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The Dungeon Fantasy Club

Page 47

by Anya Summers

  With careful hands, Lucy withdrew the plug, tossing it in the waste bin. She turned the cock ring off, removing it from his semi hard shaft. After discarding it in the trash with the empty lube packet, she moved around the stock and undid the restraints. When she released him, he wobbled as he stood, in complete subspace. Taking his hand, she gently led him over to the chair and helped him sit. She pulled a warm washcloth from the sauna machine next to the armoire.

  With gentle fingers, she removed all the semen from his chest and dick. She pulled a blanket from a drawer in the armoire and covered him. She pulled a bottle of water from the mini fridge.

  "Drink," she ordered, handing him the bottle, stroking a finger down his cheek. He took it, far enough gone that he wasn't completely present.

  Lucy wiped up the semen on the floor before tossing the washcloth in a hamper. She grabbed the condom still in its wrapper, and went and sat on Jesse's lap. She wrapped her arms around him, running her hands over his shoulders as he rested his head on her breasts. She smiled, enjoying the feel of him against her. She ached, moisture trickled between her thighs from her own need, and she tabled it until he was ready.

  Instead she ran her fingers through his hair. Then a tongue flicked over one of her nipples. At the sharp pleasure she pulled back and looked down into his gorgeous face. His eyes were clearer than they'd been, but he still was not completely out of subspace.

  Needing the connection, surprised by it, Lucy kissed him with all of her pent up desire. She wanted to take him, make him keen her name. She murmured her encouragement when she felt the bulge taking form beneath her rear. She wiggled her hips against him, the blanket between them, and was rewarded with a groan from him.

  She pulled back, staring in his hazel depths. "I'm going to ride you, Jesse. I want you to fuck me as hard as you can."

  She maneuvered herself on his lap, shoving the blanket off the chair, until she was straddling his thighs. His cock bobbed between them. She gripped his dick, pumping her hand over his length until it swelled and strained in her grasp. Lucy ripped open the foil package, sliding the condom over his length, and then positioned her hips above him.

  She fitted his length at the opening of her pussy, and then bore down until she was fully seated over his cock.

  "I'll permit you to touch me because I want you to fuck me like your life depends upon it," Lucy commanded as she thrust her hips. Jesse took her at her words. He rammed his cock in successive thrusts. She met his hammerings, writhing with each stroke of his cock inside her pussy. She clenched her pussy walls, using her Kegel muscles, making him groan and shudder underneath her.

  Flesh pounded flesh, and Lucy's body tightened in on itself at his brutal strokes. It was so good. He could fuck her like this forever, but she knew her body wouldn't last. It teetered on the edge of an explosive climax at the almost painful pounding of his cock inside her.

  Lucy undulated her hips, rolling with every thrust, meeting him, holding on to his shoulders as his fingers dug into her hips. Black holes collided as stars burst before her eyes. Her pussy clenched and fluttered as she climaxed violently, her body trembling as the waves crested.

  He thrust over and over, in and out, extending her pleasure, her pussy quaking around his member. Jesse never stopped, acting more like a machine than a man. He was the Spartan warrior of sex, unwilling to stop or back down until the battle had been won. Her nails dug into his shoulder as another climax spiraled out of control and she bowed her back, like waves breaking against a cliff side in relentless fury.

  "Ahhh, Mistress," Jesse trumpeted as he came, his cock lurched and shuddered inside her channel. She felt him fill the condom with his semen, making her body spasm around his.

  She melted over him, unable to move for fear her legs wouldn't work just yet. As a rule, Lucy avoided cuddling, but in this instance, she stayed where she was, replete and satisfied as his arms embraced her. And, for the first time ever, Lucy didn't feel trapped having a man's arms around her.

  Chapter 6

  Jesse groaned at the loss of Lucy's body as she untangled herself from him.

  He reclined in the chair, watching her movements through half closed lids. Her movements were jerky and hurried. What a woman! He wanted nothing more than to bury himself inside her again, feel the tight glove of her pussy around him. Lucy was carnal indulgences exemplified, and Jesse wanted to gorge on everything she had to offer.

