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Weak For You

Page 17

by Shanade White

  She could very well remember back when she was younger when all Catherine was bent on doing was cutting her off from the world. As if having a social life was so damn bad. It was like nothing ever really mattered to Catherine except what she thought and felt. It had been terrible growing up with her. It was almost like the only thing that ever really made her happy was seeing Emily put down.

  “Terrible memories,” Emily thought as she drove into work on Tuesday morning. “That’s all she will ever be. Terrible fucking memories.” But that was not all that was keeping her up. She was also doing research on a new business: a coffee house. And as much as she hated the idea of taking some time off from work, she was happy that she could finally get some time to concentrate on the nitty gritties of the coffee shop. This was supposed to be her last day for two weeks. She could hardly wait to get off.

  She’d told Alex of her time off and he’d said that he wanted her to go over his place. She was now pulling into the parking lot. She stifled a yawn as she climbed out of the car. She was almost zombie like as she rode in the elevator. She started thinking that everyone was right. Maybe it was time that she took some personal time and not to work on another venture but to take care of herself…have some well-deserved rest and everything.

  “Good morning,” a cheerful Cadence said when he saw her boss.

  “Morning. Please tell me you got my coffee,” Emily said as she walked past Cadence’s desk.

  “Here it is,” Cadence said walking into her office. She placed a Starbucks cup on her desk. “You had a call earlier from the new retailers. I told them you’d call back.”

  Emily nodded as she sat down. She reached for the cup and took a long sip. She exhaled loudly as she felt the hot caffeine working its way own her throat. That was exactly what she needed to wake her up.

  “Anything else that would have me holed up here for the day?” she asked and Cadence shook her head.

  “Just a few signatures…I’ll bring the files in. And by the way,” Cadence said as she walked towards the door. “Where is your phone?” she asked and Emily frowned.

  “My phone? In my bag or something. Why?” she asked.

  “There was a call from Alex. He says he’s been trying to reach you all morning,” Cadence said before she walked out. Emily took another sip and looked through her bag. She was burrowing through it, looking in all the compartments but it wasn’t there. She then looked in her laptop bag.

  “That’s weird,” she thought when she felt her phone in the bag. She would normally never have put it there. She pulled it out and sighed when she saw that it was off. She tried switching it on just as her office phone rang. She waited for Cadence to answer it but she never did. “Cadence?” she called softly.

  “It’s him. I know it,” Cadence called out. Emily smiled as she picked up her phone.

  “Hello, Emily Carter’s office,” she said.

  “Emily? Why are you answering your own phone?” she heard Alex’s familiar voice.

  “Apparently you’ve called in so many times this morning that my assistant immediately knew it was you on the phone,” Emily said.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you,” Alex said. Emily had given up switching her phone on when she realized that her battery had probably flat lined.

  “Sorry. My phone’s off. Forgot to charge it,” she said.

  “What time are you getting off?” he asked. She couldn’t help but notice that he sounded agitated. She shrugged.

  “In a few hours. I just have a few lose ends to tie up,” she said. “Are you okay?” she asked after a long silent minute from Alex. She heard him sigh.

  “Honestly, I’ve been better,” he said in a low voice. “I just really need to see you.” .

  “Aren’t you at work?”

  “I can take time off if and when I need it. I own the company remember?” Alex said.

  She smiled and nodded. Of course he did.

  “Well, it’ll be a few more hours before I can leave. I’m sorry.”

  “But Cadence said all you had to do was return a call and give a few signatures. That shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes,” he said and Emily frowned. What? Was he keeping tabs on her now?

  “You know what my calendar is like? Are you stalking me Brewer?” Her tone might have been light but she was genuinely annoyed that he knew exactly what she had to do.

  “I’m sorry, I just really need to see you, Emily.” She rolled her eyes. What could possibly be this important? “Please,” his voice was softer now.

  “Fine. I’ll be there in an hour,” she said.

