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Caged 2 (Caged Series)

Page 21

by Destiny Hawkins

  “Marie, what happened?” Lorena asked.

  Marie snapped to Lorena, “Alex just wanted some cereal-that’s not a part of his diet, and Mr. Bruce caught him. He’s trying to discipline him, but it sounds...” Her voice trailed off as I walked passed her and swung open the door.

  “Rose-” Lorena cut herself off when I looked back at her. She looked over to Marie, who now looked confused, and then back at me, “Sarah-”

  “Stay up here,” I said in a calm, yet demanding voice. Lorena knew that after what she told me last night, I didn’t want Bruce anywhere near her.

  Lorena just nodded and looked back to Marie, who still looked confused. I could feel them watching me as I made my way to the steps, and was glad that they didn’t follow. Anything could happen now, and I was in no mood to protect anyone. I just wanted to inflict pain.

  When I got downstairs I could hear Alex yelp. It wasn’t a sound that I heard very often unless he was really hurt, and it took my mind back to Arnold. I hated thinking about him in situations where I was pissed off, because my anger would convert over to fear, and I didn’t need that right now.

  The closer I got around to the basement door, the louder the yelps were becoming. I was starting to feel confused as to if the cries were in my head, or coming from downstairs. I could picture Arnold with the extension cord, bringing it down against my back. It was almost as if I could feel the pain.

  I didn’t know how bad I was sweating until I got to the basement door and grabbed the handle. My panic attacks always came at the worst possible times, but this time I would have to fight through it. I didn’t have time for fear.

  I whipped open the basement door and ran downstairs. The echoing in my head was now loud and making its way through my ears. Alex was on the floor in the corner against the wall with a bloody nose and a scraped knee. He held his knee close to his chest as he glared up at Bruce with tears streaming from his eyes.

  Bruce didn’t even notice me behind him, because he had his eyes set on Alex. As I walked closer in on him I could swear that I saw the corner of his lip shift upward. Bruce wasn’t like Roberto or Arnold. They didn’t look as if they had enjoyed punishing people, but Bruce, he loved it.

  Bruce reached down for Alex, but I grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back as hard as I could. He looked down at me with a frown and was about to say something when I pushed him as hard as I could against the wall. He hit it with a thud and was surprised by how much force I used against him.

  I clenched my teeth and was going to lunge after him, but then I saw Alex wiping his nose in the corner of my eye, and all my attention went over to him.

  “Alex, go upstairs.” I said. I nodded my head towards the steps, and Alex quickly got to his feet and limped out.

  Bruce just crossed his arms over his broad chest and flared his nose, “What the hell was that? Roberto told you-“

  “I don’t give a damn what Roberto said,” I growled. I clenched my teeth again, but stopped when I felt as if they would crack. Bruce didn’t look as big as he did when I first met him, and that probably had something to do with me wanting to do some serious damage to him.

  Bruce raised an eyebrow as if he were trying to figure out what may have gotten into me. It didn’t take him long to figure it out, and he gave a smug smile, “Roberto told you not to get involved with any of our training's.”

  “That wasn’t training. Alex has a fucking fight coming up. You can’t be beating him around thinking he’ll be able to win after that!” I yelled.

  Bruce shook his head, “You’re really attached to them, aren’t you?”

  I flared my nose and kept my hands by my sides, but all I could think about was punching that smile off of his face.

  “That’s going to be a problem,” Bruce walked towards me, “because nothing will get done right with an emotional bitch getting in the way.” He stopped when we were nose to nose. “Roberto would agree, and he would send you on your way. No Lorena, and no Alex. He might even just have you killed with all the information that you know about him, and I know for a fact that he would let me be the one to do it.”

  “Just like he was going to let you rape his wife? Or, did he stop you from doing that?” I stepped back and nodded my head when he didn’t say anything. “Apparently Mr. Bellerose doesn’t let you do everything. The only reason that you’re in this house is because he trusts you to handle his business, but that doesn’t mean he trusts you with his woman. That’s why I’m here. I wonder what he would think about you being in her room last night?”

