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Fighting the Lies

Page 9

by Anna Edwards

  “What are you on about?” He questioned.

  “Who gave you maternal love?”

  “The lionesses did, of course. That’s what they were there for. They played with me. I’d tell them what I wanted, and they would do it. We played chase and pouncing. I’m not some geek who sat and had tea parties.” He snorted derision at her.

  “It figures; you have no compassion. No heart that only a maternal figure can give. The lionesses would do as you asked because they were in fear of being married off if they didn’t. They were scared of losing their homes, because our father was a malicious dictator who only wanted to use women for what he could breed out of them.” She rose to her feet and was moving into his personal space as much as she could with bars separating them. Her voice was low and steady. “That’s why you are taking the cowardly way out now and killing the only woman who could show you some sort of love.”

  “Shut up.” He pushed back against her. “You know nothing. I was a prince amongst those lionesses. They did whatever I wanted. I fucked them as soon as I got old enough, and they are with me now.”

  “Through fear not respect.”

  “I’m their Alpha. They respect me.”

  “Delusion. The whole thing. If you had come to me and told me who you really were, I would have loved, you. I wanted a brother. Another part of our mother who I could protect.” She slammed her fist into the bar. “I’m just as much at fault for this. I should have gone back. I was selfish staying with Kas and Brayden. He corrupted you.” A tear dropped from her eye and splashed onto the floor. She mourned the loss of the brother she could have had.

  “You will never be my sister. You’re not even a Bryant. Tomorrow, you will die. I’ll stand there and cheer. I’ll be the last Bryant standing, and I’ll make this pack great. I’ll wash away the sins of you, my mother, and our father. I will rule. I’ll let you into a little secret.” He leant forward. “I know it wasn’t you who killed him. How Nuka and Ciaran got the prints on the sword I don’t know. I don’t know who did strike the final blow, but when I find out, I’ll thank them as they solved two problems for me. Goodbye sister, I hope your death on the end of a rope is long and painful. Whereas, my rule will be long and profitable.” She turned her head away towards the end of her brother’s rant. He was a little boy lost, beyond saving maybe. He believed that Nuka would make him great. Far from it, Nuka was just like her father. Once you were no longer useful, you were dispensable, and that meant only one thing. Death.


  Scott placed the last remaining T-shirt of his rock stars’ collection into his duffel bag and zipped it up. He’d learned at a young age to not get caught up in possessions. The T-shirts were the way he expressed himself, and they went with him everywhere. Mind you, he probably wouldn’t be needing clothes for the next few months. Not with the whole becoming a breeding resource for Nuka’s lionesses and any other shifters they wanted to experiment with. He’d never understand how woman could do that. Open their legs for him to have his five minutes of grunting, so they could pop a baby out after a gestation of almost four months. Recover from that for a few weeks and then repeat the process. It was sick, but apparently, Nuka had twenty willing volunteers waiting for his return. He wasn't going to give these ladies a good time. Nuka had already warned him that he had to perform the task himself. There would be no artificial insemination, but he was damned if he was going to enjoy the act. He would masturbate until the vital moment, sink himself deep, cum, and then withdraw. If the woman wasn't prepared, it was her problem if she got hurt.

  A knock at the door brought him out of his annoyance at the situation he was in.

  "Scott?" Selene's delicate voice called out. He placed the duffel bag over his shoulder and opened the door. "Are you alright? Brayden told me that he's let you go?" The tiny multi-shifter hadn't been with them long, but during the time she had, she'd developed a close friendship with them all, especially Emma.

  "Nuka is still alive, as far as I know."

  "That wasn't what I was asking." She blushed and looked over his shoulder at the bag.

  "Why do you have that?"

  "I'm leaving." He pushed past her and took the stairs at a quick pace.

  "Scott, what's going on?" She called out after him. He continued his descent. "Scott!"

  The others appeared from in the lounge. Damn it, he was hoping to sneak out without having to explain himself. They would have Emma back. That’s all they needed to know.

