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Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2)

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by Bennet, Bella

  Steve chuckled. "And you thought it was me? Smelling nice ?"

  Ned sighed and realized he would not get out of this without sharing more. "It smelled like nutmeg and some other spice used in Fall cooking. You know like pumpkin bread, apple cider, stuff like that ."

  Ned decided that since he was already caught leaning over, he might as well get a good sniff in. He leaned over and took a big whiff of Steve's neck. He smelled so good, Ned almost licked him. Steve was definitely the source .

  Ned leaned back and stared at Steve. He was dazed and turned on from the scent. He knew he was looking at Steve like he wanted to eat him and rub all over him. Which was correct. He wanted to do both things. But, he was at a wedding and needed to behave. So he looked away and focused on the people settling in the chairs. He supposed they should get a move on and sit .

  Ned stilled and wondered if Steve's family would be so petty as to not have him sit with the family .

  "Steve, we should go find our seats. Do you know where we're sitting ?"

  He had his hand on Steve's back and felt it when he stiffened. Looks like Steve wasn't feeling good about the seating arrangements either. He rubbed his hand on Steve's back, trying to calm him down and give him something to help him get through this. At least to let him know someone here cared .

  "I'm not sure. I assume we're with the family. But, God knows. I don't even want to ask my mother ."

  "Is there a wedding planner or someone that would know?" Steve looked around and they both spotted the woman with a clipboard at the same moment .

  "Let's go talk to her." Ned tried to keep his hand on Steve's back as they made their way over to the person who hopefully knew what was going on. Ned was just floored at how rude Steve's family was. There had to be more to it than Steve having done nothing. He'd think about that another time. Right now they had to get in their places .

  * * *

  S teve was surprised at how much he liked having Ned's hand on his back. It felt like he was being taken care of that someone appreciated him. He felt warmth from that thought. It made him happy .

  They reached the woman with the clipboard. Which was a little odd? Didn't ushers walk people to the right seating ?

  "Hello, I'm a brother of the bride. Do you know where we're to be seated ?"

  The woman flashed a surprised look and then looked down at her clipboard. She rolled her lips and looked up .

  "It says you're in the third row, but there's only one seat reserved for you ."

  Steve stiffened. He had RSVP'd he was bringing a guest. Why did his sister change it? When were they ever going to stop screwing with him ?

  "That's a surprise. I replied to the invitation that I was bringing a guest. As you can see I have a guest with me. Are you sure there's not another chair reserved for a guest ?"

  She looked back down at her clipboard and then back up .

  "You let Melissa's mother, which I suppose is also your mother, know you weren't bringing a guest last week. You can't go changing your mind like that ."

  Steve felt anger roll through him. Last week was when he got dumped. How did his mother know about that? And why would she assume he wouldn't bring a guest? He was infuriated because Ned was a nice guy and he didn't want to sit by himself surrounded by self-centered vultures .

  "Well I don't know what to tell you. I never told my mother I wasn't bringing a guest. As you can see on your paper, it said two. Is there another seat available with the family for my guest? Otherwise we'll sit anywhere on the bride's side." Steve thought he stayed calm and yet still sound assertive. He was proud of himself. His mother's machinations had him throwing fits. Probably something she had been counting on .

  The clipboard woman gave a small smile. "Sorry, we had to redo the plan when your mother said you weren't bringing a guest. She didn't want an empty chair in that row. You can sit anywhere past the reserved rows ."

  Steve flashed a small smile. He would not let this get to him. Even though he was ready to scream at his mother for being a bitch, again .

  "No problem. Thanks for checking." Ned smiled at the woman and then put his hand on Steve's back and led him to the main aisle .

  "I'm glad you aren't here alone. I can't believe how nasty they're being ."

  Steve felt warmth and contentment flow through him like a hot chocolate on a winter's day. It was amazing how calm he was being considering the crap he had already gone through and the wedding hadn't even started yet. He was glad Ned was here too .

