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A Werewolf's Saga, The Beginning (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 3)

Page 28

by Michael Lampman

  The wolves came straight to the house.

  He could feel them come. He could feel them moving around the walls. He could smell them circle the house.

  Inside him, deep inside his mind, he suddenly felt something that he had never felt before and it made him feel somewhat unhinged. He felt eyes. He felt someone looking back at him from behind his own head. They felt strong. They felt powerful, and he could even feel them move.

  What is happening to me? He closed his eyes and tried hard to focus his thoughts. He couldn’t do it. The eyes, bright and strong wouldn’t blink. They wouldn’t look away. They continued to move. They seemed to be coming straight to his own eyes.

  The wolves stopped at each corner of the house.

  One moved to the door.

  He could hear its snort. He could hear its snarl. He could see its shadow coming in through the bottom of the door.

  What is it doing? He looked. He felt. He blinked.

  The sound of the door shattering came next.

  Wood flew all around him with a heavy and strong crash. Some pieces struck his chest. One hit his forehead with a painful gash. It fell to his feet, and that was when he saw the beast.

  It looked typical to every Moonwalker that had ever lived. It walked on all four legs. Its dirty tannish brown colored fur looked matted and warned down. Its short snout almost looked somewhat human even though it looked very much like a wolf’s face. Its sharp pointed ears were large along the sides of its head. Seeing it wasn’t enough. What he smelled was even worse. It smelled like wet moss surrounding the old bark of an ancient tree. A deep mustiness flowed to him like the worst smelling dog he had ever smelled before in his life. It reeked of the forest. He could even taste it inside his mouth. It even blasted his mind.

  The wolf just stood there and watched him by the now smashed down door.

  He saw its bright yellow eyes, and when he did, he heard the woman’s voice again flaring inside his head.

  Let us see what you have boy.

  He blinked. The voice came from the floor. It sounded like it was coming from the beast, and he couldn’t believe it. He had to find out.

  “I can hear you.” He looked down.

  The voice came again, as the wolf obviously took a step back. You can huh? This is interesting. Let us see how strong you are.

  The wolf snarled. It growled. It moved.

  He watched its hind legs pounce off the floor. It moved fast.

  Surprisingly, more to him than anyone else, he moved faster.

  The wolf was in midair when he grabbed it by the throat with one hand and the waist by the other.

  He felt its astonishment by his actions. He suddenly felt its fear. He also felt its complete acknowledgement too. The voice came again. The master was right. You are different.

  He heard this and it forced him to blink again. When he did, he also shook his head.

  Doing so, the wolf took its chance as it felt him release some of the pressure from his grip.

  It kicked with its hind paws.

  They came up and slashed his chest from between his breasts and down to his navel.

  The pain came next as he screamed.

  Heat blared down his entire body moving from the nape of the neck to his waist. He then felt the blood. He then felt the burn.

  The eyes at the back of his mind moved. They came straight to his face. He could feel them flush over his own eyes.

  The wolf watched the boy’s face during its entire strike. When it saw his eyes, when it saw them flare to a bright yellow colored glow, it obviously stopped. It froze. Its fear magnified to an outright horrific gasp.

  He felt it. He felt its fear as his eyes burned. He had enough.

  He gripped the animal harder and pushed.

  With tremendous speed, the animal flew back through the door. It flew back out of the house. It landed maybe thirty feet to the ground back near the road. It even kicked up dust as it hit and then rolled over on its side.

  With it gone, with his anger growing, he shouted with everything he had.

  For Georgia, she watched her son catch the wolf. She watched it hurt him. She watched it then be tossed by him back outside. She then heard his screams. She heard his pain. She heard his anger, but she heard something else there too. His voice went high and then low as a growl rumbled through his chest. Hearing it, she wasn’t even sure of what she heard. She wasn’t even sure if it was he that made the sound. Wolves surrounded them after all. One of them could have made the growl; at least this is what she told herself later that night. She didn’t have any other choice, until she saw what happened next.

  His eyes continued burning and soon the heat flushed his entire face. It carried down his neck and pushed headlong into his chest. Pain flared through him and into his bones. That was when they began to move and crack. He felt them break. He felt them snap. His chest moaned as the cracking continued into his spine and then flew into his legs. The burning now consumed his entire body as he fell to the floor.

  The wolves gathered at the door and watched.

  He felt their stunned silence. He felt their obvious fear.

  Georgia watched him from behind as he changed.

  She saw his black hair suddenly grow. She heard his clothes tear. She heard his body break and watched as his skin bubbled all over his once white skin. She watched his pale skin turn ashen black, as black hair flowed over his entire body, and covered him from head to toe. She heard him moan as he turned towards her, and continued watching his face.

  It flashed. A snout formed from his nose and mouth. She watched her son’s mouth open up to rows of jagged teeth.

  He screamed as the growls boomed.

  She watched his hands grip the wooden floor, and continued watching as his fingernails turned black and became claws. She looked back to the side of his head and watched in stunned shock, as his ears grew pointed and tall. Behind him, at his feet, she watched them elongate out into two massive wolf like paws. She lost it after witnessing this. She couldn’t take it anymore, and passed out after he turned.

