”

  Releasing my hand, Chase meets Xandra toe to toe. “Listen, that little girl downstairs doesn’t deserve to have you tossin’ her out like a used condom. I would say you’ll regret it one day, but hey, you’re a selfish whore…I can’t say that you’ll even miss her. The little smile that lights up a room when she’s excited or her contagious giggle, those things should mean everything to you. To her mom.” Chase says, emphasizing the word, pointing right in Xandra’s face. “It’s those little things you’re givin’ up. I can promise you this though, bitch, I’ll make for damn sure she never misses you. Because there’s nothing Hunter and I want more than to take on everything you’re tossin’ away.”

  Chase defending Jasmine chips the walls away even further. If that woman wasn’t in my heart, damn it she is now. She staking claim just as much as I am to my child, as if Jazzie were hers just as equally.

  “Hunter, do you always let your pussy take charge?” Xandra asks with a laugh. “Damn, nearly five years sure will change a lot I guess.”

  “Xandra, there’s a lot of things I could say to you. I had a speech planned of things to tell you, but it’s useless.” I say shaking my head. “It’s not worth wasting time that I could be spending with Jazzie or Chase, to sit and say things that you aren’t going to even hear.” I reply because, honestly, what is the point in telling her what I think of her? She’s not seeing the bigger picture. “I will say this though. Karma is a bitch, and her twat has razor sharp teeth.” Stepping between her and Chase, I stare down at her. “Fuckin’ her only ends up painful for the dick.”

  Xandra gasps dramatically, making me roll my eyes. “Are you threatening me, Hunter?”

  “No, I don’t see a need for that unless you show your face around here again.” I reply. “Final papers should be sent to your lawyer’s office. Consider yourself no longer tethered to the kid; we’ll take it from here.”

  “Henry, get her the hell out of here.” Chase says when Henry peeks in the room.

  Xandra stomps past Henry who just chuckles. “Um, excuse me.” He starts, following behind her up the hallway. “But, shouldn’t your skirt be longer than your vagina?”

  “You’re inappropriateness knows no bounds Big Man!” Mack shouts from the kitchen. “I love that shit!”

  The door slams violently, echoing through the entire house. Taking Chase’s hand, I pull her against me so that I can nuzzle her neck. The way she stood up for Jasmine amazes me but, honestly, it shouldn’t. Chase pretty much told Xandra exactly what I want to tell her father for running off like the fucking piece of shit he is. “You’re incredible.” I whisper against her skin. “I still keep waitin’ for you to say you’ve made a mistake. That between the baby momma from hell and the ‘Shaftspotters,’ you’re bailin’ because it’s not worth it.”

  Chase’s eyes meet mine, heating angrily. “I. Love. You.” Pressing her lips to mine, she groans. “I’m prepared to beat that into your head if you need me to.”

  “Can you just beat the other head right now instead? It’s been hard as a fuckin’ tire iron ever since you told Bits to ‘let you have it’. I really could let you have it right now.” I reply, pressing my body tightly against hers. Once again, I’m running from that serious subject. At least for now.

  “Hunter!” Daisy shouts from the basement door. “It’s Jazzie, come quick.”

  Releasing Chase, I bolt down the hallway and take the stairs two and a time behind Daisy. “What happened?” I ask, frantically, when I don’t see her anywhere.

  “We were playing with the tea set.” Daisy says, tears streaming down her face. “She heard Xandra’s voice and ran into her room. By the time I got in there she had locked herself in the bathroom.”

  “Both doors too huh?” Chase says coming up behind me.

  “I’m so sorry Hunter.” Daisy sobs, burying her face in her hands.

  “Baby momma, calm down,” I whisper softly. She’s right, her hormones are completely crazy. “I’ll go talk to her, she’s just scared.”

  Walking into Jazzie’s room, I take in the pink explosion of her stuff strewn everywhere. “Jazzie?” I ask, rapping on the door. “You wanna open up? I need to talk to you.”