  Steve leaned over to Ned. "I am glad too ."

  He gave him a genuine smile and turned to go into a row on the bride's side. He recognized no one in the row already, but that was fine. As a matter of fact it was terrific. If he didn't have to sit with his relatives, it might make this ordeal passable .

  He picked up the wedding program and read it even though he didn't care. It hurt every time he was excluded or kept out of family functions. He didn't have a part in his own sister's wedding. He was even sitting back among the crowd like he wasn't part of the family. It hurt every time, but he had to remind himself that it was on them. It was their problem .

  He felt a hand on his thigh and looked down to see Ned's hand sitting on his right leg. Steve was surprised and a little worried what anyone would think. He looked around and realized no one was looking at them. Everyone was focused on their own wedding sheets or talking to people near them. He liked Ned's hand on his leg, it helped to ground him and keep him calm. A reminder he wasn't alone in the bullshit of the day .

  Ned took his hand off Steve's leg. Steve caught himself from trying to keep Ned's hand there. But then he felt an arm around his shoulders and glanced over. Ned was looking at the wedding program and was otherwise ignoring Steve. He wondered if Ned was doing this to get back at his mother and sister. Was he pretending they were a couple per his request or was Ned was doing it because he wanted to ?

  The music started and everyone turned around to watch the bridesmaids walk up the aisle. The dresses were ugly lime green things with taffeta puffs on the shoulders. That was mean making bridesmaids buy a dress to wear once that was so hideous it should be burnt. Steve was thankful now he wasn't a groomsman. The lime green cummerbunds were atrocious. His sister must have picked them out. Did she realize they weren't in the 80's anymore ?

  The wedding march started, and he rose to stand with the crowd. His sister was smiling nodding her head like she was the Queen of England and the crowd were her subjects. His sister always had thought highly of herself but this was going too far. And was that a tiara on her head? He snorted and shook his head. Tiara's are fine with a veil, but not one that was taller than Ms. America's !

  Ned turned back and rose an eyebrow at Steve with wide eyes. Steve mouthed 'I know' and they both grimaced. He was so glad Penny had sent Ned to be his date. He wouldn't have gotten through any of this without him. His eyes lingered on his profile and he thought again at how handsome Ned was. Why was he still single? He would snap that up in a heartbeat. He was nice, caring, concerned for others and fit. Very fit. Steve looked down but couldn't see his ass through the suit jacket. Too bad. Maybe he could get it off of him later. Steve stilled in shock at that thought. What was going on with him ?

  He turned forward and focused on pretending to be interested. Steve hated weddings, but had wanted to enjoy and be here for his sister, until her behavior this morning. Now he wanted to leave before they did anymore embarrassing things. He didn't want Ned to see how they treated him. Which was odd, considering he had only met Ned about an hour ago. And he was just Steve's pretend date. Why did he care what happened in Ned's view ?

  The rest of the wedding went on without a hitch. He tried not to laugh at the first reading though. Whose idea was it to make that poor girl read out of the bible without a podium? And to hold the microphone in one hand and keep the bible ope
n with that wind? He shook his head. He bet it was his sister. She didn't care about the difficulties anyone else would have. He sure wished he wasn't like that himself .

  Chapter 3

  T he wedding was over. It was the most boring part of any wedding day. Ned looked forward to the socializing and dancing but this one would be different. He had never gone to an early morning wedding, never been to one with no alcohol and no dancing. Ned did not understand what would happen during the brunch reception other than everyone leaving as soon as they ate. If there was no music or dancing why would anyone stay ?

  He smiled and clapped as the happy couple walked down the aisle. For weddings, it wasn't too long of a service. Now they could deal with the reception and leave. They shuffled out of the aisle and merged with the crowd to go to the park building. They didn't talk while they were in the big crowd. Ned just tried to keep Steve with him, but it was impossible without grabbing onto his sleeve. He gave up and just grabbed Steve's hand. He didn't want to ruin Steve's jacket by holding onto it, but he felt like a parent with a little kid. Which neither of them were. So hands it was .

