Book Read Free

Chasing Me

Page 17

by Cat Mason

  “Another reason why I’m a proud member of the no veggies club, assholes.” Hunter nods, pulling me against him. “Bacon could never be so easily tainted.”

  The minute Henry pulls into the parking lot, the atmosphere in the ‘Burban changes. All joking is gone, it’s game time. Even Hunter’s vibe changes, letting me see how focused the guys are. This is not just fun for them; it’s about making their record the absolute best it can be. It only intensifies walking into the studio.

  A guy with spiked blonde hair stands from a rolling chair to greet us. “So, this is the lady behind that voice?” Reaching out, he shakes my hand. “‘Bout time I get to meet the Tiger Lily.”

  “Chase,” I reply, a bit uncomfortable being called Tiger Lily by anyone other than Hunter.

  “Chase,” He repeats before jerking his chin at the guys. “You’re a nice change from lookin’ at them all day.”

  “Get your ass on that mixer and run the track for her Ben.” Hunter barks, coming up behind me. “She’s here to sing with me, not for you to drool over.”

  Ben holds his hands up in surrender. “Sure, sure.” Holding the door open, he gestures us inside. “Now I’ve set the box up just like we talked about, Hunter. You two will sing facing each other so we can feel that chemistry.” He says while I take in the space. Two mics set up facing each other, but several feet from each other.

  “Wouldn’t it be ideal to sing separately and then blend it together?” I ask. “Clearly, we don’t want our voices echoing off the other’s mic.”

  “That’s what these are for.” Ben explains running his hand along some board looking things set up behind the mics. “Absorbers.” He clarifies. “We use these to minimize spill on to the other mic. There won’t be any bounce back.”

  “Alright, then let’s do this.” Hunter says, giving a nod through the glass at Aiden, Gray, and Henry. “Grab the cans, Tiger Lily.” He says gesturing to the headphones beside me as he grabs his own.

  Ben walks out, closing the door behind him, taking his place in front of the window. Once Hunter and I are set up at our mics, music starts filling my ears through the headphones. Grayson’s riffs are flawless, unmistakable. Aiden’s merciless attack on his kit pounding out a harsh beat mixing with Hunter’s bass line seamlessly.

  “Unafraid of what darkness lies inside,

  You’ve fought the dragons to get to me.”

  He sings meeting my eyes. That raspy voice washes over me, making my heart jump. The room feels like it’s closing in, it’s just us. Even though I know everyone is watching, listening just feet away, I soak up every word. Tears well up in my eyes while I listen to the part of the song he wasn’t ready for me to hear until now.

  “Broken, just existing.

  The mask I wear couldn’t hide my heart from you.

  It’s been yours from the start, no more resisting.

  Holding back from you is wrong, but those words I could say just aren’t enough.

  Let me love you with a song.”

  Hunter’s voice never falters, singing the words to me, breaking any barrier of doubt left in my mind. He is giving me something so much stronger than just three words: a song. Our song.

  Taking a breath, I prepare to sing back to him. To give him my reply as if we were the only two people on Earth. My fingers grip the stool behind me in an attempt to steady myself. All the nerves flutter away knowing that Hunter is giving me more than just an opportunity here; this song is a piece of him that he’s giving to me.



  “It’s in every note, every word that carries from my heart to yours.” Chase sings, pouring her damn soul into the words. The words flow from that beautiful mouth of hers, making my hands tremble. The look on her face while I sang was one I’ll never forget. Saying the words wouldn’t have meant half as much as singing them to her did. Singing them with her, I should say. My first ‘I love you’ to Chase will be recorded forever and performed over and over.

  “Can you feel my heart beat baby?

  It only beats your name.

  Give yourself to me, there’s nothing left to fight.

  Everything has changed, I’m here by your side.

  Blooming from the ashes of shattered pasts.

  We’ll beat the odds, take the chance.

  With me.”