  “Xandra’s back isn’t she?” The tiny voice breaks my damn heart. “I don’t want to go, please don’t make me.”

  “Hey,” I say, attempting to soothe her. “Please come out.” I say when Chase inches in the room. “It’s just Chase and me, I promise.”

  “Jazzie.” Chase says, tenderness lacing her voice.

  The lock clicks, as the door slides open we meet little brown, tear stained eyes. Jasmine inches out slowly, carrying Bits in her arms. Grabbing her around the waist, I swoop them both up in my arms and sit on the bed. “Xandra was here, she isn’t anymore.” I begin to explain. “We told her we want you to stay here.”

  Jasmine’s eyes widen, she sniffles making Bits jump from her arms. Chase walks over and kneels in front of us, gently wiping tears from Jazzie’s face. “You’re not going anywhere princess.” Chase’s eyes meet mine. “No one is.”

  Sitting here with the only woman I’ve ever let myself fall for, I hold my daughter until she stops crying. The words ‘I love you’ burning up my throat, desperate to fly from my lips. I can’t believe how quickly things have changed in my head. Days ago, I had planned to give her an explanation, to let her go be happy with Mitch or whoever. When push came to shove, I just couldn’t do it. I can’t see my life being good without her in it. No Hunter, you wouldn’t be truly living without her in it.

  After knowing now what this could be like…to let myself feel this way with someone. To be vulnerable, going back now wouldn’t be anything but existing. Upstairs, I was completely honest. I am still scared that one thing will be enough to have her packing her bags to leave me, but I can’t have that one thing be what I can’t give her. She needs to know how I feel for her. If I can’t come right out and say it, I’ll have to get creative. Luckily, I think I have the perfect idea how. With the guys help, not only will she hear my ‘I love you’ but so will everyone else. Our song.

  Shafty Shenanigans.

  ***Two Weeks Later***


  Hunter has been working in the studio with the guys every day for two solid weeks putting finishing touches on the tracks for the album. Old songs that Shaft is known for all polished, mixed with new songs the guys have written that no one has heard. Promotion has begun and the venue is set for the small unplugged set where Hunter and I will perform the duet tomorrow night.

  When they’re not in the studio, it is Shaft family time. The privacy of the rental house and the locked gates has been our sanctuary from all the drama. We don’t leave the gr
ounds unless necessary, but never without either Henry or Mack. The media camping outside the gates isn’t unusual to us anymore. We’ve learned to expect it and ignore it. News of the confirmed paternity didn’t take long to hit news feeds everywhere, but Hunter figured it was sort of like a free birth announcement. He even joked on the band fan page that he was registered at all the local sex stores.

  During the day, Jazzie runs the show. The four year old diva has all of us women, and even Mack, at her beck and call. We get made up, sit through tea parties and princess movie marathons, only to get dumped the moment Hunter comes through the door. Jasmine even manages to get the guys, even Big Man himself, to wear boas and sip from those tiny ass cups she hands out.

  Today, though, I won’t be lounging around with my favorite little princess. I will be in a studio, recording a duet with Hunter. The song that started off as some lyrics Hunter had worked up has turned into a merging of the three guys’ minds. Aiden, Gray, and Hunter are all working hard to make sure the lyrics are flawless. I’ve only seen pieces of the song. Hunter has forbid me to see anything other than my verse and the chorus. Just as I knew they would be, the lyrics I’ve seen are amazing. My nerves have been a constant mix of excitement and fear of being part of something bigger than me.

  Today is also the start of is my plan with Cam to get Daisy. Having no desire to pay for her spa day, we are going big. Making her fall for something isn’t going to be easy, but with the added stress of the baby, the record, and the media… I’m sure hoping to catch her off guard.

  I enter the dining room where everyone, including Katheryn, is in eating the big breakfast Daisy cooked this morning. Henry’s bedtime bud has been spending nearly every night here. Yeah, he seems happy and we all want that for him, but something is off. Maybe it’s because I don’t like her, I don’t know. All I do know is none of us really trust her. Except Big Man, who has now given her the code to the gate so she can come and go as she pleases.