  It was nice holding someone's hand. He knew it was just to keep them from getting separated, but it had been awhile since he had held hands with someone. They kept holding hands even after they were out of the crush and everyone was spread out more. He didn't mind it though. Steve was a handsome man. Ned was getting a semi again wondering what Steve looked like under his suit. He wondered if there would be a way to spill wine on him... and then he remembered there was no alcohol at the wedding. He frowned. There's another reason you should always have alcohol at a wedding reception, so people could spill wine and use it as an excuse to get people out of their clothes. Come on! Ned shook his head at Steve's family again. What a bunch of angry prudes. They all needed to get laid .

  Ned snorted to himself and looked over to see if Steve had noticed. He seemed in his own world. Didn't want to make him think Ned was some freak, walking around snorting like a hippopotamus or something. Do they even snort? Maybe a rhino. He liked the thought of a fierce rhino snorting better. He rolled his eyes at himself. Sometimes he was just too weird for words .

  They walked up the steps to the pavilion building or whatever it was called. The big park building where the brunch reception was held. If there was no alcohol, would there even be toasts? Could they ding the glasses for the newlyweds to kiss? How lame if they couldn't do that? Why even bother having anyone show up if there would not be any fun? He sure didn't want to be in their shoes. Starting a wedding off with no fun was not a good omen his book .

  The front of the building had a cute seating chart on an easel. The tables were numbered, and you found your last name, and number to see where you were to go. That was better than just having the clipboard woman trying to get everyone to the right table. Score one for whoever came up with this idea. He bet it wasn't Steve's sister .

  They were at a table near the back of the room. About as far from the head table as you could get. Oh well, that meant they would have a good time! The less they had to be around his crappy family, the better mood he'd be in. He felt for Steve. That guy had the shitty luck to be born to a family of cranky, judgmental prudes. Ned had found those that were the most verbal about religion were the meanest people he knew .

  They let go of their hands to weave through the tables to their table. Ned noticed that it was right next to the coffee pots and hallway for the bathroom. This was perfect! He liked finding the bright things in every situation and he couldn't have planned this any better than if he had assigned the seats himself .

  "This is a perfect location isn't it?" Steve looked at him like he had just spoken Russian. With a bad accent .

  "We're as far away as possible and close to the coffee and bathroom. Perfect location!" He leaned back and put his napkin in his lap. Well, he thought it was an excellent location. Maybe Steve was upset over the location. He should get out of his head if that was the case. And Ned supposed that was his job, to keep Steve distracted. Well, he could think of a few ways to distract a hot man ...

  Ned grabbed the plate with the rolls from the center of the table and offered it to Steve. He smiled and picked one. Then Ned grabbed one, but it slipped and fell. Onto Steve's lap. Who hadn't put his napkin down yet? Oops. He better clean up that chocolate frosting on Steve's leg. Perilously close to his crotch. He didn't do it on purpose !

  He grabbed his napkin and dabbed at Steve's lap and glanced up. Steve was getting a good blush going .

  "I didn't do this on purpose, I swear!" He just ruined that by winking. But what can you do? You're rubbing at the lap of a hot man .

  "It looks like my rubbing isn't getting it out." Oh my God. What did I say? Ned felt a blush starting but hoped he could fight it off. He kept one hand on Steve's leg as he dipped his napkin in water and went back to rubbing Steve's crotch .

  He had a little smile on his face because he was fighting a huge smile. And laughing. This was insane. He couldn't have planned this better if he had tried. If he had tried the entire plate probably would have fallen on Steve's lap. And then there'd he'd be, bobbing for donuts off Steve's lap. Hoping to get the long john. Get it? He snickered and flattened his lips trying to stop. There was someone talking up front and he should be respectful. Not rubbing and causing a wet area on the front of Steve's pants .

