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The Dungeon Fantasy Club

Page 46

by Anya Summers

  Lucy didn't do emotional entanglements. They were a slippery slope that tended to leave her broken and bleeding, so she avoided them at all costs. It was safer, easier, to have her fun, get her body that awesome release, and then go back to her solitary existence. Because doing otherwise hurt too damn much and gave another person far too much power over her. Whether she had to dominate a man sexually or not, loving someone, caring for them, left you vulnerable, and in her experience the other person used that love as a weapon.

  And that was why, instead of turning to Jesse and waking him up like she wanted to, rewarding him with a wake-up blowjob, Lucy silently slid from the bed, subverting her desires for what she knew to be the better, safer route. She tiptoed around the room and dressed in her workout gear. She'd spied a state of the art gym next to the poolroom. So she'd leave, get a great workout in, and send Jesse a silent message when he did wake up—hopefully before she returned—that it had been fantastic fun while it had lasted, but it was back to reality for this girl. Rather passive aggressive on her part but it was for the best, for both their sakes. He was a Dom. There was no way he could be happy switching and being a submissive. When he was awake and flashing those smiling hazel eyes her way, with a look that made you know he was all about maximum sensual enjoyment, he was damn hard to resist.

  Lucy left her room, refusing to glance back at his sprawled form. Her resolve to keep this a one-night stand would dissolve faster than instant coffee. The man was too damn gorgeous for his own good. She breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped onto the elevator. Even though there was a part of her that wished it didn't have to be this way, Jesse was a Dom, anyway. Last night, his submission had been nothing more than a walk on the wild side for him; he probably would chalk it up to an experience akin to riding a mythical unicorn. No way would a Dom submit on a daily basis. Hell, most would never have agreed to last night and the loss of control she'd put Jesse through. Regardless of the fact that he'd aced it like a champ. And she couldn't surrender to a man, ever.

  Just the thought of giving a man control of any part of her life made every molecule in her body scream in protest. Lucy's mother had died from complications from her birth and her dad had never allowed her to forget it. By the time Lucy was five, due to the physical abuse she'd suffered at his hands, among other things, the Division of Family Services in Los Angeles had removed her from her father's house. Pete and Nicole Martin had fostered her, and later adopted her after the court stripped her father of custody. Not that she minded or mourned his presence in her life. The Martins became the parents she'd always needed, ensuring her battered and bruised soul was tended to. The bruises from her father's beatings healed a lot faster than the scars on her soul. Some of them she would never outrun, never forget the pain and desolation of her early years.

  Lucy entered the gym and found it blessedly empty. Everyone else was probably still asleep from their dungeon fun the previous night. Which was perfect for the mood she was in. She didn't want any interaction this morning. She liked having her space and her solitude, and actually craved it like some women craved chocolate.

  And if she was lonely from time to time, she dealt with it, and typically never minded being on her own. But now that she wasn't going to have her best friend on hand, Lucy felt adrift, lost in an ocean of uncertainty for the future. She had other friends, of course, but none of them were Zoey. Zoey had been the first friend she'd opened up to, ever, and she considered her more her sister than friend.

  She wasn't surprised that Zoey was a sub. They'd known each other since middle school and Zoey had always deferred judgement to Lucy whenever they were planning shenanigans. Lucy performed a series of squats, taking note of how sore her inner thigh muscles were this morning. She shook her head, she couldn't seem to get away from Jesse. Annoyed with herself she pushed harder, working her muscles until she couldn't straighten her legs. Then she switched to dumbbells. In the middle of a set of chest presses, the man of the hour strode in. How the hell did he know she'd be there? Was he stalking her? Or was the universe playing ghastly tricks on her?

  "Morning." He zeroed his hazel gaze on her and she almost dropped the damn dumbbell at his blatant, hungry stare. Desire pumped in her veins in response.

