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Fighting the Lies

Page 8

by Anna Edwards

“To a job well done.” Nuka Lincoln sat back in his favourite leather armchair by the cackling open fire and raised his brandy filled glass in a toast that his druid beta reciprocated.

  “To getting rid of my bitch of an ex-girlfriend next.” His beta still had a green tint to his hair where the witch had distracted him while Scott had visited Emma.

  “Patience. An opportunity has not presented itself for Jessica yet. No, I have my next victim in sight but enough of that tonight. I want to celebrate.” As if on cue, Shauna, Lily and Lynx strutted into the room in high heels and little else. The girls were his ‘maids’, women owned by the pack to perform whatever tasks the leaders ordered. Their duties mostly including providing food and then sexual comfort. It was time for the comfort now. Lynx, his favourite got onto her knees before him.

  “Jackson told us that the lioness is to die. You are so clever, Sir.” She nibbled on the edge of her lip in anticipation of what was about to happen. The room was already sexually charged and all three women aroused from the scents coming from the males. Shauna settled herself on Ciaran’s lap. Lily hesitated a little but then decided to come over to him and removed his tailored jacket. Where Lynx and Shauna were forward about the love of their job, Lily was the quiet one. He knew she loved what she did, though, because once he was balls deep inside, her she was a completely different person; especially when he displayed his sadistic tendencies. He rubbed his hands together; yes, he would do that, tonight. He fancied giving a pert little backside a damn good whipping. Lily settled on the arm of his chair, and he started to roughly fondle her breasts. She was a bear shifter, so in comparison to the two sleek cat shifters, she had a little more meat on her and boobs that you could really get your hands full with.

  He couldn’t see what was happening with Shauna and Ciaran, but the tell-tale sound of a zip told him that his beta was perfectly happy. Nuka switched out of them and focused on the breasts in his hands and Lynx at his feet who was undoing his own pants.

  “What can I do for you, Sir.” She sing-songed

  “You can suck me until I’ve got nothing left. Then I’ll fuck you up the arse while you get Lily off. After that, I think we’ll both tie Lily up and whip her just the way she likes.” He dipped his head down to Lily’s tit and sucked on the pebbled nipple. “We are celebrating, and I can go for hours.”

  Lynx pulled his rock-hard cock out of his pants and was stroking it, when their black panther Delta entered the room.

  “What is it Jackson? I did not want to be disturbed.” He spoke through gritted teeth and thrust Lynx’s head down around his cock. She gagged when he hit the back of her throat.

  “Sorry Nuka. The sentinels picked up an intruder on their rounds.”

  “Well deal with it. Kill the idiot and dump his body on my brother’s land.” He was surrounded by fools; did he have to do everything? He pulled hard on Lynx’s hair and drew her up his length and them forced her back down. He wasn’t in the mood, now, to be gentle.

  “I think you may want to deal with this particular intruder yourself.” Jackson folded his strong arms over his chest when he spoke. He had a particular look of delight on his face. Nuka paused Lynx’s movement half way down his cock.

  “Who is it?”

  “Scott Frazier.”

  A wicked smile spread across Nuka’s face. He pulled Lynx off his cock and threw her to the floor.

  “Get out.” The girls scrambled to their feet and scampered from the room while he tucked his disappointed manhood back into his pants. Ciaran let out a frustrated moan while putting himself away as well. “You better show him in then.”

  Jackson disappeared into the hall, and a moment later, a handcuffed Scott was thrown into the room. He had a cut about his eye, which was dripping with blood. Nuka touched his cheek, where earlier Scott had dug deep into his flesh with his claws. Ciaran had healed the wound immediately, but he felt the phantom pain. He hoped the lion was feeling pain as well.

  “Mr Frazier. You are the last person I expected to see here. I thought my brother would have had you under lock and key for your outburst at the court.” He had not bothered to stand to greet their visitor. Why waste manners on someone who would not appreciate them? He gestured to Jackson to help Scott sit. Ciaran stood beside the lion ready to restrain him further if needed.

