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SHIFTED: The midnight series

Page 10

by Toni Goode

  “Steele can you not scare Briana!” Maria called out with a laugh and he rolled his eyes.

  “Am I scaring you?” He smirked, and Briana couldn’t talk as she flushed a million shades of red. “Come on let me help you with that table Bree.” He winked at her and grabbed the table as Briana felt her insides go to mush. He could call her anything he wanted, my god he was one hell of a man!

  By the time Briana and Steele had brought all of the tables out not only had more people showed up but she had broken a sweat and it was made worse by the fact that he had removed his t-shirt. Briana tried not to stare but he was gorgeous, it was hard not to. She kept waiting for him to introduce a wife or a girlfriend but there was no one. There also was no sign of John either but with her mind distracted on Steele, it made time fly by. Most of the people she met were nice and friendly, some looked cautious of her and kept their distance. She tried to understand where they were coming from because she was indeed an outsider. Thankfully though Steele had stayed pretty much by her side and boy was he a charmer as well as a looker!

  Steele kept everyone entertained with stories of being out on the road, apparently, he has had his fair run ins with the supernatural world and he had some brutal scars to show for it. One said scar was a foot-long scar on his torso that he said was made by a pissed off witch. His stories were just about as fascinating as he was, and Briana couldn’t help but smile as he carried on tale after tale.

  “He’s always been such an entertainer.” Maria said with a smile as she came next to Briana.

  “Yeah he has apparently been everywhere in the world.” Briana said with a grin.

  “Well its easy because he has no pack, well no true pack. He’s a rogue.” Maria said as Briana blinked in shock.

  “For real? I thought rogues...” Her voice trailed as she looked back at him as he continued to be animated in his story telling.

  “That all rogues were bad? Nah, some are just better off alone, free spirits you know.” Maria said quickly. “I like the family feeling with the pack though, you can’t get that anywhere else.” She said honestly. “He helps John a lot with tracking down the trouble makers.” Maria continued and then she looked around quick. “Speak of the devil.”

  Briana turned her head to see John coming into the back yard. He was dressed in a suit, he looked amazing though it didn’t really match the barbeque theme. He looked like he had just got home from a meeting. Briana couldn’t help but smile as she stood up now and he looked at her. He seemed different, distant almost and then Briana watched a brown-haired woman coming up next to him. She was dressed equally strange. The smile on her face said everything though as she wrapped her arms around Johns neck and kissed him on the neck. Everyone was rushing over as Oh’s and ah’s were heard. Briana felt sick as she stood there. What the hell was happening? Then she heard a loud applause. That’s when her eyes fell to the diamond on the chick’s finger as she held her hand out. “Were engaged!” Ana squealed with delight as Briana’s heart sank.

  “Well I guess he finally did it, I knew it would only be a matter of time before he tied the knot again.” Steele’s voice snapped her out of her shocked state.

  “They are engaged?” Briana said in shock.

  “Listen I know its just not the natural order of things. That’s why I fly solo, who wants to get caught up in all that bureaucratic bullshit, but he is my boy, so I should probably say something.” Steele smirked as he got up and walked over.

  Briana felt her heart sink in her chest. She felt like crying as she sat there. He had gotten engaged? She didn’t know why she felt so sick about it, its not like they were together or anything. She grabbed her beer and downed it as she watched Steele walk over. John glanced up and looked at her and she immediately looked away. She could feel the first onset of tears forming even though she tried to push them back. She quickly got up and made her way to the house. She barely made it into the bathroom before the flood gates opened and she cried into her hands. She wanted to hit something, she wanted to hit someone. He got engaged!? She splashed water on her face as she stood there. Her entire world was falling apart. Her heart began to race dangerously fast as she slid down the bathroom door and cried heavily into her hands.

  The sound of a knock on the door made her jump as she quickly wiped her eyes. “Give me a sec.” She called out as she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like shit, her eyes were red. Her makeup was messed up now. She cleaned herself up as quickly as she could. She knew she was going to have to get her composure, but she was just so sad and well angry. She was going to make a bee line for her bedroom. She would stay locked in there for the rest of the party. She didn’t want to see John. She didn’t want to be part of the congratulations. She opened the bathroom door and there he was, John standing there. “Excuse me.” She said coldly as she walked past him.