  "Morning." She nodded, then went back to her set, determined to ignore how sexy he looked in his tank and workout shorts. Or the fact that she wanted to attach her mouth to various appendages. She hardened her stance, pushing through the set, trickles of sweat rolling down her back.

  "So that's it, huh? Thanks for the screw, now you're not even going to acknowledge me," he accused her rather gruffly as he warmed up on the treadmill. His long legs moved fluidly, his strides lengthening as he jogged.

  She prayed for strength as she addressed him, unwilling to look weak. "I just don't think it's wise for us to get attached. It was a lovely night. I enjoyed being with you, but I have four days here and then I fly home to LA. There's no point."

  "You're scared. I never would have thought—"

  Her back stiffened and she narrowed her gaze. "I am no such thing. Nothing scares me."

  "Prove it." He issued a blatant challenge that stirred her blood.

  She considered him, watching the way his long legs moved as he jogged on the treadmill. The interplay of his chest muscles as he picked up the pace, and the wholly sardonic grin plastering his too handsome face. He was making fun of her, thinking he'd found a weakness.

  "Why would I want to do that? I can't submit to you. We're both Doms, Jesse, and your little walk on the submissive side was nothing but an adventure." Even if she had found more satisfaction in having such a strong man under her control than she ever had with the subs she played with in college. And let's not forget, it had been so long since she'd been part of the lifestyle that the re-emergence could have made last night more exciting than it actually had been in truth.

  He stepped off the treadmill, setting up the bench press, adding weights to the bar. "And if I agreed to submit to your 'tender' ministrations, would you consider spending the next four days with me? What do you have to lose, anyway? We have fun for the next four days and then we go our separate ways. No harm, no foul."

  What harm could it truly do to her sensibilities? It was four days, and the potential for a handful of orgasms. When she didn't respond immediately, as she calculated the odds of walking away unscathed after four days of intense mind-blowing orgasms, the sonofabitch took it one step further.

  "I'll even let you paddle my ass as much as you want. Come on, I dare you."

  The Domme inside her purred in delight at his words. He had a really fine ass too, firm and large enough to give an enterprising woman something to hold on to for purchase. The internal debate squashed as her Domme instincts overrode the false image she had portrayed to fit in at the office.

  She couldn't believe she was letting him manipulate her this way, although it wouldn't work at all if it were something she truly didn't want. And she wanted another serving of Jesse in the worst way.

  "Be careful what you wish for. Follow me." Lucy shook her head as she warned him. She stored the dumbbells on the rack and marched over to the oak door. When she glanced at him, the banked fires she'd seen in his eyes had morphed into a raging inferno. Her blood simmered at the coming firestorm as she waited at the door. Jesse rose from the bench; a noticeable erection bulging in his gym shorts. He sauntered with all the confidence and grace of a Bengal tiger.

  Without a word, she strode from the gym, expecting him to follow as she headed toward the elevator. If they were really going to do this, she wanted access to all the BDSM toys her heart could want, and then they would see how he truly withstood being dominated. Lucy felt him not a foot behind her, practically her shadow, and her unease at her decision made her pulse spike erratically as she pressed the elevator call button. Her blood hummed in urgency.

  "Enter your access code to the dungeon," she ordered, expecting him to obey.

  He sucked in a breath, hung
er swamping his gaze as he typed in the key code and the doors closed on a silent whoosh. When they reached the dungeon level, Lucy exited the elevator, expecting him to follow. This time of day, the club was empty, which suited her purposes just fine. She located the room she wanted, held the door open for Jesse, and shut it behind them.

  The room she'd chosen had a wooden stockade, and an armoire full of goodies she could use, from what he'd told her in between their sessions last night. There was a small table near the stockade, so that any enterprising Domme could have everything they needed for their sub within easy reach.

  "Strip." Lucy's Domme nature was flooding her system in liquid waves of pleasure. She began disrobing, enjoying Jesse's body, the visual of him, the tight muscled lines of his body, the sculpted physique. His large jutting cock and heavy sac made her lick her lips. She was going to make it hurt; see how much he could take. He wanted her to paddle his ass; she'd take it a step further and see where they ended up.

