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A Werewolf's Saga, The Beginning (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 3)

Page 29

by Michael Lampman

  “I do not know.” Kenar shook his head as he watched his friend’s golden colored aura sparkle around him like watching the sun as it burned behind a tree. Unlike the tree, he saw his face as clear as day. “I was able to track her movements, but they seemed random, until I noticed about three years ago, that she seemed to be moving with a group of Walkers. That is when I realized that she was moving with Devish’s group.”

  He heard the name and his mind woke up instantly. “Devish?” He dropped the cup back to the table and walked back to his friend. “Do you believe that she may be with him?” It would answer some of what he already knew. The entire Walker nation was now here, on Britain and he didn’t know why. Why would they have trapped themselves on an island? He never knew, but now, hearing that they had someone helping them like the Seer it began to make sense. If anything about any of this ever did.

  Kenar couldn’t have agreed more. “I believe she is. She helped his father. She may be helping his son too.”

  Rochie nodded with this. “What can she give him that would lead them here?”

  Kenar shrugged as he watched his friend stop directly in front of him. He may be blind but he saw everything that most people never did. His Walker’s eyes were better than any sight a human could ever give him. “I do not know, but I do know that Satar had been looking for his lost wife. She was behind all of it, so I have no doubt that she is helping Devish too.”

  Rochie put his hands on his hips. “Why would she help him?” He put his hands in front of him and hugged himself tightly. “Why would she be behind anything?” It was a valid question. Why a Wanderer would ever help a Walker always was.

  Kenar agreed. “I do not know, but from what I was able to gather is that she is helping him. She has to be. Only she could have started him down this path.”

  Rochie just shook his head. “What is Devish looking for then?”

  Kenar shook his head. “I can no longer see his thoughts. Whatever he has done to block me he has done it well. I have tried a thousand times and have failed. It only means that we are going to have to do this the old-fashioned way. We are going to have to find out by ourselves.”

  “And how do we do that?” Rochie watched his friend’s face turn sad and he knew why. Without his strength of seeing inside people, inside their thoughts and dreams, he felt lost. He felt normal. He didn’t like it at all.

  “I can only think of one person that can help us.” He gave his friend a smile.

  Rochie knew all too well who that person was, and knowing it, he cringed. “My sister is not overly forthcoming with me anymore my friend. She refuses to listen to anything I say.”

  Kenar of course knew this but he also knew the two of them very well. “She has helped you a thousand times Rochie. What would it hurt to ask?”

  “With what happened with our father, she has grown distant. She is more committed to Devish and his cause than she ever was before. She will not help me.”

  Kenar knew why. He of course felt his pain for what happened, but he also knew that they had to try. “I know how you hurt her and yourself for that matter, but I have no other ideas on how to find more information about this. She is close to him, so she would know his reasons. She would know the truth behind his actions.”

  Rochie bowed his head with this. He had nothing else to say so he didn’t. He just stood there and tried to figure out how to do it. He didn’t know, but Kenar was right. He was going to have to try whether he liked it or not.


  He had been roaming the halls all afternoon. He felt anxious. He felt weary. He felt bad. He needed his fix. He needed one more to get him through the night. He needed it before he saw her again.

  “Here he is my lord.” Luckily, Elizabeth didn’t take long at all. She found what he needed just south near a long lake. It was fishing. It was easy to grab. It was a good thing too. It was the only one anywhere near this far north.

  Ahead of her was a young man, maybe in his late teens, he didn’t care, but he did look fit. He looked neat. He looked healthy. He did look good enough to quench his thirst.

  Without thinking another thought, he pounced fast onto the boy. His massive size overpowered the young human quickly. He bit down just as fast onto his throat and tore it out with one good pull. Free of the flesh, the wound sprayed. The blood went down his throat just right as he sucked hard for every drop.

  Elizabeth watched him with only a smiling glance. Watching him feed in his Blood Walker form made it feel mesmerizing. It felt powerful. It looked downright amazing to describe it right.

  Finished, Devish tossed the now lifeless boy to his feet with a loud and reverberating thump.

  She bowed her head as she watched it fall. “Better now my lord?” She glanced up to him. She kept her smile. She kept her pride. She kept her loving eyes locked on to his beautiful form.

  Being in his half-bat half-wolf self, he used his large and long tongue to clean his face of every drop of blood. It tasted just as warm as it ever did.

  “I am.” He closed his eyes, taking in the feeling of euphoria blasting through his mind. He could feel it course through his veins. He could feel the blood’s warmth echo through every part of him just like any drug would give to its prime addict. He let it flush his every doubt and every fear.

  She continued her smile. “I am happy for you my lord.” She loved giving him pleasure. She would do anything for him, even if it meant her own hunger. Humans were growing few in numbers this far north with him eating everything within a few miles of them, but she didn’t care. He was her lord and master and he deserved his fixes. He deserved her love.

  Devish stepped over the boy. His wolf like hind paws thundered on the stone of the floor. His grayish skin glistened from the torches burning on the walls. His pointed ears stood tall. His short snout and bat-like nose snorted as he breathed. His long, almost foot long finger with claws dangled from his arms. His human looking oval chest heaved.