  "What's going on?" Kas headed up the inquisition.

  "He's going to do something stupid. That's his travel bag. Emma told me she buried it at the bottom of his wardrobe when he decided to stay here." Scott turned and glared at her. He wondered who'd tidied his room up and had unpacked. He hadn't been fully decided on what he was going to do, but the unpacked suitcase had made his mind up for him. Damn interfering woman. Then, his heart skipped a beat. She’d already been looking after him in those early days.

  "Are you going somewhere?" Kas addressed him.

  "I made a deal that will see Emma released. If you'll excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be." He was not going to debate this. The sooner he left, the sooner Emma would be back home.

  Kas placed his large hand on his chest.

  "What deal?"

  "I don't have time to discuss it." He mustered up all of his strength, pushed past Kas, and straight into the solid wall that was Zain, Tyler, and Brayden.

  "What did you agree with Nuka?" Brayden spoke through teeth gritted so tightly that the words were barely distinguishable.

  "Nuka?" Kas exclaimed.

  "I let him go. He hasn't been in his room all day." Brayden kept his eyes squarely focused on him rather than acknowledging the Alpha with his attention.

  "You did what?" Tyler exclaimed this time.

  "He made a valid point. If it was Selene, I wouldn't have hung around in the cage. I would have broken out to save her. I thought letting him out would create less mess and damage, but I have a feeling it’s just made him do something really stupid." Brayden looked at him in disappointment. He wouldn't feel regret for his decision, though, because it was the right thing. It saved Emma.

  "What did you and my brother discuss?" Kas was behind him.

  "I'm joining his pack." There was no point in trying to stop the inevitable now.

  "You're what?" Jessica exclaimed in shock. "After everything he's done to Selene and Emma."

  It was because of Emma that he was doing this.

  “Look, I haven’t got time to discuss this. Go get Emma and forget me.” He was ready to push past the trio of males, standing in front of him, when a punch caught him in the side of the face. It was a delicate one but still had him flexing his jaw to alleviate the pain.

  “You bastard. You’re going to walk out on her when she needs you most.” Katia, normally the most placid of the pack, swung again. “She doesn’t deserve you.”

  “I’m doing this for her.” He spat back and stood up at full height to intimidate her to stop. That was the wrong thing to do. Zain grabbed him by the collar and effortlessly swung him across the floor. Lion versus a seven-foot bear built like the side of a house. Yeah, lion wasn’t going to win this one, but he was pissed and damn well going to try. He sprang back at Zain only to be caught by Brayden and swung straight into Tyler’s fist.

  “If we have to knock some sense into you to get you to stay, we will.”

  “Let me go.” Scott punched Tyler and then kicked out at Brayden. Why wouldn’t they just let him go? It wasn’t as if he was really part of their pack. Emma was the important one. Zain latched on his ankles and like he was a rag doll held him mid-air.

  “You’re going nowhere.” The bear’s thick eyebrows were furrowed with determination.

  “Stop.” Kas ordered and Zain dropped Scott onto the floor.

  “Damn, that hurt!” He rubbed his head.

  “Why Nuka’s pack?” Kas questioned.

  “Because he holds the ke
y to Emma’s freedom. You said it yourself. He’s behind all this.”

  Kas leant down in front of him.

  “You will fight us if he orders?”

  “I doubt I’ll be doing any fighting in the near future.” He joked then realised what he said.

  “Explain?” Kas demanded.

  “Just let me do this. Please Kas.” All that was left was for him to implore the polar bear to let him go.

  “You mean something to Nuka. You’re a good fighter but not the best. He would only let Emma go if you were giving him something great. What is it?” Scott could see Kas working it through in his head. The polar bear ran his hand over his stubbled jawline, tickling at the side to help him think.

  “He wants me to make up the numbers in his pack and weaken Glacial Blood as a result.” He was clutching at straws. Kas was smart. It was what Scott respected about him, and apart from Emma, the reason he decided to stay here. “That’s all that’s behind it.”

