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Stumbling Into Him_Romantic Comedy

Page 8

by Molly O'Hare

  Her dad stood. “I’ve been better,” he admitted, which worried her a little. Her dad’s go to answer had always been ‘never better.’

  “That so?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “I’ve been missing my little girl. Where’ve you been the past week?”

  Holly felt guilt rush through her. “I’m sorry, Dad.”

  “I’m just giving you a hard time, Pumpkin.” He held out his arms, the left not as wide as the right. “Come give your old man a hug.” She hurried into his arms, squeezing him.

  “Missed you, Pumpkin.”

  “Missed you too, Dad.”

  “Come on, let’s get the bags inside and we can catch up,” he said giving her one last squeeze.

  Holly pulled away from him. “Can you do me a favor and go feed Waffles? I’ll get the bags while you do that.”

  His eyes narrowed briefly as he scrutinized her. “I know what you’re doing missy. Just because I’m an old fart doesn’t mean you can pull one over on me.”

  “Whatever do you mean?” Holly batted her eyelashes.

  “I’ll let you do it this time, but only ‘cause I spent most of the morning trying to change the lightbulbs in the den and now my body’s screaming.”

  “You did what?!” She glared at her father.

  “Holly Ann Flanagan. The day I can’t change my own light bulb is a day you might as well take me out back and shoot me.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Oh, for the love of all things, Dad. I didn’t think you couldn’t change them, I just want to make sure you aren’t putting too much strain on yourself. Next time just wait for me, okay?”

  “Whatever,” Henry grumbled before turning to open the front door. “Come on, Lord Waffles. I’ve got some extra pieces of steak I can add to your food.”

  Waffles hearing his favorite word, food, ran past both of them and into the house. Holly couldn’t see him, but if she knew Waffles, he would already be in the kitchen sitting on his hind legs begging. “Figures.” She rolled her eyes.

  * * *

  Once all the bags were brought in and put away, and the laundry was in the wash, Holly sat with her father in the living room and pulled out a book. Waffles sat at her father’s side wedged between the side of the recliner and her father’s leg. He laid on his back as her dad idly scratched his belly.

  “How was your week, Pumpkin?” he asked.

  Holly put down her book and looked at her father. Should she tell him about Ben? How could she even try and explain it when she didn’t understand it herself? Deciding on the safe route, she blurted, “I’m adopting a kitten.”

  “Well, I’ll be. You are? What made you think to adopt a kitten?” He started to ruffle Waffles fur. “This little guy not enough for you?”

  “Waffles is more than enough. It just kinda fell into place, you know? There was a kitten who’d been poisoned by some jerk troublemaker.” Seeing the worry in her father’s eyes, she held up her hands. “He’s going to be fine. At least I believe so, other than the twitch he now has in his head. No shelter will take him, so I volunteered.”

  “A twitch?” he asked before scratching his chin. “So, he’s a little messed up, just like me.”

  It felt like a knife stab right through her heart. “You’re not messed up, Dad.”

  Ignoring her, he continued, “how did you find out about the little guy with a twitch?”

  “Well, Ben was showing me two dogs he’d operated on after they’d gotten hit by cars and then offered to show me the kitten he’d saved.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them.

  “Right there!” her dad exclaimed. “I knew it’d come out of your mouth sooner or later.”

  “What are you talking about?” She tried faking innocence.

  “I knew there was something a little different about you.” He held up his hands in surrender when she gave him a dirty look. “Not bad, just different. And now, I know it has to do with a boy.”

  “A boy. Really?” She rolled her eyes. “I’m not in high school anymore, Dad.”

  “Then it won’t be a big deal when I tell you to bring him over this weekend for dinner.”

  Holly felt her face pale. She couldn’t bring Ben to dinner. No way. They weren’t even really dating. At least she didn’t think they were. Sure, he said he wanted to date her, and they had slept together, but that wasn’t dating.

