Her Perfect Candidate
Page 16
“Megan, I completely understand, but what you think happened didn’t. I wasn’t with Veronica last night at the banquet.”
“Did you not see the paper today?” she asked, the calm in her voice was now replaced with anger.
“I mean, we weren’t at the banquet together. She was there with Judge Hill.”
“Humph, well you two looked real close with your arms wrapped around each other laughing and having a great time with some other couple, and I looked at the all of the pictures. I never saw Judge Hill.”
“Those were her parents. I was just making polite conversation with them, that’s all. Judge Hill arrived late so that’s probably why there aren’t any pictures of him. I’ve done nothing wrong except be in the right place at the wrong time.”
“Steven, even if what you say is true, I simply can’t do this anymore.” She turned away from him, facing the window once more.
A lump formed in his throat, and he couldn’t breathe. He hesitated to ask his next question in fear of already knowing her answer.
“You don’t want to be with me?” he quietly asked standing behind her with his hands positioned to touch her shoulders to turn her to him once more. But the hurt he was beginning to feel prevented him from stepping closer to her. He’d seen the resentment in her cold stare and heard it even more in her tone.
Steven didn’t wait for a verbal answer. Her silence said it all.
Chapter 14
Megan sat on her couch wrapped in her favorite pink throw blanket looking over design boards and paint swatches for a new project. A new builder to the metro Atlanta area was starting five new subdivisions and wanted Megan and Jade to decorate ten model homes. He’d seen their work on Decorator’s Dream three months prior and knew their style would be perfect for his floor plans.
Lucy was done with her internship and was now officially a member of their decorating staff. Her first assignment was to decorate two of the ten homes for the project with Megan overseeing. Business was better than ever since their official debut on the Fabulous Living Channel. Plus, the fact that Megan was the ex-girlfriend of a famous senator added to the high demand for their business. They were in the process of hiring another decorator as well as looking for a bigger office. Jade and Megan also thought it was time to hire a full-time secretary instead of using an intern to do office work. After many interviews, they settled on a young woman named Corrine, who was the only candidate not starstruck by Megan and Jade.
Megan had thought about Steven during the past few months. It was kind of hard not to, considering wherever she went there were billboards, campaign posters and bumper stickers endorsing his run for the U.S. Senate. She was glad that he’d won the primary and she had watched some of his speeches and debates. He’d called her repeatedly and sent flowers upon her return from Hilton Head, but Megan didn’t want to be bothered. At one point, she considered hearing him out and perhaps giving him another chance but changed her mind when saw him hugged up with a model at some event. Apparently, he’d moved on and was back to his previous lifestyle.
When Election Day arrived in November and he’d won the seat, she’d wanted to call him and congratulate him but didn’t. However, she was pleasantly surprised that he’d worn the tie she gave to him and couldn’t hold back a smile when he looked into the camera, ran his hand down the tie, and winked.
The sound of the doorbell interrupted Megan’s thoughts of the type of hardwood floors to select for her next project. She wasn’t expecting anyone and the only way to get into her building was by calling her through the intercom system or punching in the code that only a few people knew. At least the reporters wouldn’t be at her front door even though some had been waiting for her recently outside of the parking garage and at work to ask questions about her break-up with Steven and his recent win.
Peeking out of the peephole, she was surprised by who was standing on the other side of the door. She reluctantly opened the door halfway as Percy darted into the bedroom.
“How did you get into the building? I changed the code.”
Steven cocked his head to the side with an arrogant grin. “I have my resources. May I come in? I promise not to stay long.”
Megan inhaled and stepped aside to let him in. She closed the door but didn’t take her hand off of the handle. Her heartbeat sped up, and she hoped he couldn’t hear it. He looked handsome and refreshed in a burgundy sweater with black slacks perfect for the coolness of Atlanta in November. He smelled divine, and his presence reminded her how much she missed him.
“What can I do for you?” She was amazed at how calm and steady her voice was but she couldn’t let it show that she was a nervous wreck inside.
He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to her. “I’m having my victory party at your brother’s restaurant tomorrow evening around eight. I would love for you to come. I know it’s last minute. I hadn’t planned on having one, but my father insisted so my mother planned it this week.”
She glanced at the envelope but didn’t open it. She remained silent as he continued.
“I know things didn’t end well between us, but you were there for me when I needed you and winning the election kind of sucked when I didn’t have the woman I love by my side to celebrate.”
“Yes, I saw that you won. Congrats. I guess in the end we both got what we wanted. You’re now a U.S. senator, or will be officially once you’re sworn in at the beginning of the year. And I have a slew of new clients because I dated you.” She turned the handle on the door. “Anything else? I have a lot of work to get back to,” she lied. She really needed him to hurry up and leave before she found herself wrapped in his warm embrace. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could remain composed.