  “You’re a Barbary lion.” Kas got back up to his feet and slammed his fist into a wall. “Damn it. Why didn’t I see it before? A Moroccan King.”

  Scott collapsed down onto his back on the floor. He would never be able to leave now.

  “You’re going to be a breeder for Nuka’s pack.” Kas stood over him, the imposing shadow casting him into the darkness of despair.

  “What’s a Moroccan king?” Brayden asked.

  “One of the strongest and best connected lions in the world. You’ve held back in the fighting.” Kas replied.

  “I’m a lazy bugger and didn’t want to break a sweat.” He joked. Nobody laughed.

  “Brayden, help him up.” Kas looked away in disgust.

  The snow leopard held out his hand and assisted Scott onto his feet.

  “I don’t want to do this, but there’s no other way. Emma will die tomorrow, if I don’t. I love her, Kas. If Nuka would accept me dying in her place, then I will. Get her out and get her safe. Please, please do this. She’s integral to this pack. You’ll need her.” He followed after Kas, as the polar bear strode purposefully through the corridors of the mansion towards his office. The others all followed behind him.

  “You don’t get it, do you.?” Kas spun around to face him.

  “What?” He asked.

  “You’re integral as well. You complete her. Without you, she’ll be better off dead. No matter what happens, I will lose two members of my pack. Two friends.”

  “I’m not essential to the fight. I’m just the joker, the lazy lion that frustrates everyone.” Emma was part of their family. He wasn’t. He was never meant to be part of a pack. He found a good bed to sleep in for a while, but they’d all get frustrated by his antics soon and kick him out anyway. This was for the best. He was a nomad. Travelling was what he did best.

  “You walk out that door and you become our enemy. To stop Nuka’s egotistical plans, there will be deaths. If you are helping to prepare an army, then one will be yours.” Kas was deflated.

  “I know but at least Emma will be home.”

  Kas looked over his shoulder. The rest of the pack had formed a barrier to his escape.

  “Let him go. If Scott’s heart isn’t here in the pack, we cannot stop him from leaving.” Kas opened his office door, stepped inside, and slammed it shut. Scott breathed out a sigh of relief. He would be able to save Emma.

  “Please.” Katia stepped forward, tears pooled in her eyes.

  “Look after her for me.” It was all he could say and pushed forward towards the door. The rest of the members of the pack parted to allow him through. None of them could look him directly in the eye. He could feel the small tethers of friendship he’d made breaking.

  When he got outside and shut the door, he leaned back against it. He reminded himself he was doing this for Emma. He was saving the woman he loved. It was a small sacrifice to make. A tear slipped from his eye. He was crying. Where had that come from? It was then he realised he’d just walked out on his family and would never see them again. He may deny he was a part of the pack, but he loved each and everyone of them like blood. He turned and placed his hand on the door.



  The worse thing about being in prison, under a death sentence, is the boredom. Endless hours staring at the same piece of mould growing on the wall. Emma couldn’t make plans for the future, because well, she didn’t have one. Her future involved a length of rope around her neck. It had been two days, and she was waiting for them to come for her. Her last meal had been delivered, a fat steak, shame it was well done instead of rare, but at least she’d had some nice meat. Her body had begun to wonder if she would get flesh again. They’d brought her a plain white A-line dress to wear and had ordered that she tie her long blonde hair up. She wished they’d given her a brush to comb out the rat’s nest of tangles. She must look a fright. Scott wouldn’t want her this way. Scott, her heart beat faster. It had been four days since she’d slept with him. She could still feel the satisfying ache between her thighs. It was the only thing keeping her going. Would he be there today? She hoped that Kas kept him away. She didn’t want his last memories of her to be her dying breath.

  She gasped when approaching footsteps drew her out of her reflection. The door opened, and Ethern appeared. He looked pale.

  “Is it time?” Her voice trembled when she spoke.

  Ethern opened the door to her cage and held his hand out for her to exit.

  “You are to be released.” Her mouth fell open; she replayed the words over in her head again. No, he couldn’t have said that.