  "I trust you can find your way up to your room?" Lucy questioned, sliding her top on and shooting him a look devoid of any emotion.

  What the hell! Instantly alert as he studied her movements, fury built inside him. He seethed, still raw from what they had just shared. He had submitted to her mastering in every way and now she wanted to act like it was nothing. Bullshit. "So that's it? You're done with me."

  At the perturbed glance she shot his way, his anger simmered and roiled like a snake inside him. How dare she trivialize what had happened between them? Something told him, as he assessed her reaction, their little interlude had affected her more than she liked. And now she was attempting to create a distance between them again, with a wall of indifference masking her features.

  "Look, Jesse, I know you think this is what you want, but in the end, as much as I've enjoyed being with you. I think it is better if we quit while we are ahead. Don't you?"

  "No. I think it's bullshit. If you ask me, I think you're scared. I think you enjoyed our time together a little too much and it's freaked you out."

  "I am not," Lucy blustered.

  A flush spread over her cheeks and chest. The woman was gorgeous with her flashing eyes, her spine stiff, making her pert breasts appear even more prominent, and a tightly muscled, lithe body that made his dick twitch. He regained his feet, noticing how his legs wobbled a bit, his body not completely back on planet earth from their heated morning sex.

  He approached her, stalked her, and she back pedaled until he had her back up against the wall. Jesse still liked to dominate, but for her he'd submit—that didn't mean he wouldn't do what was necessary to convince her of that. He placed a hand on either side of her shoulders, caging her in. He noticed the rapid breathing coming from her, the closer he moved, the more he saw hunger mixed with fear. What could this warrior goddess of a woman be so afraid of?

  "Liar. Don't bullshit me, Lucy. I know how to read a woman, and your body says it likes me."

  He leaned in close, nipped at her lips, studying her reaction. Her pupils dilated, her breath hitched and her lips parted, her pink tongue darting out. She wanted him but was unwilling to admit it. Even after what they had shared.

  "Just because I think you're a decent lay doesn't mean I want to start anything with you," Lucy bit out.

  Then she gripped his balls and twisted; pain zinged with lightning strikes through his system as she tightened her grip.

  "Never make the mistake of attempting to restrain me or I will force feed your balls to you. Let me go. Now."

  Agony riddled his body as she continued her hold, sweat trickled down his back. He started to step back but she didn't release his balls. "Let go, and I will do whatever you ask of me."

  "You're not a submissive, Jesse. You know that. I can't submit to a man, ever. I don't have that in me. So I'm asking you to leave me be."

  "I'll agree to anything but that."

  "Damn you." She backed off, releasing his balls and slipping from the cage his arms had created. She scooted out of his reach, opening the door.

  "Please, just leave me be," she murmured as she walked out without a backward glance. The door slammed behind her departing form, reverberating in the room.

  Jesse stood rooted to the spot after she left. How had it gone from the most erotically charged experience of his life to fuck off? Lucy had reacted like a spooked thoroughbred that had just had a snake tossed at their hooves. She fit in his arms. He liked her height, the fact that he didn't have to look down on her and, more importantly, she fascinated him with her multitude of facets
. She had a gregarious, brave spirit that he suspected hid a tender heart.

  As he slid his legs into his shorts, he replayed the morning's events. Lucy had not accepted his offer for another bout of sex until he had dared her to. In the little time they'd known each other, he had guessed correctly that it was akin to waving a red flag in front of a charging bull. The icing on his offer had been when he had agreed to let her paddle his ass. Who knew that he would enjoy every minute of it?

  If someone had asked him three days ago whether he'd allow a woman to spank him, restrain and dominate him, and told him that he would love it, he would have laughed in their faces. The air sparked and sizzled when they were near one another.