  "Go to the stockade," Lucy commanded. When he hesitated, she raised a brow, knowing he was fighting his own Dom nature. This was why she doubted it could be anything more than a sexual experiment on his part. He was an alpha male, dominance a part of his being just as much as his hazel eyes were.

  "Problem, sub?" If there was, they could stop now before they even got started.

  It was fascinating watching him struggle and overcome his resistance to her dominance. It took a special type of man to be able to let go of what he knew to obtain what he wanted, which was apparently her. Her heart fluttered as he responded. "No, Mistress."

  "When I ask you to follow an order, I expect it to be obeyed immediately without question. Are you sure about this, Jesse? You can back out now, no harm, no foul." She tossed his words back at him, as unsettled as he was by her feelings. Even her tried and true trick of calculating accounting problems did nothing to deter her body's desire for him.

  "This is what I want. I don't want to back out." A muscle in his jaw ticked.

  He was lying, his Dom nature was belligerent over his decision, but she wouldn't pick at it, for now. It was wrong of her as a Domme on so many levels to only take into account what he was saying with his mouth and not his body as well. Even though from the looks of it, his body was on board; his psyche was another beast entirely. She would give him what he was asking her for, one true D/s scene. After this, it could work itself out on its own and she bet he would say thanks but no thanks.

  "Then I expect you to go over to the stockade, kneel, and wait for me while I collect the supplies I need."

  It was humbling watching such a proud man bend his will toward hers as he nodded. "Yes, Mistress."

  And then he knelt with his face toward the stockade, his chest heaving slightly.

  It would do, for now. Lucy went to the armoire, and opening the double doors, she rifled through the very organized supplies. There were bins with bullet vibrators; butt plugs of various sizes, lube packets, condoms, cock rings, nipple clamps, and clit clamps, all in their own individual sterilized packets. She had to give Declan some credit with this place. Everything was state of the art, and supplied to the hilt with anything a Domme could want.

  Lucy selected a vibrating cock ring, a silicone paddle, a small butt plug, lube packet, and condom. While she was on the pill, she was a safety first kind of gal. Even though she made sure she was tested all the time, she didn't fancy catching something that she couldn't give back—like an STD.

  Once she had her goodies, she strode to him, confident in her ability to make him scream. She arranged her toys in an order that suited her organized brain.

  "Stand, please," she issued the command.

  Jesse rose from his kneeling position like a knight standing for his queen. He turned to face her, his stare caressing her body, making her feel like she had licks of flames heating her skin everywhere his gaze touched.

  "Hands at your sides." Lucy stroked her fingers over the broad lines of his chest, her fingers played with the firmness of his muscles, testing their resiliency as she learned his body. Last night had been so heated and spur of the moment on both their parts, she had not had the chance to truly enjoy his body. Now she had all the time in the world. Her hands ran over his chest, toying with the flat disks of his nipples. She leaned forward and tongued them into turgid peaks. His growl made her smile. It would be the first of many if she did her job right.

  Lucy continued her exploration of his flesh, traveling south over his abdomen, tracing his belly button and his victory lines which pointed to one of the finest cocks she'd ever had the good grace to hold in her grasp. It bobbed in salute under her stare. Beneath his thick staff was his heavy man sack that made her purr. She grabbed the package she wanted, then knelt at Jesse's feet.

  Grasping his bulging erection, she squeezed, testing his responses. His cock was not only long but wide enough her fingers could not circle it fully. She did the same with his balls, stroking them, rolling them in her hand as she learned his body. Then she ripped open the package. Taking his shaft in one hand, holding his member steady, she lubricated him with her mouth, sucking his cock between her lips. He was so long; she had a hard time taking him all the way to the base. Once he was sufficiently lubricated, she fitted the cock ring over him. When she had it in place, she stood, feeling moisture leaking between her thighs as she studied her handiwork.