  “Briana.” He called out and she stopped now even though everything in her told her to run far from him. She was pissed.

  “What do you want?” She snapped at him as he twisted the ring on his finger. Briana couldn’t help the rolling of her eyes.

  “Hey listen I um.” He couldn’t find the words to tell her. This is what he had to do. This is what the council made him do. It had to be done but the look on Briana’s face made him feel like shit. He was a god damn coward!

  “Congrats and all that.” She said quickly as turned from him.

  “Briana will you just wait a second.” John yelled out now as she stopped. “I was going to say something but.”

  “Trust me you don’t owe me any apologies John.” She said sarcastically. It felt like her heart was being ripped out. She turned from him, but he reached out and lightly grabbed her arm.

  “I was going to tell you. It’s complicated.” He began, and she turned to face him now. She forced a smile even though her eyes were tearing up.

  “No, it’s great actually. I’m happy for you.” She lied as she pulled her arm back. He went to say something but before he could say anything else, Ana came walking over. It was the first time that Briana had gotten a close up look at the woman who was now engaged to John. She was tall, thin and had long brown hair. There was really nothing special about her, nothing that stood out. She wore a short cream-colored sundress and heels. So maybe she had super long legs, so what! Briana fought the urge to roll her eyes.

  “Hey sweetie I was looking for you.” Ana began with a smile as she wrapped her fingers around his. “You must be Briana, I’m Ana. John’s fiancée.” She smiled big and it took everything in Briana not to vomit right then and there.

  “Are we moving the party inside, all the cool kids are in here!” Steele laughed as he walked over, and Briana turned to face him.

  “Actually, I could use some fresh air, wanna join me?” Briana said quickly as she grabbed Steele’s hand.

  “I wouldn’t say no to that!” Steele said with a grin as they walked off and John stood there watching them leave.

  “She’s odd.” Ana said with a shrug of her shoulders.

  “I need a drink.” John turned from her and began to head down the hall. Ana walked after him.

  Briana got outside and immediately grabbed another beer. She drank it fast as Steele grinned. “A girl after my own heart!” He said as he quickly opened a beer and downed it. Maria came walking over with that pity look again on her face. Briana opened another beer.” This one thinks she is going to drink me under the table.” Steele laughed as Briana quickly began downing another beer.

  “You ok?” Maria said with concern.

  “Yeah why wouldn’t I be, great party by the way!” Briana faked enthusiasm.

  “I didn’t know, I just wanted you to know that.” Maria continued, and Briana tried to act unaffected as she sipped her beer.

  “What didn’t you know?” Steele said as he downed another beer.

  “That um.” Maria began and then she forced a smile. “That this beer would be going so fast.” She lied. “Could you help me inside Brian
a?” She added.

  “I will keep my eyes on the beers.” Steele grinned as Briana followed Maria inside the house.

  As soon as they got inside Maria spoke. “I had no idea he was getting engaged today, are you sure you’re ok?”

  “Yeah why wouldn’t I be, good for him for getting engaged.” Briana said nonchalantly but before Maria could answer John came walking into the kitchen with Ana hanging off his arm as she giggled nonstop.

  “Sorry soon to be newlyweds coming through.” Ana laughed as Briana turned from them. She refused to look at John. This day was just getting better and better!

  “I feel like something stronger than a beer.” Briana said quickly as she grabbed a bottle of vodka from the counter and she opened it quick. She took a big swig straight from the bottle as she stood there. “That’s so much better, do you need me for anything else?” She said quickly as she looked at Maria who just shook her head slowly. “Cool beans, I’m going back outside.” Briana said as she headed outside to have a good time with Steele!