  Lucy was brave to a fault, but her willingness to toss caution to the wind for a dare just like he did, made him wonder. He wanted to uncover why she was so brash, what had put the flickers of fear in her eyes this morning. If he could treat her like a sub, whip her backside and propel her body into subspace, he could get to the bottom of her responses. But he couldn't do that with her, not if he wanted another chance to have her screw his brains into the back of his skull.

  Jesse left the DFC, heading up to his bedroom. He checked the time on his watch. He had just enough for a quick shower and breakfast before his meeting with Declan.

  By the time he exited the shower and his room, his resolve to continue his conquest of Lucy was firmer than ever. He'd discovered some bite marks on his chest while showering and had instantly become hard at the memory of her teeth on him. His balls were tender and bruised, and his dick felt raw, but it didn't matter. He still wanted to sink back into her passionate embrace, let her stick plugs up his ass, and spank him to another incredible orgasm. He'd thought there was no way he could have needed another release so swiftly after this morning but he'd had to jerk himself off in the shower when his thoughts had strayed to the memory of her riding him. It was either that or show up for his meeting with Declan with a prominent hard on.

  He and Declan had met a few years before, at one of Jesse's qualifying races. Declan's company had sponsored his team, and was now doing what he could to defray the fallout from his crash. The mere thought of last April made his blood turn to ice. Jesse had lost control of his car around a tight turn and smashed into Marco Fiortino's car. Jesse had walked away from his crash with only a few cuts and scrapes, while Marco had been paralyzed from the waist down. He'd crippled a man on his path to glory, in his need to be the best of the best. And a single decision that morning, taking the pain meds to ease the pain in his shoulder, had cost him everything.

  Jesse knew his days as a professional Formula One driver were over. The International Automobile Federation, or FIA, the governing body of Formula One racing, would be holding a hearing soon to either continue his suspension from the sport or ban him for life. He deserved the lifetime ban for his actions that day. Nothing he could ever do would atone for what he had done. Jesse lived with a pit of despair shadowing his life. One he would never be rid of—nor should he be allowed to. He had crippled a man due to his carelessness.

  A fellow driver would never walk again; his spinal cord had been severed near the L4 and L5 vertebrae when Jesse's car had rolled over his. In a crash that could have killed Jesse—that should have killed him—he had walked away with a few minor cuts and scrapes, while maiming another.

  Jesse hadn't figured out how to live with it. And maybe he shouldn't be allowed to let the agony subside, to be happy ever again for what he had caused. In a strange twist of fate, having Lucy paddle his ass had quieted his demons for a time, silencing the constant internal dialogue and resurrecting his soul from the pits of hell.

  It was back there now. Why had Lucy's deft touch made it all disappear?

  Jesse knocked at the door to Declan's office ready to get this meeting over with.

  "Come in," Declan's voice boomed from the other side.

  Jesse twisted the knob and entered the lushly appointed office room. It had been designed with male comfort and style in mind; decorated in all dark wood and dark leather couches.

  "Right on time." Declan nodded, closing his computer. He gestured to one of the leather chairs sitting on the opposite side of the desk and opened a file. Jesse swallowed his mouth, which was suddenly dry at the folder's thickness.

  So this was how this meeting would proceed; more sponsor and sponsored than friend. It should have unsettled Jesse, but he was willing to pay whatever punishment Declan doled out. He didn't like the strain this had put on their relationship. Jesse folded his frame onto the chair on the right; all while he withstood Declan's scrutiny. His friend was all business, shuttering any warmth or camaraderie that they normally shared in favor of the business at hand.

  "How are you, Jesse?"

  "As well as can be expected. You?" Jesse gave him the neutered version.

  "Are you clean? Off the meds?" Declan didn't beat around the bush.

  "Jesus Christ, Declan," Jesse exploded as a rush of anger suffused him, followed a short second later by a tsunami of shame and guilt.

  "It's a valid question, and one I need to bring to the lawyers handling the case with FIA and the French authorities. This is a proverbial shit storm Jesse, one that none of us will walk away from unscathed. So I will ask again, are you off the pills?"

  "Yeah, I'm off the meds." The depression hit him, barreling a hole straight through his chest.