  Jesse's hands were fisted at his sides. His control was impressive but she would have expected nothing less from the Dom. Lucy moved to the upright stock, opening the wrist and neck restraints.

  "Come, give me your hands."

  Jesse complied, and she fastened his restraints. She gave him a swift kiss on the lips, then positioned him into the neck restraint, and fastened it. In this position, Jesse was bent forward at a forty-five degree angle. She moved around to his backside, enjoying the view of his taut buttocks on display. She knelt down and, with a simple touch on his inner thighs, conveyed her wishes for him to place his feet on the footpads.

  When he complied without question, she hummed in the back of her throat in pleasure. Standing she ran her hands over his back and butt. The man was just too fine a specimen. With his legs open, she had easy access to his balls and cock. She ran a finger over the slit in his ass. She was going to take that ass of his today. Then they'd see how far his submission went when she put a plug up his rear. She teased his perineum and then cupped his balls, rolling the sacs in her hands.

  He hissed as she squeezed, and involuntarily thrust his hips.

  "Okay, sub, I'm going to paddle your ass, just like you asked me to, but whatever you do, don't come until I tell you to. Understood?" She twisted his balls slightly.

  "Yes, Mistress."

  Then she turned the small motor in the cock ring on a low vibe. Jesse groaned. Pleasure filtered through her system at watching him come undone under her hands. She picked up the paddle, a smooth firm silicone number that would do the job aptly. It had a wide flared head for maximum coverage and impact.

  Then she positioned herself, pulled back, and whacked the paddle firmly against his butt cheeks. His audible gasp made her pause and then, once she realized he was going to submit, she began strategically laying blows on the backs of his thighs and butt. She whipped his ass, turning the cheeks a bright cherry red.

  "Mistress, please let me come," Jesse growled, straining in his bonds.

  With her right hand she gripped his shaft and squeezed. "No. I do not give you permission to come yet, sub."

  Because she had a dervish inside her spirit this morning, and she was feeling a tad devilish, she set the paddle down and picked up the lube and butt plug, removing it from its package. It was time to take their little session to another level. Then she squirted a dollop of lube onto her finger, where she then applied it generously to the tight puckered hole of his ass. She pressed her finger inside his pink rosette, stretching the tight hole, thrusting her finger, going deep with each insertion as his muscles accepted the invasion.

>   At his hissing moan, she asked, "Have you ever had an anal plug?"

  Jesse whimpered and his voice wavered as he replied, "No. never."

  "Well, you're about to." She positioned the small beaded tip, coated it with more lubricant, and then inserted it into his ass. The plug grew in beaded intervals and was only three inches in length.

  "Relax and push back for me," she instructed at the tight clenching of his ass muscles, which were preventing the plug from sliding all the way in. He noticeably took a deep breath and released it. As he did so, the tight ring of muscle loosened and she slid the plug the rest of the way in.

  "Good. Now, again; don't come until you are instructed to." She reached through his legs, turned the volume of the vibrations up on the cock ring, and then went back to paddling his ass.

  Over and over, she smacked against his skin, turning his buttocks into a becoming shade of red. The sound of the silicone whacking against his flesh, mingled with his moans as he melted beneath her steady hands, drove her own lust higher. She loved watching the total surrender, especially from this man. There was nothing more satisfying for her as a Domme, than observing the moment they let it all go and gave in to her mastering entirely. Jesse had taken longer than most, and she worried that there might be some bruising or that she had pushed him too far.

  But he had wowed her with his firm resolve. What strength and fortitude! None of the subs she'd ever played with had the courage and heart he was displaying for her this morning. His body was trembling, legs shaking, and the mumbled moans of ecstasy he emitted with each strike were driving her wild.

  Poised for a last stroke, she leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "Come."

  When she struck his ass a final time, he roared, his cock jolted, and a stream of cum sprayed his chest, splattering on the floor beneath him. He shuddered and thrust his hips until he finished ejaculating.


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