  She felt the palms of her hands start to sweat. She could invite him to dinner. It’s not like she wouldn’t see him before Saturday to ask. Ben, text her earlier in the day saying he’d be over later tonight for dinner and a “movie.” Plus, how could she invite him to meet her father after the encounter she had meeting his mother.

  She shuddered.

  Taking a calming breath, she spoke, “Umm, well Dad, see it’s still really new.” Then before she could stop herself, she word vomited all over her father. “It all started when I bent over to pick up Waffles… you know, when the Frisbee came screaming through the air and hit me right in the face. That’s when I met Ben, he was the one playing with his dog, Ripley, when the Frisbee had a mind of its own and honed in on me. It hit me so hard it chipped my tooth.” At her dad’s worried expression, she quickly continued, “Before I knew it, Ben had me at his friend’s dentist practice fixing me right up. He’s a nice dentist, Dad. You’d like him. Talks a little too much, but still nice. I’m not sure what happened next, but Ben and I started hanging out. A lot. He’s funny, sweet, and he’s a veterinarian. I showed up at his practice to talk to him, that’s when I found out about the two dogs and the kitten. Everything kinda clicked, you know? He’s a great guy, and by far the best sex I’ve ever—“

  “Whoa there.” Her dad grimaced.

  Holly hit her hand on her forehead. “When will I ever learn to just shut up?” To her dismay Waffles barked in agreement.

  “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that last part, Pumpkin, and we are going to back it up a second.” Henry sat straighter in his recliner. “You say, he accidentally hit you with something, but did everything he could to fix your cracked tooth?”

  “Chipped,” she corrected “His friend is a dentist. My smile was fixed the same day.”

  “Well, I’m glad to hear that. You’ve got a beautiful smile, Pumpkin.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “He’s a veterinarian, and he saved the kitten you’re adopting?”

  Holly nodded. “Yeah. It was touch and go there for a while, and Twitch will probably always have the lasting side effects of the poison, but yes, Ben saved his life.”

  Henry scratched his chin again. “How long have you known him?”

  “The kitten? Only a day.” At her father’s glare, she continued, “A little less than a week.” She felt her embarrassment wash over her. Good going, Holly. Now, you’ve gone and told your Dad you’ve slept with a guy you haven’t even known a week.

  “He sounds like he’s a good man. If he did all you said he did, then he’s alright in my book.” Her dad readjusted himself in his chair. “He shouldn’t have a problem coming over Saturday to meet me. You know, the honorable thing to do after sleeping with my daughter.”

  At a loss for what to do next, she threw in the towel. “I’ll ask him tonight when I see him. Okay?”

  “It must be serious if you’re seeing him again so soon.” He studied her.

  “Um, well, yeah, Waffles has taken a liking to him.”

  Her dad threw his head back and laughed. “I guess if he has the Waffles seal of approval then who am I to question?”

  “Can we drop it, please?”

  “Sure thing, Pumpkin. Although I do expect him to be here with you on Saturday.”

  “I’ll ask him, okay?” she huffed grabbing her book and throwing it into her bag. Just wonderful. Now, she’d need to either come up with an excuse her father would believe about Ben not coming or actually ask him. Won-der-ful! That was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “Don’t go convoluting one of your e

laborate plans there, missy. I expect him to be here no later than five o’clock Saturday. I’ll pull out the grill, and he can help me cook.”

  “Really?” She shot her eyes to the ceiling. Please give me strength. Taking a deep breath, she looked at her father. “Okay Dad, we’ll be here. I’ll probably have him bring his dog along as well.”

  “The more, the merrier.”

  “I’m gonna take Waffles and head home, okay? Your clean laundry’s been put away, and you’ve got meals ready. I’ll call you tomorrow. Do you need anything before we leave?”

  Her dad smiled. “No, Pumpkin. I’ve got everything I need. I’ll see you and your gentleman friend at four-thirty Saturday.”

  Four-thirty? What happened to five!

