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Runaway Heart

Page 3

by Scarlet Day

  “Whatever you are running from, sha-lia, it will not touch you now.”

  Jaren marveled at the timing of the gods. They had brought him his sha-lia at the very moment he was about to enter his ship to leave this world. Another minute and it would have been too late. He shook his head and laughed quietly.

  “Nothing like cutting it close.”

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  Kari heard a voice bringing her back from the blackness she had fallen into. She registered that she was lying down on something soft. She tried to piece together what had happened. She had been at the ceremony, watching her mother being crowned in her place. She had watched as Earl Bores placed his wretched hands on her mother. She remembered running. Chasing a pirate. Then she remembered blue eyes. They were the most amazing and beautiful eyes she had ever seen. They had taken her breath away to the point that she had become dizzy.

  As she processed her memories, her eyelids fluttered and she opened her eyes, finding herself captured again by those same blue eyes staring back at her. Her breath caught, but this time she forced herself to keep breathing, lest she be dragged back into the blackness that had consumed her before. With great effort, she tore her gaze away to take in the face surrounding those mesmerizing eyes. The man’s hair was as black as night. It was so dark that there was almost a blue tint to it where the light touched it. It was pulled back behind him. Kari had the urge to untie it so she could run her fingers through it.

  His face was tanned and he had a high forehead and strong cheekbones. His nostrils flared, like he was taking in her scent. Her searching gaze settled on his lips and she again felt an irresistible pull toward them. Without thinking about it, she reached her hand up to his face and lightly touched a fingertip to his bottom lip. His eyes instantly closed and he took a shuddering breath, his whole body shivering next to her. His hand reached up to hers, his fingers wrapping around her own as he placed a gentle kiss on her fingertips.

  “My sha-lia,” he whispered. “You are lovely.” His voice was like velvet to her ears, deep and soft. She felt her skin prickle with tiny bumps, and she struggled to steady her breathing, which was coming in short gasps.

  “Who are you? Where am I?” she finally asked, realizing she was lying on a bed next to a man that she didn’t know. And had she really just touched his lips? Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. The man shifted his weight and helped her sit up, scooting her backward to rest her back against the headboard.

  “I am Jaren.” He gently brushed a stray lock of hair out her eyes as he spoke. “You are on my ship. You seemed to be in trouble, like you were running from something, so I thought it best to get you away from the planet first and ask questions later.”

  Relief flooded Kari as she realized she was no longer on Montore. She had actually gotten away! Defiance and self-satisfaction sparked inside her as she thought about how angry her father would be when he learned she had run away. A part of her hoped he would get so mad that his evil heart would finally give out.

  As the elation of her escape settled, she realized that she was now on her own and at the mercy of…well, this huge man hovering over her, for starters. She wondered if she was any safer here. She didn’t know who was on this ship. Where were they taking her? Did they mean her harm? What if they meant to take her for themselves, were slave traders, or worse?

  Just because she had never been off planet didn’t mean she was completely unaware of some of the things that went on. She had spent plenty of time spying on her brothers when they talked about their missions and the worlds they visited. What if she had escaped her father and Earl Bores only to find herself in something equally as horrible?

  “Where are you taking me?” Kari’s only thoughts had been to get off planet as quickly as possible, not where she would go if she were successful. All she had was a small bag with a change of clothes and enough credits to last a few months. Beyond that, she was on her own.

  It dawned on her that she might never see her mother or her brothers again. She hadn’t even been able to say good-bye to her brothers. She didn’t know if her mother would be able to tell them about the deception. She knew they would be frantic with worry and would demand to search for her. Kari was sure her father would want a search conducted as well, but definitely not for the same reasons. If he ever found her…Kari shuddered at the thought of what he might do to her.

  * * * *

  Jaren watched the emotions play across her beautiful face. “Where would you like to go?”

  She appeared startled at the question. Jaren got the impression that she had not thought that far ahead.

  “Somewhere far away from Montore.”