  Taking my seat between Jasmine and Hunter, I start fixing my plate. The thought of going to the studio eats away at my stomach, making it hard for me to eat more than a few bites. “You still not feeling well, Chase?” Cam asks, with a wink.

  “I’m fine, my stomach is just really churning again this morning.” I reply, unable to meet anyone’s eyes.

  Daisy’s head snaps up, taking our bait: hook, line, and sinker. “Are you getting a bug Chase?” She asks, buttering a piece of toast.

  “No, I’m sure it’s nothing serious, I’ll be fine in a bit.”

  Jasmine’s eyes snap to mine. “Bugs are gross.” Her nose scrunching up as she talks, “Bits ate a worm yesterday.” She adds, proudly, before tossing a piece of bacon to the floor.

  “Jasmine, don’t feed him the real bacon.” Hunter scolds, reaching past me to move her plate back from the edge of the table. “Give him your eggs or somethin’.”

  “I’m surprised you let anyone have any of that bacon anyway.” Henry chuckles, smothering his eggs in hot sauce. “Guess the kid has you wrapped around her finger.”

  “You’re learnin’ to share, Hunter.” Aiden teases, throwing a sausage link at Hunter. “I’m so proud of you honey.”

  Hunter shrugs in-between bites of bacon, “I got somethin’ right here for you to share, cockclown.”

  Daisy and Cam giggle, while I avoid the conversation. I know better than to argue with the man over his meat. “So, Jasmine, you gonna be okay here with just Mack, Cam, and Daisy?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “I’ve got coffee with my friends this morning, but I can come back if you want.” Katheryn says, all talking and joking ceases immediately.

  “No, I vote Henry’s tow hitch gets a time out.” Mack snaps irritably. “I’ve had to listen to that screamin’ shit for weeks now.”

  “Aw, quit your whining. It’s not like I need a thumbs up from you anyway.” Henry teases, making Katheryn giggle.

  “Seriously, I don’t mind.” Katheryn offers again.

  “No, we’re good.” Daisy mutters. “No need for you to hang around or anything, it’s not like Henry will be here anyway.”

  “Everything we do isn’t about sex, perverts.” Henry grumbles.

  “You wouldn’t know that from all the damn screamin’.” Aiden chuckles, everyone else nodding and voicing their agreement.

  “It should be a rule that no one talks about their sex lives when I’m not supposed to have one.” Mack huffs. “That shit won’t have me givin’ you a thumbs up, dickhead; it’ll get you the finger.”

  “Well, if you’re ready to go.” Big Man says, pushing to his feet. “I think it’s time to act like little Henry in there.” He says pointing to Daisy’s belly. “And head out.”

  “Little what?” Daisy asks, covering her belly. “Big Man, we haven’t even…” She starts backtracking. With everything getting so hectic neither Daisy, nor Grayson, felt the time was right to spill the beans.

  “Oh cut the shit.” Henry chuckles. “It’s a boy and we all know it. Grayson has a little extra ‘conceited cock’ in his step lately. No doubt he’s proud the soldiers marched in and took care of business.”

  Gray’s face lights up with a shit eating grin, completely letting the cat out of the bag. “I woulda been happy with a girl, too.” He says defensively, when Daisy gives him an evil eye.

  “Get out of here you bunch of dicks.” Cam huffs playfully. “No offense Chase.”

  “None takin’, I don’t think.” I reply, tilting my head at her. “Maybe Hunter will be the only one havin’ girls; only time will tell.” I say, sweetly kissing Jazzie on top of the head before leaving the room and walking outside to the ‘Burban. Daisy’s harsh intake of breath makes me want to fist pump victoriously, but I don’t. Not yet.

  Hunter catches up to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. “You know she’s gonna kill you when she finds out you’re jerkin’ her hormonal chain?”