  “Yes, Dad.” She kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Waffles started to whine. “And, I love you too, Waffles.” Her father’s words had the little guy running and jumping in circles.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, Dad.”

  Once Holly got into her car, with Waffles safely in the back seat, she pulled out her phone and text Ben.

  We need to talk.

  She received a reply instantly from him.

  Is everything okay, Holly?

  How could she ask him this, especially over a text? Bad idea, Holly. Shaking her head, she drew in as much strength as she could before she hit reply.

  Umm, yeah. We’ll talk tonight.

  His reply sent shivers down her spine.

  I’ll be at your apartment in twenty minutes.

  She gulped.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ben sat outside of Holly’s apartment building. His nerves were shot. Work had been another tough one; it always was when loss was involved. Then, after getting Holly’s cryptic text, he couldn’t stop himself from breaking. He knew their relationship was still new, and she’d still had reservations about them.

  He couldn’t help but think the worst. Was she going to break up with him?

  Ripley whined beside him. He scratched her behind the ear. “I know, girl. I’m nervous too.” Ripley placed her head on Ben’s lap. She always knew when he needed comfort.

  Hearing a noise, he looked from Ripley to the sidewalk. That’s where he saw Holly walking towards him.

  Warmth washed over him in a way he’d grown accustomed to around her. She’d brought a sense of calm to him.

  She walked towards her building, with Waffles at her side. He could feel the nerves radiating off her. She gave him a small wave. When Waffles realized Ben was waiting there, he jerked out of Holly’s hand and ran right for him.

  “Waffles!” Holly tried to grab for him.

  Ben dropped to his knees catching the runaway pup as he jumped into his arms. “Hey, bud.” Waffles plopped onto his back demanding belly rubs. High maintenance was an understatement.

  “Bad, Waffles! Don’t pull out of my hands.”

  Ben looked at Holly; her face scrunched as she watched him. His nerves once again got the better of him. “Is everything okay, babe?”

  “Uh, yeah. I mean, no yeah, It’s fine.” She turned away from him.

  No, everything was not fine.

  He stood from the two dogs now playing at his feet. He reached for Holly’s shoulders turning her to face him. “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes held so many emotions. “Let’s talk about it once we get inside.”

  Wanting to talk inside, could be considered a good thing. If she wanted to end it she would have done it outside. There was something else really bothering her. He felt his need to protect her kick in. If someone had hurt her, or if she was in trouble, he’d do anything to fix it. Seeing her like this, felt like a knife right in his chest.

  “Okay, babe,” he said in a comforting tone.

  He whistled for Ripley, knowing Waffles would follow suit. Reaching down, Ben picked up both of their leashes before making their way inside.

  The elevator ride to Holly’s floor, by far, was the most intense feeling he’d ever encountered in his life, even though he’d dealt with his mother on multiple occasions. The tension also started to affect the dogs. Waffles paced uneasy, whereas Ripley, sat at Holly’s legs leaning into her trying to give her comfort.

  Ben watched Holly from the corner of his eye. She was unnaturally quiet. She worried her hands while biting her bottom lip. Every time she winced at the pain, he fought the urge to reach out to her.

  He was at a loss for what to do next. He made sure not to overcrowd her, giving her space to think, but also allowing her to feel his presence in case she needed him. Right now, he hoped whatever had her mind racing, they’d be able to work through it together.

  When they finally made it inside of her apartment, he turned to her, unable to hold off a moment longer. “Holly, please tell me what’s bothering you?” He used his hard voice, just as he did when he told her not to move in his office.

  His desired effect on her took hold. She snapped around facing him. Unfortunately for her, the quick uncontrolled movements, riled the dogs. Waffles ran between her legs causing her to stumble. When she tried to catch herself, Ripley decided she wanted to help. Unfortunately, she ended up blocking Holly’s attempt at grabbing the nearby wall.

  Within seconds she was on the floor.

  “Fuck, baby, are you okay?” Ben asked racing to her side.