  The wolves watched her fall. They watched the boy in front of her then turn back to them, and saw his yellow eyes burning. They watched a deep black wolf then stand up on his hind paws.

  He stood up with his human looking hands with claws. His head even reached the ceiling above him. His pointed ears scraped the wooden beams.

  Seeing them, he roared, sounding like the trumpet of a large moving elephant bounding after hunters trying to take her only child. It was a terrific booming sound.

  He moved.

  One wolf, the one on the left pounced as he banged through the door.

  He grabbed him just as he reached him, and lifted it over his head. Clear of the house, he squeezed, brought his arms down towards his shoulders and pulled.

  The brown wolf snapped as its back broke. It yelled as its body turned back to a human looking male. Dead, knowing it was the black wolf threw him back to the wall of the house.

  He smacked the mud bricks, and fell limp to the ground along the wall.

  The other wolves obviously had enough. They turned. They ran. They headed back to the fields and to the safety of the trees.

  He watched them, and feeling justified with their flight, he roared out again.

  That is when Gregory returned with the others.

  They saw the three brown wolves run away on all four legs. They saw them, but didn’t chase after them. They were too consumed with the other beast at the side of the house. Seeing it, seeing it on its hind legs, black and huge looking, they went after it instead.

  Richard Moore, the Captain of the Guard of the village of Glomar, took aim with his bow. He brought the silver tipped arrow between the longbows and pulled. He then let loose.

  The arrow flew. It twirled. It struck the massive black wolf directly between his right shoulder and his neck.

  The pain felt heavy. It burned. It raced down his arms. He turned back to the house, and saw her lying on th
e floor. He wanted to go back to help her, but another pain raced through his back, directly near his waist and it caused him to stop.

  Another man, Winston Grey, fired again at the beast when it turned.

  He yelled with the pain. He yelped with the agony. He actually felt like crying from the fact that they, his friends and family were doing it to him. He didn’t understand it. He couldn’t. He just feared it. He feared them.

  His instincts just couldn’t resist anything else. His fear had to be answered, so he turned. He turned back to the group of twenty or so men that his father had brought back to help them, and whelped.

  Gregory watched the beast turn. “Shoot it again. Kill it before it goes back after my son and wife.”

  Richard took a firm grip of another arrow and raised it up to the beast.

  What are you doing? He screamed, but didn’t make a sound. All he heard was another whelp. All he heard was another snarl. He just couldn’t talk. He couldn’t tell them what he wanted to say. I am not one of them. He looked at his father and felt tears flow through his eyes. Father, please help me?

  Richard shot.

  The arrow struck him again, this time directly into his exposed chest. It landed just to the left of his right nipple, and it made him scream again.

  Again, he whelped. Again, he yelped.

  What are you doing? I am one of you! I am your son! I am human!

  He opened his eyes as he screamed.


  “What is it Kalima? What is wrong?” She heard his screams. She felt him struggle as she lied there with him in bed. This was the third time this week. He had another nightmare. She truly felt for him. She truly loved him, but that was all she could do. She could never understand what he was.

  He looked up, and saw the rafters above him. He saw the thatched roof over them. He felt the soft woven cloth mattress beneath him. His body felt normal. He didn’t feel the wounds. He didn’t feel the pain. Seeing everything, feeling nothing, he realized where he was. It was a dream. It was another nightmare. What is happening to me? He blinked.


  He wiped both eyes with the backs of his hands. They came away feeling damp. It was his tears. He cried again.

  “Kalima, please answer me.” She watched the side of his face. The night was still dark. The room was still night. She did still see his face with both.

  “I am alright,” he lied. He knew that she would never understand what he just relived again. Who would? How could anyone understand the pain he felt that day? He knew that he didn’t, so he knew she never would.

  “It was only a dream. That is all that it was.” She watched him turn his head towards her eyes. She saw the tears over his brown eyes. She saw the fear written deeper than the tears. She felt his pain as only a wife ever would. If only he would let her in on knowing of that pain. If only he would tell her about that fear. She could help him, she was sure of it, even if he was not.

  “I know.” Seeing her, he did have to blink several times. The raw feelings flowing through him just didn’t want to let go of him, but he did fight it. He tried at least. He looked back up, and felt his sweat soaked chest with both of his hands. He felt covered with it, and he was. He sat up.

  She watched him and sat up with him. “What is it?” His voice was always soft with her but now it sounded distant too. He was always this way, but now it felt even worse. He seemed farther away than ever before, and she didn’t like it. After all, she was his wife. She was the mother of his only daughter Sima. He was everything to her. He was everything to them. She just wished that he would feel the same way for her sometimes. He never did, and she would never understand this. Why he didn’t trust her the same way she did with him would forever haunt her soul. If he would just talk to her, confide in her, she felt strongly that he would.

