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Stumbling Into Him_Romantic Comedy

Page 9

by Molly O'Hare

  His eyes were heavy-lidded with pleasure as he watched her crawl along his body massaging his muscles. “You wouldn’t let me do this last time,” she stated, leaning over his aching cock. “I want to taste you properly.”

  He clenched his teeth as a moan escaped him. He fisted his hands at his side, making himself stay in control.

  Holly slowly lowered the zipper of his jeans before quickly removing the material from his body.

  His dick sprang free, glistening at the top.

  “Yes,” she hissed. She grabbed onto the base, giving it a slight squeeze. “It amazes me you walk around with this thing. How do you not sit on it?” she asked.

  He was about to give her a smart aleck reply when she enveloped him in her mouth.

  “Oh fuck.” Losing control of his hands, he fisted her hair.

  Holly started moving up and down his shaft, swallowing once he was entirely inside of her mouth. “Don’t do that,” he growled.

  She released him with a pop. “Why not?” her eyes held a hint of worry. “Did I not do it right?”

  “You did it too right,” he growled trying to keep his control.

  “Oh,” she smiled. “Okay then.” Ignoring his plea, she went back to the task at hand. This time, she let her tongue dance across the head before sucking him in.

  “Nope.” He pushed her off before collapsing on top of her. “When I come, I want it to be inside of you.”

  “I was having fun.” Her adorable pout made him smirk.

  “Believe me, so was I. But I want you, Grace. I need to be inside of you.” He moved down her body removing her pants and panties in one motion. “Don’t you want that, too?”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Well, duh.”

  Ben laughed. “Exactly.” With Holly’s pants removed he let her legs fall open along either side of him. Looking at her apex, her wetness beckoned him. He looked at her face. “Plus, I intend to not make a liar out of you.”

  “What?” She gasped as he pinched her clit.

  “I have to deliver on the best sex of your life.”

  Her eyes shot to him. “Oh, for the love of… are you ever gonna let me live that down?”

  “Not on your life.” He thrust himself inside of her. Her walls instantly tightening around him as her orgasm rocketed her off the bed.

  “Holy crappolie.”

  He laughed. Ben pulled her into his arms so they were both sitting up. Holly’s legs wrapped around him, as she sat in his lap, his dick fully inside of her. “Holy something is right.” He used gravity to his advantage as Holly clung to him. His movements were deep, and slow. He wanted to build her to another release.

  She was always so damn responsive, she’d explode at the mere touch of his hand. Not this time, though. No, this time he wanted to build a slow burn inside of her. He wanted to mark her. He wanted her to remember what he felt like sunk deep into her, for days to come.

  “Faster,” she pleaded, clinging to him.

  “No.” He placed his hands on the small of her back forcing her to stop her bouncing.


  Grabbing the side of her hips, he slowly moved her in circular motions. He knew the friction along her clit would only intensify her pleasure.

  Holly started to shake as her breathing increased. Before she could ignite he flipped their position on the bed.

  “No,” she begged, trying to replace the sensation on her nub.

  Ignoring her, he positioned himself behind her on his side. He wanted to feel every part of her skin, and he knew the only way to do that, was to spoon her. Throwing her leg over his hip, he gently thrust himself into her warm treasure. Using his left hand, he reached around them seeking out her clit.

  “Oh god, Ben,” she moaned.

  He moved inside of her, feeling her walls clench around him. Pushing her hair to one side, he whispered in her ear, “Now.” He bit gently on her earlobe causing her to erupt.

  Her body convulsing around him caused his own control to slip. He stilled spilling everything he had deep within her walls.

  After only a few moments he heard Holly’s gentle breathing signaling she had fallen asleep.

  He laid there, with her curled in his arms.

  This is how he wanted to spend the rest of his life.

  Even though his body was exhausted, he couldn’t fall asleep. His mind was too energized with the woman in his arms.

  He thought back to their conversation. Her frazzled behavior about telling him her dad wanted to meet him was adorable.