  “I’m not going to die today?”

  “No.” She wanted to scream and jump for joy, but the look on Ethern’s face told her that more was going on than she knew. He looked sick to the stomach.

  “What’s going on?”

  “This way, Miss Bryant, please.”

  “Ethern?” There was a pleading tone to her voice.

  “I’m sorry.” It was all he said to her before turning and striding purposefully back through the dungeon. She followed, her steps almost at a jog to keep up with him. The feral animals howled and roared, when she walked through the room that housed them. Nobody should be kept in a cage for life. Her eyes caught a lone shifter. He was older than the rest, most probably in his sixties. His sad eyes looked at her. He was banging his head against the bars, even the wild nature of the beast inside him was gone. Something flickered within him. He noticed her. His eyes changed to a reptilian state. Small scales of gold patterning the lids. She shook her head. Nope, they were still there.

  “Emma, keep up.” She realised she’d stopped.

  “Sorry.” She looked at Ethern when she spoke but immediately turned back to the silent prisoner. His eyes were back to normal. “Why is he quiet in comparison to the others?”

  “Who?” She pointed towards the cell.

  “He’s been here a long time.” Ethern replied.

  “Why?” She wanted to know more. Her fate was forgotten in favour of the man who’d captured her attention.

  “He went feral and attacked a village.” Ethern regarded the old man with a look of compassion.

  “What type of shifter is he?”


  “But?” Hadn’t she seen his eyes change to a reptile?

  “He’s a tiger, Emma.” Ethern grabbed both of her hands and held them tight. “We need to hurry. No more questions.”

  “Ok.” She took one last look at the man, before Ethern pulled her from the room. This time, his eyes shifted to a tiger. She must be delirious from being in the cell for far too long.

  The corridors of the Reichstag passed by in a flash of colour and light. The light especially hurt her eyes. It was so dark down in the dungeon. If she was to be released, the first thing she would do would be to shift and go for a long run and then have a lengthy soak in the bath with lots of bubbles. Hopefully, Scott would be there
to greet her, and they could do both together.

  Ethern stopped at a large oak door. It had crest carved into it with pentagrams and unrecognisable symbols. Wait no, she’d seen them before. They appeared on Selene’s skin when she was in witch form. She thought of her friend. She couldn’t wait to hug her so very tightly. Ethern knocked on the door. A masculine voice called back, ‘Enter’. The door was opened, and Ethern pushed her in but did not enter himself. When she stepped, in she saw why. There were only three people in the room, Nuka, Ciaran, and her brother.

  “What’s going on?” She turned to try and leave, but the door magically shut, leaving her trapped with the three people who orchestrated her current fate.

  “Take a seat sister.” Her brother sneered.

  “I’d rather stand.” She knew she could defeat her brother, if needed, but Nuka and Ciaran were in a different class, and she was weak from her imprisonment. Standing gave her the best chance of success, if needed.

  “As you wish.”

  “Your brother spoke with the judge this morning. He has requested that your sentence be adjusted. He does not feel that your actions warranted hanging.” Ciaran was behind a desk. She realised as the minister for magic this must be his office.

  “That’s not what he said last night. In fact, he quite vehemently expressed his interest in me dying and painfully.” She was being a little flippant, given her position, but right now, she was beyond caring. She wanted to know what the hell was going on.

  “That was before another punishment was presented to me.” The evil grin on her brother’s face sent shivers down her spine.

  “It’s not a punishment, Nicholas. It’s a chance to take her rightful position in life.” Nuka, who was sitting down with his legs crossed and wearing a smart suit, reached forward and took a mouthful of the tea, which had been placed on the table next to him.

  “I think that depends on how you view what she’s going to have to do.” Phillip laughed. The corners of Nuka’s mouth turned up in a grin, which had Emma gulping. They were playing with her and trying to scare her. It’s a game all male shifters in position of power did. Her father was a master of it. She learnt that at a young age. She wasn’t going to let them ruffle her fur, though.


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