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Whispers on the Potomac_Room 312

Page 17

by Mia Villano

  Arriving at work exactly on time, I’m greeted by another resident with a large cup of coffee. She read my mind. Taking the liquid heaven from her, I smile. “Thank you. How did you know?”

  “I didn’t. They gave me an extra one in the drive thru. You look different.”

  “Good or bad?”

  “Ah, good. Did you get lucky last night? You and Steve finally went out, didn’t you?” Steve is another resident, and he and I have struck up a flirting friendship. Nothing more, but everyone thinks it is.

  “No, no it wasn’t Steve.” I busy myself reading patient files.

  “Girl, you’re a little skank. I knew that sweet smile had something dark and dangerous underneath it.”

  “Stop it.” I laugh.

  “I want details later. I need to live vicariously through you. Lord knows I’m not getting any.”

  We discuss the patients I have and before she leaves, she tells me something was left for me.

  To my surprise, she hands me a legal-sized envelope with no return address. I hesitate to open it. Not sure what it could be, I thank her, and decide to open it on my break. Not having a chance to stop all day, at dinner I remember I had been carrying it around with me. Figuring it’s from a patient or their family, I don’t think too much about it. When I open the envelope, inside is an email addressed to Sebastian stating he was going to be shot. It was dated the night of his party, where he was whisked away while we were talking on the balcony. Behind that is a picture of Sebastian and I together at his dinner party. Sharing an intimate moment, we are very close and looking into each other’s eyes. If that is not enough to make me start to panic, there is a picture of me and Sebastian from years ago, sitting on the bench near the Potomac. I look inside the envelope again and a piece of paper is stuck in there. It’s a note with the words typed out I know and soon the whole world will know. I can feel the blood drain from my cheeks. All the happiness I felt earlier in the day seems to have been zapped from me. Garrison did this, I know it. I have to tell Sebastian. This uncomfortable feeling of being watched takes over me and I need to get some air. More importantly, I need to talk to Sebastian.



  I’m waking up from dreaming of Daria when the sound of my bedroom door opening startles me out of my sleep. I’m a little jumpy, even if the security was right outside the door. I just had a rally in four different states, and can’t even remember what state I’m in right now.

  “Who’s there?” I can see an outline, but in the darkness of my room, I have no clue who’s walking into my bedroom.

  “It’s me Sebastian.” It’s Vick. Jesus, the guy is relentless.

  “This need you have to see me naked is really pissing me off. I’m starting to get a little worried.”

  “Shut up. I have to talk to you and it can’t wait.”

  “You know it wouldn’t be a day in my life without you having to talk to me, and giving me some kind of bad news or an ass whipping. What time is it?”

  I grab my cell, and see the time is four in the morning.

  “Frank and the other two agents are here. Why are you sleeping in your clothes? I thought you said you were naked.” I ignore him and stand up and stretch.

  “Disappointed? I don’t want to talk in here. I don’t know what you might try.” He ignores me as I follow him out of the bedroom.

  We step out into the kitchen area of my hotel room, and Vick starts to brew coffee. The aroma smells good and wakes up my senses. I have him make me one and I sit down at the small table, nodding at Frank to have a seat and offer him a cup.

  “Talk, Vick.” He sits down with me, taking a swallow and staring me in the face. Here it comes. He knows Daria and I have had sex.

  “The FBI finally tracked down where the death threat came from.”

  “Awesome. Now I can get rid of some of the extra security around here. No offense guys, but you have to be bored out of your minds.”

  Frank jumps in. “No, it’s not that easy. We know who sent the email, but I think we’re going to play dumb until the election is over.”

  “What do you mean? Who sent it?” All four of them look at each other, waiting for the other to tell me.

  Then Frank speaks, “Your brother.” I spit out my coffee. I didn’t hear him right; I couldn’t have. My emotions are a tangled chaos, and I can’t speak.