  He smiled. “I have no problem meeting your dad, baby,” he whispered making sure not to wake her. He kissed her temple before repositioning himself.

  That’s when he realized his mistake.

  “Oh fuck.” He looked at his soft dick that held no protection wrapped around it.

  Panic washed over him. How was he going to tell her he fucked up? Sure, he joked about knocking Holly up, and the more he thought about it the more he liked the idea. But, he would never force her into anything. “Fuck!” he groaned, pulling away from her.

  “What?” He heard Holly shift to face him. “What’s wrong?”

  Ben jumped from the bed before pacing her small room. Okay, it was one mistake it’s not a big deal. She won’t hate you.

  Waffles ran into the room, Ripley right behind him. They must have thought Ben’s pacing was a game.

  “Ben, you’re kinda freaking me out here.” She wiped away the bliss from her eyes.

  Ben stopped pacing long enough to throw his boxers out of the room making the dogs chase after them. He shut the door, locking them out before turning back to Holly.

  “I fucked up.”

  Holly reached for the comforter to cover her body, alarming him on how his words sounded. He snagged the material yanking it from her hands. “No, that’s not what I meant.”

  Not willing to believe him, she used her hands to cover herself. “What’s the problem then?”

  Ben crawled up the bed before cupping her cheeks in his hands and passionately kissing her. Pulling away he sighed. “There is something about you that carries me away. “

  “Okay,” She worried her lip.

  Letting go of her face, he turned away. “I forgot to put on a condom.”

  Her eyes widened before she looked between her legs.

  Leave it to Holly to go there. Even in tension, she made him feel like everything was going to be alright.

  He chuckled.

  “Oh, umm, well I guess you’re right.” She looked at him.

  “I’m sorry, babe. I would never willingly put you in danger.”

  “Do you have something?” Panic started radiating off her.

  “No!” He reached for her hand squeezing it. “Hell no, I don’t have anything. Shit Holly, before you, I hadn’t had sex in almost a year.”

  “Almost a year?” she questioned.

  “Yeah. Don’t look at me like that. I devote my time to my practice.”

  She sat on the bed not saying anything for a few minutes. “I’m clean too,” she whispered. “The last time I had sex was way over a year ago, more like two.”

  He looked at her, but there was still worry in her eyes. “I know you’re still worried about everything, especially, getting pregnant. I promise, Holly, I will be there for you no matter what. I’ve always wanted children—“

  She held up her hands. “Holy crap. I won’t get pregnant. I’m on the pill, Ben. I have been for years.”

  He felt a weird sense of relief along with disappointment run through him “Okay, what were you upset about?” He didn’t know how to handle the disappointment of there being no chance of her getting pregnant.

  “I didn’t want you to judge me that it’s been way longer for me in the sex department.”

  “I wouldn’t judge you,” he assured her.

  “Well, you make fun of me for other stuff why not this?”

  He growled before jumping on her causing her to laugh. “I like the idea of
knowing you haven’t been with a lot of men. Makes me want you more.”

  “Whatever.” She laughed before moving her neck to give Ben better access.

  “It drives me wild.”

  “Well, I’m glad my lack of sexy times does it for you.”

  “It won’t be lacking anymore.” He nibbled on her neck.

  “Good.” He made his way down her chest. He was about to suck her nipple into his mouth when he heard her laugh. He looked at her as she was trying her best to hold in her amusement. “Am I funny now?”

  “No.” She laughed again. “I was just thinking about how you might have had to meet my dad knowing there was a possibility you’d knocked me up.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Holly parked the car in front of the garage at her father’s house, like she did every time she visited. Only this time, the tension in her stomach made her want to throw up. Hoping Ben wasn’t a mess like her, she looked out of the corner of her eye. Ben sat in her passenger seat with a stupid smirk on his face. She felt her eye start to twitch. How is it possible he’s this calm?