“I sincerely hope you’ll be able to make it to the party. It’s just an intimate affair with close family and friends...and it would be nice to see your beautiful face among the crowd. Despite everything, I was always faithful to you, Megan. I love you very much and miss the hell out of you. I know my life isn’t the simple, normal, drama-free life that you’re used to. I honestly hope one day you’ll forgive me for what you think I did. If we never get back together, just know you’re the love of my life, and I’ll love you until I take my last breath.”
He closed the gap between them, and Megan found herself against the door. She wanted to move. Needed to move. But her feet were glued to the floor and his intoxicating scent and his inviting mouth, prevented her from doing so. He lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips as an exhaling moan escaped her mouth. Her tongue joined in the seductive dance he bestowed on her. He yanked off the pink blanket she was wrapped in and he placed her hands around his neck as his hands found their way around her waist meshing her body into his. He kissed her fervently as if he couldn’t get enough and as if it he was hungry and only she could satisfy his appetite. And then he stopped, and she let out a moan, wondering why on earth he halted their passion.
“I want you to think about everything I said especially the kiss we just shared that told me everything I needed to know.”
He kissed her lightly on the forehead and left without another word, closing the door behind him.
Megan somehow made it back to the couch on wobbly legs as tears burned her eyes. She could still feel the warmth of Steven’s mouth on hers and smell his woodsy cologne on her clothes. She dropped to the couch, grabbed her cell phone and told Sydney everything that had just happened.
“So, are you going to the party? I can pick you up on the way.”
“I don’t know and...wait a minute. On the way? Were you invited?”
“Um...” Sydney paused. “Yes, I was invited, but I wasn’t sure if I was actually going to go.”
“You and Braxton are traitors. Not only is it at his restaurant, you’re the one that gave Steven the new access code, aren’t you?”
> “Yes, but I did it because you’ve been moping around for the last three months, burying yourself in work. When you broke up with what’s-his-name, you didn’t mope and while you buried yourself in your work, you didn’t become a hermit. Bryce said Steven’s been moody and didn’t even care if he won the election or not. He didn’t even want a celebration party.”
Megan replayed her sister’s words in her head. “Bryce said? I thought you couldn’t stand Bryce. Called him an ass if I remember correctly.”
“He is an ass, but I ran into him at the federal building, and he told me how much Steven missed you and that he hated how things ended. I never believed anything was going on with him and Veronica. Besides, she’s engaged to Judge Hill now.”
“Sydney, it’s not that easy. I...”
“Do you still love him? That’s the question you need to ask yourself. Can you go on with your life without him in it?”
* * *
The next evening, Megan sat on her couch changing channels and flipping through a home magazine. She finally settled on the evening news to see what the weather would be like next week since one of her projects included an outdoor living and dining area.
Megan waited for the weather segment to come on by putting the television on mute. She continued perusing through the magazine placing stickies on the items she liked. Percy jumped on the couch causing the remote to fall to the floor and the volume went back up. She heard a very familiar deep voice on the television. It belonged to Senator Steven Monroe. He was touring an after-school program with the news anchor. He looked debonair in one of the tailored suits that Chelsea had most likely suggested for him. He was also wearing the tie that Megan had given him again. The news anchor even commented on the tie stating that it looked like the one he wore on Election Day. With a sincere smile, Steven replied, “This tie is very special to me because of who it’s from, and I’ll cherish it always.”
His statement reminded her of the first time she saw his worn wallet that had belonged to his grandfather, and Steven carried it all the time. She flipped the television off, kissed Percy on the head and ran to her closet taking the rollers out of her hair and throwing her nightgown off in the process.
Less than an hour later, she pulled up to Café Love Jones. She took a deep breath and walked inside of the restaurant. An unfamiliar hostess approached her. Megan knew the entire staff at her brother’s restaurant.
“Excuse me miss? Are you here for dinner or the private party on the mezzanine?”
Megan glanced at the staircase that was roped off and had a huge bodyguard standing next to it. One of Steven’s campaign posters was on an easel.
“The private party for Steven Monroe.”
“May I see your invitation please?” the young hostess said with her hand held out.
“Oh...I don’t have it but...”
“Then you can’t get in.”
Megan had to stop herself from laughing. “I’m the owner’s sister.”
“Sweetie, three ladies just left here saying the same exact thing. I get it. Senator Monroe is once again Atlanta’s most eligible bachelor, but it’s a private party for family and friends only. So unless you have an invitation, you aren’t getting in.”
“Look, I can go anywhere I want to in this restaurant and right now I need to get upstairs. So I suggest you tell big bad wolf over there to move so I can get by.” Megan was not about to let anything or anyone stand in the way of her mission.
“What’s going on?” Braxton asked coming from the hallway that led to another private room and looking at Megan and then at the hostess.
“Mr. Chase, this woman is trying to get into Senator Monroe’s private party. She’s the tenth person I’ve had to turn away. She lied and said she was your sister.”
