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Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2)

Page 1

by Bennet, Bella

  Omega's Doctor

  Baby Makes Three

  Bella Bennet

  Illustrated by Cosmic Letterz


  Also by Bella Bennet

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Also by Bella Bennet

  Also by Bella Bennet

  O mega’s Attorney

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  F acebook:


  C opyright © 2017 by Bella Bennet

  All rights reserved .

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review .

  Created with Vellum

  F or Kate McKeever, who has been my cheerleader every step of the way. For Susi Hawke whose help and cheerleading has been invaluable .

  Chapter 1

  N ed wasn't sure why he was even here, wandering around trying to find someone that looked like they were waiting for a blind date to show up. Actually, he did know because Penny managed to guilt trip him into it. She could open her own law office and be as or more successful than her boss David. Ned shook his head. She could get you to agree without realizing what you had done. And by then it was too late .

  So, here he was at 8:30 AM on a Saturday morning searching a public park looking for his blind date. He was the blind date for Penny's friend that was desperate. If this guy needed a date for a wedding why couldn't he find one on his own? What was wrong with him? According to Penny, the guy had gotten dumped and needed a date .

  Oh well, Penny was right, he owed her for helping to bring their friends Henry and David together. And for loaning her cabin and doing the clean up. Probably more for the clean up. Ned shuddered. He was glad he didn't have to help clean up that cabin after a weekend of sweet, sweet loving .

  Ned stopped and looked around again. There was a wedding party with relatives getting pictures taken in front of the park building. He had noticed no other party, so this must be the right one. He wished Penny had sent him the guy's Facebook profile or something so he could find the guy easier. Ned sighed and walked closer to the party .

  As he approached, he realized that the party wasn't in the best of moods. The bride looked stuck up and kept sneaking glares at some guy. Hopefully that wasn't the groom. Nope, the quiet schmuck near her must be the groom. Poor guy. Oh well, he picked her so he had to put up with her .

  "I don't know why he's doing this to ruin Melissa's wedding! Can't he grow up !"

  "Shh, quiet. We don't want Fred's family to hear you. Act like nothing is wrong, then Steve won't get pleasure out of knowing how mad we are ."

  Steve? That was the name of the guy he was to meet. What was going on ?

  "I don't care! It is sacrilegious for him to bring a man for a date today! To his own sister's wedding! I can't believe he'd ever stoop this low. Where did we go wrong with him ?"

  "Be quiet. Just calm down. Steve said he had a man for a date but he's still by himself. He's bluffing just trying to make us all mad and be the center of attention again. Just ignore him ."

  Ned walked closer and glanced at the unhappy older couple. She looked like a piece of work. He'd recognize that judgmental, holier than thou attitude anywhere. Yuck. No wonder this guy Steve didn't want to endure this alone. He'd better find him and fast .

  Ned continued walking towards the wedding party and skirted around the back of the crowd searching for Steve. He didn't want to call out his name or make it too apparent that he had no idea what the guy looked like. Ned didn't know what story Steve had told everyone, and right now after seeing his sister and parents in action, he was on board with playing this however Steve wanted. That sucked having parents like that .

  Ned spied a guy standing apart from everyone trying to look like he was happy being there. That had to be Steve, but Ned wasn't sure. Because the guy was drop dead gorgeous. As in there was no way this guy couldn't get a date to a wedding. Which made him think the guy's personality had to be crap. Well with parents and a sister like that, what did he expect? Too bad he had to do a favor for the guy. But, he was here now, and it was too late to back out. If this was indeed his guy .

  He walked closer and looked around. He still saw no one without a spouse or date. People were off in groups talking or wrangling the whiny kids. He didn't hate children, the kids here really were all whiny. The wedding photos with the children must have been going on for some time. Ned looked around again, but he had already checked out every male without an attached female over a certain age. None of them looked like they were looking or waiting for someone. The hot man had to be Steve .

  Ned took a deep breath and focused on the smell of... nutmeg? He sniffed again and was sure it was nutmeg and another scent with it. Something that reminded him of Fall, apple cider and cozy nights in front of the fire. Mmm. He took another deep sniff and closed his eyes. Someone must be baking cookies. He opened his eyes and looked around. They were in the middle of a park. There was no bakery within the block. He turned around looking everywhere for the source of the smell. No one was carrying muffins or cider or anything. Then it hit him .

  Ned swallowed, cleared his throat and walked forward. The guy heard the noise and turned around. And he thought the guy's profile was hot. Ned was tongue tied, and he wasn't even close to the guy .

  The man smiled. "Ned, you made it!" He walked over and gave him a big hug. Ned hugged him back trying to will his cock to calm down and go back to sleep. That was hard to do when the hottest man besides a magazine cover model, was hugging you .

