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Runaway Heart

Page 2

by Scarlet Day

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  Chapter Three

  Jaren leaned against a column with his arms crossed in front of him and surveyed the throne room. It felt good to be off the ship and to be able to stretch his legs, even if it meant he had to stretch them while wearing a mask. He had decided the ancient buccaneers must have been cowards. A true warrior would never hide from his enemy behind a mask, but would proudly show his face so they would know who was about to kill them.

  Jaren hated that his situation had brought him to this point. Having to search foreign worlds for his sha-lia, his true mate, was not something his people were accustomed to. But he was sure he had seen every unattached female on his planet and had felt nothing for any of them. Well, nothing more than physical attraction, at least.

  He wasn’t the only one to wonder whether he and his brothers’ failure to find their true heart-mates would be the downfall of his family. The rumors were now running rampant, and people were getting worried. Jaren’s father was dying and had no heart-mated son to take his place. None of Jaren’s brothers had managed to find their sha-lia either, but the primary burden fell on Jaren, as the eldest. It was what he had trained for all his life.

  Without his sha-lia, Jaren would not only lose his birthright, he would eventually lose his mind. Aldryssian males were shifters, but they could only complete the full transition once they found their mate. Until that time, their alternate form was essentially chained within them, straining for release. Partial shifts allowed the males to maintain their sanity for a time, but their beasts could only be caged for so long before the males descended into madness.

  Jaren’s mood darkened at the thought of being cursed with such a fate. He was still young by his people’s standards, only fifty-eight years of age, so he should have another century to search for his heart-mate. Unfortunately, his need had come early and urgently due to his father’s unexpected, and unexplained, illness. They had no idea how long he had left, and it was felt that the transition of authority should take place as soon as possible.

  Jaren may have time to find a mate before his mind became unhinged, but if she was not found soon it would be too late to take his father’s position. If Jaren tried to take over for his father without his mate—and make no mistake, he would definitely try—others would challenge him and chaos would ensue. Jaren feared that his Uncle Odair would be first in line to make that challenge, and Odair wouldn’t care how bloody the fight might get.

  Jaren shuddered at the implication of his uncle wresting control from him. Odair was a ruthless man with no heart-mate who wouldn’t care how he kept power, so long as he reaped the financial rewards from the continued production of their rare resources. His mental deterioration resulting from lack of a heart-mate had manifested itself in greed, bitterness, and an all-consuming hunger for power. Two attempts on his father’s life were suspected to be the work of Odair, but conclusive proof had never been found.

  Jaren swore under his breath. It wouldn’t just be the loss of his father and his family’s legacy, although that would be devastating enough. A sha-lia’s life was tied to her mate. With the death of his father, his mother would be ripped from them as well. He felt like a cold fist had wrapped itself around his heart.

  Realizing he was getting nothing accomplished, Jaren tried to shake himself out of his gloomy thoughts so he could concentrate on the present. The Montorean Hall was packed with beings from all over the nearby quadrants. Most were humanoid, but there were also some he could easily dismiss as being unsuitable mate candidates without even looking in their eyes. He wasn’t even sure where some of them kept their eyes, much less other important parts that were needed for mating.

  The hall was vast, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the nearby forest. The ceiling had metal beams stretching across the expanse with white material draped like giant curtains. It created the feeling that they were in a tent. He much preferred his planet’s architecture. This place had too many metal surfaces and was too cold and impersonal for his liking. Food tables were laid out on one end of the hall and boasted every meat, fruit, cheese, wine, and delicacy imaginable. The throne and dais were situated on the opposite end of the hall. Huge white columns stood at regular intervals down both sides of the hall, with large potted trees between them.

  From the sounds Jaren heard coming from behind him, it appeared that some couples were using those columns and trees to hide from prying eyes while indulging in a little party revelry. The celebratory atmosphere of the evening did nothing to lift Jaren’s spirits. If anything, it put him into an even worse mood.

  “Mingle, brother,” instructed Jaxson as he walked up to Jaren and passed him a goblet. Jaren sniffed the contents and gathered that it was some type of wine. Sipping the red liquid, he decided he preferred the wine his own people produced on Aldryss.

  The brothers had been attracting their fair share of attention since arriving at the event. Jaxson nudged an elbow into Jaren’s ribs and drew his attention to a female who was ogling the brothers with interest. Seeing the brothers look over to her, the female sauntered forward, coming to a stop only inches from Jaren. She wore a shiny black formfitting body suit and knee-high boots with stiletto heels. A black mask completed the ensemble. Her lips were painted a bright red and she licked them seductively, while her hungry gaze roamed over Jaren. Moving so close that her breasts pressed against his upper arm, she ran one finger over his chest.

  “I love pirates.” The female practically purred, but her voice grated on Jaren’s nerves. “Why don’t we go find a place where you can plunder my treasure?”

  Jaxson choked and sputtered on the wine he had just started to swallow. Jaren turned to glare at him, silently threatening him not to say anything to their brothers when they returned home. Jaxson pretended to take a sudden interest in the tree they were standing next to.

