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SHIFTED: The midnight series

Page 9

by Toni Goode

  “He trains you at eight or ten. How?” She asked in shock. That seemed like a really young age to train someone for the future. It almost seemed barbaric and possibly illegal. It had to be illegal.

  “You learn how to control yourself. Self-control is the key plus exhibiting leadership qualities. You know and fighting. It’s like summer camp on steroids but most of the nights you cry yourself to sleep instead of roasting marshmallows.” He said honestly.

  “That’s horrible. They still do that? Like in this day and age?” She said in shock.

  “To a degree. Gregory has gotten lenient in his old age, but we still use a lot of the older traditions that my parents used, such as arranged marriages to keep the blood lines pure and hierarchy rules that keep everyone in line and on task.” He said seriously.

  “That’s crazy. Did you ever not want to be Alpha. Did you ever want to run off?” She said as he laughed a little and ran his hand through his long hair. God it looked soft! She began to blush at her thoughts as she quickly looked away from him.

  “Every day I wanted to leave.” He said with a laugh. “I didn’t fully accept my role as Alpha for a long time. I guess you can say I was a slow learner.” He smirked. “But enough about all of that we need to work on your skills, so back on the mat.” He said, and she smiled as she headed over to it.

  John was really enjoying this time with her, but he also knew the reality of the situation. The Council was still breathing down his throat about marrying Ana. Sometimes he really did wish he could just up and run away from everything, but he knew he couldn’t. His father had run this pack for so many years. People expected certain things from him and he was responsible for them. He took care of his people and if he left then what? It wasn’t a decision that he would ever be able to break. This was his life. These were his people.

  By the next day Briana was anxiously awaiting his arrival as she fixed her pony tail and began her morning stretches. She wanted to find out more information about him. She knew enough about the pack, but he was still somewhat of a mystery and she felt like she had only cracked the surface with him. The sound of the door opening made her heart jump with anticipation as he came down the stairs. She was sure that she could get lost looking at him every day.

  “So, the mat again today?” She said with a big grin.

  “Actually, something different. Do you mind getting wet?” His words made her eyebrows raise as she immediately thought of sex and she blushed at the way her mind worked.

  “Um, what?” She asked quickly.

  “Come on, I will show you.” He said quickly as he began to head back up the stairs and she sighed heavily. She really wanted to get back on that mat with him today. Something about close proximity and his gorgeous body did things to her.

  “What exactly do you have in mind?” She couldn’t help but ask as they made their way outside. She hated how disappointed she felt.

  “Just follow me and you will see soon.” He said as he began walking across Michael’s property and she sighed heavily. She didn’t want to take a walk today unless it meant getting lost in the woods with him. Now that she could work with.

  It was the fall and the weather was actually pretty decent today. It was dry, sunny and in the lower 80’s but it felt nice. The fall was always her favorite time of year. Not too hot and not too cold. It was a perfect combination not to mention the fall colors were gorgeous.

  He was walking fast, and she had to jog to catch up with him. He had a bag over his shoulder. “What’s in the bag?” She asked with curiosity.

  “You’ll see soon enough.” He smirked as they walked.” How’s your balance?” He asked, and it snapped her away from staring at his muscles as she flushed and looked away.

  “Could be better. I have been known to trip over my own two feet.” She smirked.

  “Well then this should be interesting.” He laughed a little.

  “What does that mean?” She rolled her eyes.

  “You’ll see. Were almost there.” He said as they continued to walk.

  She could see the lake coming up in the distance. “You’re not making me go in there, are you?” She pointed at the lake. He only smirked at her and didn’t answer. “No way, the water is going to be freezing.” She said honestly.

  “Well then it will be a good motivator to keep your balance.” He said seriously.

  “Oh my god, you are trying to kill me.” She sighed heavily. She liked the water but not when it was the fall. The water would be freezing. She didn’t like being cold.

  “Do you know what the normal body temperature of a human is?” He asked as they walked.

  “Yeah, 98.6 degrees give or take.” She sighed heavily.

  “Ok and do you know the normal body temperature of someone like us?” He began, and she shook her head. “We stay pretty steady at 101 to 102 degrees, Alpha’s run hotter but still the weather affects us differently. Haven’t you noticed that you’re not cold like you use to be. You probably even take colder showers now.” He said as she looked at him perplexed.

  “Huh, I never really thought about it but yeah.” She said with surprise.

  “You learn something new every day.” He smirked as they walked.

  Chapter Nine

  Briana stared at shock as John unrolled two foam mats from his bag. “You’re not expecting me to balance on that are you?” She said with wide eyes.

  “Balance is one of the most important things you can learn. If you have good balance, then you always have an advantage.” He said nonchalantly as she blinked in shock some more.

  “I um, I don’t think you really heard me before when I said that I trip over my own feet. I really do, like all the time.” She shook her head as he waved her over. The mats were on the sand by the water.

  “Well then you can only get better from here on out.” He smiled, and she hated how his smile affected her right now. It was going to be damn hard to try and flirt with him when she was falling into freezing water. She hated this! “Oh, don’t look so upset. This will be fun.”