  “Thank you,” he said before she hung up. She took another sip of her coffee as Cadence walked in with some files. She looked through them quickly and signed them before she called her clients back. The call didn’t take long. It was basically an all’s clear call her client needed before they moved on to the next phase of their project.

  Emily had spent all of twenty minutes before she finally left the office.

  “Remember, call me if anything comes up,” she said as she walked with Cadence to the elevator.

  “Nothing is going to come up,” her assistant said reassuringly. “And if it does, I will take care of it. I got my little elves ready to work you know,” she added as they stepped into the elevator. Emily turned to look at Cadence.

  “Are you ever going to let me know who these elves you keep on talking about are?” she asked.

  “A good assistant never tells,” Cadence said with a smile. Emily shook her head as the elevator doors opened.

  “Damn it….can I use your phone?” she asked when she realized she had made a commitment to Alex without settling on what she was supposed to do with the coffee house. “Mine’s off. Battery.” Cadence handed her boss her phone. “Do you have that contractor’s number? The one who’s working at the coffee shop?” Emily asked.

  “Oh yeah. He’s on speed dial too,” Cadence said as she dialed the contractor.

  “Why do you have him on speed dial?” Emily asked as she lifted the phone to her ear. “TDH? What the hell is that?” she asked.

  “Tall dark and handsome,” Cadence said. Emily shook her head and frowned. “Have you seen his abs? And those beautifully formed muscles?” Cadence asked in a whisper.

  “Donovan, hi. It’s Emily…I am so sorry but something has come up. I will pass by later in the day or maybe tomorrow?” Emily said as Cadence put her stuff in the car. “Yeah, sure…that sounds great…thank you that is perfect. See you tomorrow then.” She handed the phone to Cadence when she was done.

  “Don’t judge me,” Cadence said as Emily climbed into the driver’s seat.

  “I’m not. I just didn’t think you found Donovan that attractive,” she said.

  “Have you ever seen him in a pair of jeans and no shirt on? The way his hair always seems to be perfectly luxurious and…” Cadence never got to finish her sentence. Emily had already revved her engine.

  “I cannot hear any more of this,” Emily said as she buckled herself in. She looked at Cadence and smiled.

  “Have a great vacay,” Cadence said.

  “I’ll try,” Emily said in a soft voice as she began driving off.

  It only took twenty minutes to get to Alex’s place. She was a little worried when she got there. She still didn’t know why Alex had been so adamant about seeing her. She took a long deep breath when she pulled up in front of his building on Kensington Drive. Her mind was racing. She was thinking of a million things that could have gone wrong. She was trying to calm herself down as she rode in the elevator.

  “Alex?” she called out when the elevator doors opened in Alex’s penthouse.

  “Here,” she heard him calling out from the living room. She walked to the living room and put her stuff down on the table. Alex stood up and walked towards her. He had a drink in his hand. Emily guessed that it must have been bourbon given how much he liked the drink.

  “You’re okay?” she asked as she looked at him. He was not i
n a suit the way she was used to seeing him. He was in a t-shirt and a pair of slacks. He was a far cry from the Alex she had come to know.

  “Like I said, I’ve been better,” he said as he put the glass down on the table. He slipped a hand under her hair and held her neck. “I need you. Right now,” he said in a low voice.

  “I’m here,” she said in a soft voice still confused, not completely understanding what was going on. She looked at him and put her hand on his chest. “I’m right here,” she said again. He looked down at her coat and gently eased it off her shoulders. She looked at him as he began pulling down her zipper on her short sleeved skater dress. She gasped when he pushed the dress off leaving her in her underwear. She noticed his eyes fall on her cleavage. He was standing so close to her that she immediately felt his hardness pressing up against her. “Alex…” she started saying when he took her hand and helped her step out of the dress that had gathered around her ankles. He led her to the bedroom and when they got there, he looked at her from head to toe. He was breathing a little deeper and faster by this time.

  “I want to have you,” he said in a low voice.