  Chase and I feed off of each other as we sing together. The emotion of the song coming through just as I knew it would. I knew asking the guys to help me would make it better than I had ever imagined. The tweaks we’ve added the last couple weeks made it even better. Hell, the record label wants it to be our first single and I couldn’t be happier. It’s the first real piece of music that really comes from all of us. Not just Aiden, Gray or even me, but it’s pieces of our girls too. The song is three hard ass rockers’ version of a love song. That’s what we are. Never gonna change that, but it’s a love song to our women. A thank you to the way they’ve changed us and made our lives complete.

  “Light my world, surround me.

  Consume the black void I can’t outrun without you.

  Flood me with your love, I’ll gladly drown.

  When the words won’t come baby, I’ll love you with a song.”

  I sing with her, closing my eyes at the sight of her eyes wetting with unshed tears.

  “Love me with a song.” She belts out, holding the note until the music stops.

  Our eyes meet, her hazel to my brown, and I can’t make it to her fast enough. Without a word, I slam my mouth to hers. Those lips that just moments ago were singing to me, now salty with her tears. Kissing me back hungrily, her fingers slide up into my hair, holding me to her.

  “Um, guys.” Aiden voice comes over the speakers, bringing me back to reality. “If you’re finished we need you out here. Big problem.”

  Breaking the kiss, I run my thumb along Chase’s kiss swollen lips. “Tiger Lily, I…” Her face studies mine, waiting for the words I want to give her. The words I sang to her, just minutes ago.

  The door flies open behind me, making us both jump. “Now Hunter,” Gray roars. “We’ve got to get back to the house.”

  “We’re not done here.” I growl back, knowing that it takes more than one take to get a song right. “What’s more important than making this song right now?”

  “The media finally found a story.” Gray says handing me his phone.

  Looking at the tiny screen, I read aloud. “Attention Shaft Spotters!!! A juicy stack of news has come across my desk this morning! With Gray and Aiden both settling down with their new wives, everyone has been watching to see if it was contagious. Would the newly named ‘Shaft Daddy’ be settling down like his band mates any time soon? Groupies everywhere have been anxiously clinging to their panties to see if monogamy was a good fit for the front-man. Well ladies, I can safely say from the looks of things you can’t keep a dog out of the trash.

  Hunter Chesterfield has made a name for himself by banging his way through the endless supply of ‘Kittens,’ as he so fondly calls them. Although being seen lately with a child and a redhead numerous times the last few weeks, the rumor mill is swirling. Has Hunter settled down? A source close to the band confirms that Chase Hanlon is, in fact, staying at the house. She has signed on to record a duet with the band for the up and coming album. Our source also goes on to tell us that the mother of the child has spent time there as well. Xandra Marshall, according to public record, has a four year old daughter with Hunter and has been seen at the house lately as well. Monogamy? No, but the bassist is certainly slowing the pace a bit. For now.”

  Quickly, I hand the phone back to Gray so that I don’t smash it against the wall. “That’s bullshit. How the hell can they publish whatever flies out of their asses and get away with it?”

  “That’s not all.” Henry says hanging up his phone. “That was Cam on the phone. They’re callin’ to confirm pregnancy rumors for Chase. It appears that same someone claiming to be ‘close to the band’ says you ca
me to Nashville to be with Hunter during your special time.”

  “What?” Chase shrieks, jumping to her feet. “I’m not pregnant! Where the hell would someone get such a ridiculous idea?” She shouts.

  “Calm down, Chase.” Aiden says evenly. “This will all even out, but we have to be prepared to handle it.”

  “Calm down?” She asks, shaking her head. “How the hell am I supposed to do that when everyone thinks that I am only here because I’m knocked up? Oh, and that I am fine with Hunter rooting through the groupie dumpster of over used pussy while I carry our love child? Apparently, Xandra and I could start a baby momma support group! Every bit of this makes me look like a whore riding your shirt tails. I’ve gotta call Luke before…”

  “The media is going to spin it however they need for sales, regardless of the percentage of truth.” Aiden interrupts. “We’ve gotta put a lid on this shit quick. Close to the fuckin’ band my ass. No one but us has been in that house in two weeks.”