  Vick stands and paces the room. “You okay?” I don’t answer him. My head’s jumbled, my heart’s pounding and my chest feels heavy.

  “What do you think? It’s one thing to leak out my VP pick or to suggest I’m dating my former intern, however wanting to shoot me is a pretty big deal. Would you be okay knowing your brother wanted to kill you?”

  “It’s a lot to take in and I’m sorry I had to tell you.” Frank says with a sad look in his eyes.

  “Are you sure it’s him? Is this just a ploy to keep me riled up? I know he hates me, but hate and wanting to kill me are two different things?”

  He shakes his head yes.

  “How did you find out it was him?”

  “The FBI traced the email back to your brother’s server after a lot of work. Seems he’s a bit of hacker besides being a painter. We found out he purchased a gun under his apparent alias name he’s been using, Mark York. This is a picture of him buying the gun in Maryland.” Frank shows me a black and white snapshot of my brother at a store counter buying a gun. The blood in my veins goes ice cold.

  Something changes inside me that I’m almost calm. The brotherly love and protection I had for him since he was born premature three years after me has died. There’s no other feelings for him at that time, not even pity.

  “Sebastian?” I hear Frank in the distance.

  “Who knows about this?” I finally ask, still staring at the picture and thinking about my mother. This will kill her.

  Vick finally speaks. “Just me, you, the security team, and Secret Service. We want to wait till after the election to confront him. I think if he’s confronted or arrested now, he may do something rash. He is Daria’s friend and knows where she lives. Its hard telling what he could do if provoked. And there is the big fear of the press finding out. We don’t need this right now.”

  “That means we can’t tell my mother either or anyone associated with me. What if he hurts them?”

  “No, we can’t tell anyone. I don’t want him to get any inclination we’re on to him. We will protect your mother and anyone else you’re closely associated with.”

  I slump over the countertop, holding myself up with my arms. Memories of the two of us growing up, being so close, getting in trouble and covering for each other race through my mind. Him looking up to me and trying to be like me when he was in high school. The times we had in the Hamptons and the times I helped him fight his drug use fill my head. We’ll never be brothers again.

  Frank speaks. “I’m really sorry, Sebastian. This sucks, but I must say I’m not surprised. I thought it could be him when it first happened and I looked into it further. I was watching him when we brought him to your house that night. The threat didn’t seem to faze him. It seemed odd to me that he wasn’t worried about it.”

  I walk to my window and look outside. The dark city and millions of lights lay in front of me. I can see for miles out the window. I have to keep my shit together and remember I will be the president in a few short weeks.

  “Sebastian, you’re too quiet.”

  “Is Daria and my mother safe with him? Don’t bullshit me.” I never mentioned to Frank that I had extra security watching over Daria.

  “We’re adding security for Daria and additional security at your mother’s house until this is over.” Not only am I pissed off, I’m also heartbroken. After everything I’ve done for him and he wants me dead.

  I look up at Vick standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

  “I’m going to get a shower. I have a big day ahead of me. Just promise me he won’t hurt my mom or Daria.”

have our word, Sebastian.”



  I’m back in D.C. at my residence for the night. My heads reeling from the news about my brother. Not only does he want me dead, but it seems he went to the media with pictures of Daria and I together. Now, it's out in the open and I don’t care. There’s only one thing I want to do while I’m home. I dig out my burner phone and dial her number. She answers on the first ring.

  “I need to see you, now.”

  “Okay. I need to see you too.” Within the hour I’m dropped off at our spot along the Potomac. The same bench we sat at years ago under the same tree. My security detail promises to keep their distance and I tell Frank I need privacy. Reluctantly agreeing he says they’ll stay in the car close by.

  A couple of minutes later, she slides onto the bench seat with me. The warmth of her body instantly relaxes me and I take her hand. I need to touch her. We don’t say a word for a while.

  “I’m sure you saw what was on the news.” I whisper.