  Stopping at the side of the ‘Burban, Hunter presses me against the door. “You’ll protect me.” I whisper, leaning in to press my lips to his. His lips part, his tongue dancing erotically against mine. My nerves about singing forgotten while I let the passion in his kiss consume me. I’m trying to stay satisfied with the unspoken between us. Not rushing him to say things he’s not ready for, I want them to come because he wants to say them. Not out of force, or obligation. The words flow freely from me, both to him and Jasmine.

  My feelings continue to deepen for Hunter. Not just for him though, my attachment to Jasmine is growing too. I just don’t see her as Hunter’s daughter. Ever since the night she locked herself in the bathroom, I’ve seen her as ours. I’m tied to her; not by blood, but by love. It’s so much stronger than any blood bond in my mind.

  “You ‘bout done?” Aiden asks, clearing his throat. “Or do you need a condom?”

  Pulling back, Hunter grins. “Let’s go make some music, babe.”

  Once we all climb into the ‘Burban, Henry follows Katheryn’s truck out of the drive. “Mack said your boomerang pussy is more like a fuckin’ rock. A chick has to actually leave in order to keep comin’ back.” Hunter teases. When Henry raises his shades to glare at Hunter in the mirror, he winces. “Hey, his words not mine. Now that I’m off the bitch buffet, I’m trainin’ Big Mack to be my replacement.”

  “Big Mack?” I laugh, holding my stomach. “Oh please tell me he’s not using that!”

  “Of course he is,” Gray says from the front seat. “He told this chick at the grocery store that his name is ‘Big Mack but what he’s carryin’ is a helluva whopper’.”

  All of us laugh at the crazy pickup lines Mack is using to get hand jobs while grabbing cookies and bacon. “Does it work?” I ask curiously. “I mean, seriously, women aren’t falling for that shit are they?”

  “You’d be shocked how easily he makes the panties drop, and in public! The stories are one thing, but he takes pictures too.” Aiden groans, rubbing his palms against his eyes. “Who knew there were sluts in the produce secti

  Hunter raises his hand. “I did. Hello, there are bananas and cucumbers in the produce section. Ooomp.” He groans when I elbow him in the ribs. “What, some chicks dig that kinky shit.”

  “I’m surrounded by morons. Just when I thought you three were settling down, you go and corrupt Mack.” Henry says shaking his head. “One day one of you will end up on the news. ‘Breaking story at the hospital. Drive-by banana shafting.’” Even with Henry being mostly serious, I can’t hold back my laugh. “Just don’t call me when he goes full Cunter. I’m gettin’ too old for this shit and some things you can’t un-see.”

  “Like blowjobs next to the deli specials.” Gray jokes, making Aiden curse under his breath. “Mack is ‘Cunter, the next generation.’ New, but far from improved.”

  “I say we pimp him out to strip clubs on the weekends.” Hunter suggests. “Redheads are in season. You think I was popular on the pole, he would make a fortune.”

  “Redheads are in season? You talk about him like he’s a handbag.” Rolling my eyes, I slap his arm. Sure, Mack drops those little one-liners like Hunter, but he’s so sweet. It’s hard to picture him going full Cunter in the middle of a supermarket.

  “You’re so feisty this morning, Tiger Lily.” Hunter purrs grabbing my arm. Turning in the seat, he pulls me against him. Hunter continues to speak, his breath tickling across my skin. “Don’t worry, you’re my favorite redhead.”

  “No sex in the ‘Burban!” Henry shouts, slamming on the brakes to keep from running a red light, making me shift in the seat. “That includes sexual acts of any kind. Sonuvabitch, it’s like handlin’ a daycare.” He bitches to the windshield when the light turns green. “Keep your hands to yourself, children. Fuck me; I’m switchin’ places with the horndog. I’ll gladly stay with the kid and the ladies. Tea parties and dog shit clean-up would be better than your crazy asses talkin’ about Mack’s spunk mixin’ with the produce.”


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