  My mind races as I think back because I know Xandra could care less about this shit. Only one person has been close enough to know anything like this and it hits me. Chase’s pregnancy prank this morning! It seems like someone took the bait harder than Daisy. “No one except,” I start. Everyone looks at Henry.

  “Katheryn,” Chase finishes my sentence, gritting her teeth.

  “Oh, no way,” Henry says crossing his big arms over his chest. “Katheryn wouldn’t do this shit.”

  “This doesn’t feel right man.” Gray shakes his head, dragging a hand through his hair. “I know you like her bro, I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. The girls didn’t trust that chick from day one, which I chalked up to them not liking groupies. Either way, now we gotta know for sure if she can be trusted.”

  “For Henry’s sake, I gotta know where her head’s at.” Aiden says in agreement. “Either we can trust her or we can’t. If we can’t, the chick has to go man. I’m sorry.”

  “She didn’t do this.” Henry shouts, getting more defensive. “I’d never put you guys at risk like that.”

  “Call her Big Man; tell her to come to the house.” I say hoping to be the voice of reason. “We’ll plant a few rumors or something. You know, give her a little test, then we’ll know for sure.”

  “After everything, all these goddamn years it’s been us against the world. And here you, of all people, don’t trust me Hunter?” Henry asks in disbelief, looking around the room for someone to say something.

  “It’s not you, brother.” I say calmly. “We all trust you with our lives, without question. It’s her we’re unsure about.”

  “I can’t believe this bullshit.” Henry mumbles walking from the room.

  “The one time Big Man let’s himself off the hook to have a life and this shit happens?” Aiden blows out a harsh breath, scraping his hand over his scruffy ass head. “Fuck. For his sake I hope that he’s right. If she’s the leak to the website and shit, he’ll go back to holdin’ up walls and hidin’ behind the obligation he feels to us.”

  “You guys go ahead and deal with your issue.” Ben says, moving switches and pressing buttons on the board. “I think you nailed it, but we can always go back over it tomorrow. That’s the last track for the album anyway.”

  “Thanks man.” I say to Ben, still trying to process everything. The lingering conspiracy theories bounce around in my head as we ride the elevator down to the parking garage. Climbing into the ‘Burban, no one says a word. With tension this thick in the cab of the vehicle, I can’t help but worry about how this will all affect us in the long run. This could place a huge wedge between Henry and us if this goes badly. He would never leave us, I don’t think; but it would cause resentment. That’s something none of us wants lingering around when we finally are all starting to get our shit together.

  Chase curls against my side, my fingers twirling the ends of her cherry colored strands. I absorb the solace she gives me the entire ride back to the house. Listening to her hum back the song we just recorded, my other arm wraps around her. I need to hold her, to anchor her against me. Until now, I’ve never let myself hold onto something in life. To hope. Even the band making it, I really didn’t dare to dream for more than I had. It just was what it was, enjoying whatever came with the ride. A fun distraction from the shit in my head, besides it came really fuckin’ easy.

  Jasmine and Chase, they give me something to hope for. The media circus never would have bothered me before. Even months ago, I would have eaten this shit up. But now things are different, aren’t they? Now it touches them and that pisses me off. The possibility that someone infiltrated our little circle, our family, makes my blood boil. Even more, the likelihood that someone may have used Henry to do so…

  I hate thinking this way because Big Man is like my brother. I don’t want him thinking, for one minute, I would side against him. The man who stepped in, saving us from all the bad we have been through. Henry put his own life on the back burner; pushing us to make better lives for ourselves, to chase our dreams. Hell, I trust his judgment more than my own most of the time.

  Looking back, it’s easy to see now that Henry gave Aiden and me the first real love we have ever had in our lives. Sheltered us, protected us, providing for our every need. Then when the band had the chance to go big, he supported us with no hesitation. Bailing me out of situations I should have never been getting into, encouraging me, and waiting for me to find my way.

  “Y’all nailed it, just sayin’.” Aiden says, breaking the silence.

  “Yeah, I gotta say it’s a smart move makin’ that the first single.” Henry says, sounding a lot less angry. He punches in the code on the gate and starts driving up to the house.