  “I saw it, and there are reporters all over the place. They followed me to the hospital. Someone sent these to the hospital. I think it was Garrison.” Daria hands me an envelope and I look through it. I’m once again speechless however, not altogether surprised. It’s the same pictures that were on the news.

  “This is nuts. My brother can’t be behind this.” I know I’m trying to convince myself he couldn't be up to all of this, but deep down inside, I knew all along too.

  “Who else could have sent it, Sebastian?” My mind races to think about anyone that would want to hurt me other than my own brother. Someone has to be telling him to do this to me and he’s gullible enough to listen.

  “I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

  “I’m thinking of going to my parents for a while.”

  I turn to look at her next to me. I don’t want her to go. “He won’t hurt you. No one will hurt you. I promise I’ll keep you safe. Don’t go.”

  She leans over and kisses me. Jesus Christ, I love the way she kisses me. That kiss tells me she’s mine and no one else’s. My hands move to her face as I hold her, still looking into her eyes. Kissing her back with a crazy need of lust and love, as if I didn’t have her mouth on mine I wouldn’t be able to breathe.

  “Do you see what I see?” She points to our hotel through the trees.

  “Our hotel.”

  “Remember room 312? All the times we spent in there. God if those walls could talk. Do you think it’s available?” I don’t answer her, but instead pull out my phone and call Frank. Telling him to call the hotel to reserve room 312 and pay to have whoever’s in there moved out, I need to have the room available. I end the call and put it back in my pocket, grabbing Daria’s hand again and kissing her fingers.

  “Wow, what power you have now.”

  “It’s kind of scary, isn’t it?” I whisper in her ear.

  Frank instructs Cameron to take me and Daria to the hotel. I shove the envelope at him, “Take care of this for me.” Frank nods, not looking at what I handed him. Within what seems like a long five minutes, he pulls in front of the hotel. My Secret Service goes in and Daria and I wait in the car. Luckily the room is available and no one must be booted out. Once they sweep it, we drive around back and Daria and I are escorted quickly through the back door. Security leaves and two of the guys head back to the car. Frank stands outside the door and I catch a smile when I walk by him.

  Daria drops her purse to the ground and runs into my arms, crushing her mouth to mine. Her gorgeous long legs are wrapped around me tight. Pushing the hair out of her face and looking into her eyes, I smile at her, “Did you miss me?” Her answer is more kisses as I try to walk her to the bed. I lay her down and watch as she stares up at me.

  “Take off your shirt.” I instruct and she obliges. Her breasts perky and her nipples are big and hard.

  Loosening my tie and unbuttoning my top button, I watch her laying in front of me. I take off my cuff links and roll up the sleeves of my dress shirt.

  She really is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.

  My need and want for her is to a breaking point.

  “Take off your pants.”

  I watch her unzip her pants and slide them off. She’s wearing a pink lace thong and with one finger I pull it down.

  I unbuttoned my shirt and slip out of it.

  She sits up and clings to me, pulling me down to her before I can take my pants off. “I forget how good you look taking off your suit.”

  “There is nothing in this world I want more than you.”

  “Show me. Show me how much you want me, Sebastian.” A shiver of arousal races through my body. I have this incredible woman begging me to take her.

  I bend down and relax next to her taking her in my arms and pulling her up to me. She sits up straddling me with my pants still on. Through my pants, she massages her pussy against my rock-hard cock.

  “Tease yourself and look at me.” Daria begins rocking back and forth on me, throwing her head back. I rest my hands on her thighs and lightly caress the side of them with my fingertips.

  “Look at me, Daria. Look in my eyes and don’t look away.” We lock eyes on each other. The shade of her steel gray eyes are changing as she rocks back and forth, grinding herself into me.

  “Slow down and breathe with me. Just look at me and rub your clit. Focus on enjoying this build up with me.” I let my hands caress her back and butt with soft touches that barely graze her skin. Embracing her in my arms, her warm naked skin brushes against mine.

  “Breathe with me, baby.” Her breaths are almost moans. We began to experiment with tantric sex back when we first were together, but she left before we mastered it.

