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Whispers on the Potomac_Room 312

Page 18

by Mia Villano

  “You are all mine, Daria,” I say as I pull my fingers from her warm mouth.

  I relish her angelic demeanor at times; however, I also crave her dirty side. She’s the one thing that can turn off the craziness of the day for me. I want to fuck her, come with her and simmer down this craving for her that drives me mad. We are breath against breath, skin against skin and soul against soul.

  I’m no longer a presidential candidate, but a man making love to the only woman that has ever taken my heart and soul. Everything else is second to what is lying in front of me. She trembles against me as she arches and bucks. I’m close to coming myself and haven’t even been inside her yet.

  As I start to remove my pants, Daria stops me.

  “Allow me,” she whispers, pushing both my pants and boxers the rest of the way down. My cock aches from hardness and I am not sure if I can enter her gently. As I reach to grab her ass, she stops me again. With a look that tells me her intentions, she says, “It’s my turn baby,” while pushing me onto the bed. Looking down at me with a tender smile and slowly lowering herself to my thighs, she takes my cock in her hand, looking up at me with love in her eyes. My cock is well aware of what her intentions are, and the excitement is evident with each throb.

  Knowing there was no need for teasing, her tongue slides out to taste me, and the anticipation has me almost dizzy. That first lick...I’ve waited oh so long, waited for is almost enough to send me over the edge. As her tongue is stroking me, her hands massaging my balls, and her eyes feasting upon my expression that shows my release is near. Yet, I am not ready to come in her mouth. I want to fill her with all of me. I want to come inside the tight walls of her pussy, because at this point it is all mine- always and forever. The full grab of my base just above my balls was enough to subside that urge, but for how long was not known.

  Grabbing her ass and pulling her up, I slowly enter her. I can almost hear my cock sigh from relief. This is my Daria - alive and real - not a memory anymore. There is no campaign, no journalists, only the two of us.

  “Look at me, baby. See and feel me as I thrust into you.” I demand.

  “Sebastian, please stop teasing and fuck me damn it.” Hearing her beg spurs me on. Each thrust becomes deeper and more powerful, causing her whimpers to become moans of pleasure. My hands grab her breasts guiding them into my mouth. As I take both into my mouth at once, the suction and pulling on her nipples spurs her pussy to clench and release my cock with each deep stroke.

  “Sooo deep...” she coos. My Daria arches her back and meets my hard thrusts. I hold her against me slamming into the deep aching places within her.

  “OH MY GOD, SEBASTIAN!” she cries out as the start of her orgasm takes over.

  I watch as the climax flows through her, her trembling thighs tightening around my hips. Her body is wild with need for me as she keeps bucking from the climax. This is the feeling I have waited for. Hot blood courses through me as the wave begins to take me. Her muscle spasms pull from deep within. There is no silence. Groans escape our mouths as I dig my feet into the mattress, giving her everything I have. Once our bodies relax and we bask in the afterglow my mouth goes to hers, kissing her lips. I feel a tear on my neck.

  “Why are you crying?” I whisper as I pump the last drop I have inside.

  “I’m complete, Sebastian. I hoped to keep our relationship a secret until after the election was over, but, everything is right in the world now and I really don’t care who knows.”

  “Rest assured, this will only affect the election in a positive way. Our connection will make me stronger as I campaign into the next few weeks. Daria, I have a new drive, and a new lease on life. Come with me the rest of the way. I don’t want to do this without you.

  “I can’t do that Sebastian. We talked about this before. I have obligations.”

  “You will when I am elected.”

  She sits up and looks at me.


  “Because I’m going to marry you after I’m elected president, that’s why. You’re going to be the First Lady.”

  “Stop it. We can’t get married.” She smacks me on the chest.

  “I’m dead serious. As soon as I’m elected or not elected, the world is going to know about us. I don’t have to hide it anymore and I won’t.”

  “Do you really want the world to know you’re with me now that you are the most powerful man in the world?”

  “You’re damn right I do. I don’t care who doesn’t like it. My speech is already written. I’m calling you up there if I win or lose. I’m telling the world that you’re mine.”

  “Wow, what a way to start your term. What if it turns into a scandal and they impeach you?”

  “No one’s impeaching me. Impeach me for what? Being in love. Everyone is worried why I’m not married and think they’re electing a gay guy, so this will relieve a lot of doubt.”

  “It’s political suicide to do it on election night, Sebastian.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not starting this new journey in my life without you. They will embrace it. It will go down in history as being the biggest political love story.”


  “Hmm, what.”

  “I definitely need a dress and shoes and I need to get my hair done.”

  She lays back down, curled into my arms, looking up at me with excitement in her eyes. I kiss her forehead and smile.



  “Thank you.” The room is growing darker and I know we don’t have much more time. I have to be at the airport soon. We’re so tired we both doze off before I can answer her.

  Pounding on the door startles me out of a deep, and for once, restful sleep. Daria’s still in my arms and I don’t think we moved all night.

  Looking at my phone by the bed, I realize I’m late. “Shit.” I’ve overslept and was supposed to be at the airport a half hour ago.