  Chapter Ten

  John couldn’t help but watch as Briana continued to drink and playfully flirt with Steele. He had known Steele for almost twenty years now and he had worked closely with him throughout the years. Steele was a good person and definitely a lady’s man. John really hated that Briana was getting caught up with him because it would only lead to heart ache not to mention seeing her throw herself at Steele was more than under his skin. He was so distracted that he had barely paid attention to Ana who was going on and on about the quick impromptu engaged. The only thing he wanted to do at the moment was demand that Briana stop drinking and head to bed though he had no right to want that.

  “Babe, did you even hear me?” Ana laughed as she hung off of John’s arm and he finally brought his attention back to her. “Scotland, I wanna go there for our honeymoon. We have so much to plan, the reception and the flowers.” She beamed at him.

  “Yeah sure, that’s fine.” John said quickly as she jumped up and down like a giddy school girl.

  Briana heard the high-pitched squeal that had been going on all night and she refused to look in John’s direction. How the hell could he marry that girl? The voice alone of Ana was enough to sound like nails on a chalk board.

  “Ok your turn.” Steele snapped her out of staring as she looked at the cards in her hand. She grabbed the seven of spades and placed it face down on top of the Kings. “Bullshit.” Steele said quickly, and she rolled her eyes.

  “Are you sure?” She rolled her eyes again.

  “Oh yeah I’m sure, bullshit.” He picked up the card as she sighed, and he pushed the pile over to her. “You’re not a good liar, it’s written all over your face darling.” He smirked.

  “Or maybe your too good of a liar.” Briana said playfully as she swatted his hand. “But I will take my cards, thank you very much. I wanted these anyway.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Oh, feeling feisty huh? Shots all around!” Steele called out to the rest of the players at the table.

  “I fold, I have the twins to get up to tomorrow. It was nice meeting you Briana.” One of the ladies Maggie said as she stood, and her husband Charles stood too.

  Soon everyone was starting to leave as Steele poured two shots. “Well it looks like it will be just me and you.” He smirked as he handed her a shot. John came walking over and Briana took the shot quickly. Ana was saying her goodbyes to the others as John walked over to the table. “There’s the man of the hour!” Steele stood up as Briana continued to sit at the table and ignore John.

  “Yeah I’m just thinking were going to go, did you need a ride home or anything.” He said to Steele who smirked and then looked at Briana.

  “Nah, I’m good. You should go though, before that soon to be wife of yours harasses everyone.” Steele laughed. Briana refused to look up.

  “Alright, goodnight then.” John said as he turned around and walked back over to Ana.

  “I might have to stay here tonight, by the looks of it there is probably going to be some hardcore howling happening with the kids if you know what I mean.” Steele laughed, and Briana forced an awkward smile.

  “Yeah well marriage is for losers!” She finally said out loud. John turned and looked at her and she rolled her eyes. She brought her attention back to Steele.

  “You are a wild woman, I like it!” He grinned as he reached his hand down to hers and she took it as she stood up in front of him. “Wanna go for a walk?” His hand ran seductively up and down her arm.

  “Sure.” Briana glanced at John before she took Steele’s hand and they began to walk across the yard in the opposite direction as everyone else.

  Briana couldn’t have found a better way to be distracted then to spend time with the giant of a man named Steele. He talked her ear off as they walked across the property. He really did have a lot of stories and he was interesting as hell, but her mind kept going back to John. She already knew how he was going to be spending his night and she hated how jealous it made her feel. She shouldn’t even care, she knew that.

  “So, tell me about you, what makes you tick.” Steele snapped her from her thoughts.

  “Oh, I dunno. I’m not even really sure who I am these days.” She said honestly but he stopped walking now as he faced her.

  “Your kidding, right? You know this lifestyle isn’t a death sentence. It’s a pretty sweet deal. We may not have immortality like the fangers, but we age so slow that its comparable plus we heal super quick.” He said with a grin. Briana looked at him a bit shocked. With all the conversations she had with Maria, they had only skimmed the surface about the aging of the wolves. Did that mean that she would be young for much longer than she had expected? “No one told you?” Steele said in shock.

  “There were other issues to discuss.” Briana said with a shake of her head.