  I begin to kiss her with soft kisses while I caress her face with the tips of my fingertips. She wants her mouth on me and I settle her down by outlining her lips with the tip of my tongue.

  “Sebastian, please. I’m so wet.”

  “I know you are. I feel you trembling. Just enjoy this. I want to tease you and get to know you again.

  “You’ll make me come too soon.”

  “Don’t let yourself. Just take your time and let it build up with me.” I whisper as I lightly kiss her lips. Taking her bottom lip, I begin to suck. Moaning, I say, “This is what I’m going to be doing to your clit.”

  “Oh God.”

  I slip my tongue inside her mouth and she sucks. My hands continue caressing her skin as her arms wrap around me with her hands in my hair.

  “Look at me again, Daria.” She looks up at me. The look of pure erotic bliss glistens in her eyes.

  “I’m making a mess of your pants, Sebastian. I’m so turned on. I want you so bad.”

  “How bad do you want me, Daria. Tell me what you want.” Jesus, it’s becoming difficult for me to talk.

  “I want you to fuck me, Sebastian. Put your finger in my ass while you thrust inside me.” Every muscle in my body’s on fire. My senses are alive and my cock’s about to bust out of my pants. She’s perfect and alive with anticipation. Her breasts are pushed up against my chest and her hardened nipples are tight hard nubs. I pull away from her a little and let the pads of my fingers brush against them. She moans and begins to undo my belt and unzip my pants. Looking in her eyes, I know she wants me as much as I want her. She has the look she used to get when she was turned on completely and just about to go over the edge. My eyes gazed down to her perfect pussy and the wet spot on my pants. Her pussy is swollen and glistening, making my need for her unbearable. I roll her off me and rest on my arms hovering over her pussy.

  “I can’t take anymore, Sebastian. I want to come.”

  She spreads her legs to show me what I crave.

  My mouth curves in a smile and I lick my lips.

  Everything I’ve wanted for the last eight years is in front of me, begging to be taken, pleased, and loved. There are no barriers at this moment, only the closeness and touch of two people and the desires raging wi
thin them.

  “Sebastian, please make me come.”

  With the scruff of my beard tickling her, I lick the inside of her thighs. Touching the seam of her pussy with my tongue, she cries out my name. Pulling me in deeper, it is clear her desire is immense. Holding her ass cheeks in each hand, I tease her with my tongue, my thumbs pull her lips apart allowing me easier access to her sensitive bud. Looking over her mound, I see her head writhing back and forth, and can feel her butt lifting. Arching her back, her hands run through my hair. The desire to prolong our pleasure is almost overwhelming, yet with each touch it becomes harder not to allow her the release her body craves.

  “Oh God, yes.”

  Teasing her even more, I softly blow on her clit. As Daria squirms beneath me I latch onto her nub again, sucking and teasing as I slide a finger inside her. Hearing her moans as I finger fuck her makes my cock harder than it already is. Is that possible? When I slide a second finger inside her wetness, fucking her relentlessly, she quivers and my name becomes a prayer on her lips. As I continue to move in and out of her with my fingers, my lips remain around the sweetness of her clit, and I feel her getting close. She’s groping for me and grabbing my hair.

  “Sebastian,” she cries.

  “Come for me, baby.” Her body stiffens, her head falls back, and she moans my name into the pillow as she finds her release. Her clit quivers while her pussy grips my fingers as I milk her. Our mouths find each other, devouring with kisses. Breaking our kiss, my lips trail down her neck, cupping her breast while making my way to draw in her hard nipple. A playful bite has her moaning.

  Withdrawing my fingers, I instruct her to close her eyes. My fingers reach up to her lips.

  “Taste yourself.” I whisper softly in her ear.

  She sucks my glazed fingers tasting the sweetness of herself causing my cock to rise to attention, begging to be home. Because for me, home will always be within the walls of Daria’s pussy.


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