  “That will not be a problem,” Jaren assured her. He watched the woman’s eyes grow suspicious as she studied him. “I will not harm you,” he assured her, taking a guess at what had her suddenly anxious. “No one on this ship will hurt you. I swear to you on my life that I will protect you from whatever it is that you fear.” He saw confusion register across her face.


  One corner of Jaren’s mouth turned up into a half-grin. He doubted she was ready to hear the truth—that his existence now revolved around her and he would kill anyone who tried to harm even a single hair on her head. No, he knew she definitely would not be ready for that. He decided it would be better to give a less complicated, but still truthful, answer now, and give her time to warm up to the permanence of their relationship.

  “I am an honorable warrior, as are the men of my crew. It is my duty and my privilege to offer aid to a female in distress.”

  He watched as she took in his words, the uncertainty slowly fading from her eyes to be replaced with acceptance. He was surprised at how easily she calmed at his words. It appeared that her body was beginning to respond to him as her mate, even though her mind was not aware of the fact yet. He softly brushed a finger against her cheek. Jaren saw confusion cross her features again, and she raised her fingers to the cheek Jaren had just touched.

  “My face. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  Jaren kept the anger he still felt over her injury out of his voice, not wanting to alarm her. “I healed it. I did not want to see you hurt.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh. Um…you didn’t have to do that, but…thank you.”

  Jaren grinned, knowing he would do that and so much more for this precious female. He suddenly realized he still didn’t know her name. “Would you do me the honor of telling me your name?”

  “Karin—um, Kari. Just Kari.” She looked away as she spoke.

  Jaren caught the slip in her speech and almost asked her about it, but he did not want to make her more uncomfortable. She was probably afraid of saying too much for fear that he would take her back. He would just have to prove to his little runaway that she could trust him completely.

  A chime sounded, alerting Jaren that someone was at the door of his quarters. He knew his crew would not interrupt him right now unless it was important.

  “Come.” The door slid open to reveal Jaxson, looking apologetic for having to disturb him.

  Jaren heard Kari’s gasp when she saw the man standing in the doorway. She quickly glanced at Jaren then back to Jaxson. Jaren assumed she was startled by their similarity in appearance, since they still wore the same costumes and looked like they could be identical twins, if not for Jaxson’s brown hair.

  “I apologize for the interruption. We left so quickly that the refueling process was incomplete. We need to dock at a space station soon in order to have sufficient fuel to make it home. I thought it prudent to ask if there was a preference as to which station we select.” Jaxson glanced quickly at Kari before returning his gaze back to Jaren, his eyebrows raised in a silent question. Jaren knew he was asking if there was a location they should stay away from, considering Kari’s desperation before they departed Montore.

  Jaren looked at Kari and motioned his hand toward the other man. “Kari, I would like to introduce you to my brother J

  Jaxson bowed formally at the waist before addressing her directly. “It is my sincere honor and pleasure to meet you, My Lady.”

  Jaren felt Kari stiffen and wondered what had caused her sudden wariness. “Kari, my brother asks this because he wishes to ensure that we do not dock somewhere that could put you in danger. Do you know of any locations we should avoid?” Jaren saw Kari’s body relax slightly and the fear fade from her eyes, though Jaren could detect a slightly pungent odor indicating that she remained concerned.

  “No, nowhere specific,” she responded. “I just want to get as far away from Montore before they find out—” Kari stopped suddenly.

  Jaren did not feel it wise to push for the rest of her answer. He addressed Jaxson without taking his eyes off of Kari. “Get as far away as possible before we stop, but avoid Bandal.”

  Jaren knew that Jaxson would understand his instructions. If Kari happened to be running from slave traders, showing up on a station built around that trade would not help matters. Jaxson bowed formally again and turned back down the corridor, the door sliding soundlessly closed behind him.