  “I think we have different ideas about what fun is.” She rolled her eyes as she walked over to her mat.

  John stood on his as it sat on the dirt. “First I just want you to get a feel for the mat and the size of it. They actually have yoga classes that use mats in the water.” He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Yoga, great. Sounds like a blast.” She said as she stood on her mat. All she was thinking is that she would be drenched and looking like a wet dog soon, no pun intended.

  “Ok so all of your balance comes from your core. A strong core means a strong body. So, get into the same stance as we did yesterday with the punching bag.” John said as he moved his legs until they were shoulder length apart with his knees bent. Briana did the same thing as she sighed. “Don’t look too excited now.” He smirked.

  “You know if I get sick because of that water.” She began, and he laughed a little. “I’m serious, if you think I am being a baby now just wait.” She rolled her eyes playfully even though he did look really amazing right now.

  “Guess when the last time I got sick was?” He said as she shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “Never.” He answered quickly.

  “What? Never? How is that possible, I get the flu like two times a year.” She said honestly.

  “You did, you wont anymore. Our immune system is top notch. We don’t get sick and we heal fast. So, no more flu for you.” He said honestly.

  “Really? Not at all?” She couldn’t believe this. Not getting sick ever was definitely a perk.

  “Not at all. And we have a heighten sense of smell and vision, but you need to learn to hone in on them in time. Its all about practice. Yoga helps to bring you to that relaxed state you need to be in. Now let’s get a couple quick stretches in and then were going in the water.” He smirked.

  “Oh great, can’t wait.” She said with a roll of her eyes.

  They stretched their arms and legs. She liked watching him move.
He was really flexible even for his bulky exterior and he had the best smile. She couldn’t help but smile too when she was around him.

  “Ok I think that is good enough. Now for the fun part.” He smiled as he picked up his mat and walked to the water. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it on the ground and Briana nearly died. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all. She wasn’t nearly as prepared as him. She wore a tank top over her sports bra and a pair of black leggings but at this point she didn’t mind if they got wet. If it meant she could stare at his body, then she was all for it. He began to walk out into the water until he was waist deep and then he looked over at her. She was gawking at him and she quickly looked away.

  “Alright I’m heading out.” She said as she grabbed her mat and braced herself as she got into the water but much to her surprise it felt warm and now she looked at him with surprise.

  “See I told you. It’s not bad at all.” He said with a nod of his head.

  “You’re not kidding, this feels great.” She said honestly.

  “In the summer its actually too hot to be comfortable.” He said seriously.

  “That’s crazy and that’s all because of our body temperatures?” She shook her head as she walked out towards him and he met her as the water got to her waist. He was so much taller then her that if she went out as far as him, the water would have been way past her waist and more like at her chest level.

  “Yep, its another perk of the life style.” He grinned. “You ready to get up on the mat?” he raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah I mean I have no idea how that is going to work and oh my god you’re just lifting me up.” She said with shock as he quickly grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up like she weighed nothing.

  “Now just kneel on the mat with her knees.” He said as she positioned herself and the mat rocked back and forth before she tumbled off the side and into the water.

  He was laughing as she stood back up in the water. Now she really felt like a wet dog as she flushed with embarrassment. “That was horrible. I’m an idiot.” She was beyond embarrassed now.

  “Oh, come on, it’s not always easy the first few times. Let me show you.” He said as he got onto his mat like it was no big deal and then he stood as if he was doing this every day of his life and he probably had.

  “You make it look easy.” She shook her head as she looked up at him and damn did he look good with water on his body. She tried not to look at his shorts that clung to his body. “I will not be able to do that, I’m telling you. It isn’t happening.” She said seriously.

  “Yes, you will. Trust me ok.” He put his hand down to her and she looked up.

  “There is no way. Were both going to end up in the water.” She shook her head.

  “We won’t. Trust me I got this. Just take my hand.” He said as he reached for her.

  “Ok, here goes nothing.” She said as she reached up for him and he literally pulled her straight out of the water with one hand and deposited her on her mat that was next to his as she let out an excited squeal. “Oh my god, oh my god. This is so cool. Your like super strong, you know that right.” She laughed a bit and almost lost her balance, but he held onto her hands as she tried to balance herself. She rocked back and forth but slowly she began to steady herself. He held onto her hands as she tried to not make a fool of herself.

  “Ok I’m going to let go, use your arms to balance yourself.” He said as her eyes got wide.

  “Wait wait wait, I’m not ready yet. I’m not.” She said but he was letting go of her and she wobbled from side to side a bit, but she didn’t fall. “Am I doing it? I am doing it!” She said in shock and then she rocked some. “Woo. This is hard.” She said honestly as she looked at him. He made it seem so easy as he stood there.

  “You feel your core tighten?” He said as she kept her arms out.

  “Um maybe. That’s my stomach, right?” She smirked some as she continued to steady herself.