  “I feel strong again.” He walked past her, headed to the door out to the hallway from his bedchamber and immediately started down the hall. “I am strong enough to see her again.”

  She followed closely behind him. “Why is she so important my lord? Why have we gathered here in the north of these deserted highlands?”

  He laughed with this. “That is what I intend to ask her, my dear Elizabeth.” Walking, he turned himself back into his human form. His height vanished back to his normal five foot six-inch frame. His black short hair formed on his head. His skin turned tan and quenching. He did everything without really trying. He always felt stronger flushed with blood, and again, it showed with how easily he turned from one form to another.

  She didn’t understand what any of this was about. “But why? Why has she brought us here?” He kept many things from her. She didn’t mind this, but there were times when she did. She felt like this was one of those times.

  He offered her only a deep and shallow shrug. “All will be known to you my dear Elizabeth. I promise you this.” He did. He found her on the coast of this retched island, and he was glad that he did. She was Shade. She was strong, the strongest of any Shade he had ever known before, but she was more than that. She was more loyal to him than any of the others ever were, and he admired that the most about her. Did he love her, no? Did he need her, yes? That was all that mattered to him.

  He made it down the hallway of this rundown old castle they had found, found is an objective term, they killed the humans living there when they found it, and made it to her room. He approached Charles, one of his many Moonwalker guards, and gave him a nod. He opened the door to his right.

  She was still tied to the single bed in the room. He couldn’t risk her trying to escape him, not after what he had to go through to find her. The Seer of Golan could never be trusted. At least he wouldn’t. He couldn’t allow himself such luxuries.

  She didn’t even look at him when he came into the room. She was too tired for that. She was too sore. Since they found her, s
ince they captured her, they treated her with utter contempt. The metal straps on her wrists were already making them bleed. They hurt. They tired her soul as much as the kept her to the bed.

  “Ah my dear Seer.” Devish stopped at the foot of the bed. She was on her back. He left her feet free so she didn’t have to lie in her own waste, which was beginning to stink up the room after four days there, but he didn’t mind it. He figured he was being pleasant enough just allowing her that much comfort. “It is so good to see you again.” He felt his smile flash his face. He felt too damn good to feel any other way. It felt good to be alive.

  “I feel the same.” She kept her eyes down. After two years of being his prisoner, she shed her last tears a long time ago. The dirt on her face and the pain in her eyes, she would never let him see them. She had too much pride for that. What she did care about was her once beautiful flowing gown, which was now torn and tattered. Its white color was now stained with every color other than white. She hated how it now felt. She hated how it no longer felt like the flowing beauty it once was.

  “Good.” He admired the sounds of her voice. He admired her strength. What he hated the most was not being able to read her thoughts. She was the only one other than Rana that was ever able to do that to him. He hated having to speak to her. He hated having to beg her to tell him anything. This explained his contempt for her. “Now that we have shared our mutual affection for each other, maybe we can now get back to the matter at hand.” He crossed his arms in front of him, and felt ready to make the deal they made come true. She would give him truth, and he would let her live. It sounded like a good deal to him if there ever were one.

  She laughed some with the sounds of his voice cracking some behind the arrogance. “You want to know where he is.” He sounded as contemptuous as ever.

  He bowed his head. “You know me so well.” He looked back up.

  She did too, as her eyes turned to her Wanderer’s blue colored hue. “I am not that precise Devish.” She smiled. With her three missing front teeth, the ones he knocked out a little over a year ago because she couldn’t find what he was looking for then, it made it hard to do the look justice. It was also hard to speak without sounding like a snake as her tongue slid between what she had left. “I cannot see down to such a short distance as you wish.”

  He didn’t like this at all, but he did understand her limitations. He didn’t have a choice not to. He was running out of ways to hurt her short of killing her, and he couldn’t do that to her. She would welcome death at this point, and he knew that she knew this too.

  “He is here then, on this island, in these highlands?”

  She nodded ever so softly. “He is.” She turned her eyes back down.

  “Good.” He saw her eyes again go white. Their diamond look was lost a long time ago, or so it seemed to him, but they still shined some. They still had life. They still had power. She was still powerful enough for him. “Then we must be close to him.” He uncrossed his arms and let them go back to his sides. He then turned.

  “Why do you seek him so?” She stopped him before he moved from the bed.

  He did stop. “You know why.”

  She did but only about some of it. “You killed him so easily. Why would I not think that you will do the same to him?” Her gifts when it came to Devish was only slightly there. She figured that Rana was blocking some her visions when it came to him, but not all of them. She didn’t know why. Rana could do so much more if she wanted to, so why not shut off everything completely. She didn’t know, but she also knew that Devish didn’t either, and this gave her some comfort in it. It seemed that even he didn’t have everything he wanted after all.

  He bowed his head. “He stood in my way. The boy will only help me move forward.” The blood gorge was starting to fade from his mind. His hands were already starting to shake from the withdrawal that he was now feeling again. How fast it does fade.

  “You intend to use him for your own devices.” She could understand this.