  Ned gave up, most of the chocolate icing was removed, but it looked like there were large wet spots on the front of his pants. Maybe he could hold a napkin in front of him the whole time? Ned leaned back in his chair and took a long swallow of his orange juice. He would not look at Steve. The guy was certainly glaring at him. Or frowning. He most probably wasn't looking at Ned with a 'come fuck me now boy' look in his eyes. That would be nice though. Maybe he could convince Steve that he needed to dry his pants in the bathroom. And he needed Ned's help .

  Ned focused on eating his donut while somewhat paying attention to the front of the room. People were talking about how the two met. Boring. When could they get this brunch they were promised? If they had to sit through speeches first, he would die. Or eat all the donuts. It was a toss up .

  Someone walked by him and he glanced up. Oh shit. It was Steve's mother. Ned turned to Steve. He had a pinched look on his face. Ned had better run interference. But how without making a scene ?

  "I see you found your new spot since you messed up the seating chart I had worked on. You always do everything in your power to ruin everything I hold dear ."

  Wow. She was a piece of work. He couldn't see Steve's face but knew he had to be biting his tongue. Ned put his arm around Steve's shoulders to let him know he wasn't alone. And to piss off Steve's mother. That was the main reason he did it if he was being honest. Which he liked to be .

  Her eyes moved from Steve to him. He smiled and waved with his free hand .

  * * *

  S teve saw his mother's eyes widen and then squint. That along with her pissed as hell look made Steve glad he was in public and his mother couldn't say anything with all these people around. She could be very nasty when she wanted to be. Which was almost all the time with him. He still didn't know why, but he gave up trying to figure it out a few years ago. Now he waited for his mother's reaction to whatever Ned had done behind him .

  She looked to Steve again. He sat back due to the look in her eyes. Maybe he wasn't her son? He didn't think mothers looked at their children like they would actually kill them .

  "You are despicable. You're ruining your sister's wedding by making a spectacle of it! You have no shame !"

  Steve was stunned she would be so nasty right now. He was sure she wouldn't do anything so bad with witnesses, with people in the room they had liked and wanted to impress. He was so shocked that his mouth was open and he couldn't think of anything to say .

  "Pardon me, but I can't help but overhear this, as the entire rest of the table ."

  Ned was s
peaking up from behind him. Steve wanted no one to fight his battles for him, but he didn't know what to say other than 'get the hell out of my face'. Which was not a good idea when you're trying to be quiet at a wedding reception .

  "Do you think maybe you could table this until the reception is over? You don't want to take the spotlight off your daughter, do you ?"

  Steve bit the inside of his cheek wondering how bad his mother would blow up. She hated to be told what to do, especially that she needed to change her behavior. He was worried she'd throw things, or cry and wail at the top of her lungs. Steve felt Ned put his other hand on his leg and he was glad for the touch. He wasn't alone, and she would not treat him like crap with Ned here. Steve felt like smiling .

  His mother pursed her lips and flared her nostrils. She looked ugly. Nasty ugly with her face pinched like that. She looked like that psycho teacher in those Harry Potter movies .

  Steve's mother looked around at the table. Steve looked too. Everyone at their table, and the tables next to them were watching. Oh boy, this would either make his mother go for the big scene to get sympathy or to slink away and go even bigger when she got him alone. He hoped she slunk away. Please, let her go away .

  He turned back to his mother just as she whispered 'This isn't over' and walked back to the front. He let out a huge sigh of relief. Thank God she didn't go for the big blowup. Most probably because Ned was here. He owed Ned a huge thank you .

  "I'm sorry that had to happen. I hope I wasn't the cause of it. I thought nothing of it putting my arm around the back of your chair ."

  Ned pulled his arm away but Steve turned in his chair and put his arm on Ned's shoulder. "Don't. Please. You did nothing wrong. It was my being here, or my screwing up her seating chart, or it's a day that ends in 'Y' that caused her to be upset. You did nothing wrong ."


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