  “You do have me,” she said as she looked at him.

  “No, not like that,” he said in a soft voice. He walked to one of his closets and opened it. There were whips, paddles, every kind of handcuff ever made…this was his secret stash. The stuff he kept secret from the world. He pulled a pair of cuffs and looked up at me. “Like this,” he said as he looked into my eyes. “I want to have you like this.” Emily felt her heart skip a beat. Everything there looked extreme. Painful. Torturous.

  “I told you before. Everything is extremely safe. And you will have a safe word. I will not take you further than you can handle,” he said as he looked at Emily. “But we will only do this if you completely trust me. We cannot proceed otherwise,” he added as he walked towards her. She was looking into his eyes as she nodded. He smiled and took her hand. He led her out of the bedroom and down the hall to what would initially look like part of the wall to anyone. But he just pressed a pressure point on the corner and the door opened into his play room.

  “And here I thought the stuff in the bedroom was everything,” she thought as she looked around. She almost felt like she had stepped into a BDSM scene. There were whips, paddles, vibrators and a bed. She was about to wonder what the bed was for before something in the middle of the room caught her attention. It seemed to be some kind of machine. She walked up to where it was and looked at it. “What is it?” she asked.

  “It’s a fucking machine,” he said. She rolled her eyes.

  “Yes I know it’s a machine but what kind of machine?” she asked.

  “I literally just gave you the answer. It’s a machine…for fucking,” he said. She turned around and looked at him surprised. She’d heard of such things but she never thought they actually existed. “But that’s not for you. Today, it’s all about me,” he said as he took a step towards her. He reached for something in his pocket and when he showed his hand to her, he had a rubber band. “Hold your hair up,” he said as he looked at her. Emily did as she was told before Alex pulled down her panties and then proceeded to unclasp her bra.

  Alex looked at a now naked Emily and felt his cock get even harder than ever. He had never wanted anything or anyone the way he wanted her at that moment. He led her to a big rack shaped like a big X.

  “I want you to put your arms up, here and here,” he commanded as he pointed to two cuffs built on either end of the rack. She did as he asked and he went ahead to secure her wrists. He did the same for her ankles. She was breathing hard as she felt him caressing her ever so gently. She closed her eyes when she felt him take one of her breasts in his hand. He was kneading it ever so gently but what she didn’t know was that he was doing everything to keep himself from just pushing his slacks off and taking her right there. She gasped silently when he began running his other hand down her back to her plump ass. Alex then pulled away and walked over to one wall. When he came back, he was holding a spanking paddle. “Remember, use the safe word when it gets too much,” he said in gently voice. Emily nodded. “I need to hear you. I need to hear your voice,” he said.

  “Yes,” she said. Almost immediately, she felt the paddle come hard in her ass.

  “Yes, what?” Alex asked.

  “Yes sir,” Emily said almost instinctively. Alex looked at her ass again before he brought the paddle down, hard but not too hard. He had been afraid that he would have given her a little more than she could handle but as he went on, he realized that she was a quick study. She was calling him sir and thanking him. Everything she was doing was turning him on, a lot. Alex spanked her fifteen times before he put the paddle down. When he touched her ass, it felt hot in his hand. She was breathing hard and when he touched her pussy, he was pleased to find that she was dripping wet. Just the way he liked it. He then walked over to the table and got a vibrator.

  “Whatever you do, don’t cum,” he commanded as he held the vibrator to her clit. He watched her body as she squirmed and moaned. He loved watching her in that state. It was like watching an extremely perfect piece of art. She was his canvas. He caressed her breast as he held the vibrator against her clit. Suddenly, he wanted to see her on the machine. Taking so much pleasure that she wanted to scream and not being able to do anything about it.

  “Alex…please,” she began begging. “Please let me cum,” she said as she looked at her.

  “Not yet,” he said as held the vibrator steady. Her nipple was pressing hard against his hand. She looked at him and he brought his hand down to her pussy. She was almost cumming and he knew it by the way she was shaking. He pushed two fingers into her pussy and felt her insides spasm against his fingers.