  * * *

  Chapter Six

  With the two of them alone again, Jaren wanted nothing more than to wrap his sha-lia in his arms and make love to her until she was as joined to him as he already was to her. He had a strong suspicion she was an innocent, despite her provocative attire. He would have to confirm that before they joined, since it would affect his approach. While he would worship her beautiful body just as thoroughly either way, he knew a female’s first time with a male could be painful. He would do everything in his power to distract her from that momentary suffering when the time came for them to physically join.

  He wanted every moment in his bed to be pure enjoyment for both of them. He longed to teach her how to pleasure his body and how to receive pleasure. He desperately needed to get up off this bed before he lost his mind completely and took her right now.

  Resisting his primal urges, Jaren stood up and walked to the food dispenser. He didn’t know if his sha-lia had eaten recently, but he knew fainting could be a sign that she needed food. He ordered an assortment of cheeses, fruits, and bread, along with two cups of caf. He set the plate on the desk next to the bed and handed her one of the cups, then returned to the other side of the room with his own cup and leaned against the wall. Keeping some distance between them was necessary if he were going to retain any control over his baser instincts.

  * * * *

  Kari was still feeling anxious from Jaxson’s formality and the use of a title—“My Lady”—in addressing her. Did they suspect who she really was? Or was that the way they addressed all females? If they did suspect, would they take her back to Montore or hold her for ransom?

  Jaren stood up suddenly and moved to the other side of the room, where he retrieved a plate of fruits, cheeses, and bread and set it on the desk next to her. He also handed her a cup of caf, for which she was grateful. She needed something warm to wrap her cold fingers around, and the drink would help clear her head. She wasn’t really hungry, but she was feeling nervous and needed something to do, so she nibbled on a piece of cheese and some bread.

  The food actually did make her feel a little better. She reached for a slice of fruit that looked unfamiliar, but interesting. It was red and shaped like a five-pointed star. As she bit into it, juice burst over her tongue and lips. The flavor was divine, and she couldn’t hold back the soft moan that escaped her lips as she chewed the fruit and licked the juice from her lips.

  She looked up sheepishly and caught Jaren’s intense stare. She gulped as she realized he was looking at her like…well, like something he wanted to eat. His eyes were glowing slightly. It occurred to her she ought to be at least a little frightened by that fact, but it seemed to be having a different effect. She was feeling something, but it wasn’t fright. Kari wasn’t entirely certain what she felt. It was similar to being hungry, but it wasn’t a type of hunger she had ever known before.

  Her gaze dropped down his broad chest to the tight black pants he was wearing, his long muscular legs now stretched out to their full length as he stood before her. She couldn’t help but notice the very pronounced bulge pressing against the front of his pants. She felt heat creep up her neck to her face as she realized what that bulge meant. She may have zero experience with men, but her mother had at least discussed the mechanics of sex with her. She just never expected to be the cause of this type of reaction in a man so…so…well, absolutely breathtaking. He was the most incredible male she had ever seen.

  Her gaze moved slowly up his body, not hiding the fact that she was openly staring at him, until she found her attention focused on his lips. She again wondered what they would taste like. Her breathing became shallow and ragged. She felt an unfamiliar heat building inside of her, working its way out, so that she felt tingly all over. She was sure that if she tried to stand, her legs would be unable to support her. She had never felt anything like this before and had no idea what to do about it.

  * * * *

  Jaren stood frozen while he watched his sha-lia’s gaze roam over his body, taking in the sight of his cock pressing against his trousers. It provided proof of what he badly wanted to do to her. And it was getting damned uncomfortable. He shifted to ease some of the pressure the tight leather was causing across his groin. The pink flush across her skin acknowledged the direction of her thoughts.

  Jaren remained completely motionless, not daring to move for fear that he would bolt across the room and take her without any further thought. Her hungry eyes were almost his downfall. It took tremendous effort not to go to her as her gaze traveled over his body.

  He became aware of a new scent, and he inhaled deeply, realizing too late that it was her passion that he smelled. She was getting wet for him. His beast raised its head and sniffed the scent that was an irresistible calling to him. It was too much. Within a matter of seconds, Jaren lost the control he had fought so hard to maintain. Forgetting about everything else, he crossed the distance between them in two quick strides, dropping his cup on the desk as he passed.