  Jaren looked down into the eyes of the female and almost sighed with relief. Thank the gods that this was not his sha-lia. “I am sorry, but I am looking for someone.” He didn’t feel he was lying, since he was looking for someone—his mate.

  “I’m someone,” The female pouted at him, sticking her bottom lip out and batting her eyelashes. “Couldn’t we get to know each other until you find whoever you’re waiting for? You could tie me up and make me walk your plank.”

  That was it. Jaxson lost the little composure he had been holding on to. His laughter burst from him so hard that he had to lean against a column to keep standing. Jaren glared at him, and his entire body felt like a tightened coil, tensing as if preparing to pounce. The female finally huffed and marched off. Jaren assumed she was looking for her next target.

  Jaren stalked over to his brother, who had one arm braced against the column and was trying to catch his breath. “Not one word to our brothers.” His eyes narrowed into lethal slits as he raised his finger and pointed it at Jaxson. “Not. One. Word.”

  * * *

  Chapter Four

  One hour, two strolls around the hall, three goblets of wine, and more offers for sexual favors involving pirate references than Jaren cared to count later, he decided this trip was a complete waste of time. He couldn’t imagine that his mate was anywhere among this crowd of egotistical, selfish, and all-around unpleasant beings. The only thing they would be taking home from this voyage was a humiliating story that Jaxson would torment him with.

  Just as he was about to suggest returning to the ship and leaving, the sound of musical horns blasted through the hall, drawing everyone’s attention to the raised dais. Guards marched out from a door on the side of the platform and lined up in front of the attendees. Next came leaders of the noble houses, or so Jaren assumed, judging by their pompous attitudes, despite their lack of crowns. Four males who resembled each other entered next. They wore crowns, and Jaren guessed these were the four princes he had overheard so many of the females gossiping about during the evening. They were dressed in black military uniforms and looked like warriors with thick, strong builds.
  More blares from the horns preceded the entrance of the king, who strode onto the platform and seated himself on the ornate golden throne. Jaren and Jaxson had found themselves near the dais when the formalities began and had a clear view of the activity. Jaren’s immediate reaction to seeing the king was that his expression and the way he carried himself reminded him of his uncle Odair. The king also wore a black military uniform, with a short purple cape and a crown embedded with jewels. One of the abilities of Jaren’s people was the capacity to read someone—to instinctively know whether a being possessed a heart for good or a heart for evil. Jaren knew, just by looking at him, that this king did not have a good heart.

  Jaren watched as King Myrrn’s gaze scanned the crowd, ensuring that all eyes were on him before standing to speak. “My guests, I welcome you to Montore. Thank you for joining us as we celebrate this important occasion. As is customary when children of the royal family reach twenty-five standard years of age, tonight we officially crown my youngest offspring and only daughter as Princess of Montore.”

  The king’s voice lacked any genuine sincerity, sounding to Jaren like he was forcing himself to speak the pleasantries. The king turned toward the doorway again, and Jaren watched as a woman in a white harem costume was led onto the stage. A veil made it impossible to see her features, but Jaren could sense by her hesitant steps that she did not want to be there. She approached the king, falling to her knees at his feet. Without any additional fanfare, the king reached for a silver crown resting on a red silk pillow being held by a guard and, without a word, placed it atop his daughter’s head. The crowd clapped politely. The newly crowned princess was helped to her feet by one of the guards as the king motioned for the crowd to quiet.

  “This is a doubly joyous occasion, as it is my pleasure to also announce that Princess Karinna will be given to Earl Bores tonight as his wife.” Jaren could sense smugness in the way King Myrrn made this announcement.

  There was no clapping from the audience this time, only murmurs. He watched as a short, stocky nobleman came to stand behind the princess and placed both hands on her slender shoulders. Jaren could almost taste the evil intent of the man. He also did not miss the way the princess cringed at his touch or the way the man’s fingers dug harshly into her flesh.

  Jaren had seen enough. He would not find his heart-mate among these people, and he had no desire to continue watching this spectacle. “We’re leaving.” Jaren turned to his brother. “I want the ship ready to depart within the hour.”

  Jaxson nodded once and spoke into a small device on his wrist as the brothers turned and made their way out of the hall.

  * * * *

  Kari was standing behind one of the columns in the hall, dressed in the red costume her mother had brought her. She just could not bring herself to leave without knowing if her mother had been successful. She watched as her father placed the crown on her mother’s head, knowing he thought it was Karinna kneeling before him. She paled as she saw Earl Bores place his hands on her mother’s shoulders. But the ruse had worked. Just as she was about to turn and make her way to the docking port to look for a ship that might get her off planet, she caught the words coming from two men standing in front of the column.

  “We’re leaving. I want the ship ready to depart within the hour.” Kari froze as she watched them stalk by, unaware that she was hidden in the shadows.

  This was it! Her refusal to leave without seeing the ceremony had put her in the position to learn of a ship that would be leaving immediately. Most of the attendees would be staying and enjoying the festivities, so Kari had known it might not be easy to get off planet quickly. She glanced back at her mother, who at that very moment was making her excuse of being ill and leaving the platform. Kari knew her mother would be safely back in her own quarters within minutes. With silent thanks sent to her mother, she ran to catch up to the two men who held her freedom. Now all she had to do was find a way to convince them to take a runaway with them.