“She is my sister Megan, who was definitely invited to the party.” Braxton turned toward the bodyguard. “Rick, please let my sister upstairs.”
Rick removed the velvet rope, and Megan gave her big brother a kiss on the cheek before running up the stairs in her four-inch heels.
When she made it to the top, she scanned the room for Steven. She spotted him talking to Bryce at the bar. Steven’s back was to her. She glanced around the room and saw Syd, Jade and Tiffani all wearing wide smiles and motioning for her to keep walking. Sydney even mouthed, “Go get your man.”
Megan took a deep breath and made her way across the room. Bryce, who was leaning on the bar, saw her first but didn’t make eye contact. Instead he kept listening and nodding his head. As she moved closer, Steven stopped talking and chuckled.
“Amarige?” he asked.
She smiled. “Yes, it’s the only perfume I wear.”
Bryce patted Steven on the back, gave Megan an encouraging smile and left. She moved to where Bryce had stood and stared up at Steven.
“You came.”
Megan ran her hand down his familiar tie. “Of course, where else would I be? It’s your big night.”
“Would you like to dance?” He held out his hand.
She placed her hand in his as he walked her out to the empty dance floor. “I’d love to but didn’t we agree not to dance together again because of where it always seems to lead?”
He nodded his head and glided his hands around her waist as he drew her toward him. “Hmm...well, if I remember correctly, we had our very first dance in this same spot followed by a very sensual kiss.”
He lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips. She heard cheers and claps from their family and friends. They both stopped kissing and laughed. But then his facial expression turned serious.
“I’ve missed you, Megan. I can’t spend another second without you. I’ve been miserable these past few months.”
“Me, too, Steven. I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”
He kissed her forehead and lowered to one knee as tears welled in her eyes. The room became silent except for a few “oohs and aahs” from the women.
He took both of her hands and placed them over his heart as she began to tremble with anticipation. “Megan Rochelle Chase, will you please do me the honor of being my wife?”
“Oh, Steven. Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you.”
He stood and captured her in his arms twirling her around in the air as their friends and family ran out to the dance floor to hug and congratulate them.
Later on that evening after a few rounds of love making, they cuddled in front of her fireplace facing each other. Steven ran his hands through her unruly curls and kissed her softly on the lips.
“I’ve never been happier in my life than I am right now, babe,” Steven said in between tender kisses. “I knew when I met you that you would change my life forever.”
“And I knew when I met you, that you would be my perfect candidate for love.”
One year later
“What?” Megan asked sarcastically as she sat on the bed in her hotel suite at the Four Seasons Hotel flipping the channels on the television.
Jade, trying not to wrinkle her lavender dress, sat carefully on the bed next to Megan.
“You’re getting married in less than an hour, and you’re trying to watch TV?”
“Jade, relax,” Megan patted her best friend’s hand with a smile.
“Relax? My best friend is getting married, and I’m supposed to relax? Tiffani, Sydney! Are you going to help me out?”
Sydney came over, also in a lavender dress, and sat next to Megan who was still wearing her slip. Her princess wedding gown hung on the door.
“Jade, leave Megan alone even though I’m surprised at her coolness. Tiffani, I remember you were a nervous wreck on your wedding day,” Sydney reminded. Tiffani nodded her head as she finished her makeup.
“Yes, I remember my wedding day. I was a nervous wreck because
of the rain.”
Megan then got up and walked toward her wedding gown.
“Ladies, help me with the gown please. My dad will be in here soon. And for your information, I’m not nervous because I’m marrying the man of my dreams. I’ve waited a whole year to marry him, and the day has finally arrived. You know so many good things have happened this year and getting married on New Year’s Eve makes it all the better,” Megan said as Sydney buttoned up her wedding gown. Jade nodded her head in agreement.
“I agree girl. I’m still in shock that we have our own television show now on the Fabulous Living Channel! The first season was awesome!” Jade exclaimed.
“Yeah, it was cool traveling to different cities with you in a motor mansion looking for the best decorated homes and planning my wedding all at the same time.”
“Well, season two of The Best Decorated Homes starts filming in a few months so don’t go get pregnant anytime soon!”
“You’re so silly. I do want children, but I want to enjoy my husband first. That sounds so unreal to say. My husband! Ladies! I’m getting married!”
* * *
Five hours later, Megan and Steven sat at their table at Café Love Jones, kissing each other softly. Braxton was having his annual New Year’s Eve party and the newlyweds and their friends went over to the restaurant after the reception.
Megan had never been more ecstatic than she was at that very moment. She had won the heart of the man she’d dreamed of since she was a little girl. Being with him made her realize that she’d never even been in love until she met Steven Monroe almost a year and half ago thanks to her SUV’s flat tire.
Megan glanced around the room, and her eyes landed on Sydney and Bryce in a heated debate as usual.