  “If you hold the steering wheel any tighter, you’ll lose feeling.” Ben laughed, jarring her from her irritation.

  Holly quickly removed her hands from the wheel and placed them in her lap wringing them. “I wasn’t holding it tight.”

  “Yes, you were, Grace.” He cupped her chin with his left hand moving her head to face him. “It’s going to be okay.” He kissed her on the tip of her nose before kissing her lips softly.

  “I know.” Did she, though? This moment felt more real to her than anything she’d ever experienced in her life.

  “I want to meet your dad, babe. Anyone that can help produce half of you must be pretty remarkable.”

  “Eww. Gross, Ben.” She blanched before punching his shoulder.

  “What’d I say?”

  Waffles started to whine from the backseat scratching at the window, breaking up their conversation.

  “Do I need to get the hose and cool you two off?”

  Holly’s head snapped around. Her father had come out of the house and now stood on the front porch staring at them.

  “Oh, crap.” Her eyes widened. Waffles started to whine further, doing everything he could to get out of the car and see his grandpa.

  Ben threw his head back in laughter before opening his door for the little guy. Waffles jumped over the seat and ran past him, Ripley not far behind.

  Ben exited the car and strode right to her father with his hand out. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Flanagan.”

  “Were you in there foolin’ around with my little girl?” Her father nodded his head towards the car.

  Holly wanted to die. She wanted the ground to open and swallow her whole.

  “Depends on what your definition of foolin’ around is?” Ben countered.

  Her father analyzed him for a split second before roaring with laughter. “Call me Henry.” He clasped his good hand on the back of Ben’s shoulder. “I like you.” Her dad looked at Holly and pointed at Ben. “We’ll keep him.”

  “Kill me now,” she grumbled before opening the car door. She made her way up the front steps trying her best not to die of mortification.

  “This is Ben, Dad.” She gestured towards him.

  Henry leaned in kissing Holly on the cheek. “I figured as much, Pumpkin. I didn’t think you’d bring another boy over.” He bent at his waist. “And who’s this?”

  “That’s Ripley. She’s my Australian Shepherd,” Ben replied reaching his hand down to scratch the pup.

  Henry’s eyes hardened. “This the one you were playing with when you caused my girl to break her tooth?”

  “Chipped, Dad. Chipped.”

  “Same difference.” Henry crossed his arms over his chest the best he could before narrowing his eyes at Ben.

  “No, it’s not.” Mimicking his movements, she crossed her arms over her chest. Was her dad trying to be difficult?

  “Yes, sir. Unfortunately, the Frisbee had a mind of its own,” Ben answered.

  “But you got her all fixed up, though?”

  “Yes, sir. It was my number one priority.”

  Her dad looked him up and down, trying to find the lie. Holly knew he wouldn’t find one, though.

  “Not sir. Henry. Sir makes me feel old.”

  “Alright then, Henry, making sure Holly was okay was all that mattered to me.” Ben joined the party by crossing his arms over his chest.

  “You sure it wasn’t getting into her pants?”

  Holly blanched. “Okay, that’s enough.” Holly pushed past the two, opening the front door. “Everyone inside. Time to cook food.”

  Ben not moving a muscle, stared her father in the eyes. “I do think your daughter is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to her, but no. I did not only want to get into her pants. It was my rogue dog toy that hit her making it my responsibility to fix whatever needed to be fixed. At that time, getting into her pants was not a priority, her health and safety were.”

  Her dad straightened. “And now?”

  “Now, her health and safety are still my number one priority.” He turned to face Holly who’d stopped in the doorway to witness the testosterone showdown. “Along with getting into her pants.” He winked.

  She felt her cheeks heat before throwing her hands in the air. “That’s it.” She turned away from them darting into the house making sure the door slammed behind her.

  She heard both men laugh before following her through the door.

  “You’ve got moxie, and I like that,” Henry remarked. “Holly needs someone like you around.”

  “I’m glad you think so. I plan on sticking around.”