  "No relapses?" Declan was without a doubt the smartest guy he knew. There was a reason he was so skilled in the boardroom, he could read people. It didn't surprise Jesse that Declan had an inkling that the walk to cure his addiction to the pain meds had been anything but smooth sailing.

  He fought it every damn day. Jesse had a pill bottle hidden in his luggage, full of his little white pills, for just in case, but he was in control again. "Not since I have been here."

  "You've only been here a week," Declan pointed out.

  "It's been a rough six months, and it's a monster I am fighting. It's been a month since I had one." That at least was true, for the most part. He'd had a moment his first night here, where he'd sat on his bed with the open bottle, wondering if he shouldn't just take the whole bottle.

  "Well that's something, at least. Jesse, you gotta know that you are facing criminal charges in France for the accident, and Marco Fiortino has filed a civil suit against you. With the fact that you were doped up at the time of the crash, it's a pretty open and shut case for them."

  Jesse had expected the civil suit, had known it was only a matter of time, but the criminal charges made him antsy. "Whatever of my assets I need to liquidate to pay the civil fees is fine. Will I see jail time on the criminal side?"

  "My lawyers will do their best to work out a fair civil settlement and try to get you probation. You may have to enter rehab as part of the stipulation."

  "Whatever they want." Remorse crushed his soul. Nothing in his life would ever be the same again.

  "How are you handling things, Jesse? I'm asking as a friend, not as one of the main investors in your team."

  How could he respond to that? Admit that he rarely slept a night all the way through anymore? That he was holding onto his sanity by a thread? That no matter where he went or what he did, he would carry this with him? And that the one time he'd felt anything other than sheer desolation had been under Lucy's ministrations. That she made him want to surrender himself into her capable hands.

  "Not good. But I'll manage. I'm not sure there is anything that I can do to fix it," Jesse answered honestly.

  "If you need anything, you know I'm here for you. You made a mistake, true, but don't beat yourself up too much. The rest of the world is going to do that for you in spades."

  "Thanks, for everything. I do appreciate it."

  Jesse needed to shift the direction this was headed. He liked Declan, was friends with him, but he didn't want to do the touchy feely stuff with him. "So, has Zoey told you anything about her friend, Lucy, which you would be at liberty to share?"
br />   At his question, Declan leaned back in his chair, studying him. "You do realize she's a Domme?"

  "Yes, that I know." Only all too well. "Is there anything more you can give me? About her background, perhaps?" Jesse kept digging. He needed something that could help him convince her to take a chance with him.

  "Without breaking confidence with my fiancée, not much, at least nothing in-depth. What I can say is that she had a difficult start in life. She and Zoey are more like sisters than friends. They grew up together."

  Jesse absorbed this bit of information with the undercurrent of a threat mingled in. "A rough beginning, hmm? How rough?"

  "I will give you only what can be found in court documents. Mother died during her birth, father blamed her, beat on her for it. The state removed her from his custody at a young age and she was adopted by her foster parents."

  "Son of a bitch! Bastard." Jesse's heart ached for her. Even though he and his dad didn't see eye to eye on most things in life, he still knew and had always known that at the end of the day, his dad would have his back when he needed it most. Was it any wonder that she was a Domme? Her history explained so much about Lucy and her hands-off policy around sex. Knowing this, her earlier reaction at being restrained, even slightly, made a whole world of sense to him that it hadn't before. With this new perspective, he needed to devise a completely different approach to scale her defensive walls. He'd do whatever it took to be under her skilled hands again.

  "Why are you asking?" Declan probed, concern marring his face.

  "I'm trying to get to know her better, that's all," he replied vaguely. Jesse still didn't fully understand his fascination with her, so there was no way in hell he could explain it to Declan.

  "You're a Dom, Jesse. In my opinion, you need to leave Lucy alone. Focus on the other issues facing you. My advice, whether you want it or not, is to find a sub at the club tonight and have some fun instead of obsessing over another Domme."


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