  He saw Kari’s eyes widen just before his face descended to hers. She gasped slightly and parted her lips. Jaren did not waste the opportunity, and his lips again moved softly against hers. This time he swept the tip of his tongue gently across the small part between her lips, testing her to see if she would open them and allow him entrance. A sigh tore from him as her lips parted and his tongue moved to taste the sweet gift she offered. His tongue found hers and began to twirl and slide along hers, bringing a soft moan from her. To his delight, she began to move her tongue over his, hesitant at first, but with more confidence as his shallow breathing gave testimony of his desire. He had never known a kiss to be so intoxicating, and he felt like he could stand there and taste her forever.

  * * * *

  Kari had sometimes wondered what it would feel like to kiss a man, but her imagination didn’t do justice to what Jaren was doing to her. The suddenness of his approach and fierceness in his eyes had sent momentary panic through her, causing her to expect his lips to be hard and crushing against hers. Instead, she felt the softest brush against her lips, like the barest touch of velvet. Then his tongue delved into her mouth, and she was swept away in a flood of feelings. Jaren’s lips and tongue were fueling a fire in her, creating a need that she didn’t understand and didn’t know how to fill.

  He took the cup she was still somehow holding and set it on the table. Then she felt his other hand slide down her neck and cup her right breast. His thumb rubbed over the tip through the filmy material of her costume’s bodice, sending an unfamiliar electrical jolt directly to her clit. She gasped at the contact and her back instinctively arched, forcing her body closer to his and pressing her breast into his hand.

  Her hands went to his hair, her fingers fumbling to untie the band that held his hair back. It fell in a curtain around his shoulders and she wound her fingers into the silky black
strands. The luxurious softness of it against her skin was fascinating to her.

  Somewhere in the back of Kari’s mind, she knew she should stop. Having lived a sheltered life, she had never been allowed to be alone with a man, much less had one touch her in such an intimate manner. But something about this man called to her, even though she didn’t even know who he was. Maybe it was the ordeal of the escape, the thought of being alone for the first time in her life, or the knowledge that she almost ended up spending her life being raped and beaten. Whatever the cause, her mind had apparently decided to let go of all that she knew was proper and just let her body feel the pleasure of this moment. Kari relaxed and let the tension leave her body.

  Jaren pulled back and looked into her eyes. “My sha-lia,” he whispered against her lips while holding her gaze. “You have never joined with a man before, have you?”

  Kari slowly shook her head. “I’ve never even been kissed before.”

  Jaren lightly ran his fingertips along her cheek and down her jaw before tracing the outline of her collarbone. The feel of his light touch sent tingles across her skin.

  “I will not take you tonight, my precious sha-lia. I do not want to move too fast for you. But I would like to show you the pleasure your body can feel. Will you let me teach you?”

  The fact that he asked her permission touched something deep inside Kari’s soul. She put her fingers to his lips and traced their fullness.

  “I trust you.” As she said the words, she knew they were true. She had just met this man, didn’t know anything about him, but every instinct she possessed told her that she could trust him completely.

  Jaren held her gaze as he moved over her, pushing her down so that she was lying on the bed, his body raised above hers. He looked into her eyes for a long moment before lowering his lips to hers. His kiss began just as gently as before, but Kari sensed more urgency this time. His lips claimed hers with a passion, his tongue delving into the depths of her mouth and exploring her. He pulled her bottom lip into his mouth and gently sucked before lightly grazing his teeth over the soft flesh as he released it. Kari shivered at the sensation, wanting to taste more of him. Her lips met his with equal passion, her tongue taking the initiative and exploring his teeth, his tongue. Jaren groaned into her mouth. He shifted his weight and lifted her, reaching behind her to the back of the costume she still wore. Unfastening the clasp with nimble fingers, he tossed the garment against the wall and it slid to the floor.


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