  Bruce’s smile dropped from his lips, and now I was the one smiling.

  “Right, that’s what I thought. You’d end up in that chair too huh? You’re nothing more than his loyal fucking dog, so please stop thinking of yourself as special. Dogs get put down all the time.”

  Bruce gave me a blank stare and I couldn’t tell what was going on in his head anymore. I wasn’t able to read him at all at this point, and he looked like he was going to snap. I was patiently waiting for Bruce to come after me, so that I would have a reason to kill him, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen.

  Bruce ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, “I have to get back to work. Alex won’t be training today, but make sure that he’s down here tomorrow morning.”

  “You make sure, I’m not supposed to be involved, remember?” I said, keeping myself calm.

  Bruce walked towards the steps, but stopped next to me and stared into my eyes, “If I get him up, you’ll hear a lot more than his cries next time. He would be screaming.” His warm breath on my cheek sent chills down my spine, “I don’t recommend pushing me too far Sarah. The only reason I haven’t put you in that chair right now is because you work for Roberto, but then again, if you come up missing, I could just tell him how you were making love to his woman and I caught you, so I decided to take care of you for him. It would be very believable. We all can see how you look at her. It’s no wonder that he has you here to watch over her all the time. He knows that you would protect her with your life, right?”

  I turned my head to face him. I didn’t know that it was that easy to read my feelings for Lorena. I thought that I had that under control, but if Roberto could tell, then I was too obvious. My cover was damn near blown.

  “Like I said before, don’t. Push. Me,” Bruce looked me up and down one last time before heading up the stairs.

  I stood there until he was upstairs. It was funny how even then, fear wasn’t something that I felt towards Bruce, but when he threatened to tell Roberto a lie that I knew he would believe…that scared me. Roberto wouldn’t have let Bruce kill me, because he would want to watch me suffer. He would torture me, and bring nothing but bad memories back.

  I sighed and turned around to go upstairs. Once I was at the top of the steps, I went straight for Alex’s room. Bruce was back in Roberto’s office talking on the phone, and I feared that Roberto was on the other end, but I shook off the thought and continued to Alex’s room.

  Marie was already with Alex, dabbing his knee while Lorena wiped the remaining blood off of his face. I just walked in and sat down next to him.

  “I’m alright,” Alex said, looking up at me. He didn’t want me to worry about him, but I couldn’t help it.

  “You sure?” I asked.

  “Yeah, he can’t hit that hard,” Alex replied while scratching his head. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about you.”

  “Oh, well umm, you don’t have to be,” Alex sighed.

  “We can’t help it,” Lorena said. She lifted his chin so that he would meet her eyes. “We love you, and we can’t help but worry about you. You’ve been working really hard lately, and I don’t like seeing you so tired and in pain all the time. Sarah doesn’t like it either.”

  Marie placed a square bandage on Alex’s knee and stood up. “All done with that, and what about your face?” She asked while examining both sides of his face. “Looks like you’re al
l patched up. I’ll leave you three alone.”

  “Thank you Marie,” Lorena said.

  “Yeah,” Alex looked up at her, “thanks.”

  “Any time little one,” Marie looked over at me and frowned before she left the room.Lorena and I looked at each other at the same time. If Marie said anything about my real name to either Bruce or Roberto, my cover would be completely blown. They would find out who I was in a heartbeat and try to get rid of me.

  The three of us stayed in Alex’s room since we didn’t want to take any chances of running into Bruce. Now that he and I no longer were on good terms, anything could happen. Lorena had explained to us about how he was a ticking time bomb, and that his outbursts were completely unpredictable.

  We all had to watch out for each other, all while I figure out a plan to end this.


  The rest of the day went smoothly. Alex and Lorena fell asleep on the floor while watching cartoons, and Marie had come to pick up the plates from the food that she brought us earlier.