  They pulled back and Ned could focus on the man's face. Black hair, blue eyes, chiseled jaw, high cheekbones and white teeth. Yup, a fucking gorgeous model. And he was a surgeon too? Whoever had dumped him was an idiot !

  "Hi." Oh good job there, wow him with your eloquent prose .

  "I'm so glad you made it. Did you find it ok? It's a little tricky with that quick exit and turn off the interstate ."

  Ned nodded his head. "Yeah ."

  Oh god, he was doing it again. Every time he was within the range of someone he had the hots for, he lost the ability to speak. How embarrassing .


  Steve wrapped an arm around his shoulder in a one armed hug and then walked them closer to the steps of the building. Ned calmed himself and was so focused that he forgot that he was a date and a distraction for Steve. Until something penetrated his foggy brain. Everyone was staring at them. No one came over to say hi. That was odd. Especially since Steve was related to the bride .

  Ned leaned over to Steve. "Why is no one coming over ?"

  Steve put an arm around Ned's waist and leaned over. The heat from Steve's hand was burning through his suit jacket. "They're horrified I brought a man as a date. Sorry. But you were the only one that could make it on short notice ."

  Ned nodded. He didn't know what to do with his hands. Stick them in his suit pants or let his arms hang down like a monkey? He didn't want to show how nervous he was. Hands in the pockets it is .

  "Do you need coffee? There's coffee inside for us if you need some." Here was a guy getting ignored by his own relatives and he was looking out for Ned's enjoyment. Ned's opinion of Steve changed, maybe he didn't have a horrible personality. But then again, five minutes of interaction wasn't enough time to form a full opinion .

  "I'd love that. Thanks for letting me know." Steve winked at him and went up the stairs to the building. Ned paused, still in shock from the sight of Steve winking at him, and then followed him into the building .

  * * *

  S teve hoped he wasn't laying it on a little thick. He wondered if the arm around the waist or wink were too much. He didn't want to make his date uncomfortable, but he wanted it to look like they had known each other longer than five minutes. Which was the truth as they had just met each other .

  And Ned was attractive. He had brown hair highlighted blond by being outside. Steve knew what salon highlights looked like, thanks to all the nurses he worked with trying to get his attention. Ned's were the real deal .

  His natural scent had confirmed immediately that Ned was an alpha. A dominant woodsy, musk scent that reminded him of deep woods, camping and being protected .

  Steve grabbed a styrofoam cup and got coffee for Ned. Then he stopped and turned .

  "I'm sorry, Ned. I..I should have let you get your own coffee." He smiled so his embarrassment didn't show. He was treating Ned like a kid, who looked like he would be more than competent at whatever he did .

  "No problem. It's nice not having to do everything." He smiled and winked back. The wink mesmerized Steve until he felt hot coffee on his hand. He jumped back and sucked his fingers. Damn, that hurt .

  "Oh no, did I startle you? I'm sorry." Ned grabbed Steve's hand and wiped it off with napkins. Ned looked concerned and examined Steve's hand. Steve was more interested in examining Ned's face. He looked sun-kissed and fit. Steve wondered what he would look like without that suit on. Where did that thought come from? He should be focused on his sister's wedding not trying to score with his date of five minutes !

  Steve looked back down at his hand, trying to ignore Ned. What was going on with him? "I think it's ok. Just a little hot coffee. It will feel better soon." Ned rubbed his thumb on Steve's hand. That thumb movement worked for him. His cock was waking up and wanting to say hello to the nice man. He pulled his hand back and gave a smile .

  "I'll get you another cup. I spilled this one." Steve tried to focus on moving the full cup over to the trash but he couldn't help but be aware of the body next to him. The fit, hot body next to him .

  "Thanks. I'll get this one myself since I burnt you with the last one ."

  "Oh no, it was my fault." Steve looked up into Ned's eyes and knew he had made another mistake. Those brown eyes were smiling at him. No judgment, no conniving in them, no thinking of how he could use this to finagle more stuff out of him. It was refreshing not to have to deal with that. Which Steve didn't realize he had been dealing with, with his ex until now. Today was just full of personal revelations, wasn't it ?

  Ned drank out of his cup and swallowed. Steve couldn't help but watch Ned's throat as he swallowed. His skin was so smooth. Steve wanted to reach out and run his fingers down it and follow that up with his tongue. The clacking of heels pulled him out of his study of Ned's neck .

  His mother was barreling down on them like a freight train. And she didn't look happy. Which was her usual expression for him .

  "Steve! How could you! You're ruining your sister's big day by making a spectacle out of her wedding ."

  Steve clenched his jaw and looked over at Ned. Ned's eyebrows were stratospheric and he couldn't look anymore surprised if the Queen had shown up dancing the macarena .

  "I want you to apologize to your sister right now and stop this charade. You're embarrassing the family !"