  “Really? It may not be life everlasting but it’s a damn good start. Go on ask me anything and I will tell you the gods honest truth no matter what.” He said with a grin.

  “I’m sure you don’t want a million questions.” Briana rolled her eyes at him.

  “Why not, I don’t have anywhere to be in the morning. Go on, ask away.” He said as they began to walk again.

  “Ok, so how old are you really?” She asked as they walked.

  “Really? That’s too easy, 65 and not a second older.” He smirked.

  “Are you shitting me, 65? What, your messing with me!” She swatted his arm and rolled her eyes.

  “No, I’m serious Bree. 65 and I have a birth certificate to prove it.” He grinned.

  “Wow.” She shook her head in shock. He looked maybe mid-thirties.

  “Wow as in wow good, right?” He almost looked worried.

  “Oh my god yes!” Briana laughed and swatted him as she began to flush some. For 65 he was a god and sexy as hell.

  “Are you blushing? You are. Why are you blushing?” He stopped walking as she rolled her eyes.

  “You know its not proper etiquette to put the spot light on someone.” She swatted him again as she turned even redder. It may be nearly midnight, but the moonlight lit up the sky bright enough and she could feel her cheeks getting hotter. “Stop staring at me, your making it worse.” She pushed at him playfully.

  “I haven’t been able to stop staring at you all night.” He said seriously, and she swallowed hard. She was waiting for him to make a joke, but he looked completely serious.

  “That’s because you were trying to cheat with that card game.” She quickly made a joke but the look in his eyes was so intense that it made her stop breathing for a minute. He slowly moved his hand to her face and he brushed her bottom lip with his thumb.

  “Your beautiful.” He said as he leaned his mouth down and captured her lips with his. His lips were so soft, it was such a contrast to the rest of him. Both his hands moved to the side of her face as he deepened the kiss. She fell into the kiss as his tongue dueled with hers in a delicious battle that her stomach doing
summersaults. He pulled her closer as his body pressed hard against her and then his mouth was moving down her jaw to her neck. Kissing and licking his way down as she held onto his arms to brace herself. God, he felt good, but images of John flashed in her mind and her eyes opened as Steele’s hand cupped her left breast. His tongue traced the line of her collar bone. She tried to push the thoughts of John away. She wanted this right now, she wanted Steele but then she was seeing John again in her mind.

  “I’m sorry, I... I can’t” She pushed back on Steele as he breathed heavy. “I need to go, I’m sorry.” She apologized again as she turned from him and quickly began heading back to the house. She went from walking to a quick jog and then soon she was running as tears raced down her face. All the emotions she had been holding in were finally being released. She ran and cried until she couldn’t see anymore because of the tears flooding her eyes.

  By the time she finally reached the house she was out of breath and her skin felt like it was on fire. The next thing she felt was an incredible pain inside of her and she fell forward on the ground as she tried to cry out, but nothing came out of her mouth. Her fingers burned, and she watched in horror as the bones in her fingers began to break, first one at a time and then she felt every bone breaking in her body as she rolled onto her side and she tried to cry out but again nothing happened.

  This was a nightmare, what was happening to her? It felt like someone was setting her on fire and she began to tear at her own body. Fear coursed through her as she saw skin come off. Her stomach pain was excruciating as she tried to cry out, but her voice was gone. She had a strong feeling that she needed to get away but she wasn’t sure what she needed to get away from and so she began to run but she wasn’t standing, she was on all fours. She cried out and a howl was heard echoing.

  Confusion ran through her as she kept running, was something after her? Her back let out a loud cracking sound and it felt as though she had been shot. Had someone shot her? She cried out again and all she heard was a loud howl. Fear raced through her as if she was dying. Her head felt foggy as she ran, and her eyesight became blurred. She shook her head as trees whipped by her left and right. How was she running this fast? Her mind was so clouded that when she finally saw the small cliff it was too late, and she was tumbling down it as she cried out in pain. She rolled and flew through the air until she came to a halt. Her body felt broken. She felt wet, was she bleeding?


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