  I needed a plan to figure out how to end this stupid undercover mission fast. I was getting tired of all the bullshit and was ready to swipe up those kids and head home.

  I went into my room, which was next to Alex’s, and locked myself in the bathroom. I wished that I had my cell phone because calling out on Roberto’s phone seemed dangerous. I had to speak with Bobby though. It was the only way that I was really going to figure this situation out, because I couldn’t do it on my own.

  I dialed his number and held the phone to my ear. I was going to emphasize calling him my brother in case I was being listened to. I wasn’t sure why Roberto gave us personal phones, but I wasn’t going to risk the reason being that he could somehow record my calls or something.

  “Hello?” A tired voice came on the phone. It was definitely Bobby’s.

  “Hey bro,” I said. “This is Sarah.”

  “Oh…” He was silent for a moment, “Hey Sis. How are you?”

  “I’ve been better. You?”

  “Same…How’s work going for you?”

  “It’s fine. Just been busy. Have you heard anything from the kids? I know you miss them.”

  “No…no,” He chuckled. “I thought that they may have spoken with you by now.”

  “Nope…not at all. I can barely get to the phone to even speak with them.”

  “Ah…Well, look. Why don’t you come by and give me a visit? See if we can schedule a visit with the kids.”

  “I can’t really leave my job now. I’m sure me and my nephews could work something out once I find their number.”

  “Nah, I really just want to see you. It’s important sis. I’m not going to take no for an answer,” Bobby chuckled again, but I knew that it was fake.

  I sighed, “When?”

  “How about tonight? That way you can get back early enough not to be missed.”

  “Sure, I’ll let them know,” I said sighing again.

  “Great, see you soon,” Bobby hung up. I could tell that he was frustrated about me not knowing a damn thing. This whole operation was a joke. I’ve been at this for weeks now and still didn’t know anything. I had to finish this though. Like Bruce said, I couldn’t just leave. I knew way too much information, and Roberto would do everything that he could to make sure that I would never talk.

  Chapter 31

  “What the fuck have you been doing this whole time Rose!?” Bobby yelled.

  I stood by the door feeling like a child as Bobby scolded me. He and Abigale were there, upset that I haven’t found anything yet. I knew a part of me had avoided looking, but then again, even if I did go searching head on it would be too dangerous. I was just too close, and this operation was being dragged out.

  Abigale leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. One of her eyes was swollen shut and purple. I assumed that she got into it with an enemy of her gang, or by someone in her gang. She was quiet, but I felt as if her silence was screaming at me.

  “Really? What the hell have you been doing!?” Bobby asked while pacing back and forth.

  I sighed and leaned my back against the door, “I’ve been doing what I can. You don’t know what it’s like being there.”

  “Where? In a house with a girl you’re in love with? I’ve been there-“

  “Bobby, that’s not the same and you know it. It’s dangerous!” I could barely get my voice loud enough to be considered a yell. I just didn’t have the energy.

  “What’s dangerous? Fucking? That’s only dangerous when you don’t have a condo-“

  “We weren’t fucking,” I said blandly.

  “So, what were you doing then!? If pussy wasn’t what was holding you up, then what the fuck was!? God, if I knew that this shit would take so damn long, I would have never chosen you! You’re too god damn emotional for this. I mean you have absolutely nothing! Just nothing. I’ve been sitting here, while you’re up there living the fucking life! Look at Abigale,” he pointed to Abigale who looked up at me with a blank expression, “She doesn’t look like she’s been enjoying herself. She looks as if she’s been fucking working!”

  “You think I enjoy myself?” I could feel my face twist up as my anger grew. “You think I like hearing a little boy get his ass beaten every night?”

  Abigale drew her eyebrows together, and Bobby just stood there with wide eyes and nothing to say.