  He agreed with her. “Of course I am.”

  She laughed. It sounded subtle and was. “He is not alone Devish. He is not the end of the line.”

  He bowed his head. “Oh?” He looked back up. He felt a little intrigued with this.

  His eyes looked like a puppy’s gaze who was trying to find their way home.

  “He is with two humans. He will not leave them, and because of this, you will fail.”

  He shook his head some with this. “He has mated then?” It didn’t shock him much. In some ways, he already expected it. He was more like him than he ever thought he was.

  She said nothing. She didn’t need to.

  “What is the child?” He felt her hesitation. She had it written all over her filthy face.

  She kept her eyes down.

  He knew that she didn’t intend to answer him, and this angered him, but he kept calm. Her look spoke the answer for him.

  “She is a Wanderer then?” It made sense. She came from a union of Walker and Human, so she had to be.

  This time she brought her head up. Her blue eyes now flared. “She is like nothing you have ever seen before Devish. The Trinity will stop you. It will change the world.”

  There was that word again, Trinity. He had heard it before, but still didn’t know what it meant. He was never religious even when he was a god.

  “Do not start with your holy righteousness again Seer. It does not become you.”

  She laughed. “The Trinity is nothing but everything. It is the beginning and the end. It will destroy this world as it makes it reborn again.”

  He heard the mocking inside her laugh. He would not have had it any other way.

  “She is special.”

  Again, she looked down.

  He laughed with a soft voice.

  “Then I will have to do something about her.” He watched her closely for any sign of where she was going with this. She never told anyone anything that she didn’t want to. This, she obviously meant for him to know.

  She did nothing. She didn’t even blink.

  He loved her tenacity. She was so strong. He couldn’t help but to love her strength.

  Now, with everything else about this horrid affair, he had to think about this. He knew how love changes one’s mind. He knew what it meant. Last time, he went against it, and because of it, he regretted what happened. If he could do it differently, he would have. Now, it seemed, he had the chance to do just that. He now knew what he had to do.

  If he has a family, it would help me more than I thought of at first. I can use this. I can use them.

  He turned, and left her before she could say anything else. She didn’t need to know any more than this.

  She heard him leave. She closed her eyes. She reached out into the black void and searched for him through the endless march of space and time. Luckily, he was there. He was close. Kenar was there, on the island. Find him. Find the boy. He must be warned of the coming doom. She could only hope he would hear her. She could only hope he had followed her there in time. You must find the boy before it is too late. And she cried. It was all that she had left.


  Kenar stood just inside the only door to his bedchamber as he prepared to head to bed. Like their prey, like the Walkers that he once so faithfully served, they all had to sleep during the day. At night when Walkers were out on the hunt, it was more dangerous. During the day, it was calmer. It was the perfect time to rest.

  He had just pulled down his blanket when a voice flashed inside his head sounding like an explosion. It felt like it even vibrated his skull. When he recovered from the initial shock, which nearly knocked him off his feet, he realized who it was. He heard her voice before.

  Find him. Find the boy. He must be warned of the coming doom. You must find the boy before it is too late.

  He blinked. He steadied himself on his feet.

  What was that? He regained his wits too.

  The boy…you need to find the boy. Devish is looki
ng for the boy.

  What boy?

  The boy he is looking for. You must find him first before he does. He is special. He is different. Find him before Devish does. Find him before he uses him to destroy this world.

  The voice quieted but when it did, a face flashed against his own eyes. It felt like a cold blast hitting his face from within. It was a man’s eyes. It was a man’s brow. His black hair looked short. His face looked simple. It looked broad. It looked simple, but there was also something else about it. There was something different about his eyes. They didn’t look human. They were yellow in color. Seeing them, he gushed. He felt floored.

  He has a wolf’s eyes.

  He was right. The boy’s face, the man’s eyes, had the look of a Moonwalker’s stare.

  Is this the boy you want me to find?

  He waited for her to answer but nothing was there. She was gone just as quickly as she had come.

  Donates, can you hear me? He hoped by using the Seer’s name, the name he knew since he was a child, she would answer him, but his head remained silent. She was gone.

  His thoughts were anything but. Find whom? Who must be found? I do not understand. He moved from the bed but banged the foot of it hard with his left big toe without even trying. He was blind again thanks to the sun being up. Thankfully, he didn’t hit it hard enough to think twice about it. Who needs to be warned? He turned to the darkness of his room. He looked through the darkness of his mind. Everything felt hollow. Everything felt too quiet and still for him to like. Something was very wrong. He could feel it. He just didn’t know what that was. What do I do? He had to think about this. He had to do something. She would not have warned him, told him anything without feeling the need to do it. She only spoke to him twice before. She never said much, only what she thought he needed to know. That is how he knew to come to Britain. That is how he knew where she was. She told him where she was going, but kept it simple. And now, she did it again. She told him something, but he didn’t know what it was he was supposed to do with it. First, he needed to sit down, and stay safe before he hit something more important than his toes, so he did. The sounds of someone knocking on his door slapped him back to thinking straight again too. He felt thankful that it did.


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