  “Yes. That’s your stomach. Once you have control over that then you can do anything really. Like stand on one leg.” He said as he began to do just that as her eyes got wide.

  “What the.” Her voice trailed as she watched him.

  “You could even dance if you wanted too.” He smirked as he rolled his hips and she couldn’t help but laugh because the sight of him moving like that looked pretty hilarious but her laughing made her lose balance and then she was toppling over as she fell forward. She knocked into him and they both went down into the water.

  “Oh my gosh. I’m sorry.” She laughed, and he laughed too as he smoothed back his wet hair.

  “Ok maybe not dancing.” He smirked.

  “Again.” She grinned big.

  “Alright you got it.” He said as he got back on his mat without a problem and then he got her back up on hers.

  They had spent about an hour on the mats and she had fallen off a few times, but she had stayed on a lot more than she had fallen off. Now they both sat on the mats as they floated in the water.

  “Do you ever feel overwhelmed knowing so many people rely on you for direction?” She asked as they floated.

  “I used to but now its just who I am.” He said honestly. “The pack is like family, so most times it is just doing what is best for the pack even if some may not like it.”

  “Do you ever have anyone act out or not like what you have to say?” She asked.

  “Like you?” He smirked, and she rolled her eyes.

  “Well I’m not technically family or part of the pack.” She said quickly.

  “You could be.” He said honestly. “But that is a choice you will have to make when the time calls for it.”

  “Really? No one would accept me. I mean I’m like the black sheep here.” She hated how saying that made her feel, but it was true. She was the black sheep here.

  “You haven’t even met the others yet. You worry too much. You may find you have more in common with them then you think.” He said honestly. “We should get back before you prune up on me.” He said with a smile and then they were leaving.

  By the next day Michael and Maria were throwing a barbeque so that Briana could meet the rest of the pack. As much as she was excited, she was also anxious too. She knew that eventually she would have to meet the pack, but it just seemed so sudden. She felt nervous as she got dressed. She had tried on three outfits so far and none of them seem to do her any justice. She also knew John would be there and she wanted to see him because as of lately she only saw him when she worked out. He would leave quickly after but today would be different, today he would be around longer. She hated that she felt so attracted to him and sometimes she even felt like it was mutual even though he always kept a professional air between them.

  Briana finally decided on a pair of shorts and a tank top that showed off her newly discovered muscles. She really hoped that the rest of the pack would be nice, Maria told her not to worry that they were all like one big happy family, but Briana knew she was essentially an outsider.

  A knock on the door made her heart jump some as she quickly walked over and for a split second she thought it may be John, but it was Maria. “You look great.” Maria said with a smile.

  “Thanks for the clothes, I really like them.” Briana said with a smile.

  “Yeah well hard to believe that I was able to fit my fat self into those clothes at one time.” Maria laughed.

  “You’re not fat, your pregnant.” Briana grinned.

  “Yeah well we will see after this little bugger comes out of me.” Maria laughed as she rubbed her belly. “I wanted to see if you could help me get the tables ready outside, Michael ran to the store for supplies.” Maria added.

  “Of course, just point me in the right direction.” Briana began as they headed down stairs. “Is John here?” Briana tried to ask nonchalantly.

  “You two are really getting along huh?” Maria raised an eyebrow.

  “What? No, I mean not really. He is a pain in the ass.” Briana said quickly as Maria sh
ook her head.

  “Uh huh, sure.” Maria laughed, and Briana did a little bit too. “Can you go into the barn and get the picnic tables.” She added as Briana headed out of the house and into the back where the barn was. She liked going out there. The horses were beautiful, and she was yet to ride one though she had no idea how to actually ride. One day she hoped to.

  In the far end of the barn was a stack of picnic tables. Up until a week ago she would have never been able to pick up a table by herself. There definitely were perks to this whole wolf life, she wondered if she would ever transform. The idea excited her and scared her at the same time. Would it hurt? Would she feel really different? She got to the back of the barn and she picked up a six-foot table and she grinned at how light it felt in her arms. She could get use to feeling indestructible!

  As she got out of the barn she was nearly hit by a football as it flew inches from her face. “Oh shit, I’m so sorry, are you ok?” A very tall dark-haired guy came running towards her as she put the table down. He looked massive not to mention his hair was incredibly long, almost down his entire back. He looked to be at least seven feet tall and bulky as well. He grabbed the football from the ground and she was surprised to see that his hand engulfed it. What the hell kind of Wheaties had he eaten? “It didn’t hit you did it?” He asked with concern and she couldn’t help the way her face flushed as she looked at him and she shook her head no.” I’m Steele.” He put his massive hand out to her.

  “Yes, you are.” The words slipped from her mouth before she could stop them and then she turned even redder as he laughed deep, and he shook her hand. He was strong. His hand was powerful! She was beyond embarrassed at her own behavior. “Sorry, I’m Briana.” She began as he smiled big.

  “You must be what the whole pack is talking about and I can see why.” He smiled as he looked her up and down. Briana nearly choked on her own spit, was he flirting with her? She couldn’t breathe as she stood there.


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