  “He doesn’t know I’m here.” Scott spat out.

  “You’ve come to attack me again?” Nuka snarled.

  “What would the point of that be?” The lion looked up to the poised druid. “I’m sure he’d stop me before I even got my backside off this chair.”

  “He would. It’s why I trust him.”

  “Shame he didn’t protect you earlier, though. He failed there.”

  “Mr Frazier, I was in the middle of something rather important. Unless you have anything of interest to say to me then I will have Jackson escort you back to my brother’s lands.” Lions were always so annoying. Male ones being the worst. Lazy and so self-obsessed. It was always them, them, them. He didn’t have the time for this. He wanted his cock sucked.

  “I want you to free Emma.” They were stupid as well it seemed.

  “Jackson, have Mr Frazier returned home.” He was bored and waved his hand towards his delta.

  “Wait.” Scott yelled. “I can give you something better than Emma’s death.”

  “I don’t think there can be anything better than the death of a violent killer.”

  “You know as well as I do that she didn’t kill her father. I don’t know how you hid the magic from the sword, but she didn’t leave those finger prints on it.”

  “There was no magic.” He reiterated though clenched teeth. “Now, if you are here to argue about that then you can leave.”

  “I’m not. As I said I want you to free Emma, and I’ll give you something better than her death.”

  “What?” He slammed his fist down on the table next to him. The brandy glass fell to the floor and shattered.

  “I can give you a Moroccan King.” There was no emotion on Scott’s face, when he spoke.

  “A Moroccan King.” Nuka laughed. Did this lion think he was a complete idiot? They were a myth from ancient times. A breed of Barbary lions that ruled Morocco. A powerful animal with connections and strength all over the world. They were long since extinct though. “Jackson, throw him out.”

  “Wait. I can prove it.” Scott flinched away from Jackson’s attempts to grab him.

  “You want me to believe that you are a Moroccan king? Or do you have one hidden away somewhere, because looking at you, that would be the preferred option.”

  “I’m the King. Free my hands, and I’ll show you.”

  “So that is your plan is it. Get in here and fool us into taking the cuffs off and then attacking my alpha. We are not stupid like your pack.” Ciaran whirled his hand around in a circle and sent the lion flying onto the floor and into the wall.

  “Stop.” He called.

  “Nuka?” Ciaran had his hand mid turn, ready to send the lion crashing into another wall.

  “Jackson, remove the cuffs.” He didn’t know why, but something told him that he needed to listen to the lion. He’d seen the love that he had for Emma. It was strong. “Ciaran be prepared to restrain him should he attack.”

  “I think you are mad.” Ciaran shook his head but maintained a magical fight stance.

  Jackson hauled Scott to his feet and removed the cuffs. Nuka watched the lion rub at his wrists.

  “Your hospitality leaves a lot to be desired. I think you need to send your beta on an etiquette course.”

  “No more games, show me.” He’d lost patience.

  “Fine.” Nuka reeled back in horror when the lion dropped his pants and took his dick out. “What the fuck?”

  “You want me to prove I’m a Moroccan King or not?” Scott started to stroke himself. “I know it must be intimidating to see such a big dick when you need a microscope to find yours but hey. What can you do?”

  “You bastard.�
� Ciaran flicked his wrist and Scott went flying into the wall again. He was still stroking himself the entire time. It was then that Nuka saw it.

  “Stop!” He yelled at Ciaran and pushed his beta out of the way when another blast was set to leave his hands.

  “Told you.” Scott stopped stroking. His dick was hard and ribbed all over. “All Moroccan Kings have ribbed penises when erect. It is the only way for us to prove we are one.

  “But the extinction?”

  “There are not many of us left, less than one hundred. The genetic breeding programs that our ancestors were subjected to left us a little jaded, and many don’t have children now.” Nuka knew a little of the history of the Kings. At the height of their fame, when they had ruled over Morocco they shifted freely, never hiding who they were. But as the human population took over, they were forced to become pets for what they called the true kings. They were used to breed armies, which helped to shape many of the fights that define the middle east now. Eventually, the numbers dwindled, and the rumours of extinction surfaced. Scott Frazier was a Moroccan king. The most powerful lion shifter ever known to exist.