  Holly sat on her ass, blowing her hair out of her face. “This is just another day in my life,” she said, before putting the palms of her hands onto the floor, pushing herself to stand. Ben seeing what she was doing, grabbed onto her hips righting her in seconds.

  “How do you always lift me like I weigh nothing?” she asked.

  “You do weigh nothing.”


  His eyes hardened. “Are you making fun of your weight?” He asked. He started to wring his hands. “Any excuse you give me to redden your ass, I’ll take.”

  Holly paled.

  Ben’s eyes lit as he laughed. “Lighten up, Grace.” He leaned over kissing her nose, while lightly swatting her butt.


  Ben walked away with a chuckle before sitting on her couch. Patting beside him he signaled both the pups. Once they were by his sides, he leaned back. “Spill.”

  Holly watched him for a second before breaking eye contact with him.

  “I mean it, Grace. Something’s got you all freaked out and if I were being honest, I’d say it has me a little worried too. What’s got you on edge?”

  Holly started pacing. “Fine. You know how I went to see my dad today?”


  Holly continued pacing not looking at him. “I did all the normal things I do for him. Cleaning, doing the laundry, making sure he has meals planned and ready. But, I guess I looked different or something.” She stopped pacing and stared at him, a distraught look on her face.


  Holly took a deep breath and then blurted. “He’s demanding to meet you this Saturday for a cookout!” She started pacing again. “You’d be the one to have to cook on the grill, he can’t really do that anymore. I told him I’d think about asking you, but he demanded you come. Especially, after I let it slip you were the best sex of my life. He said the manly thing to do would be for you to meet him, because you’ve already gotten the goods.”

  Ben’s eyes widened for a brief second before he threw his head back in laughter.

  “Don’t laugh at me!”

  Ben shot from his seat and in two steps landed in front of her. “How can I not, baby? You’re adorable.” He kissed her, passionately.

  When they finally came up for air. Holly panted. “What was that for? I mean I’m not complaining. I just thought after I told you you’d have to meet my dad, you’d be pissed.”

  He rested his forehead on hers. “Why would I be pissed, Grace?”

  “It’s a big step meeting my dad.”


  “I don’t know, isn’t it always a big step meeting
the parents? We don’t even know what we are yet.”

  He growled. “I know what we are, Holly.” He lifted her into the air, wrapping her legs around his waist. “I’m the man that gives you the best sex of your life.”

  Holly placed her head in the crook of his neck. “You heard that?”

  “You damn well better believe I did.” He hurried them to her bedroom. Once he made it to the bed, he gently threw her on top of it, following suit. “We can talk about meeting your dad later. Which I have no problem with, by the way. It’ll be nice to meet him. Right now, though, I want to expand on the best sex of your life.”

  Ben gazed down at Holly as she laid on the bed, her hair a ruffled mess. She never looked more attractive. He used his right hand and gently caressed her skin. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured before he leaned down to pepper kisses on her neck.

  “Enough talking, more doing.” She squirmed

  “So feisty, Grace. I love it.” Ben reached for the hem of her shirt forcing her to sit up as he removed it. His hands instantly went to her breasts as he started to massage them. “They feel so good,” he explained as he tweaked her nipple through her bra.

  “What about you?” she asked reaching for his shirt.

  “Anything you want, baby.” He reluctantly removed his hands from her breasts before ripping his shirt off and throwing it behind him.

  “I still can’t get over your abs.” She reached for them and began to massage them. “Seriously, how is it possible that you look this good?”

  “I have to keep up my strength. Do you know how hard it is to control a one hundred and twenty-pound Rottweiler who is nothing but muscle? It’s not an easy task, baby.”

  Moving her hands south she started to unbuckle his jeans. Letting her right hand migrate a little lower she cupped him causing a hiss to escape from his mouth. “More,” he pleaded.

  “My pleasure.” She used her hands and pushed against his chest causing him to fall backwards on to the bed.

  A dominant woman is a wild woman, he thought before letting Holly take control.


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