  “Alex!” she cried out. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. She was exploding. He looked at her as she felt herself come apart on his hand. “I’m sorry sir,” she said in a soft voice. Alex looked at her and nodded before he undid the cuffs on her ankles. He was going to make her pay but not the way she would have thought. He walked to the table and grabbed a condom before he made his way back to where she was. He was standing in front of her as he pushed his slacks off and rolled the condom on his shaft.

  He looked into her eyes as he took her into his arms. She impulsively wrapped her legs around his waist as he eased himself into her. She gasped as she felt herself suddenly full of him. The fact that she had cum just minutes earlier made her so much more sensitive than she would have wanted to be. He was holding her ass, pulling her into him over and over. She was moaning with every thrust wishing that she could hold him as he fucked her.

  She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge. She moaned loudly as she felt him taking her, claiming her with every thrust. He pulled out of her making her moan her disappointment. She looked at him and slowly unwrapped her legs from his waist. She was breathing hard as he undid the cuffs that held her wrists up. He picked her up and carried her to the machine. He set her down and went back inside her again. She was moaning loudly as he began slamming himself into her. To Emily, each thrust seemed harder than the last and it felt like it went so much deeper than the other one. She rested her elbows as she felt him go deeper and harder until she couldn’t take it anymore. She could feel herself climaxing again.

  “Hold it,” Alex said in a commanding tone.

  “I can’t, sir,” she begged. Alex seemed to be going harder and it was not helping her hold it.

  “Emily, hold it!” he said as he went on slamming his pelvis against hers. She suddenly cried out and he groaned when the force inside her pussy forced him out of her.

  “I’m sorry, Alex…sir,” she said as he looked at her panting. He never said anything. He pulled her down on the bench and shoved himself in again but instead of thrusting, he spanked her hip. She cried out in both pain and pleasure as he began to move inside her again. He did the same for her other hip and then began to spank her cheek as he went on. He was spanking her ev
ery so often before he thrust himself into her as hard as he could. He felt himself releasing into her and he groaned but to his surprise, he was still hard even after that. He was still thrusting into her and she was moaning.

  Emily didn’t know where the courage or energy came from but she suddenly wrapped her legs around him and pulled him deeper inside her. Something else was happening, her insides were contracting and relaxing on him. And not the way it usually happened when she climaxed. It was different. It seemed voluntary. He looked at her and felt himself coming apart inside her. He held her hips tightly wishing that he could empty himself inside her hot waiting pussy. She looked up at him and sighed as she felt him slipping out of her. He cleaned himself off and then cleaned her up with so much tenderness.

  She looked at him as he picked her up in his arms. She was surprised that he was able to take her in his arms after such vigorous activity. He carried her to the bedroom and gently placed her on the bed. He leaned over and gave her a long, deep kiss.

  “Thank you,” he said in a soft voice when he pulled away.

  “What happened today?” she asked as she looked into his eyes.

  “It was just a long day at work. That’s all,” Alex said as he laid next to her. He draped an arm around her. “Nothing you should be concerned about. I just needed to blow off some steam.”

  “And did you?” she asked. Alex looked down at her and nodded.

  “I just had a crazy orgasm, so much that I actually came twice.” She smiled. “So, how was your first bondage experience?” he asked.

  “First bondage experience? I thought we already crossed that bridge,” she frowned.

  “Actually, tonight was your first real bondage experience,” he smiled.

  Chapter 5

  When Alex heard that Emily was taking the next two weeks off, he saw opportunity. He canceled the trip he had in DC so that he could spend as much time as he could with Emily but there was so much to do at work that he still found himself with stuff to do. He had canceled everything but one engagement. Later that week, he was supposed to make his way down to Nashville to settle things with the new recording studio he had just acquired and with Emily free from work, maybe it was time she accompanied him to a business meeting…especially one that he knew she would like.


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