  “What are your terms for Emma’s freedom?” He had to get him on board with his pack. It would give him the greatest advantage in the ensuing fight.

  “Emma’s sentence of death is to be squashed. She is to be allowed to leave prison with her freedom, no tricks, no fear of reprisal from her brother. In return, I’ll join your pack as a breeding lion. Bring me all the women that you want, and I’ll impregnate them with kings. You’ll have an army of Moroccan Kings. You will have my guarantee of loyalty to your pack, as long as Emma remains free and unharmed.” Scott placed himself back in his trousers and was standing before him now with the offer. He held his hand out for Nuka to shake it if he agreed.

  “If I do this, you will have to cut all ties with Glacial Blood. You may have to fight them. I can’t be worried on the battle field where you’ll be aligned.” His hand hovered about Scott’s.

  “I ‘ll not fight Emma, but if it comes to it, I will do what I must to protect you against the others.”

  “Even Kas?” He replied.

  “If I must. Although, my chances against him are not good. He knows my weaknesses.” The lion shrugged.

  “You will not continue a relationship with Emma either.”

  “I wouldn’t want to. I wouldn’t want her to see what I’ve become.” Scott held his hand out again. This time waving it more furiously.

  “Ciaran?” He wanted his beta’s opinion.

  “It will give us a massive advantage, and I’ve been working on a spell to age shifters, so any cubs will be perfect candidates for experiments. We can build a massive army within the next year.”

  Nuka stepped back. Having Emma out the way would be a massive advantage to the imminent fight as she was their strength but also their weakness, because she held them together on the battle field. However, for the long term, the deal with Scott would make him the most powerful Alpha in America, maybe even the world. An idea struck him, a smirk spread across his face. Yes, that may just work. The deal was for Emma’s life. It didn’t say she had to be returned to Glacial Blood. Lions were indeed all idiots. He confidently extended his hand and shook the unsuspecting King.

  “You have a deal.”


  “Where’s my lunch babe?” Emma raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the male lion currently stretched out on the sofa. She held a bowl full of left over pork curry from last night’s dinner. It had been a new recipe for Tyler and had gone down well with shifters who didn’t really know what spice was.

  “In the fridge.” She replied and curled up on her favourite chair. She brought her knees up to her chest and rested the bowl on top of them. The fragrant gravy smell was delicious and was making her mouth water. She took a mouthful and moaned with pleasure.

  “Can I have a mouthful of yours?” Scott appeared in her line of sight. He actually got to his feet which he didn’t normally do and crouched in front of her.

  “There is more in the fridge. Get your own.” She huffed and took another bite.

  “But the fridge is in the other room; the kitchen, it’s so far away. Twenty metres at least and then I have to find a bowl and cutlery cause you chicks always move them about. After that, I have to spoon all the curry into the bowl and put it in the microwave to warm up. That will take at least five minutes. All the time, I have to be standing.” He pouted at her. He was a full grown male lion and was actually pushing his lips out like a toddler having a tantrum.

  “Tough.” She grinned. Lazy arse man. Sexy arse man. No don’t think that thought. Her core agreed with a pool of heat developing.

  “You’re so mean. I’m wasting away.” He pulled his shirt up and revealed his toned abs. “Look, that was an eight pack this morning. It’s only six now, because my muscle is eating itself.”

  “You’re lucky it’s still a six pack given you’ve done nothing but lay on the sofa all morning. Especially after you had four servings of the curry last night. There is cream in it you know.” She teased.

  “I’ve not just sat on the sofa. I read a book on the sofa. I rolled off it ten times just to check my hair. That was exercise.”