  “No, really?” I suddenly had all the energy in the world to yell. “You think I’m living the fucking life? I am reminded every day of the hell I was put through as a child. I just learned that the woman I loved was almost raped by the man I have to work with, and the one I work for was going to let him do it! The bitch threatened me today, so now I have to watch out for him. All because I couldn’t stand knowing that he was beating Alex for wanting some damn cereal! I would rather be in your place right now. Living here, not worrying about what fucked up thing is going to happen to me, or someone I love sounds great right now!” I could feel all the pent up anger that I shoved away making its way back, and my chest was burning with rage. “I hate being there! Do you have any idea what it’s like to be around a man that reminds you of someone that tortured you on a daily basis? And then when he leaves, he calls in someone worse? You guys just have to fear bullets out here, I have to fear whatever creative way they kill people in their basement full of chains, a fucking torture chair- they have a table full of tools with blood on them because no one cleaned the shit off. I get caught once doing something that I’m not supposed to be doing, and that’s what the fuck I will be going through! They will take their time killing me Bobby! Roberto will make sure that I die slowly.”

  “Rose-“ Abigale knew where this was going.

  “No, just shut up!” I cut Abigale off. “Neither of you know what the fuck it’s like to hold back because a bunch of fucking lives depends on you. I mean really hold back,” I could feel myself moving in on Bobby.

  “Rose…” Abigale’s voice echoed in my ears again.

  Right now I didn’t feel like I had to hold back so much. For some reason it felt okay to let my anger spill out, and whoever got hurt in the process didn’t matter. After forcing myself to keep control all this time, I was finally losing it.

  “You have no idea what it’s like to be me right now!” I ran my hands through my hair and pulled at my curls. “You have no idea what it feels like to want to protect someone, and can’t because you have other obligations.” I moved in closer to Bobby, who was still wide eyed.

  “Rose, calm down,” Abigale stepped in front of me and grabbed my shoulders, but that wasn’t going to calm me down. I was tired of being calm. I wanted to hurt someone.

  “Get off me!” I pushed Abigale as hard as I could and she crashed into Bobby.

  Bobby caught Abigale and straightened her back up, then he stepped around her.

  “Rose, you need to relax. If you need me to, I can have you pulled from the operation and we’ll get your girl and the kid out of there-”
/>   “No!” I was seeing red now. “Hell fucking no. I’m going to finish this operation. All that time spent- I’m going to finish it.”

  “Rose, I don’t think that would be wise. You’re too close to them, and mentally-”

  I pulled my gun out and pointed it at Bobby. It was funny, because after all this time I thought that I would be pointing this gun at Roberto. Not someone that I actually considered family.

  Bobby held his hands up and started breathing heavily. He had no words. There was nothing that he could say right now to calm me down, because I couldn’t hear anything. The only thing I could hear was a gun being cocked next to my ear.

  “Put it down Rose. Look at what you’re doing. Look at who you’re pointing that gun at,” Abigale’s voice was shaking. “Snap out of it, and drop the gun.”

  I wasn’t sure when Abigale moved from in front of me, but I’m betting that had something to do with me keeping all of my focus on Bobby.

  When I didn’t respond I felt the gun press against my temple. It shook against my head as Abigale, My partner and Best friend, held it.

  “Please, just drop it. You can’t do this operation. It’s too much for you,” Abigale pleaded.

  I continued to point the gun at Bobby, but turned my head so that Abigale’s gun was now on my forehead. The fearful look on Abigale’s face only calmed me enough to not pull the trigger. It was the pain that I was feeling in my chest that snapped me out of my episode, but my mind still hadn’t changed. I had to save Lorena, and I was going to continue this operation with or without them.

  “She told me that I had to save them,” my voice cracked, “so that’s what I’m going to do, and neither of you will stop me.”

  Abigale bit her bottom lip as she stared into my eyes. I could tell that she was going through a lot, but right now her feelings weren’t my concern. Finishing what I started was.

  “Abigale,” Bobby said in a defeated tone, “lower your gun.”

  I continued to stare Abigale down. It took her a moment, but then she finally lowered her gun.

  “Thank you,” I said in barely a whisper.


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