  The pounding keeps up and I slide out from under her warm body and to the door. I know who it is so I didn’t bother to get dressed. Let him see me.

  I yank the door opened, and of course standing in front of me is Vick.

  “Finally, it’s your lucky day. You’ve seen me naked.”

  “I told you I would drag your ass out of here if I had to. Get back in there. What if I was a reporter?”

  “I know your knock. It’s like the grim reaper’s knocking at my door,” He shoves me into the room and hands me a coffee. I put it down and grab my pants I see laying on the floor. Walking back out I grab the coffee and take a swig.

  “Let’s go. Why aren’t you ready?”

  I nod my head towards the bedroom. He rolls his eyes thinking I have some random woman in there.

  “How did you find me?” I ask.

  “I told you I have my ways. Don’t think you have one over on me. I know what the fuck you’ve been doing.” He whispers through gritted teeth. I took a long sip out of the coffee.

  “I’ll be damn glad to have you out of my hair in a few weeks. You are a real pain in my ass.”

  “And you’re a picnic. Go get dressed so we can get her out of here.”

  The door to my bedroom eases open, and Daria steps out with my white shirt on. Her hair’s a mess all over her head. I make out her hard nipples through my shirt. Just a few hours ago I was sucking on them, and bringing her to her third orgasm. We barely slept yet she looks just as beautiful as ever.

  A sense of pride fills me. No longer will I keep her a secret from Vick. If I’m going to unveil my love for her on election night, he might as well get used to her being around.

  Vick looks at her, and then at me, and then at her again and finally speaks.

  “Hello, Daria. It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Hi.” She waves her hand at him, and forces a smile.

  “Listen I’m going to go down to the headquarters. I expect you to meet me there. I want you to get your butt down there in a few minutes. From there we’re flying to Wisconsin,
Illinois and Virginia. Three states today.” He has a hard time taking his eyes off Daria and who can blame him.

  He’s out the door, and I walk up to Daria. Taking her in my arms, I offered her a sip of coffee. She takes a sip and smiles up at me.

  “I need to get going. I have a busy day myself today. Don’t worry about that letter. I’m keeping you safe.”

  She hands me the coffee back, and I set it down. I continue to hold her close to me, not wanting to let her go.

  “I’m not worried, but I don’t want him to think anything is different or that he’s scaring me. This can’t be him; it has to be the drugs causing him to do this.”

  “We don’t need to make excuses for him. He knows damn well what he’s doing, and he’s dangerous.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ve been fine up until now.”

  “I wouldn’t call threatening you as doing fine. Come with me.” She walks back into the room and begins to take off my shirt. I watch as she stands in front of me naked and perfect.

  My cock’s as hard as a rock looking at her. Looking back at me, she licks her lips.

  “You little vixen. You want me don’t you?”

  “I always want you, Sebastian.”

  “You’ve got me. Today, tomorrow and forever.” I begin to walk towards her and she puts up her hand as she’s slipping her legs into her jeans.

  “Don’t you dare. You have to go and I’m not going to be responsible for whatever Vick may do to you.”

  “I love you. I love you so much and can’t wait to give you the world.”

  “I don’t need the world, Sebastian. I just need you.”



  The reality of the day ahead hits hard when I step out of the shower. Looking at my phone I see Vick sent me my schedule. I will be on the road and in the air a good part of the week. I barely slept the night before, but I’m up refreshed and renewed. My time with Daria is just what I needed. We made love at least three times and even though I’m wore out, I’m feeling more alive than I have in a long time.

  I must get down to headquarters before we fly out. I want to rile up my staff and get them charged to the finish line. Vick’s waiting on me there because he can’t wait for me to ride with him. Cameron waits in the blacked-out Escalade to take me to my campaign headquarters and then the airport. My security detail surrounds the car, and we nod but don’t speak. Climbing into the back, I open my emails while riding into the morning rush hour traffic. The traffic is stop-and-go as usual, with the mix of the occasional horn from the typical DC driver, to the tourists and hesitant drivers, delaying everyone on their rushing to work.

  I pick up my phone and hit Vick’s picture, letting him know I’m on my way.

  He answers before the call finishes ringing the first time. “You better be on your way.”

  “Almost there, Vick.”

  “I’m at the headquarters waiting for you. You aren’t going to like this, but your mother is here and won’t leave until she speaks to you.”

  “Christ. Can you tell her I’m not coming inside or something?”

  “I did. She says that’s bullshit. She walked right into your office. I couldn’t stop her.” That I know is the truth. Nothing stopped my mom when she either wanted to ream me out or tell me what she wants done. “Okay. What else?”

  “You have rallies in all three of the states today. Your speeches are ready and will be uploaded to your phone to go over on the plane. We have poll numbers that are going up again and you need to do another interview for the media tomorrow.”

  “Fine. I should be there in twenty minutes. Can you slip my mom a coffee with a sleeping pill or something in it?”

  “I would love to. She’s in rare form today.”

  I laugh, “If it’s not you, it’s her. I can’t win.”

  “Maybe you should behave and neither of us would have to ride your ass.”

  “Well, we both know you would love to ride my ass.” He hangs up on me.