  Kari followed the two men to the docking bay and watched as they walked swiftly toward a sleek vessel in one of the prime docking spaces. Whoever they were, she knew they must be fairly important to secure such a space. She just hoped they weren’t friends of her father. They were both dressed as ancient pirates. Kari thought that was appropriate considering her covert escape.

  As they approached the ship, one of them reached up and ripped the mask off his face before slamming the material into the chest of his companion, almost like the mask was offensive to him. Kari heard the other man’s rumbled laughter. She had to act now or she would miss her opportunity. Not knowing what else to do, she decided to do the only thing she could think of. Kari hurled herself toward the two big men, taking off her headpiece and veil as she ran.

  “Sirs! Help me, please! I need to get off the planet, quickly!” She put as much desperation as she could into her voice.

  Both men stopped and turned toward her. Her eyes went immediately to the man who had taken his mask off, and she instantly forgot whatever it was she had meant to say next.

  He was huge. He stood two heads above her, with the top of her head coming midway up his chest. And oh, what a chest it was! The silky material of his shirt molded to his incredibly broad shoulders and muscular chest. She could see the outline of his rippled flesh under the thin material. Kari had a sudden urge to place her hand on his chest to see if it felt as hard as it looked. Her eyes roved up his torso to his full lips, which were open slightly as if he was surprised. Kari wondered what they tasted like. She had never tasted a man’s lips before, but she could imagine her tongue brushing over his. She continued looking up until she found his eyes. When she did, she almost stopped breathing. They were the most piercing blue she had ever seen, and she felt like her soul was bared to their intense focus. Her breathing became shallow and everything around her faded away, until there was nothing left but his eyes. Then she felt herself falling, and the world went black.

  * * * *

  Jaren stood frozen for what felt like an eternity, staring into eyes that he thought he would never find. The world disappeared, and all he could see were two startlingly green eyes. They were wide with desperation that he could not imagine the cause of, but they reached into his heart, into his very soul, and staked claim on him. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe. All he could do was stare into the eyes of the one he knew he would never let go. He had heard stories of what it felt like to look into the eyes of a sha-lia for the first time, but he could never truly understand the depth of it. Everything in him shifted in the span of a heartbeat. Everything he was, everything he cared about, shifted to make room for her, placing her in the center of his existence with a permanence that could never be dislodged.

  Jaren’s beast stirred, sensing the one who would release it. Jaren felt it raise its great head and sniff the air, taking in the distinct scent that would forever be recognized as belonging to its mate. Excitement coursed through Jaren’s body, and both man and beast trembled at the intensity of the moment. They had finally found her.

  Suddenly, her body went limp and she began to fall. Without thought, Jaren instinctively swept her into his arms before she could hit the docking-bay deck and cradled her against his chest. He stormed up the docking plank into the ship, issuing orders as he went.

  “I want off this planet. Now!” He barked at his stunned brother and crew. “Get us off this rock immediately!”

  He did not know what caused her desperation, but he was not about to wait around for it to catch up with her. He knew she was running from something. He had seen the same look many times in the eyes of his own prey. He didn’t slow down or wait to ensure that his orders were followed. He knew they would be.

  Jaren reached his quarters, and the door opened as the sensors detected his approach. Walking across his room, he laid his precious bundle onto the bed and sat down next to her, his weight propped on one arm as he leaned over her body and gazed at his new reason for living. She was wearing a
red harem outfit that reminded him of the poor princess at the ceremony. He couldn’t imagine any father handing his own daughter off like a piece of property to a heinous creature like the earl. It made him sick to think of someone like that getting his hands on his sha-lia.

  She was small and vulnerable looking, with pleasing curves that called to his body, but the warrior in him also saw strength in her. Anger rose in him as he surveyed newly formed bruises on her cheek and her chin. If he knew who did this to her, he would gladly kill them. Jaren brushed his fingers across her bruised cheek, loving the way her soft skin felt under his fingers despite the ugly marks. He went to his closet and retrieved his portable personal medical kit. Returning to the bed, he removed the small, metallic device he kept for minor injuries and turned it on. One side of the long, round cylinder lit up with blue blinking lights. The lights blinked faster and then turned to green. He held the lights close to the cheek of his sha-lia and let the healing beams regenerate the damaged cells. The bruising disappeared across her cheek, and he turned his attention to her chin. Once the device had done its job, he returned the kit to his closet and again sat on the bed, watching her.

  Her blonde hair reinforced his memory of the princess, since its glimmering lengths were so similar. It created a beautiful halo as the golden locks spread around her head and flowed over his pillow. Her lips were plump and pink, contrasting so enticingly with her creamy skin. He wanted to feel those lips against his own and taste the sweetness beyond them. His mind registered the vibration of the ship as it left the gravitational pull of the planet, but he was too enraptured by this miracle before him to pay any attention.


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