  “The what?” Chase pulls from my arms, bumping into Aiden.

  “The duet Chase,” Gray explains. “It’s the single to kick off the release next month. After hearin’ you two today; damn, I have no doubt it’ll be a hit.”

  “Damn right it will. That song is goin’ straight to the top.” Henry agrees, parking in front of the house. “Everybody be in the dining room in an hour, Shaft meeting.” Climbing out of the ‘Burban, Henry disappears without another word.

  Following Henry in like ducks in a row, we all file in the front door. Henry disappears down the hallway toward his room, while the rest of us head the opposite way to the dining room. “Wow, you’re home early.” Cam says looking up from her laptop as we enter the dining room. “How’d it go?”

  “She killed it.” Aiden says, kissing Cam’s cheek.

  “Gonna be amazing.” Gray says looking around the room. “Where’s Daisy?”

  “Watchin’ a movie with the kid in the den.” She giggles, before looking at me. “Oh! Hunter, Mack went to pick up…” Cam glances around the room, “that, um…thing.” Gray nods, and leaves the room heading down the hall.

  Chase’s eyes drift between me and Cam, “If you bought another dog Hunter, so help me.”

  “Calm your tits, babe. I’m not interested in giving Bits a brother.” I assure her.

  “No you’re too busy jammin’ your cock into anything with tits!” Luke roars, storming into the room with Mack coming up on his heels.

  “Luke, what the hell?” Chase asks in confusion.

  Ignoring Chase, he lunges at me. “I saw everything online you piece of shit!” Grabbing a handful of my shirt, Luke shoves me against the wall. Cam jumps to her feet, knocking over her chair; while the guys and Chase all try to get between us. “I guess I know now why she came here to be with you.” His eyes turn to Chase, “Why didn’t you tell me you’re pregnant? My God Chase, how could you two have been so irresponsible? I’ll kill him.” His fist connects with my jaw with a huge crunching noise. My head flies back into the wall. “I’m taking you back to Vegas, it’ll be okay.”

  “Luke!” Chase screams, shoving him at the same time as Aiden and Mack pull him off of me. Her hand tightening around my arm, she glares at him. “What the fuck are you doing?”

fights against the guys, desperate to get at me again. “Let him go.” I taunt, spitting blood onto the hard wood. “I already told him if he wants a piece of me, to take it. I didn’t knock up his sister. What he does need is a fucking Midol and a candy bar.”

  “Where the hell is Henry?” Cam asks, looking around at all of us.

  “He’s busy,” I snap out, my eyes not leaving Luke’s. “Besides, I don’t need him fightin’ my battles. Bring it badass, you’re dying to prove a point here. Sad thing is; you don’t know shit.”

  Luke charges, slamming me back against the wall. The force of his assault knocks me into Chase causing her to stumble in her heels. Losing her grip on me, she falls against the table, banging her hip. “You’re like a bull in a china shop, motherfucker. Calm down.” Mack roars, trying to get a grip on him again.

  “Chase!” I shout, when she tumbles to the floor. Catching Luke off guard, I slam my fist into his nose. Luke’s hand wraps around my throat, turning he looks at Chase as she struggles to get back on her feet.

  “Daddy!” The little voice shakes me to my senses. Everyone freezes when Jazzie stops in the doorway.

  “It’s okay, Jazzie.” I soothe, wiping blood from my lip. “Come here, princess” She doesn’t move an inch. Looking around the room, her tear filled eyes stopping on Chase.

  “It’s okay, honey. I promise.” Chase’s voice so soft, it’s barely audible. Stumbling in her heels, she makes her way over to Jasmine and lifts her up in her arms. The shaken look on her face crushes me because, once again, I’ve hurt my baby. I’m ruining everything. “Everyone’s okay, my big brother still has some growing up to do that’s all.” Chase storms out of the room, no doubt to get as far away from us as possible.

  “Luke, what’s gotten into you?” Cam asks. “They’ve been posting so much you’ve had to know the bulk of it was lies. Hunter and I thought it would be cool to surprise Chase by having you fly out for the show, not to come and start a fight.”


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