  “I fought with Brayden and Tyler for two hours and then cleaned my room. After that, I hit the gym for an hour. I deserve the food.” This was how it was between them, always. They fought, but it was always playful, never malicious. He was bone-idle, and she couldn’t stand being still for more than a minute. He was literary and had read every book they had in Kas’ library in the short time he’d been with them. She, on the other hand, had an audible account stocked with the latest thriller novels, which she listened to while running. They were complete opposites, so why was she on the verge of giving him her curry. She should tell him to get off his lazy arse and get his own food but no. She wanted to give it to him. What would he think if she actually fed him? She bet he would like that.

  “Seriously, I never understood why you guys always insist on practicing this fighting stuff. It’s stupid. Nothing can prepare you for a real fight. Save your energy.”

  “We practice to develop new moves.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Punch, punch, punch. That is all you need.”

  She just shook her head.

  “You’re not going to leave me alone until I give you my food, are you?”

  “Why would I do that?” He looked genuinely confused.

  “Because this is my food and I’m hungry.”

  “So am I.” He flicked his wrists as if to say so what.

  She handed him the bowl and placed her head on her knees. If she didn’t go all girly around him and have an instinct that told her she needed to care for him, this would all be so much easier.

  She’d been dreaming again. Not that she was aware she’d even fallen asleep. All that she remembered of returning from court was Scott’s face as the tranquilisers took over his body. He’d been so full of remorse and sorrow. He’d felt that he’d failed her when there was nothing he could have done in the first place. The trial was fixed. She was guilty all along and never had a hope of being found innocent. She just hoped her death would be quick and that Scott would be able to move on without her in his life. She rubbed her eyes and splashed a little of the fresh water in her cell over her face to freshen up. Her face felt sore from all the crying she’d done. She settled back down on the uncomfortable bed and pulled the itchy blanket over her. At least she’d only have to endure this for another two days. It might even be less than that now. She didn’t have a clock, and there was no daylight, so she wasn’t really sure what time of day it was. Footsteps echoed in the corridor outside her room. She stood; the sudden thought hitting her that maybe she had slept for two days. What if they were coming for her? Her hand’s trembled. She hadn’t said goodbye to anyone. Scott. She wanted one last kiss with him.

  The door creaked open, and her brother appeared.

  “Good morning, sist
er. I trust you slept well down here with vermin just like you.” He chuckled at his own joke. She didn’t find it all that amusing.

  “How long have I been asleep?” She asked.

  “Only a few hours. It’s the middle of the night. I couldn’t sleep.” He answered

  “Guilty conscience?” She offered.

  “Far from it. Frustrated that I have to wait two days to be finally rid of you.”

  “What did I ever do to you make you hate me? Until I came here, I never even knew you existed, so it can’t have been much. Is this really just some elaborate power trip?” What was this man’s problem with her? His ego was over inflated. He was just like her father but worse. She sat back down on the bed not bothering to give him the respect of standing to listen to his rant.

  “You’re breathing. That’s what you are doing to annoy me. It’s always been you no matter what.” He spat through the bars at her.

  “Always been me?”

  “Yes. Our father never stopped talking about the daughter he lost. He kept an eye on you in Glacial Blood pack. He knew how strong a fighter you’d become and what an integral part of the team you were. I was always the disappointment. I inherited our mother’s physique not father’s. I didn’t have the strength to fight as well as you did. I was always the disappointment to him. It’s a shame that he didn’t see me for the smart lion I am. The one that makes alliances with those who will be in power.” He stood there with a look that was supposed to radiate superiority, but to her, it just looked pathetic.

  “It doesn’t matter what your physique is. If you work hard you can achieve anything. That is the only reason I fight the way I do; I practice.”

  “I don’t need to practice. I’m Alpha, the King. I’m perfect as I am.” He interrupted her with an outburst that showed just how deluded he was.

  “I always remember mother spending part of the day with me, despite her duties. She would play dolls with me and do my hair. When I came to Glacial Blood, my adoptive mother did the same. We spent time with Jane and her son Brayden. We had tea parties together with my dolls and his stuffed snow leopard. She died when you were born, so who did that with you?” She tilted her head up to face him.


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