  Facing my mother at eight in the morning is no picnic. Trudging up to my office, I notice some workers inside making phone calls and people are preparing to hit the streets and knock on doors. I stop to talk to them for a couple of minutes and thank them for their hard work. I make it to my office, saying a silent prayer as I open the door.

  “You’re late. Your father was never late a day in his life.” I walk into my office with my mother sitting on the leather couch, drinking her tea she ‘must have’ when she comes to visit.

  “Hello, Mother. Aren’t you bright and cheerful today. What brings you by before noon?” My head is pounding. I sit down at my oversized mahogany desk and search my drawer for a bottle of ibuprofen. I find a bottle, taking four and swallowing them with no water. Vick’s at the door and brings me a coffee. He looks at me and the look he gives me tells me I’m in for trouble with my mother. She sits back in the couch like she’s commanding a meeting. Of course she is. This is her private meeting with me, and I’m forced to listen.

  “It’s about your brother.” I look up at her. Just the mention of him sets my body on edge. The worst thing is I know what he’s doing and I can’t tell her.

  “What about him now? Is everything about him?”

  “I need you to give him a job on your administration after you’re elected. He has the education. I wouldn’t have come down here if this request wasn’t serious. There has to be something he could do.”

  I sit for a moment, trying my best to compose myself after the mention of giving him a job. I take in my mother sitting there, dressed in a black skirt with a white blouse, and her new blonde hair cut in a sharp bob framing her newly refreshed face.

  “I’m not giving him a job. What the hell? He’s an addict and possibly a sociopath. First of all he wouldn’t pass a drug test unless he is right out of rehab and even then he probably wouldn’t.” I sit back in my chair folding my arms across my chest. My mother stands and walks to the window to look out as she continues to speak.

  “He’s willing to give rehab another shot. He promises this time he will take the opportunity seriously and go to a real rehab not a country club rehab. Do you know he told me that Daria is the one giving him drugs? I knew it.”

  My face shoots up about ten degrees. Just the mention of her name sets my pulse racing. I ignore her reference to my past.

  “How can you be bamboozled by him, Mother? I don’t understand what he has that everyone believes his lies. He’ll say anything right now to cover up his crap and get his way. What he’s telling you is a downright lie. Did he tell you he threatened her the other night? I’m sure he didn’t.”

  “Sebastian, I’ve been around the block before. I know this type of woman. Your father lived and breathed this type of woman. I can see it a mile away. She’s from a broken family he said, not much going on upstairs, and spends money like crazy. She saw the money train coming in and hopped on. I’m not bamboozled by your brother. I know what he’s doing. I think some type of job would change him.” My mother sits back down after she makes clear her disdain, sipping her tea.

  I stand up this time. “That’s a damn lie. She’s not from a broken family. Her parents are married and are well off. Daria was raised in a wonderful family, and she’s a damn doctor with her own money.”

  “No, I don’t like her. I want her away from Garrison and you. I want him working. This art bullshit is just a form of getting even with me for putting so much time and money into your political career. I thought it would stop after a while, however he’s clearly riding this out as long as he can. I want him with you working. John Kennedy took care of his brother and I expect you to do the same.”

  “First of all, it’s not up to you to appoint my staff. Second, I haven’t been elected president yet. Third, Garrison is a junkie and a pathological liar. I don’t think Bobby Kennedy was either of those things. I’m not a manager of McDonald’s, Mother. I am going to be running the goddamn country. There’s a big difference.”

��m trying to help him. He needs to keep busy.”

  “Being busy at the expense of my presidency or this country is not practical. He can be busy some other way. Send him back to Europe and let whatever happens happen. He’s an adult, Mother. He knows what he must do to be a productive citizen. It’s a little too late to be concerned now. You should have grabbed ahold of him ten years ago, and not enabled him like you did. Now it’s up to me to clean up his mess once again.”

  “Don’t talk to me that way. You may be running this country soon, but I’m still your mother.” She slams her cup down on the saucer and stands, grabbing her Hermes purse and straightening her blouse.

  “I don’t have time for this today. I have speeches to make, people to meet with, and I’ll be flying all around the country doing so. I will NOT be babysitting my brother who wants to be left alone and may I add told me he hates me. You want to know something, Mother? How wonderful your baby boy Garrison is? He was the one who leaked out my VP pick.”

  She gasps and clutches her chest.

  “Shocker, isn’t it? My poor brother went to the other side and told them who I picked for VP and you want me to trust him on my staff? When I confronted him with it, he told me he hates me and always has.” For once she didn’t come back firing off at me. She doesn’t say anything for a while.

  “I’m sorry. I had no idea. Are you sure it was him and not his friend?”

  “Come on. Stop being so hard on her. You don’t even know her.”

  “Stop defending her. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were still in love with her.”


  “Don’t bullshit me. I’ve seen the way she looks at you and the way you look at her. It’s the same way your father looked at his mistress he screwed for years. She’s no good and using both of you. She’s the one driving this wedge between the two of you deeper.”

  “I don’t appreciate your accusations or you questioning my personal life, Mother. She has done nothing of the sort. I think a lot of this girl, that’s all. In fact, for your information, Mother, I do love her.”


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