  Holly hearing enough of their chatter grabbed the bag of charcoal that sat along the wall. “I’m going to start the grill.”

  “Are you leaving in hopes that we stop talking about you?” her father asked.

  “No, I’m leaving because if I stay here any longer I’m liable to kill both of you.”

  “Feisty,” Ben laughed.

  “Isn’t she?” Henry agreed.

  Ignoring both of them, she picked up the bag and headed towards the back door. “Waffles, Ripley. Outside,” she hollered over her shoulder.

  “Now, she’s even taking the pups.” Her dad pouted.

  She turned back to argue with her father when her foot snagged on the trim under the door. Before she knew it, she started tumbling towards the ground. She braced herself for impact as she usually did. Surprisingly, the impact never came.

  Opening one of her eyes, she realized she’d somehow ended up in Ben’s arms instead of on the ground. “I can’t take you anywhere, Grace.”

  Her father ended up at her side in seconds. “Holly, I’m so sorry. I forgot to mention the door trim started coming up. I meant to get down there and nail it back, but I couldn’t get a solid grip on the nails,” her father pleaded. The sadness and worry she saw were accompanied by shame.

  “It’s okay, Dad,” she tried reassuring him. “I’m okay.”

  “No, Holly, it’s not okay. I meant to warn you about it.” The disgrace in her dad’s voice broke her heart in two.

  “No harm, no foul,” Ben said righting Holly. “Grace didn’t even drop the bag of charcoal.”

  Her father straightened, before squinting his eyes. “Grace?”

  “Holly’s other name.” Ben took the charcoal bag from her hands placing it on the back porch.

  “Is that some weird sex thing?” Henry asked.

  “Oh god.” Holly briefly closed her eyes.

  “No.” Ben laughed. “Holly’s extremely graceful.”

  Henry nodded, with his own chuckle. “Ahh, now I understand. She is quite graceful, isn’t she?”

  Ben eyes lit. “Very.”

  Henry opened his right arm. “I am sorry, Pumpkin.”

  “No worries, Dad. Everything is fine.”

  Her dad held her tighter. “Lo
ve you, pumpkin.”

  “Love you too, Dad.”

  * * *

  Two hours later, Ben had fixed the door trim and the food had been cooked and served. After their initial pissing war, everything between Ben and Henry seemed right as rain. Actually, it seemed better than that.

  Henry reminded him a lot of his own father. Within a short time, he’d felt the same level of comfort he’d had when his dad was alive. The two freely talked about everything, from sports, animals, his condition, and Holly. He loved the way Henry spoke about Holly. Ben could clearly see the love he had for his daughter.

  Henry was a down to earth, blue collar man, and Ben admired that about him. Ben could feel the pain coming from Henry when he talked about the joy he used to have fixing up the house. One look in his eyes and you’d see Henry thought he was less of a man now.

  Ben felt Henry’s sorrow. He also vowed to help Henry in any way that he needed. He would have done the same thing for his father if he’d been alive and in Henry’s condition.

  Right now, Ben sat on the back porch with Holly’s dad as she played with Ripley and Waffles. His eyes followed her as she ran through the backyard tossing the tennis ball through the air.

  For a split second, he replaced the dogs with their children.

  “You’ve got it bad.”

  Henry’s voice jolted Ben out of his fantasy. Looking at her dad, he shrugged, why deny it. “I do.”

  Henry sat back in the rocking chair.

  Before Ben knew it, he started spilling his guts. “There is something about her that makes me want it all. I know that sounds insane, even more so that we haven’t known each other very long, but I can’t help it.” He focused on Holly.

  “It’s not insane, son.”


  Hearing that word caused a new pang of hurt to rip through him. Doing his best to ignore it, he looked at Henry.

  “I felt that way about Holly’s mother when I met her.” Ben sat back listening to him speak. “She took my breath away. I never could quite put my finger on it, but there was something about her that drew me in. It was like she was my homing beacon. We were married not long after we met.”


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