  Steve flattened his lips and wondered how to get out of this without causing a scene, making his mother blow up even worse or giving in .

  "I'm sorry but we haven't been introduced yet. I'm Ned Patterson ."

  Steve looked over at Ned and a happy warmth swirled through him. Here was a guy that didn't even know Steve, but was doing his best to draw the wrath of his mother away from him. He owed Ned big time .

  His mother glared at Ned and said nothing. He had to do something and fast .

  "Most mother's of the bride have a tough time at their daughter's wedding. I hope your day goes better." Ned moved his outstretched hand to wrap his arm around Steve. Now it was his turn to be surprised. "Why don't we go back and put cool water on your hand. Pardon us, ma'am." Ned guided Steve away from his mother and to the back hallway where the bathrooms were. Who was this guy? He was so smooth at handling his mother !

  "You are amazing. I don't know how you could think let alone be so smooth. Thank you ."

  Ned smiled at him, with his arm still around Steve. "No problem. You were just caught in the moment. Something our parents can do to us no matter how old we are." Ned steered him into the bathroom and turned on the faucet .

  "Get your hand under here. I think you should run cold water on it." Steve shook his head and laughed. He was the surgeon yet Ned, and he had no idea what his profession was, was the one doctoring him. It was nice to be taken care of. Thank God one of them was thinking .

  "Again, thank you for your slick move at getting me away from my mother ."

  Ned winked. Steve looked down at his hand and wondered if that blush he felt was showing up on his skin. He hoped not .

  Chapter 2

  N ed walked by Steve, back outside the building. The photos looked to be finished and better yet, Steve's mother was nowhere in sight. That woman was nasty. Ned couldn't blame Steve for not wanting to go through this alone. He couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for the guy, waiting to see if his blind date would show up or not. Ned reached over and put a hand on Steve's back. Steve jumped .

  "I wanted to make you feel better. You know." Oh God, not again. Here he goes with the short sentences. And he thought he had gotten over that with the bathroom moment .

  Steve flashed a quick smile and looked forward again. Ned dropped his hand. He felt awkward. Steve was Ned's idea of a walking wet dream. Nothing made him more uncomfortable than being next to a man he wished he could have .

  Ned sneaked a peek at him. He looked like he didn't even do anything to look that good. Black hair not too short, appropriate business length as his old mentor would say. Those long black eyelashes were killer though. He bet woman would give their soul for eyelashes that long and thick. He smiled and looked back at the park .

  The chairs were all set up, a fabric runner in the aisle between the chairs leading up to a veranda with a shelter. It was decorated with big ribbon bows and flowers .

  "So, do we wait out here? Do you have a role in the wedding ?"

  Steve turned to Ned with a crooked smile. "Do you think they'd want me in the wedding?" Ned shrugged and felt bad for the guy .

  "Why do they not like you so much, if you don't mind my asking?" Ned felt like a jerk for asking, but it was odd. Steve seemed like a normal, nice guy. Why would anyone shun that? Especially with him looking like a dream? Ned willed himself to look around at the chairs and stop drooling .

  "No, it's ok. It's got to be hard for you to be with the odd one out at a wedding where you know no one." Ned shrugged, but he was right. It was odd .

  "I don't know what the issue is to tell you the truth. Maybe my mother wanted a girl. Maybe I came too soon in the marriage. I have no idea ."

  Ned waited and then realized Steve was done talki
ng. He looked over and narrowed his eyes .

  "That's it?" Steve nodded his head. "You got no one pregnant in high school? Do drugs? Streak through the neighbor's graduation party ?"

  Steve raised an eyebrow. "That was pretty specific? Do I sense a story ?"

  Ned smirked and chuckled. "You did nothing crazy ?"

  Steve shook his head. "Not that I can think of. I don't understand it either. It's been like this my entire life ."

  Wow. That sucks. He had to be a head case growing up in a family that treated him like this .

  "Well, I hope I can help you get through this crappy day ."

  Steve looked over and smiled. "You already have ."

  Ned stared and didn't want to look away. When Steve smiled, it was like seeing a perfect summer day, the fresh snowfall on Christmas morning or crossing the finish line first after a hard race. He was falling fast .

  Ned gave a smile and looked away. What was he going to do? Should he get involved with a guy and be the rebound? He didn't want to be the rebound. Ned wanted to be the real thing .

  He felt a finger brush against his hand and he glanced over at Steve. Steve wasn't looking at him. He was looking around at people moving to the pavilion. Maybe he didn't know he was doing it ?

  Ned looked at Steve who was watching people moving towards the chairs. Ned leaned over and took a sniff .

  "What are you doing?" Steve had glanced back at Ned with a quizzical look .

  Ned was embarrassed he had been caught. "I just wanted to confirm something. You smell nice." Oh that was smooth. He'd smack himself on the forehead if he was alone .


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