  He turned to the opposite side from her and let his feet hit the floor. His hands then went straight to his face and he crashed down into them with everything he had. It helped him to stop the tears for what happened that day—so long ago. It had been four years since they forced him to leave his home. It had been too long now with him knowing what he was. It took him a long time to come to grips with it—with the beast inside him. When he met her, his beloved wife Alana, everything changed for him. He tried hard to fight his feelings for her, but miserably he failed. And now, they had a child. They had a life together. He didn’t know what to do but to try to live it the best way he knew how. So why now was he feeling that old sensation all over again? Why did he have to relive the pain? Why was he doing this to himself?

  “It is nothing, just something from my childhood.” He brought his eyes back out from his palms and looked to the wall on his side of their bed. He stared at the bricks. He stared at the stones. He stared at nothing at all.

  She didn’t accept this at all. “You are not telling me everything.” She climbed out of bed and walked around it to him. She sat down beside him and wrapped her right arm around his waist. “I love you Kalima. I have since the first day I saw you walking across the fields. I am here for you and I will always be.” She was right. That day, her life changed forever. He looked so good. He looked so strong. He looked perfect, but he had so much more. She pursued him as he came to her. She fell in love with him not long after that. They then married. They had a child. They began their life. Not long into that life, she noticed that there was something very different about him. Soon she discovered what that was.

  One night, during a full moon, he left her to the forest like he always did. She followed him that time. She watched him through the trees. She watched him turn into the beast that he was trying so hard to hide from her. Terrified, she ran back to the house. She hid there for the three days that he left her. She cried those days, knowing what he was. She of course knew of the Walkers. She knew of their horror. She knew of their need for blood and death. But she also knew him. She knew of his kindness. She saw his beloved heart. She felt his warmth. She knew of his nature, so as the third day approached, the tears stopped. The understanding only grew stronger as she accepted him for what he was, not for the beast that she knew he controlled. Love is funny sometimes; she knew it was, because she didn’t fear him when he returned. She just loved him the only way she knew how. She did so completely without any further doubt.

  He took her in with all of this. As much as he wanted to tell her everything, he knew he couldn’t do it. He tried that once, he showed himself to protect someone that he loved, and it only brought all of them pain. His parents couldn’t accept him so why would she? He didn’t want to find out, one way or the other.

  “I cannot say what it is.” He stood up and pulled himself out from her arm. He moved to the wall and away from the bed. He moved away from her. “It is nothing more than what I need to tell you Alana. I cannot tell you.”

  She watched him and felt her heart break some. She hated seeing him like this. Again, she just didn’t know why he was like this. She would support him in anything, and he should know this by now. She just didn’t care what he was. She didn’t care about what happened to him in the past. All she knew was who he was now.

  He turned around and faced her but didn’t once look at her. He kept his eyes from seeing hers. “All will be okay. I will never let anything ever happen to you or to Sima. You are my life and will always be. I promise you that I will.”

  She accepted this from him, but didn’t have to like it. If he didn’t want to tell her, she knew that she didn’t have any other choice but to accept it. She figured that she never would. “Okay.” She stood up, walked over to him and wrapped both hands around his waist. He was so much taller than she was that she didn’t have to do much to put her head to his chest. She was the right height to fit there just fine.

  He held her closely, and kissed the top of her head. He breathed in her scent. He breathed in her life and took it into his soul. It instantly made him relax. Instantly he calmed. With the dream now gone, he held her as closely as he could. This
was the only place he would ever wish to be.


  “I am telling you, she is here Rochie. She is just over the ridge.” Kenar loved being here again. He loved Britain. He loved the cool summer breezes. He loved the smell of the sea. He loved being a part of the action. He had missed it all so much. It took him nearly four years to reach the Seer of Golan, and when he got there, to the island and to the cliffs, he found no one there. No one knew where she had left to or when. In fact, no one knew she had even left in the first place. He spent the next years searching for her, and now, he has found her. And now he has found Rochie again too. It really wasn’t hard. Rochie’s thoughts were as clear as the early morning rising sun on a clear day. He could find him anywhere, at any time.

  Rochie watched his old friend closely, but truly didn’t care about any of this. He never cared about what the Seer knew or didn’t. All he wanted to do was to end the fighting. He wanted to stop the killing. He wanted to go home.

  “Are you sure about that?” He stood up from the chair and moved to the other side of the room. He walked to the wall, to the table in front of it and picked up a small plaster cup. He then picked up a ceramic pitcher and poured water into the cup. He moved slowly. He felt tired beyond words.

  Kenar knew his friend better than this. “I know you do not care Rochie about any of this, you never have, but I know what I am saying is true. She is here.” He knew his friend well. He had it written all over his mind. He thought of nothing else but just going home to his life. He wanted nothing more than to be with his Rana again. He knew all of this, but he had to stress what he knew. He had to know what was real and what was not.

  “Why here?” Rochie turned back around and gulped down the water as fast as he could. He hoped it would wash away the need to have to talk about this again. Kenar has talked of nothing else but the Seer and his trip over the past few months and he was getting tired of it. It seemed he was tired of a lot these days, and he was right. He was.


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